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Strike Force 11

Page 11

by Forest Getter

ta Platoon

  We arrived back at MBO, and they’re still had been no word back from Delta Platoon. No one had any idea where they were even there; GPS’s had stopped transmitting. We met up with Bravo and Charlie platoons and headed out. We armed for bear and we were going to bring our boys back or die trying. The Skipper met up with us as we exited the plane, and he was ready for the field.

  “I’m going with you,” he said to me.

  “No doubt, I knew you would. I’m just surprised you waited for me,” I replied to him.

  “Team 5 is on their way here as a backup.” He told me as we headed to the APCs.

  We loaded up and headed out. We took the APCs as close to the enemy base as we could then we loaded into the airboats. At two and a half miles from the gate base, we stopped the airboats and headed in on foot. The Skipper had briefed us on the way in.

  “Finding out what is going on with our boys is #1. You are to take out anyone that gets in our way if we can while we are there, we blow the hell out of this place. Kevlar I am leaving that to you and your men,” The Skipper had said.

  Most of the people that are part of TEAM 11 have been here their entire time in the navy. The Skipper and I were the old salts of the TEAM, and everyone in this TEAM is our family.

  “Leroy, we don’t leave this base with a gate no matter what it takes,” Kevlar said.

  “I got just the thing, but we need to be at least a mile away before we blow it. You get everyone out, and I’ll blow it. I really don’t want to die this far from home so let’s see if we can knock out their jammer first,” Leroy responded.

  “Kevlar you and I will find the jammers and take them out, SEALs don’t leave men behind, that why we are here to get our boys out and besides I’m not letting Leroy steal all the glory.” I said.

  Leroy laughed and said to me, “Thanks, Master Chief.”

  It was in that moment that Leroy began to think of himself as not just an outsider helping us to fight a familiar foe, he began to think of himself as part of TEAM 11, part of our family.

  It was slow going as we approach the base when we found some of the members of Delta Platoon. We found the site of a shoot-out there were six dead sailors here, and evidence that some grenades and heavy lasers were used. We could clearly tell that one of our men had been cut in half by laser fire. I was ready to attack the base alone and kill one of them with my bare hands ever. Because while lasers were beneficial weapons against material targets, they were just gruesome against personal. They will kill someone if you hit them in the head or heart if you shout them anywhere else the death would be slow and painful. Our guy who got cut in half would have taken hours to die, it was the reason the use of them on personal was considered a war crime. We continue forward, we would pick up our dead on our way out. We were half a mile out when we came across six more members of Delta Platoon, thankfully they were alive and we when we got close, we were able to establish a line of sight battle net connection. Chief Aden reported in he explained that the reason they had not returned to MBO was that some of their Platoon had been captured and they were trying to find an opening to rescue them. He was hoping that we would come looking for them when they did not return as scheduled. He showed us where they were keeping our guys and told that they had captured ten of his guys.

  “The enemy had ambushed the main group of our force the area was rigged with an underground wire of some sort that acted kind of like a superpowered taser knocking out the ten guys at once. There were five of our guys that were not caught in the trap, but they opened up with a rotary laser canon on them and then left them for dead. Four of them were beyond hope, so we gave them an OD of Morphine, but PO2 Jones had gotten lucky and had a tree fall on him. It busted up a few ribs and knock him out. We were on rearguard a half hour out. The fifth squad is on the backside of the camp watching and laying low,” Chief Aden said. “LTJG Winns is with the fifth squad. Commander Dallas is one of the of those captured.” Chief Aden added.

  “Well shit this is really FOBAR’ed here, Chief,” the Skipper said.

  “It gets worse, you see that tent over there surrounded by the 12’ electrical fence in the middle of the base. That’s where our guys are. See that tower that overlooks that area, that where the rotary laser is. And you see the lines on the ground in that area we think that is the same type of taser trap they used to capture them” The Chief said.

  “I am going to get our boy out if I have to go in there alone and kill every last one of those assholes by myself,” The Skipper said.

  “The trap is what we call a stunnet in most cases they are set up on a pressure senor or remote activation. In this case, I would guess it is connected to the keypad lock at the gate to the prisoner area. If the fence circuit is broken without the proper code being entered, it goes off. It will take me thirty seconds to disarm it.” Jamie said. The conversation continued as we put together a planned for our assault on the base.

  27. Jai

  l Break

  We spent the next hour scouting out the area gathering every bit of information on the base that we could so the Skipper could come up with a plan. The count showed that there were about three hundred of them here, and we had sixty. Five to one odds are reasonable for us, but the odds meant that we would take some losses if we just trying a straight-up fight. A head-on assault against overwhelming odds just wasn’t our style. This mission would call for stealth and finesse to get in and out as quickly as possible and with as few losses as possible.

  The Skipper started laying out his plan. “Ok here is the plan, Go-go, and Kevlar you will take out their comminutions and the jammer. Holly, you and Jamie will take two squads and take out the tower guarding the prisoners and free them then get them out of here. Grab our dead and go back to the base. Leroy and I will take a squad and set the bomb at the gate, then we will get out of here. Chief Aden and LTJG Winns take what’s left of Delta Platoon, and you have the command tent. Let’s get some payback. Capture anyone you can and kill the rest. The rest of you take up positions to cover use when we pull out. Get in your positions we go in fifteen,” He said.

