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Sapphire Page 6

by Taylor Lee

  Obviously still not believing him, Sapphire persisted.

  “And you…you think I’m the best?”

  Jase nodded. “Suffice it to say that I know quality when I see it. I know you’ve had a hard time with Riley Davis. She’s not an easy person to impress or to tangle with. That said, both she and Ian Ross had serious questions about your temperament, whether you could handle an op as highly charged as this one.”

  Sapphire frowned. “That surprises me, Jase, and frankly annoys me. I know they were frustrated with me when I ignored a couple of their orders, but, for God’s sake, I killed one of the leaders of the gang we were after. Not to mention that I found the documents that will send the rest of the sorry bastards to prison for life. Neither of which would have happened if I had left the room like Riley ordered me too.” She shook her head in disgust. “You would think that kind of success would be acknowledged, appreciated, not dismissed as unimportant.”

  Jase arched a brow at her obvious misrepresentation of Riley and Ian’s concerns.

  “Let’s be honest, Gabriella. You are correct. Almost single-handedly, you pulled off a virtual coup. There isn’t an agency that was involved in the op that isn’t raving about your success. It’s the talk of the insiders who are now all eager to hire you. Given the buzz and the magnitude of the op I’m running, and my need for the best, I approached Ian and asked about you specifically.” Jase paused for effect enjoying the frown that crossed her face no doubt wondering what kind of a recommendation Ian had given her.

  “Ian was as effusive about your skills as everyone else, but he insisted that I watch that damn video before deciding if I could work with you.”

  Sapphire visibly tensed. She hesitated then blurted, “Why did he want you to see the video? So that you would know that I’m…I’m not…” She hesitated then tossed her head and said, “That I’m not your usual agent?”

  Jase laughed. “Hell, Sapphire, I already knew that. I’d seen your picture and talked to a few of my agency confidants. Your physical characteristics were so on target with our needs that you should have been a shoe in. However, as you well know, the reason Ian was concerned was your propensity to go off the reservation, insist on running the op as you think it should be run rather than how it was designed.”

  A flush of heat flared on Sapphire’s cheeks. Obviously annoyed, she leaned forward pressing her forearms on the bar. The move put her closer to him while pushing up her lush breasts. In a lesser woman, a more coquettish woman, Jase would have thought she had done it on purpose. But the anger turning her eyes a stormy dark blue, confirmed that the last thing she was doing was using her feminine assets to make a point. Doing his best to ignore the luscious flesh escaping from the top of her silky shirt, Jase mused that if she ever did want to use those assets, a man, any man, would be hard pressed to ignore them. Her fervent retort drew his attention to her face and her words.

  “Jase, that is so unfair. Look at you. You are an excellent agent. I researched you after we met this morning. I can’t believe the operations you’ve been involved in. My former general said you were one of the most creative and courageous agents he’s known. To me that means you understand that it is the rare mission that goes exactly as planned. Good agents always have to innovate. For God’s sake, who wants a ‘yes man’ or ‘yes woman’ who can’t think outside the box when the mission begins to unravel?”

  Jase held up his hand to stop her impassioned tirade.

  “You’re right, Gabriella. There is no place for sycophants on any mission I lead, yes men or yes women as you call them. However, the time to raise questions and pose alternatives is before shit happens. Working through all the options, knowing what each person is to do when everything starts going to hell, as it always does, is what make a team effective. “

  Jase paused for a moment studying her, deciding how hard he wanted to come down. Knowing how prickly she was and her well-earned “lone ranger” reputation, he concluded he had nothing to lose by being as blunt as possible.

  “To be perfectly honest, Ian’s primary concern was not you, Gabriella, it was me. He wasn’t sure you could work with me.”

  He met her questioning gaze and continued.

  “You think you’re tough, Agent Shaw, and you are. But honey you’re a gooey marshmallow compared to me. Ask anyone who’s worked with me. I’m an overbearing, arrogant son of a bitch who runs the tightest ship you’ll ever sail. I don’t tolerate dissent for dissent’s sake. Yes, I invite discussion, camaraderie, and am open to any and all ideas. But once I give an order, God help the man or woman who doesn’t follow it. I run a participatory democracy, but with blanket and absolute veto power. Ask any former agent who had the temerity to disobey my command about the sorry career path they walk now.”

