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Torch (Dixie Reapers MC 2)

Page 2

by Harley Wylde

  “Rum and coke,” I told the Prospect behind the bar. “Heavy on the rum.”

  He winked and set about making my drink, then slid it in front of me. I downed it in a few swallows and motioned for another. A hand slid around my body and cupped my breast, squeezing it to the point of pain. I inhaled sharply and immediately wished I hadn’t. Whoever was standing behind me smelled ripe, even over the smoke in the air.

  “Whores aren’t allowed to wear clothes in here,” a voice slurred in my ear. “Strip and show me a good time.”

  “Good thing I’m not a whore,” I said, removing his hand.

  “Fucking bitch,” he spat. “You aren’t allowed to say no. Club rules.”

  He jerked me off the stool and backhanded me across the face. My knees nearly gave out, but he still gripped my arm tight. I could feel him bruising my skin even as pain radiated across my cheek.

  I saw stars for a moment, and when he reached his hand back again, I reached up and grabbed it before it could connect with my face. His gaze focused on my arm and his glassy eyes went wide. He looked from my tattoo over to where I’d last seen Torch, and the blood drained from his face. I heard the sound of several booted feet heading toward us and braced for whatever was about to happen.

  “Boy,” a voice growled behind me. “We don’t hit women around here.”

  That voice. I closed my eyes a moment, a shiver raking down my spine. All these years and I hadn’t forgotten his voice. Even now, that voice made me want to submit, to give him anything he asked for.

  “I didn’t mean it, Pres. I didn’t know she was yours.”

  I felt a warm hand on my waist, and slowly I was turned to face Torch. His gaze studied my face, sliding down my body. I could tell I was familiar to him, but he hadn’t yet figured out who I was. I’d changed, matured, over the last three years. The stick-thin waif who had shown up here didn’t exist anymore. When he saw the Property of Torch tattoo on my forearm, his gaze jerked back up to mine. I’d expected to see irritation when he realized who I was, but his gaze softened and the tenderness in the depths of his gray eyes left me breathless.

  “Isabella,” he said in a near whisper. His touch was gentle as he stroked my cheek where the asshole had hit me. That simple gesture was enough to make me feel foolish for running for so long. The feeling of his fingers against my skin made me want to curl into his chest and hold on tight. From the moment I’d first met him, I’d known Torch would keep me safe.

  “I didn’t know, Torch,” the man blubbered. “I’d have never touched her if I’d known.”

  Torch’s gaze was steady on mine another moment. When he looked at the man behind me, a coldness filled his eyes that chilled me to the bone. His touch remained gentle on me as he pulled me against his body, but his hand shot over my shoulder, and I heard the crack of his fist against the man’s face. Brothers began gathering around us, and I hid my face against Torch’s chest. This wasn’t how I wanted everyone to meet me again after all this time.

  “Get this fucker out of here,” Torch said.

  “Want me to teach him a lesson?” a man asked.

  “Yeah, Tank. Why don’t you show him what happens when you lay your hands on a woman. Especially my fucking woman.”

  The room grew so damn quiet I could have heard a pin drop. I looked up into Torch’s face, and he was fiercely scowling at anyone nearby. I felt the power rippling through him as I clutched at his waist, my hands gripping the sides of his cut. Being near him almost made it hard for me to breathe. I knew when he finally touched me, more than the slight stroke against my cheek, when he truly made me his, it would change me forever. And that scared the hell out of me.

  Torch’s gaze dropped to mine, and there was a flash of fury in his eyes. His hand cupped my injured cheek. “Get me some ice,” he barked at the Prospect behind the bar.

  When he was handed an ice pack, he laid it against my cheek. I couldn’t help but wince.

  “I’m sorry, baby,” he said. “It’s already swelling, and it may bruise. What did that fucker say to you before he hit you?”

  “He told me whores didn’t get clothes, said I wasn’t allowed to say no, and when I told him I wasn’t a whore, he pulled me off the stool and hit me,” I told him softly.

  Torch growled. “Tank,” he called out to the man who was quickly heading out the door.

  “Yeah, Pres,” he said, coming back to stand next to us.