  “After the bomb goes off, we will have to come back in here and make sure that it didn’t cause a dimensional tear and if it did, we would have to deal with anything that comes through, then close it,” Leroy said.

  Everyone drank and ate to prepare for the upcoming fight. I heard a soft female voice from behind me

  “Master Chief has one of Skipper’s plans ever failed?” Said PO3 Allison Wonder.

  “The Skipper and I have been together since BUDs, and there is a crucial lesson I have come to learn. All the Skippers plans are perfect; unfortunately, the enemy doesn’t attend the briefings, so they don’t always do what the Skipper wants them to do. Because of that, we must be ready to change things up,” I said to her.

  She gave a slight smirk and said, “Thanks Master Chief.”

  Before we moved out, I pulled a Colt M1911a1 pistol out of my ankle holster and handed it to Holly.

  “Give this to Dallas,” I said to her.

  “Who carries a 1911 in an ankle holster and it’s an original,” She replied.

  “Yea it was my great grandfather’s service pistol so tell him he better not lose it, and he can’t keep it,” I told her. The Skipper gave the signal across the battlenet for everyone to go. And we all moved out to our targets.

  Kevlar and I circled over to the metal building with the satellite dish on the roof. There was a ten-foot fence around the entire base. Kevlar laid out a square shape on the fence with a thin blue wire then he shined an ultraviolet light on it and the fence inside the blue wire dissolved.

  I thought to myself, “I need to get me some of that.”

  We walked up to the back of the building, and I pulled out a strip of class nine breaching cord and placed it on the rear wall of the building. We took cover, and I set off the charge. Unlike older models of breaching cords, the class nine combined breaching cord and the effects of a flash-bang grenad
e temporarily stunning anyone in the room on the other side of the breach for about 20 seconds.

  “I’ve got to get some of that we trade later,” He said with a smile on his face. We entered the building quickly taking out the six men that were inside. We planted Charges throughout the building and left the way we came blowing the place up on our way out.

  As the commutation building blew up Holly’s rocket shot across the sky and impacted into the Rotary Laser Cannon and erupted into fire. Holly and her squad took up a defensive position around Jamie as he hacked through the gate keypad of the prison area. Jamie was wrong about how long it would take him to hack it, he had the gate open in only fifteen seconds, not thirty.

  Holly Handed the pistol to Cmdr. Dallas “It’s on loan from Go-go. Make sure he gets it back.” She said.

  The Commander took aim over Holly’s shoulder and fired killing an approaching guard, then together they led the rest of his guys out. Kevlar and I took up shooting positions so that we could cover their rear as they left the base. Once they were clear, we signaled the Skipper. From there we then moved to where we could support LTJG Winns and Chief Aden. We continued to take out hostiles we came across as we walked. As Chief Aden exited the command tent, he was hit in the left shoulder almost tearing his arm off. Kevlar and I turned in the direction of the sniper to see his head explode from a railgun round. When I turned back, I saw PO3 Wonder in a kneeling firing position with smoke rising off the barrel of her rifle. I knew what had happened to the sniper. I sent a message across the battlenet to PO3 Wonder to fall in with Kevlar and me after her team had pasted our position. We continued to cover their rear until they were clear of the base. The three of us then moved out to support the Skipper and his team. As we were headed for the Dimensional Gate, we spotted a tank also headed that way. The three of us approached it from the rear and attached plasma grenades to it and fell back. The grenades blew up, leaving the tank as a smoking husk. We reached the Skipper and his squad. They had planted the explosives and were pulling out. I sent word for everyone to pull back to our rally point, then Kevlar and I fell in as rear guard for the Skipper and followed them to the rally point. Once the entire team was at the rally point or beyond Leroy set off the explosives lighting up the night like it was high noon. We had to wait for nearly twenty minutes for the smoke to clear so we could see to go back to the base.

  28. Cle


  The word form Leroy finally came letting us all know it was safe to go back in. As we walked to where the dimensional gate once stood, we saw six elves standing there in a defensive position around a dimensional tear. They were not aiming their weapons out at us, but instead, they were pointing back towage the tear.

  “Mín are hi na help. (We are here to help.)” I said to them.

  “Who are cin? (Who are you?)” One of them said to me.

  I replied, “I’m am -o princess yllafaren (I am of Princess Yllafaren), do you speak English?” I asked.

  “Yes, we do,” one of them said, “but no time to talk there is a dragon coming.” He continued.

  I told everyone to get ready to fire at whatever came through the dimensional tear. Just then a black scaled reptilian head the size of a tank began to exit the tear. We all open fired with everything we had. It didn’t look as if we had harmed it at all, but just then a look of anger came across it face and in a voice that caused the very earth to shake the dragon said “I will find you and you will pay!” then it quickly pulled its head back through the dimensional tear just before it disappeared in a flash of power that knocked those of us who were closest to the dimensional tear off our feet. A primal fear ran up my spine with the words of the dragon it was as if I knew that someday he would be back, and we would fight to the death not knowing if I would survive.