  Jase gave her a moment to absorb what he was saying. It was essential that Sapphire understand what she was getting into. Any fool could see their respective personalities and need for control virtually assured clashes. Better they deal with this issue now. If Sapphire couldn’t commit to a secondary role, agree that when the chips were down, he was the commander, then working together was a non-starter. But knowing how important LOTN was to her, Jase was convinced that she would commit.

  Wanting to soften his harsh overview he added, “Look, Gabriella, anyone who has worked with me will tell you that I’m tough but fair. And yes, I’m a stickler for planning. My teams and I work together to create a plan A and a plan B. For good measure I add a Plan C and D.”

  He shrugged and grinned at her. “When all of them fail, that’s when the discussion stops. I go with my gut and my team follows. In lockstep.”

  Sapphire stared at him thoughtfully, a frown playing across her smooth brow. After a long moment, she nodded.

  “I can do that, Col. Malone. I’ve done it in the past many times with lesser commanders.”

  She added with a flippant smile, “If you’re half as good as you think you are, it will be a privilege to work with you.”

  Jase chuckled at her impudence. Acknowledging how much it turned him on, his better angels decided not to timidly dodge the issue that had more potential to torpedo their operation than any other. Moving closer to her he allowed himself the pleasure of looking at her. Truly looking at her. All of her. He stared at the waves of sun streaked golden hair that hung around her shoulders in a shiny certain. He savored the thought of knotting his fingers in the wavy mass and using it to jerk her head back, lift her gorgeous face to his. He’d already spent so much time studying her eyes that he skipped to her mouth. Knowing his weakness, he’d done his best to ignore her full, pouty lips. But now, gazing at those swollen lips he allowed himself to imagine pressing past her perfect teeth, tangling with her tongue and exploring the moist recesses with abandon.

  Like the randy son of a bitch that he was, Jase looked from Gabriella’s mouth to her pale slender throat then let his impertinent gaze range over the lush mounds of her breasts. He focused on her nipples. The hard beaded tips strained against the fabric of her revealing t-shirt, confirming that she was as turned on he was.

  Because she was sitting down Jase could only imagine the treasure trove secreted between her toned thighs. He was experienced enough to know that she was aroused. How could she not be? He sure as hell was and he made sure she knew it. When he’d begun to openly scrutinize her remarkable body, he’d given up hiding his erection. As his gaze swept across her body, he didn’t miss her stunned expression when she caught sight of the striking evidence of his arousal. Jase knew he should stop, walk away if necessary. But the moment for restraint had flown. Caution was a thing of the past.

  Reaching for her hair, Jase twisted the fragrant strands in his fist and used it to tug her shocked face up next to his. He allowed his lips to quirk up slightly at her reaction and drawled, “Now that we’ve settled who is in charge, Gabriella, we are going to have to deal with this.”

  Her eyes widened and her throat jerked convulsively. Her voice was a throaty whisper,

  “Deal with…with what, Jase?”

  Jase smiled at her through narrowed eyes.

  “With this, Gabriella.”

  Tipping her head further back, he gazed at her full lips. Leaning down, he brushed his lips against hers. At her soft moan he held her face firmly between his hands and began to kiss her. Thoroughly. The way she needed to be kissed. The way he’d wanted to kiss her from the first time he saw her.

  Chapter 8

  Sapphire wasn’t sure how she’d managed to get to her car, much less drive home. After Jase kissed her in the crowded bar and nearly brought her to her knees, he’d nonchalantly tossed a hundred dollar bill on the bar. Grasping her elbow in one strong hand he ushered her through the crowd at the bar and out into the parking lot. Without asking, he led her over to her car that was parked in front of a streetlight. It was the one precaution she always took. She hoped the bright lights would scare off any would-be thief. It was the least she could do to protect her snazzy, Jag coup. Jase waited until she got in the car, then reached across her and fastened her seatbelt. She could still remember the sensation off his strong arm across her chest, his heated breath beside her ear.

