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Sapphire Page 5

by Taylor Lee

  The trusty antenna on the back of her neck pricked up signaling that danger was near. Sapphire shot a surreptitious glance to the door of the crowded bar. She intended to make her glance casual, not noticeable by anyone entering the bar. From her dark corner she had an unobstructed view of the entrance, but her secluded position would make it hard for anyone to spot her without making it obvious he was looking for her. Anyone but Jase Malone, that is. Gabriella huffed out a choked breath when she met his eyes. They were like a heat seeking missile that instantly locked on her. Before she could look down, he’d looked away making it impossible for anyone to know that he was meeting her.

  Damn, Sapphire thought she was good, but knew that he must have seen the heat flare in her cheeks when she spotted him. Ignoring her, Jase strode to the bar and began chatting with the bartender. The buxom, scantily dressed waitress beside him came to a dead stop when she saw him, her tray of glasses clanging loudly. Looking up at him, her face lit with open admiration. Sapphire snorted. She could hardly blame the star struck woman. Dressed in tight jeans that cupped his muscular ass and a black t-shirt that made the most of a sculpted chest and arms had heads—men and women—turning to observe the distractingly handsome man. His emerald green eyes sparkling in the dark bar and artfully tousled black hair was worthy of the stares he was receiving. The flushed server looked up at him, lust lighting her face. Wiggling her ass like a bitch in heat, the clearly smitten bar girl pressed her imposing breasts against his arm. Jase glanced at the bulging flesh and nodded his appreciation before heading in the direction of the men’s room leaving the frowning waitress scowling at his back.

  Keeping her eyes locked on her glass, Gabriella fought the impulse to quaff the fiery liquid. It was a losing battle. Her hand holding the glass had a mind of its own. Not able to stop herself, she drained the glass and put it expectantly on the bar. Before she could catch the bartender’s eye, a cool voice behind her said, “I’ll have a Chivas over ice and another Maker’s Mark for the lady.”

  Amazed that she hadn’t seen him cross the room to stand next to her, Sapphire shoved at her reaction to the subtle woody floral musk of Tom Ford cologne emanating from the man closing in on her. The expensive cologne was one of her favorites. Coupled with the underlying odor of a strong man, Gabriella fought the intoxicating combination assaulting her churning gut. Silently bemoaning her predicament she mused, God, how could she defend herself against her attraction to Jase when his smell alone undid her.

  Waiting silently until the bartender brought his drink and refilled Gabriella’s glass, Jase turned to her, lifting his glass to her.

  “It’s always a pleasure to meet a woman who knows her booze, and knows how to drink it.”

  Gabriella nodded and picked up her glass. Making a supreme effort not to toss back the potent liquor in one hasty gulp, she took a measured sip. The last thing she wanted Jase to think was that she was a lush. Or that she required the gauzy veneer of alcohol to deal with his overwhelming presence. Keeping her voice low she looked down at her glass and murmured. “Hmm, good evening. I…I didn’t see you come in.”

  Feeling her cheeks flame at the obvious lie, Gabriella could’ve kicked herself. Jase’s slightly raised eyebrow confirmed that he knew that not only had she seen him come in, but also was uneasy enough in his presence to lie about it. Determined to overcome his advantage, she made an attempt to explain her clumsy fib.

  “I meant to say that…I hoped that no one could tell that we know one another.”

  Jase saved her further embarrassment when he smiled slightly.

  “Face it, Gabriella, there’s not a man in this bar who hasn’t noticed you and wanted to make a move on you. The fact that I did what every one of them has thirsted to do just confirms that I’m an arrogant player.”

  Surprised by his nonchalant corroboration of her view of him, Gabriella started to take issue with his assumption that all the men in the bar were after her.

  Pressing a finger against her lips, he stopped her denial. “That is how you think of me, correct, Agent Shaw?”

  Refusing to let him intimidate her, Gabriella tossed her head.

  “If you mean that I think you are arrogant and that you know the effect you have on women, and that you assume every woman you meet is fair game, then, yes, that is my impression of you.” Before he could respond she said, “I should add that my assumptions are based on years of experience with men like you.”

