Becoming The Cowboy's Bride: Boxset 1-4

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Becoming The Cowboy's Bride: Boxset 1-4 Page 14

by Olivia Wilson

  ‘So, you have everything that you need then.’

  ‘Yes, I do thank you.’

  ‘Good night then.’

  ‘Good night Gemma.’

  Chapter 44

  Laying in my bed, and staring at the ceiling in the dark, I just can’t sleep. I’ve tossed and turned, for at least the last hour or so with the excitement of knowing Jacob’s in the next room.

  I can’t believe he’s here.

  I keep pinching myself to prove I’m not dreaming.

  Why is he here, and what does he have to say to me tomorrow?

  I’m not going to think about it. If I don’t jump to another conclusion again as long as I live, it will be too soon. I can’t take it anymore and slip out of bed, and take a discreet walk out into the hall. Once there, I make my way into the living area where Jacob is on the couch. His eyes are closed and his muscular shoulders are visible above the covers.

  ‘Jacob?’ I give him a gentle shake.

  He begins to stir and open his eyes a little.

  ‘Can I lay with you, please?’

  He nods his head and lifts the cover enough for me to slip inside beside him. He lowers his arm down around me and I can feel the warmth of his body behind me. Turning myself around I snuggle in under his chin. My nose is touching his chest and I can feel it rising and falling with every breath.

  ‘Thank you,’ I whisper.

  ‘What for?’

  ‘Earlier. I mean I could have handled it myself, but it was nice that you cared.’

  ‘I know you could have Gemma,’ he pauses before continuing. ‘I’ll never let anything happen to you,’ he says, then kisses the top of my forehead. I can’t imagine that I’ve ever felt as comfortable in my entire life as I do now.

  So much so, that I drift straight off to sleep. I have a vague recollection of Jacob carrying me through the apartment to my bedroom. I try to protest as he tucks me into my own bed, though am too sleepy to summon up the words. The next thing I know, I’m waking up to the smell of pancakes and the sound of laughter in my kitchen. I leave bed again and head for the kitchen to see what’s happening.

  Rubbing my eyes, I walk over to where Rebecca and Stephen sit at the counter as Jacob cooks pancakes at the hob.

  ‘Here she is!’ Stephen calls out.

  ‘Hello sleepyhead,’ Jacob smiles a wide smile.

  ‘I see you lot have become acquainted,’ I climb up onto a barstool, eager to try some pancakes too.

  Stephen is grinning, and Rebecca looks like she’s in heaven tucking into hers already.

  ‘Thank you,’ I say as Jacob places two pancakes onto my plate and passes me the syrup. ‘Ooh yummy.’

  ‘So, what do you two lovely people have planned today?’ Rebecca asks between bites

  ‘I haven’t even thought about it yet.’ I yawn while pushing my fork into my food.

  ‘I thought we could go for walk in the park if you’re free?’ Jacob places the pan in the sink. ‘That’s if you have parks around here?’

  ‘That’ll be nice Gemma,’ Rebecca adds.

  ‘There are nice parks around here as a matter of fact Jacob, I’ll give you the details in a bit,’ Stephen chimes in.

  ‘Thanks mate.’ Jacob replies. ‘Do you fancy that Gemma?’

  ‘I’d like that thank you, Jacob.’

  ‘Right well eat up, and you can start getting ready.’

  Smiling I push my fork into my mouth and feel my excitement beginning to build.

  Chapter 45

  ‘So this is nice,’ Jacob says as we stroll along with our arms linked together. ‘There are some lovely parks here in London.’

  ‘Yeah, there are. So, what do you want to talk to about?’

  ‘Somebody’s impatient; can’t we just enjoy a walk first?’

  ‘No, you’ve kept me waiting long enough and it’s driving me crazy!’

  Taking a deep breath, Jacob turns away from me and looks out towards the sky. ‘So, have you had any luck finding a job yet?’

  ‘I’ve been temping, but I’m not sure what I’m going to do yet. I think I’ll keep moving around until to find somewhere, or something that I like.’

  ‘And that place you share with Rebecca, that’s a rental right?’

  ‘Yep, I’m not sure how long that’s going to last now, though.’

  ‘Why? Are you two having problems?’

