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Sapphire Page 7

by Taylor Lee

  Sapphire clenched her fists against her chest trying to keep a semblance of distance between them and somehow contained her trembling body enough to fume, “And I suppose you’re the right one, Col. Malone?”

  “Yeah, pussycat, I am.” He grinned down at her. A soft threat edged his amused drawl. “If I choose to be.”

  Jase dragged his eyes over her body letting them rest on strategic places. Sapphire longed to cover her breasts with her hands. Even shield her crotch. Anything to impede his salacious perusal of her body. Knowing that her cheeks were likely ten shades of scarlet, she bit down hard on her lip and met his insinuating glance with a glare.

  His shook his head. “You’re lying to yourself, Sapphire.”

  Before she could respond, he moved up next to her and took hold of her hands. Raising them above her head he pressed them against the wall. Sapphire gasped in surprise, stunned at the fiery waves of passion that flooded her at his assumptive move.

  His voice was a low, husky drawl.

  “I told you what kind of a commander I am, Lieutenant. Now let me tell you what kind of man I am. I’m a hard lover, Gabriella. It takes a strong woman to meet my needs. But I can assure you, that if and when I decide to take you, that you will come to me eagerly.” He added with a soft snort, “Hmm, if the way you responded to me in the bar is any indication, you might even be begging me.”

  At her angry gasp, Jase moved up against her. “Let’s put it to a test, shall we, Agent Shaw?”

  Pressing her hands above her head hard against the wall, Jase tangled his free hand in her hair. Pulling her head back he lifted her face to his. Struggling helplessly against his strong hold, Sapphire’s heart beat furiously against her chest. She shook her head from side to side to avoid what she knew was coming; but he was relentless, his soft words sending a shower of sensation through her heated body.

  Rubbing the pad of his thumb across her lips, he murmured, “Uh uh, Gabriella. I’m going to kiss you. And, honey, whether you admit it or not, you want me too.”

  At first his lips were surprisingly gentle. He nipped at her lips, biting them softly, then licked across the seam, slowly parting her lips with his tongue, sending a cascade of tiny electric shocks pinging across her overwrought nerves. Jase kissed her tenderly at first. Then he pushed past her teeth with his strong tongue and began to tangle with hers. Sucking on the corner of her mouth, he bit the tender flesh. Startled at the sensations hurtling through her at the slight pain, Sapphire breathed a throaty moan. Needing, wanting, more, she couldn’t hold back. Twining her arms around his neck she began to kiss him, tentatively at first then with a passion that shocked her. Pressing up against his hard body, it was if she couldn’t get enough of him. She answered his encouraging murmurs and searching thrusts of his tongue with hungry stabs of her own. Shocked at her wanton response she felt his hard erection against her stomach and cried out.

  Jase groaned at the sound of her wanton cries and lifted her, pressing the swollen folds of her pussy against his strong thigh.

  His voice was gruff, demanding. “God, yes, Baby, is this what you want? You want to ride me?” Sliding his hand up her bare thigh, he tugged on edge of her lacy panties and groaned. “Hell yes, sweetheart, ride me hard. Like that. See what you’ve been missing, little pussy cat?”

  Sapphire was unable to hold back a hungry cry when Jase reached between her legs and groaned at the wetness she was sure he felt there.

  His voice was dark, rich with passion. “Oh yeah, Gabriella. You’re wet, aren’t you, baby? So the little pussycat isn’t as immune to passion as she pretends to be. Methinks that a hungry tiger paces restlessly under all that bravado. Tell me, baby, what brings out those tiger claws?”

  He lifted her higher and slid his hand up harder against her cupping her now weeping folds. “How about this?” Wrapping her legs around his waist, he lifted her up grinding his burgeoning erection against her crotch. “Or is this what you want?”

  At some level Gabriella knew that she should resist, push him back, refuse to give in to his powerful offensive. But she was helpless to resist the tsunami of sensations exploding across her lust-starved body.

  When she was crying out for more not knowing how she could survive if he didn’t let her come, now, he stopped. Lifting her higher, he held her slightly away from him.

  “That’s enough for now, Tiger cat.”

  Shocked, Sapphire clung to him, not understanding what was happening. Jase set her on the floor, holding her several inches away from him. His expression was serious, but Sapphire didn’t miss his dry reference to her insistence that there was nothing between them.

  “You see, Sapphire, I also don’t mess with my work partners. But in this circumstance, unlike you, I’m not pretending that I’m not attracted to you. I go back to what I said in the bar. We’re going to have to figure out a way to deal with this.” He waved his hand to encompass them both and added, “This very powerful, mutual, attraction between us.”

  Letting go of her, he stepped back and smiled.

  “But for now, I need to leave. We have a strategy session with Riley and Ian. Tomorrow morning at LOTN headquarters. 8 a.m.— sharp.”

  He reached down and ran his finger across her swollen lips and shook his head. She didn’t miss the regret deepening the fine lines around his eyes but his dismissive words sliced across her heart like a stealthy razor, the cut sure to leave visible scars.