  “That’s it I quit, I told you I didn’t sign up to fight dragons,” The Skipper said. I couldn’t help but laugh

  “If it comes back, we call in for a Nuke,” I replied.

  “Oh, hell yes,” The Skipper said.

  I walked up to one of the Elves and introduced myself, “I am Master Chief Getter,” I said as I reached out to Shake his hand.

  He shook my hand and said. “My name is Sir Varitan Glyntumal Captain of the royal guard of the house of Yllafaren, but you can just call me Var. I was sent to aid check on our Princess, and to deliver a new device that allows for communications between the dimensions. You said you were the Princess’s?”

  “Yes, we are betrothed, we will take you to her as soon as we make sure this site is secured. This is Captain Joe Hicks; he is the commanding officer here,” I said, and they shook hands.

  It wouldn’t take us long to give the base the once over; from the damage, I saw around me I knew we wouldn’t find anything worthwhile and there was no chance that anyone survived the blast. Our only chance of finding someone alive here was if there was another tear in the area and someone else came through it. We spent about an hour going through the base with a fine-tooth comb getting the recover the remains of a couple of computers that Kevlar thought he may be able to get some data off.

  On our way back to the base, I called Melissa and told her about the visitors we had coming with us. She was excited when I told her they had a device that would allow her to communicate with her world. I told her we would meet her at the Skippers Mess.

  29. Vis


  When we arrived back at the base, we headed straight to the Skippers Mess where Melissa and her team were waiting for us. Melissa ran up and Hugged Var and said,

  “It’s so good to see you cousin, how is the family?” The same was taking place around the room as the elves embraced each other, and conversations were starting. I found my way to the coffee pot and poured myself a cup. Melissa and Var followed me to the coffee pot.

  “You have to try coffee, it’s wonderful. Let me get you a cup,” Melissa said to Var. Then she poured him a cup, added cream and sugar and handed him a cup. He took a sip, and I saw a twinkle in his eyes and a smile came across his face

  “This is amazing, I have never tasted anything like this.” He said then he loudly announced to his team, “You all must try this Coffee!”

  A laugh went up across the room from my SEALs. The Skipper looked at Kevlar and said, “Leave it to Go-go to greet people from other worlds by getting them addicted to coffee.”

  We all took seats around the table as one of the cooks brought out a plate of sandwiches and bags of chips for everyone. Var told us that several teams had gone into the tears, but his team was the first to make it to our world. The others had gone to other worlds. Some of the planets were hostile, but on a few of them they had made new allies, the Orcs were one group that they had made allies with and they now had a line of commutations with them. The commutations device that they had brought with them would also allow us to communicate with the Orcs. I sent a runner to get the Gunny.

  Melissa and Var stepped into the side room to establish comminutions with the Elven homeworld.

  “Your father is waiting for your call,” Var said.

  “That’s good. I have a lot to tell him about the success of my mission here,” Melissa said to him. A few moments later, her father, the King, was on the commutation device. The devices allowed for full video commutations.

  “How have you been little one?” He asked her.

  “I am well. I have a lot to tell you.” She said.

  They talked for about an hour before she invited Hicks and me into the room.

  “Father, this is Captain Joseph Hicks. He is the senior Officer and Command Master Chief Petty Officer Forest Getter his right hand and my future husband. Gentlemen this is my father King Johnathan Yllafaren the ruling Monarch of our world,” She said.

  The Skipper and I nodded our heads in respect, “Your majesty it is an honor to meet you.” The Skipper said.

  “Please just call me Johnathan, from what my daughter has told me you two are partially family and soon Master chief you will
be,” He said to us.

  “Ok, everyone calls me Skipper, and he is Go-go. How can we be of service to you?” The Skipper replied.

  “We have sent some of our most advanced technology along with blueprints and one of our top scientists in the Technology field. After talking with Melissa, I am sure that your people have the best chance of bringing an end to the random dimensional tears. With the technology we sent you and information on the gates used by the Epelts, you be should be able to establish a stable gate system. This will be of great value to many worlds. The Orcs agree with us. With this commutation device, we can also transmit data. Var and his team will help your people set up a computer system to support this. It should take about a week then we can start sending data that will advance your society in leaps and bounds. I understand that you have not yet achieved a one-world government, but you do have a council of sorts in your United Nations, for now, we would prefer to work through your government and once a gate is established between out worlds we will try to work through them to help all the people of your world.” He said.

  “We consider Melissa part of our team and our family, and she has shared a lot about your world and your society. We have full trust in you and your people, and we look forward to a long and fruitful relationship between us. With your permission, I need to make a call to my boss and fill him in. This will give you a chance to get to know Go-go.” The Skipper said.

  “I understand when possible, I would like to meet your superiors to begin to formalize an agreement between us.” The King replied.

  I spent the next hour getting to know the King and him getting to know me.

  “It will be a pleasure to have you become part of my family. By my power as King, I pronounce you two husband and wife, we will have a formal ceremony when you can come here.” Johnathan said to me.


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