  “Bust that fucker’s balls. Make sure his dick doesn’t work for a while.”

  Tank smiled grimly. “You got it. Welcome home, Isabella.”

  My gaze didn’t stray from Torch’s face. There were a few more lines around his eyes than had been there before, and his hair had turned more silver, along with his beard. But he was still as devastatingly handsome as he’d been before. Maybe even more so. As his arm slid around my waist, I felt like I was finally where I belonged.

  I heard murmurs around the room, then some whore started whining. “Why’s he touching her when he could have me?” the woman bitched.

  I closed my eyes, but Torch lifted my chin and I opened them again.

  “Don’t listen to her,” he said. “I kept my word to your dad. No one’s been in my bed since I put my mark on you.”

  I smiled faintly. “Afraid he’d cut off your balls?”

  Humor flashed in his eyes. “Something like that.”

  “I haven’t been with anyone either. I’m sorry it took me so long to come home, but I wasn’t ready. I know you were looking for me, Dad was too, but I had some growing up to do. I’ve spent my entire life being protected and sheltered, everything given to me, my every move dictated. Being on my own opened my eyes a little.” I bit my lip. “And maybe I was a little afraid you’d consume me when I got here. I just needed some time.”

  “Are you ready now?” he asked.

  I nodded.

  “That’s all I fucking needed to know,” he said, then his lips were on mine. His tongue thrust into my mouth, and he pressed me tight against his body, his cock grinding against me. For a moment, I was taken back to the day we’d met. Torch had kissed me, nothing like this kiss, but it had been my first ever. My only. I’d been his from that moment on, and not just because of the ink on my arm. “You’re mine, baby. I’ve waited for three fucking years to claim you, and I’ll be damned if I’m waiting a minute longer. You even think of walking out the door and disappearing again, and I will tie your ass to the bed.”

  My cheeks warmed. “I’m not going anywhere.”

  Torch kept his gaze on me as he addressed the room. “I’m taking my girl home. Any of you fuckers disturb me for the next twenty-four hours, and I will kick your sorry asses.”

  Without another word, he swung me up into his arms and began striding through the clubhouse and out the front door. There was a line of bikes outside, and he approached the one on the end. Torch eased me down his body and pointed to the bike. My leg swung over the seat, and once he’d climbed on, I pressed myself close to his back, my thighs embracing his body as my arms went around his waist. His body was hard and solid. My hands drifted down his abdomen and I felt the hardness of his cock pressing against his zipper.

  Torch growled and put my hand back on his stomach. “You touch me when I say you can.”

  His words sent a thrill through me, and I rested my cheek against his back. The bike roared to life and soon we were flying down the road. His house wasn’t too far, and he pulled to a stop in front of a two-story home that looked like it had been freshly painted. There were flowering shrubs lining the front porch. It was… cute. And not something I pictured the badass President of Dixie Reapers MC owning.

  “It’s blue,” I said.

  “Like your eyes,” he said.

  He’d painted his house to remind him of my eyes? Nothing could have stunned me more. I got off the bike, and he practically dragged me up the steps and to the front door. Torch unlocked it, pulled me inside, then slammed the door shut and twisted the bolt. I looked arou
nd, taking in the warm maple floors and neutral-colored walls. This was my home now, and oddly, I felt like I belonged here.

  “Upstairs. Now.”

  I climbed the stairs, my legs trembling with every step. The door at the end of the hall stood open, and I moved toward it. It was a spacious bedroom done in black, gray, and white. The bed was larger than any I’d seen before, and my cheeks flushed because I knew he was about to claim me. I’d held onto my virginity, not letting anyone touch me because I knew I belonged to him.

  Something hit the floor behind me, and I turned, my eyes going wide when I saw Torch removing his clothes. I took in every inch that was exposed, and a warmth spread through me. Anyone looking at him wouldn’t know he was in his fifties. His biceps bulged, his broad chest led down to a tapered waist and a set of abs I longed to touch. When his pants dropped, and I saw his cock for the first time, I couldn’t stifle my moan. It was so hard and thick, so damn long. I balked for a moment, worrying it wouldn’t fit.