  ‘No, not at all. It’s just things seem to be going well with her and Stephen. I suspect it won’t be long before they’ll be making their own plans together.’

  ‘And you wonder where that will leave you?’

  ‘Rebecca would never leave me in the lurch, just as I wouldn’t her. But the lease expires this month and we haven’t had a discussion yet about whether we’ll be renewing or not.’

  ‘I see.’

  ‘Why all these questions anyway? I know you didn’t come all this way to ask me about my career prospects and living arrangements. Unless you were planning to offer me a job, and a place to live that is,’ I laugh.

  Jacob says nothing.


  ‘Would you like an ice cream?’ He asks.

  ‘What?’ I reply.

  ‘An ice cream. Do you want one?’ He motions to the ice cream van ahead of us.

  ‘Sure I suppose, but…’

  ‘Great, I’ll get you one. Be back in a minute.' Without another word, he heads towards the ice cream truck leaving me none the wiser about why he’s here.

  While I’m waiting, I think I spot a familiar face heading towards the coffee stall. I’m uncertain at first, but I have a gut feeling and need to get a closer look. Walking towards them, I stand behind them in the queue until they turn around so I can know for sure.

  ‘Hello, Gemma. Fancy seeing you here.’ His tone is casual on the surface. But I hear a faint underlying tremble signifying how taken aback he is by my presence.

  ‘Yes, fancy that Colin.’ He’s grown a bit of a beard and his hairs a little longer. Apart from that, he doesn’t look any different.

  ‘So I guess the police explained everything to you and your mother then?’

  ‘You guess right. It’s a shame you hadn’t been so forthcoming with information yourself don’t you think?’

  ‘It’s a complicated situation, Gemma. As I’m sure the police explained.’

  ‘Oh, I’m sure it is. You’re a cheat. That much we got thanks.’

  ‘How’s your mother?’

  ‘Much better now she’s not subject to your lies.’

  ‘That’s not fair Gemma.’

  ‘I’m sorry. No, of course, you’re right. She was just thrilled about waiting almost three hours to be collected from the hospital. Then further elated when you didn't show up at all. She was encouraged to leave by the nurse you know. People need those beds; it’s a hospital, not a hotel. Then in case her day couldn’t get any better, she came home to the lovely surprise of a burgled flat. While you continued to ignore her, your own girlfriend. Finding out what a scoundrel you are just out the icing on the cake.

  ‘I understand you’re upset,’ he lowers his voice as he looks around.

  ‘Good, I’m glad you understand that.’

  ‘I never set out to hurt your mother, Gemma. In fact, I had genuine feelings for her. Is just wasn’t in a position to do anything serious about it. I’m a coward and that’s the truth of the matter.’

  ‘Thank you for that revelation, Colin. I’m sure she’ll be happy to know that, in case she hadn’t already noticed.’

  Colin!’ I hear a woman shriek from a few feet across the park.

  ‘Anyway, Gemma I’d better go. Send my regards to Faith won’t you.’

  ‘I will not.’

  ‘Colin!’ The screech is louder and higher pitched this time causing Colin to jump.

  ‘Coming,’ he shouts as he makes a fast shuffle across the grass.

  I watch as the shouting woman berate's Colin for how long he's taken to return. He tries to placate her with a coffee.
But she takes a sip and screws her face up, spitting coffee onto the floor and complaining about the taste.

  ‘Who’s that?’ Jacob asks as he returns and passes me an ice cream.

  ‘That? That’s nobody. Thank you for my ice-cream.’ I say turning to look at him in all his glory. The genuine. ‘I’m glad you’re here Jacob.’

  ‘What’s brought this on?’

  ‘Nothing at all, I just am. I realise what a great guy you are and I think you should know that.’


  ‘Your welcome. Now will you please tell me what you’re doing here?’

  ‘As we’re dishing out the compliments I suppose I better come clean,’ he says and I feel myself tense.

  ‘I think you’re a great woman and I’ve come to ask you to come back to Texas with me.’

  ‘You want me to come back to Texas?’

  ‘I do.’

  ‘To be with you.'

  ‘That’s what I said.’

  ‘You did?’