  With a slight mocking smile, Jase chided her.

  “Hmm, I thought we agreed that first impressions rarely tell the totality of the man or the woman.”

  Sapphire tossed her head dismissively.

  “That may be your opinion, Col. Malone. I don’t recall agreeing with you.”

  Jase frowned at her through narrowed eyes and didn’t contain the edge in his voice.

  “I see. So according to your view, I should rely on my first impression of you and assume it describes all of you.” He pursed his lips and continued. “Essentially you are saying that the woman I saw on the video is the sum total of who you are.” He concluded, “In that case I should assume that, yes, you are a hell of a fighter and cold as ice when threatened. You also are disobedient, don’t follow your commanders’ direct orders and are likely a danger to any mission you are on.”

  Sapphire jumped back, nearly knocking over her drink. She was horrified at the trap he’d led her into and furious at herself for letting her anger show. Doing her best to cover her intemperate reaction that no doubt shored up his unflattering image of her as a loose cannon and untrustworthy team member, she said coolly, “No, Jase. That isn’t who I am. As you well know, there is more to me than what you described.”

  Jase grinned. “If I grant you that is possible, will you give me a chance to climb out of the garbage bin of callous, arrogant men you’ve lumped me with, and give me the benefit of the doubt? Perhaps have a non-judgmental five minute conversation with me, before you write me off as irredeemable?”

  Seeing the trap that he had set for her, Sapphire restrained herself. It didn’t take the flock of butterflies that had taken up residence in her stomach to warn her that this man was as clever as he was intriguing.

  Taking a deep breath, she responded carefully. “You’re right in one respect. Most people are more complicated than a single, first impression can convey. But I do believe that, in some people, the first impression tells a great deal about how they view the world and the people they meet.”

  Jase studied her quietly for a moment and said, “I can agree with that, Sapphire. But I insist that it is important for people who may be working together that they dig deeper. For example, in addition to the fact that you are a suburb fighter and gutsy as hell, it’s clear that being a team player doesn’t come easy to you.”

  Interrupting him before he could further dismiss her, Sapphire was curt. “That’s where you are wrong, Col. Malone. I was an excellent member of most of the teams that I have been on…”

  Jase smiled at her.

  “Can I take that qualification ‘most of the teams’ confirms what I said? Being in charge is clearly your preferred role. I imagine that even if you aren’t leading the op, that you will fight to earn the place, even to the point that you occasionally, albeit entirely unintentionally, endanger yourself and other members of the mission.”

  Holding his hand up to stop her heated objection he added with a grin. “Before you get all hot and defensive, let me give you my take on it. You are a natural leader and, yes, many of the mission commanders you’ve had don’t appreciate your skills. They mistake your trying to make your point as insubordination.”

  Sapphire regarded him uneasily trying to decide if he actually understood her. She kicked herself for giving him the benefit of the doubt when he gave her a salacious wink and added, “No, Agent Shaw, I think the difficulty you have is not about you. Rather it is about the men who have tried to command you.” His grin widened. “It’s as I said to Col. Ross. Controlling you and
letting you shine when you should is the job of a good leader. I’m confident that you can be controlled, Sapphire. That you can be a critical member of the team in whatever role you are assigned. It just requires a man, a commander, who knows how to control a feisty woman.”

  Shoving her glass across the bar, whisky sloshing over the rim, Sapphire leapt to her feet. She didn’t know when she had been angrier. Glaring at the man openly taunting her, Sapphire accepted the fact that he had set her up. It was clear that he was intentionally trying to rile her, bait her into reacting rashly. She acknowledged, with a slashing pain to her heart, that he’d never intended to put her on the mission. He’d been playing with her. Furious at his duplicity and knowing that her incipient career at LOTN was over, Gabriella shoved aside her caution and allowed her anger to flare.

  Her voice shaking as hard as her body was, she spit out, “You, Colonel Malone, are an arrogant asshole. You are the epitome of every chauvinistic man I’ve ever worked with. The kind of man I promised myself I’d never work with again.”