  He’d leaned against the open window and nodded. “See you at your house. Drive safe.”

  When she pulled up into the driveway of her upscale condominium she was startled to see his car already in the driveway. She shouldn’t have been surprised that he was already waiting for her at the door to her condo. Apparently her souped-up Jaguar was no match for his Ferrari. What was more surprising, and more than a little unsettling, was that he’d known which was her car and also where she lived. Reminding herself that he was an agent extraordinaire didn’t quiet her raging nerves.

  She glared at him when he took the key from her and unlocked the door. Shoving her behind him he entered and snapped on the lights. Without asking he punched in the code on her security system then allowed her to enter. Determined to take control of the bizarre situation, Sapphire pushed past him and strode into the living room ignoring his cautionary murmur.

  “Please Col. Malone, I’ll check my own home if you don’t mind. Apparently you’ve already been inside, so I won’t offer to show you around.”

  Glancing toward the kitchen she asked sarcastically, “Should I expect that you made yourself at home? Perhaps helped yourself to a bottle of my Maker’s Mark or at least a bottle of my Ruthless beer?

  Jase chuckled.

  “No, I thought about it but decided that would be too invasive, although I couldn’t resist one of those amazing chocolate chip cookies you must have just baked. How did you know I love salty pecans?”

  At first all Sapphire could do was stare at him. Even for a special agent, his invasion of her privacy was stunning. He knew what car she drove and where she lived which, given his profession, wasn’t all that surprising. Of course he’d checked her background. Probably knew her favorite food, what kind of wine she drank and how much. Likely knew where she bought groceries, where she worked out and how often, etc. etc. All of those things, and probably a lot more, were in the files he’d researched. But, for God’s sake, to enter her house? And…eat her damn cookies?

  Shoving at her mix of dismay and rising anger, Sapphire drew herself up to her full height and tipped up her chin.

  “Really, Col. Malone, this is inexcusable. You had no right to—”

  Jase held up his hand to stop her, a slight frown tightening his brow.

  “No right to do what, Agent Shaw? Investigate the background of the woman I am about to bring onto a dangerous mission? To know where she lives, what she drives, her habits? Her past missions, her relationships?”

  Sapphire stepped further back, now almost up against the living room wall. She knew he would know all those things about her. She flushed, admitting to herself that she’d done her own research on him. She’d even checked out his marital history. He’d never been married, which for a thirty-seven year old man was unusual, unless he had the player rep that Jase did. Sapphire admitted that from her research she knew more about him than she did about many members of her extended family. It wasn’t that he’d researched her that was upsetting. It was that he had invaded her personal space, breached her defenses—so completely.

  His eyebrow quirked as though he knew what she was thinking. And no doubt he did. Unwilling to concede her point, Sapphire said crisply, “Researching my background is one thing, Colonel. It is quite another to enter my home without my permission and…and eat my cookies.”

  Jase laughed. “Yes Agent Shaw, I’ll admit I shouldn’t have eaten those delicious cookies. But that’s not what is bothering you, is it, Gabriella?”

  Knowing that she was blushing and had sounded ridiculous, Sapphire tried to steady herself. As he moved subtly closer she pushed back against the wall. He knew perfectly well what the issue was but she’d be damned if she was going to refer to his outrageous behavior at the bar. It was bad enough that she’d allowed him to kiss her. Or maybe it was more accurate to say she hadn’t invited him to essentially attack her.

  Straightening her spine Sapphire stood tall trying not to be awed that he was at least seven inches taller that she was. It wasn’t only his height that was imposing, or those flashing emerald eyes. Or that Colonel Jase Malone without a doubt was the sexiest man she’d ever known, much less worked with. He oozed power. His presence under the best of circumstance was overwhelming. She might have been able to handle all of those things if it wasn’t for the devastating smile quirking his full lips. As he closed in on her, the intoxicating fragrance of his expensive cologne and masculine scent almost brought her to her knees. Unable to back away any further, she held her hands in front of her to stop his advance.