  “Good night, Sapphire. Sweet dreams.”

  With that he turned and strode to the door, leaving her stunned, trembling against the wall. As the door closed behind Jase, Gabriella called on the mix of disbelief and insurgent anger swarming over her to keep from sliding to the floor.

  Chapter 9

  Hearing voices behind the door to Riley’s office, Sapphire reached for her cell phone and checked the time. It was ten minutes to eight. She was early, not late. Rapping lightly on the closed door, she entered at Riley’s command. To her surprise, not only were Ian and Riley at the conference table with Jase but so were two other people, a young red-headed woman and an imposing black man. They all had large mugs of steaming coffee in front of them and the nearly empty tray of pastries confirmed that they had been there for some time. To her horror, Sapphire saw that the image on the wall monitors was her. Clearly the group at the conference table had been watching the incriminating video of her takedown of the two Diablos thugs. The video was frozen on the image of her brazenly winking over her shoulder as she left the bloody scene behind her.

  Completely caught off guard, Sapphire couldn’t hide her dismay. Just as she was considering whether to turn on her heel and leave the meeting, that obviously started sometime earlier without her, Riley motioned to her to enter.

  Pointing to the chair across from Jase, the intimidating woman frowned slightly.

  “Come in, Sapphire. We’ve been expecting you.”

  Frustrated that her voice shook, Sapphire stammered slightly.

  “I…I’m sorry if I’m late.” Glancing at Jase who was regarding her impassively, she took a deep breath and continued, “I understood that the meeting was set for eight o’clock.”

  Riley waved her hand dismissively. Sapphire didn’t miss the implied rebuke behind her words. “It was. You’re early. But now that you’re here, come in. We’re almost finished bringing Ruby and Noah up to speed.”

  Realizing that “bringing the new people up to speed” was introducing them to that damnable video, Sapphire resigned herself to feeling compromised. After showing them the video, it was unlikely her daunting boss had told the newcomers that in addition to disobeying orders, Gabriella had brought down the whole fucking Diablos Cartel.

  Sinking into the seat across from Jase, Gabriella refused to meet his gaze. Instead she returned Ian’s welcoming nod then focused on the stunning redhead sitting beside Jase.

  Given that Riley had introduced her simply as Ruby, the obvious code name confirmed that the beautiful woman was also an agent. Sapphire was st
ruck by her appearance. Even seated it was clear that she was small compared to Riley who was a statuesque woman and even to herself who stood at a willowy 5’ 8’’. But in comparison to the three men seated at the table, including the remarkable black man next to her, the smiling agent was miniscule. Meeting her eyes, the redheaded pixie gave her a slight wink. Buoyed by the obvious salute to camaraderie, Sapphire breathed a little easier. If anyone understood the pressure she was feeling among these daunting people it was a fellow “lady.”

  The man Riley introduced as Noah Walker rose to his feet and pulled out the chair next to him, indicating with a slight nod that she should be seated. Charmed by the gracious gesture, Sapphire allowed herself to smile at the gorgeous man. As he settled his tall frame back onto his chair, Sapphire snuck a quick glance at his body. Lean muscles striped a truly impressive physique. Knowing that he was likely one of Ian’s agents, she sighed. Damn, did Ian impose a stud qualification on the men he hired? If so, it had to be one that eliminated 99% of the men who walked the earth. Between Jase and Noah, Gabriella was hard pressed to remember when she’d ever seen two more striking men.

  At that moment Noah reached out to shake her hand. Her small hand literally disappeared in his much larger enveloping grip. She would have been overwhelmed except at that moment he smiled. Bright white teeth underscored by his warm chocolate skin highlighted his smile as did the clear amusement in perhaps the most beautiful dark brown eyes she’d ever seen. Thoroughly enchanted, Sapphire almost swooned when he glanced up at her frozen profile on the video monitor and murmured, “That’s some knife you wield, Agent Shaw. Remind me not to annoy you.”

  The laughter that followed his mischievous remark broke the tense silence and gave Sapphire courage to glance across the table. She’d pointedly refused to look at Jase since she’d entered and now that she had she knew why. Damn him. If she thought the dark-skinned Adonis next to her was imposing, the emerald-eyed charmer was doubly devastating. To her hormones and her spirit.

  In mock concern, Jase agreed with his colleague.

  “I agree, Noah. One would have to be very brave indeed to ‘annoy’ Agent Shaw. There’s no telling what she might do. A man needs to be very commanding to meet the challenges she’s capable of.”

  Riley broke through the agreeing murmurs from Ian and Noah, her curt rebuke dampening the humor.

  Glaring at Gabriella, Riley said, “The problem with Sapphire is not her talents, it is her reluctance to follow orders. I trust you know what you are up against, Col. Malone?”

  Feeling the heat storm her cheeks, Gabriella swore that at some time in her life she was going to cut that arrogant bitch down to size. All she could do now was to clench her fists in her lap and lock her eyes on them to keep anyone from seeing the angry tears filling her eyes.

  Her humiliation flared to anger when Jase responded.