  “Take off your clothes, Isabella.”

  The command in his tone had me removing my clothes, even though my hands shook. I’d never been naked in front of anyone on purpose before. Just the one time those men had taken me, and I’d been humiliated and terrified. But Torch didn’t make me feel either of those things. Excitement buzzed under my skin because I was finally going to be with the man I’d thought of every day for the last three years. It had been cowardly of me to stay away, but I was here now, and I had no doubt I would be his in every way before the sun came up.

  As the last of my clothes fell to the floor, Torch walked around me, studying every inch of my body. He stopped in front of me, and the desire in his eyes took my breath away. I almost begged him to touch me, but I held back. The man in front of me wasn’t one to take orders.

  “Sit on the edge of the bed and lie back,” he said.

  I nodded and moved over to the big bed. I sat on the edge, then lay back against the cool bedding.

  Torch moved closer, his gaze caressing me from head to toe.

  “Spread your legs,” he demanded. “I want to see what’s mine.”

  My heart hammered in my chest as I slowly parted my thighs. I felt the cool air touch my pussy and wondered if he liked the fact I’d had it waxed. I’d known what would happen when I came to him, and I’d wanted to be prepared. The girls I’d gone to school with had always giggled and talked about how their boyfriends liked them smooth.

  Torch stared, his gaze hungry. His hands reached for me, his palms sliding up my thighs, then pushing my legs farther apart. I felt my pussy open to his heated gaze, and I flushed from head to toe. I’d never been so exposed before, but this was Torch and I was his.

  “No one’s touched you?” he asked.


  His gaze met mine. “You ever make yourself come?”

  I slowly shook my head. I’d tried a few times, but I hadn’t been able to get there.

  “Then I guess we’d better rectify that,” he said, getting to his knees. His hands still held me wide-open, and as he leaned closer, I felt his hot breath blow across me. My thighs tensed a moment before his lips touched me.

  Nothing could have prepared me for the feel of Torch’s lips against my pussy. His tongue stroked the soft skin before plunging inside. I gasped as his tongue flicked in and out of my tight channel, my nipples hardening from the intense sensations rolling over me. His hands still held me wide-open as his mouth ravaged me. The soft hair of his beard just heightened the experience. His tongue speared me again before circling my clit. My body felt like it was on fire, and I knew it was only going to get more intense. He’d barely gotten started, and I felt like I might detonate at any moment. His tongue dipped into my core again, then he sucked my clit into his mouth and I came, screaming his name. I could feel my release dripping onto the bedding, and I trembled from head to toe.

  Torch bit my inner thigh, then rose over me. His nose traced mine, and then he placed his lips near my ear. “Next time you scream, it had better be Connor I hear on your lips. Only club whores scream out Torch.”

  I blinked up at him. “Connor?”

  A slight smile graced his lips. “Guess your daddy never told you. My name’s Connor Maguire. But outside this house, or in front of other people, I’m Torch.”

  “All right,” I said softly. It made me wonder what else I didn’t know about the man who was going to claim me body and soul.

  Chapter Two


  She was so fucking beautiful, and she was mine. I’d known where she was the last three years, having Wire keep tabs on her, as well as my military buddies, but I’d given her some space. I’d had no doubt she’d come home when she was ready, and I’d tried to be a patient man. Even lied to her father’s face when he’d been searching for her. But now, with her spread out before me, I was barely hanging on. If she ever walked out the door again, I’d track her down and make good on my threat. Her ass would be tied to the bed, and she’d stay there until I’d filled her so full of cum she’d be too damn pregnant to run anywhere.

  I trailed kisses up her silky thigh, across her soft stomach, until my lips closed around the tip of one of her perky breasts. Her fingers tunneled through my hair, and she thrust upward, shoving more of the silky mound into my mouth. I chuckled and gave it a good, hard suck. Isabella moaned beneath me, and her hands tightened in my hair. It had been so damn long since I’d been with a woman, I hoped like fuck I didn’t embarrass myself the minute I got inside her. A man’s hand just wasn’t a good enough substitute for a hot, wet pussy.