  Knowing that she had nothing more to lose, Sapphire decided to go for broke. At least she could leave with her pride intact, if not the job she’d craved.

  Raising her chin, her voice dripped with scorn. “As for controlling me, you, Sir, can take your control and shove it far up your ass. Use it to intimidate all the pitiful women who swallow their pride and pretend that they are less than they are for the privilege of standing beside the man who is convinced that he is God’s gift to women…”

  Underscoring her contempt, she snatched her glass from the bar, briefly considered splashing it all over Malone’s smug face, then instead threw back the contents in one hearty swallow.

  Seeing the frown that darkened his eyes at her blatant disrespect, and knowing that she likely would soon dissolve in tears, Sapphire took a deep breath. She was determined that when she did break down it would be as far away from this odious man as she could get. Completely mortified at what she had said, and knowing that she had ruined her chances of working in any of the elite security companies, much less LOTN, Sapphire reached for her purse and headed for the door. Before she could stalk by him, Jase reached for her arm and yanked her back next to him.

  Keeping a tight grip on her arm, Jase leaned up against her, pressing his lips close to her ear. His low voice was soft, commanding. Dangerous.

  “Sit down, Agent Shaw. Now.”

  Chapter 7

  Virtually heaving her onto her stool, Jase grabbed his stool and shoved it within inches of hers. Pressing his knee against her thigh, he leaned down his face touching hers. His beard shadow scraped against her cheek sending flurries of unwanted sensations racing across her frazzled nerve endings. Anger contorted with fear and now fiery sensations had her clinging to the edge of the bar. Sapphire needn’t have worried about falling. Jase was holding her arm so tightly she was sure his fingerprints would be visible on her soft flesh in the morning. Apparently not caring that he was virtually imprisoning her, Jase tightened his grip further.

  At her slight moan, confirming how strongly he was holding her and as if recognizing that other patrons may have witnessed their scuffle, Jase lightened his grip and wrapped a seemingly careless arm around her shoulders. To observers, it may have been seen as a comforting if intimate gesture. But sensing the rigid muscles in his arm and his strong knee pressing against her, Sapphire knew she had angered a powerful and dangerous man.

  Glancing up at the approaching bartender who must have seen Sapphire quaff her drink, Jase nodded, signaling for a refill. Waiting for the amiable bartender to replenish their glasses, Sapphire felt Jase’s fierce grip soften. To her own surprise, Sapphire resisted his move and leaned against him. Stunned at her unexpected need for his support, she tried to back away. But, if her confused gestures surprised him Jase didn’t let on. Rather, he tightened his hold slightly and pulled her stool next to his, erasing the scant inches between them. Undone by the rush of emotions swirling over her, Sapphire fought against the tears that were threatening to fall. As angry as she was, she was stunned that, more than anything, she wanted the overwhelming man to hold her, if for only a moment. Give her time to compose herself before she left. Which she would need to do if she were going to keep from breaking down completely.

  The next moments seemed to last a lifetime. Knowing that she wasn’t able to make sense of what was happening, she was relieved when Jase broke the silence. Indicating that, like her, he was struggling with a mix of emotions, his voice was rougher, not as casually insinuating, as it had been before. Certain that anger with her was his primary emotion, Sapphire breathed easier when he softened his tone.

  Keeping his lips disconcertingly close to her ear, he drawled, “Hmm, I’m impressed, Agent Shaw.”

  At her startled gasp, he continued. “You are as fiery as I predicted.”

  Certain that he was taunting her, Sapphire tried to jerk away but his grip was firm.

  “That kind of anger, if shrewdly leashed, can be a potent force in a dangerous crunch. You see, Sapphire, men who don’t see your remarkable talents, your fierce skills, mistake the value of your temperament. Properly controlled, your righteous fury makes you deadly. Lesser men dismiss it as a tantrum and write you off as a temperamental, uncontrollable female. To put it succinctly: a bitch.”

  Trying to control her trembling body, Sapphire struggled to understand. She forced herself to meet Jase’s gaze, frustrated that she couldn’t keep from stammering.