  Jase shook his head and said softly, “No, Agent Shaw, as annoyed as you might be that I entered your space without your permission or even that I was brazen enough to eat your cookies, that’s not what has you cringing against the wall.”

  Gabriella choked back a gasp horrified that she must look as powerless as she felt. Determined not to let him get the best of her, she snapped.

  “I…I’m not cringing. I…I want you to go, Jase.”

  If anything his smile widened.

  “Hmm, I dunno, Gabriella. It’s clear that you want a lot of things and may even think you want me to go—”

  Sapphire interrupted him, struggling for nonchalance, determined to keep him from coming any closer. The fact that she could barely breathe was an issue. It was also problematic that, if he got even an inch closer to her, she couldn’t trust her legs to hold her. Sucking as much air as her constricted lungs could hold she faced him. Head on.

  “You need to be clear, Col. Malone. You were wrong at the bar. There is no ‘this’ in our relationship. Our relationship is and will always be professional and respectful. I know you’re accustomed to going through women like a Black Widow chomping through a nest of helpless spiders. But you need to understand, I don’t ever get involved with a man I’m working with.”

  Jase shrugged inching closer.

  “Neither do I, but let’s face it, Tiger, there’s always a first time and I know a woman who’s interested when I see it.”

  Sapphire moved to the side, planning how to escape this impossibly arrogant man.

  “That’s where you’re wrong, Jase. Curious perhaps is one thing, but I’m not interested in you or frankly in any man. I learned long ago that men don’t like strong women. They pay lip service to the notion but it isn’t long before the supposedly interested man is complaining to his asshole friends about that ball breaking bitch he hooked up with.”

  Jase’s grin widened further. Annoyed by his open amusement, Gabriella tossed her head.

  “No, Jase, men aren’t worth the trouble they cause. They interfere with my work. Not a lot of men are interested in a woman who has a knife sheathe under her pillow. Especially one with a military grade weapon in it.” She added archly, “Besides, I’ve found that my hormonal needs can be better
handled with toys.”

  Jase raised a surprised eyebrow. “You like toys, Gabriella?”

  Sapphire gave a dismissive shrug. “Why not? They’re like my weapons. I use what I need to accomplish the job. Frankly toys are more reliable and less complicated than men with all their tiresome demands and fragile feelings.”

  Putting her hands on her hips, she said, “Now if you don’t mind, I’m tired, Jase. I’d appreciate it if you would go.” With a trivializing wave of her fingers toward the door, she added crisply, “Now.”

  Ignoring her command that he leave, Jase gave her a quizzical glance.

  “Mm hmm. That ‘job’ you referred to? Would that entail bringing yourself to orgasm?”

  Swallowing hard at his explicit reference to her orgasms, Sapphire said as casually as she could, “Like I said, toys are quicker, more dependable, with fewer messy consequences than dealing with men. I’ve found that my vibrator is a better turn on than a man, especially the kind of men I’m surrounded by. The men who are so high on themselves you’d think they were attached to a Goodyear blimp.”

  Jase didn’t bother to hide the smile curving his lips. More unsettling to Sapphire was the predatory gleam in his eyes as he closed in on her. He was close enough that she could feel the heat emanating from his towering body.

  “So you’re telling me latex is better than a man telling you all the things he intends to do to that hot body of yours? Really, Gabriella? Having him undress you, one piece of clothing at a time, is less exciting than a pencil-thin vibrator?”

  Jase now stood mere inches away from her. He placed one strong arm above her, leaning against the wall, pinning her between the wall and his overwhelming body.

  Bending down he brushed his lips against her ear. His beard shadow rasping against the sensitive skin, he murmured, “Hmm. Did you ever think, Gabriella, that if latex gets you off better than a man does, that maybe the problem isn’t men? That maybe it’s you? Or, more likely, that you’ve been choosing the wrong man?”


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