  Jacob rests his arms on my shoulders and looks deep into my eyes.’ We’ve been back and forth Gemma. Well you’ve been back and forth more than me but you know what I mean,’ he says and we both laugh. ‘I’m hoping now that the time is right, and we can move ahead without anything in our way. Come back to Texas with me Gemma. I love you, I want you, and I want you in my life if you’ll have me that is?’

  ‘If I’ll have you, Jacob? You just try getting away from me!’

  A smile touches the corner of his lips, and looking deep into my eyes, his head tilts and moves to press his lips against mine. Once again, I’m in heaven, and my how I’ve missed it here.

  Chapter 46

  Things feel a bit awkward when we get back to the flat; I’m not sure how to approach the subject with Rebecca. Jacob heads straight for the coffee table with the six-pack of beer he picked up from the shop. He places the beer on the table and offers one to Stephen, who accepts. Jacob pops the cap off his bottle an opener on his key ring and passes it over to Stephen to use. They sit alongside each other on the couch, clinking their bottlenecks together as they relax back to watch TV.

  ‘Those two seem to be getting on like a house on fire,’ Rebecca smiles as she joins me in the kitchen area. ‘How did your walk go?’

  ‘Lovely thanks. How was your afternoon in?’

  ‘It was good thank you.’

  There’s an awkward silence between us.

  ‘Do either of you two want a beer?’ Jacob calls over to the sofa.

  ‘Yes please,’ we say in unison.

  I rush towards the table and pick up two bottles. I find a bottle opener and flip the lid from one of the bottles to pass it to Rebecca. ‘Here you go Reb.’

  ‘Thanks,’ she takes the bottle from my hand and looks down as I proceed to flip the lid from my own bottle.

  ‘I’ve got something to say,’ Rebecca begins.

  ‘Rebecca wait, I need to speak.’

  ‘No, please Gemma. Let me go first.’

  ‘But…Okay, go ahead.’

  ‘While you were out, Stephen and I had a long chat, quite a serious chat in fact.’


  ‘You know how he’s been looking into what he’s going to do when his contract ends. I think he mentioned something to you before about running a bar in Spain.’

  ‘He did, but that was before you and him...’

  ‘Yes, of course, that’s fine, that’s not what I was getting at, at all.’

  ‘Right Okay.’

  ‘We’ve been getting on well as you know, and Stephen is keen to spread his wings though he’s also eager to continue spending time with me.’

  ‘Come on Becs, spit it out.’

  ‘He wants us to start making plans for the future together,’ she winces, as I breathe a sigh of relief. ‘Gemma, I know that we’re best friends and I would never leave you in the lurch. I’m wondering how you feel about the future.’

  ‘It’s all right Becca you can calm down. Jacob and I have been having a similar discussion, and he’s invited me back to Texas with him.’

  ‘Let me guess, you’re over the moon, but worried how I would feel about it?’

  ‘Yes, I was.’

  ‘So, we’ve both been thinking the same way about things then.’ She exhales with relief. ‘Looks like things are working out just fine for us Gemma, dare I say it.’

  ‘It’s beginning to look that way.’ We both look over to the couch where our men are sitting together.

  ‘Come on you, let’s go and join them before they disappear.’ with our arms linked together, Rebecca and I head over to where Stephen and Jacob are sitting.

  ‘Guys, we’ve both been talking about things,’ I say as Jacob and Stephen give us blank looks.

  ‘And we’ve both decided...that I’m happy for her, and she’s happy for me,’ Rebecca throws her arms into the air.

  ‘So if you’ll both have us...Then we’d love to come with you!’

  ‘Congratulations man,’ Jacob smiles at Stephen as they knock their beer bottles together again.

  ‘Yeah, you too,’ Stephen replies. ‘Come here you,’ he curls his arm around Rebecca’s waist.

  ‘And you,’ Jacob moves towards me wrapping his arm around my shoulder. 'You guys will be welcome at the ranch anytime,' he says to Stephen and Rebecca.

  ‘Yes that’s right, you must come and visit,’ I feel tears come to my eyes at the thought of leaving Rebecca.

  ‘That’s ever so kind of you guys, thanks,’ it must be getting to her too, as I can her voice beginning to tremble.

  ‘Where are guys going to anyway?’ I ask.