  “I…don’t know what you are saying. I…I don’t understand.”

  Gaining confidence, she attempted to move from under his arm but he shook his head and if anything tightened his hold. Tossing her head, she did her best to glare at him.

  “What you trying to prove, Colonel? You know how much this mission means to me. What it would do for my career at LOTN. Why did you insist on meeting me tonight? Did you want to embarrass me further? Make me plead, beg you to let me join your mission?”

  Now thoroughly angry, Sapphire managed to push away from him.

  “Why don’t you be honorable, Jase? Stop pretending, testing me, lying to me. Just come out and tell me that when you first saw that video you knew that you would never work with me.”

  Folding her arms tightly across her chest, she scoffed, “Suck it up, Colonel. Grow a pair. Have the guts and decency to tell me that you never intended to put me on your precious mission.”

  Rather than responding in kind, Jase huffed a soft sigh. Turning on the barstool so that he was facing her directly, he reached for her chin. Holding it between his fingers and his thumb, he lifted her chin forcing her to meet his eyes. His expression was surprisingly serious.

  “Ah, Gabriella, you couldn’t be more wrong. It was the video that did it for me. From the moment I saw you snatch that com out of your ear and saunter back to the computer as if you had all the time in the world to download the documents, I knew that I could never find an agent I wanted more on this mission.”

  Smiling at Gabriella’s shocked expression, Jase didn’t add that he’d never seen an agent he wanted more, period. Fortunately they were sitting down and the bar top obscured the tell-tale bulge in his jeans. He assured himself that he’d deal with his randy dick later. A prick hard enough to pound nails was an asset in most circumstances but not on a mission as dangerous as the one he was bringing Sapphire into the center of. Knowing the depth of evil that lived in Roberto Ventrilo’s soul, Jase almost wished he hadn’t seen the beautiful Sapphire. But he had; and he’d known instantly that she was the perfect fit for the op.

  But, even as he congratulated himself for finding the agent to help him take down Ventrilo, Jase was man enough to admit that holding Sapphire at bay might be one of the more difficult things he’d done. Stunned by the erotic feelings strafing his body, Jase acknowledged how challenging it was going to be to maintain a professional relationship with this woman.

  For a fleeting moment he questioned if he was crazy to think that he could ignore w
hat was clearly between them. It didn’t take his lifetime of experience reading women to know that Gabriella was as rocked by him as he was by her. Her tremulous body-shaking shiver when he pressed his lips against the soft skin beneath her ear was a dead giveaway. No, Jase wasn’t crazy. He knew the azure-eyed bombshell was attracted to him. Her flushed cheeks and stormy eyes signaled her desire. But she was also determined not to give in to him in any way. A fact that Jase admitted only made her more interesting. Strong, confident women were a turn on. Even if they didn’t look like Megan Fox in the flesh—or, Jase decided, looking at the stunning woman gaping at him, if she put Ms. Fox to shame.

  Jase almost laughed as he watched her struggle to deal with his assertion that he wanted her on the mission. It wasn’t surprising that she didn’t trust him. The primary need driving Sapphire was her passionate desire to be a member of the LOTN team. And he was the key to whether she would be hired. He literally controlled her future and they both knew it. It was no wonder she wanted to be part of the “Ladies.” In the short time that Riley Davis had been operating her company, the cheeky female agents had become the gold standard among women special agents. Not only did membership in the elite organization mean prestige, it also was the highest paying agency available. Riley had decided before she opened the doors, that anyone who wanted an agent of her caliber would need to pay and pay well. To date, the women she’d hired had never failed to exceed the high standards their imposing boss had established.

  Disbelief filled Sapphire’s voice when she tried to respond to his shocking assertion.

  “ really are hiring me? You aren’t taunting me, Jase. Are you?”

  Jase allowed himself to chuckle. “Look, Gabriella, I may be an arrogant son of a bitch, but I know how important this mission is to you both personally and professionally. I would never tease you about something this critical. Besides, this mission is too important for me and a helluva lot of other people to settle for anything but the best.”


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