  I released her nipple and crawled farther up her body, closing my lips over hers. Her tongue tangled with mine, and I gave a soft growl as the head of my cock brushed against her slick folds. With a flex of my hips, I rubbed my cock up and down her wet lips, loving the fact she seemed to get more drenched by the minute. Every stroke bumped her clit and made her squirm just a little bit more. When I couldn’t hold back another moment, I slowly started to sink into her.

  Isabella’s fingers tightened on me.

  “Breathe, baby,” I murmured. It was going to hurt, and there wasn’t a damn thing I could do about it. I wasn’t exactly small, and her virgin pussy was the tightest damn thing I’d ever felt.

  She stared up at me, complete trust in her eyes, as I used small, short thrusts to work my length into her channel. When I pushed into her fully, tears slipped down her cheeks, but she didn’t make a sound. I kissed her again, softly, as I gave her time to adjust to my size. I’d never been with a virgin before, not even when I was one. I’d tried to be as gentle as I could, not wanting to cause her more than pain than necessary. When I felt her body began to relax, I pulled my hips back and slowly sank into her again. She felt fucking incredible, and I wished I could just stay buried inside her. No one had ever gripped my cock the way she did, and she was so fucking wet.

  I nipped her shoulder, not hard enough to hurt, but just enough to sting. Her pussy clenched on my cock, and I damn near came. Her hold on me had relaxed, her hands moving to my shoulders, and her legs came around my waist, letting me take her deeper than before. Sweat slicked my skin as I fought for control, not wanting to come before she did. I might not have given her candles and flowers for her first time, but I was sure as fuck going to make her come. I might be an asshole on the best of days, but the woman under me deserved so much more. She hadn’t asked for any of this, and I was damn sure going to treat her like a damn princess.

  Reaching between our bodies, I flicked my thumb against her clit. Her eyes went wide, and I could see her pulse pounding. Without any other warning, she came with a loud, keening cry, her pussy gripping so damn tight I saw stars. She pulled every drop of cum from my balls as I emptied inside her. Might make me a right bastard that I hadn’t even asked before I did it, especially since my sources told me she wasn’t on the pill, but the thought of her growing round with my child nearly had me thumping my chest like a caveman.

  My lungs were
heaving from exertion as I fell to my side, crawling up the bed until my head rested on a pillow. Isabella immediately cuddled against me, her fingers tracing a pattern on my abdomen. She was quiet, but I didn’t think it was necessarily a bad thing. After I’d caught my breath, I looked down at her and saw the tender smile on her lips. I hadn’t given her soft words, even though I’d tried to be as gentle as I could under the circumstances, and yet she looked completely content.

  “Is it always like that?” she asked.

  “No,” I answered truthfully.

  I’d never experienced anything like what we’d just shared. Being with women had always been a quick release for me, but with Isabella, I’d actually felt connected to her. I’d cared whether or not she’d enjoyed it. I’d used club sluts for so long, I’d forgotten what that was like. I’d had steady girlfriends in my younger days, and later in life, some widows who knew the score and hung around long-term, but being with the woman in my arms had been vastly different from any of those experiences. I’d never once been tempted to tie myself to a woman, and I’d not been given much of a choice when it came to Isabella, but I wasn’t regretting it. I liked that she was mine. She had my name on her body, would never know another cock other than mine… When I’d tasted her sweet lips three years ago, I’d known no woman would ever compare to her, and I’d been right.

  “Think it will always be like that with us?” she asked.

  I gave her a smile and smoothed her hair back from her face. “I’m sure it will be.”

  She deserved more than me. In some ways, I felt sorry for her. I was too damn old to change my ways, and having never been in love with anyone, I wasn’t sure I was capable of the emotion. Isabella warranted that, though… love, flowers, dating a guy her age… she’d been denied all that because of her father’s demands, but fuck if I wanted to let her go. Even the small taste I’d had of her three years ago, I’d known then I was hanging onto her. She was tiny, barely even reaching my shoulder, but her kisses could take me to my damn knees. It was hard to believe the small woman curled against me could hold so much power over a guy like me, but she did. And if I ever let her know it, I’d be fucked.


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