  ‘I may have something lined up, but I’d rather not discuss it just yet until it’s signed and sealed at least. So we’ll be kind of playing it by ear,’ Stephen smiles and looks at Rebecca.

  ‘But wherever we end up, we’ll be together and that’s the main thing. I’m sorry,’ Rebecca blurts out, as she holds a hand to her mouth and begins to blubber. ‘I’m trying my hardest not to cry.’

  ‘Awww,’ we all crowd around to give her a big hug.

  ‘I’m just so happy. I’m going to miss you so much Gemma,’ she says.

  ‘We can still talk all the time, and you can visit too remember,’ I hold her head in my hands.

  ‘I know, I know, and I know were both going to have a great life, it’s just the end of an era you know?’

  ‘And the start of a new one,’ I say.

  ‘Here, here!’ Jacob and Stephen cheer in unison, holding their bottles up in the air.

  ‘Oops, there’s just one thing.’ Rebecca bites her lip.


  ‘Who’s going to tell your mum?’

  Chapter 47

  Hearing the door swing open behind me. I turn to see over six foot of beautiful man standing before me. His shirt hangs open, exposing his smooth chest to the final burn of the Texas sunset. His hands rest on either side of the doorframe as his dark brown boots stand firm on the ground beneath him. The brim of his hat lifts to reveal an intense stare, and I know he’s come for me.

  It’s hot, and he’s been working hard all day. A sheen of sweat glistens across his skin as his big, brown eyes meet mine. Weak at the knees, I drop the grooming brush and step back from the horse as he makes his move. With love in his heart and a fire raging in his belly, he heads straight for me. I fall into his arms as he reaches me and with a little jump, wrap my legs around his waist when he lifts me from the ground. I am -his, and he is mine.

  My cowboy pulls me closer to him, and with one hand on each of my buttocks, pushes his soft lips onto me. This cowboy of mine is by far the best kisser I’ve ever known. I feel light, as though we are about to float away and spiral up into the vastness of the sky. I push my hands into his hair and his hat to fall to the ground and rolls into the hay. He moves one hand around my back, and the other up to cradle my head before pinning me to the wall of the barn.

  One of his hands moves to caress my face as his lip
s tell me a tale of true love and lustful desire in equal measure. I push his shirt from his shoulders, and he lets it fall from his arms and onto the floor of the barn. Placing two fingers around the top button of my blouse, he begins to twist. As my button pops open, he stops.

  ‘Are you happy Gemma?’

  ‘Yes, and I’ll be much happier real soon,’ I say pushing my lips back up towards his.

  ‘I mean here, with me?’ he pulls his head back again.

  ‘Of course I’m happy. Why wouldn’t I be?’

  ‘You don’t miss London at all?’

  ‘I love London, you know I do. It was my home for so long, so I do miss it. But I love you and being here with you. I would miss that more. Jacob, what’s this all about?’

  ‘Come on, I want to take you somewhere,’ he lowers me to the floor and turns away.


  ‘Yep now.’

  I exhale and put my hands on my hips, causing Jacob to turn back and take my hand in his.

  ‘Come on,’ he leads me out from the barn.

  ‘But we were having so much fun and...’

  ‘We’ll get back to that later,’ he says as we reach the truck.

  ‘Do you promise?’

  ‘Yes, I promise, now get in.’

  ‘I’m going to hold you to that,’ I say climbing into the passenger seat. ‘I must say, this all seeming quite mysterious.’

  Jacob starts the engine and doesn’t say a word.

  ‘Jacob? This is beginning to seem serious.’

  ‘That’s because it is serious.’

  ‘You’re worrying me now.’

  ‘Relax. There’s no need for you to be worried,’ he says sensing the concern in my voice.

  We drive for a little while. Then Jacob slows down and comes to a stop.

  ‘Why are we stopping?’

  ‘Do you know where we are?’

  ‘Yes, we’re on the road out of town. Are you all right Jacob?’

  ‘Come on,’ swinging his door open, he jumps out onto the road.

  Still confused, I open my door, jump out and walk around the truck to where Jacob's standing and staring down the road. Not saying a word, he lifts me onto the bonnet and places his arms on either side of my thighs.


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