  “To put your mind at ease, Riley, Gabriella and I had an excellent discussion last night about the rigors of the mission she is about to join. To my pleasure she was remarkably amenable to my overtures. A man would have to be as arrogant as Noah and I are not to be intimidated by her talents. She convinced me that she was not only able to handle herself in dangerous settings but has even more talents than she revealed on that video.”

  Praying that the others didn’t pick up on his double entendres, Gabriella promised herself that after she took on her boss, she would go after this arrogant man and cut him down to size. For the moment, refusing to be cowed, she met his gaze and ignored the twinkle in his sea green eyes.

  Squaring her shoulders, she smiled at him disingenuously then looked from one to the other of the agents.

  “Yes indeed, Agent Davis, Col. Malone was good enough last night to show me what I am up against in this mission. The profile of Roberto Ventrilo he gave me to read is compelling. Clearly Ventrilo is a dangerous man. Fortunately, I have significant experience handling men who are as arrogant as they are dangerous. For some reason, perhaps my appearance, such men always underestimate me, which makes taking them down all the sweeter.”

  Bowing slightly, Jase nodded to her. Not bothering to hide his amusement, he grinned at Ian.

  “You convinced me, Ian, that Gabriella is more than up to the tasks ahead.” As if recognizing that he’d used her given name rather than her code name, his expression hardened and he corrected his error in the next sentence.

  “It is a good thing that Sapphire is a compelling agent. Quite simply, Roberto Ventrilo is as vicious, dangerous, and demented as he is charming. The more I see of him, I’m convinced that he is a misogynistic psychopath.”

  Jase picked up a remote control and pointed it at a receiver on the table. The monitor screens on the various walls came to life. Roberto Ventrilo strode through the doors of the impressive club that Sapphire had seen only in pictures. She recognized the tall black man standing in the doorway among a group of guards. She arched a quizzical brow and turned to Noah who grinned.

  Jase nodded in confirmation. “In the last two months we have been able to insinuate a number of our agents into the club. Ruby is their newest serving girl and Noah is only one of Ventrilo’s trusted guards who is also one of our agents.”

  Turning to Gabriella, Jase intoned, “You are aware from the materials I gave you that Roberto Ventrilo is a ranking member of the Vegas Cartel. We’d always known he was into drugs, but through happenstance we learned of his link to the international human trafficking market. We perhaps should have guessed at his participation in the hideous enterprise given his well-known proclivities.”

  Pointing to the image on the screen, Jase’s voice deepened.

  “The Caligula Club is devoted to the practice of BDSM. On the surface it has all the protections and guidelines consistent with the upscale Gentlemen’s Clubs that attract men who live the lifestyle. Their members require the security and privacy the Club offers. Their stature makes it essential that the Club meets the legal requirements imposed by the state. At least on the surface it does.”

  A smiling Roberto Ventrilo chatting with a group of what appeared to be prominent businessmen confirmed the image that Jase described.

  Pointing to the devilishly handsome man, Jase continued.

  “While most of the sexually oriented activities of the Caligula meet the legal requirements, Roberto chose to name his Club for a reason. His roguish admiration of the insanely debauched Roman leader is in fact only one of the indications of his personal depravity. While you may or may not ascribe to the practices inherent in the BDSM scene, the one consistent element in the sanctioned clubs is that the acts performed are safe, legal and consensual. While that describes most of the activities at the Caligula, Ventrilo is the outlier. To put it succinctly, Roberto Ventrilo is a cruel, dangerous sadist. His doppelganger Caligula had nothing on this clearly depraved man.”

  Jase paused and emitted a heavy sigh. Focusing on Sapphire, his frown was apparent.

  “As I said earlier, it is a good thing that Sapphire is strong and multitalented as her role is to bait this evil man—essentially get him to take her on as a conquest. If that isn’t dangerous enough, what we are hoping is that she can uncover concrete evidence of his role in the trafficking arena.”

  Jase let the silence settle for a moment underscoring the seriousness of the mission. Even though Sapphire had studied the evil man they were targeting, the grave expression on Jase’s face, and the obvious concern of the others, underscored the dangers she was facing. Jase’s recounting brought her back to the present. Turning to her, he underscored the obvious.

  “The reason your role is so essential, Sapphire, is that Ventrilo prefers, make that he insists that any woman he personally associates with has your physical characteristics. Not just any beautiful woman will suffice. We’ve tried introducing other women, including Ruby, and while Roberto is pleased to keep them around for his visual pleasure, he has not taken them as conquests. Unfortunately the only woman that we are personally aware of who met his requiremen
ts is Aimee Carpenter, Senator Carpenter’s oldest daughter. It was her disappearance that led us to Ventrilo’s link to the trafficking arena.”

  Pausing once again, Jase froze the image on the screen. The stunningly handsome, well-dressed man with the flashing dark eyes, lean body and a shock of long black hair secured at his nape with a leather cord, could have been any successful international entrepreneur. That he was a drug lord who romped with some of the most dangerous men in the world had been known by the authorities for some time. That he was also a crazed sexual sadist and likely a murderer of beautiful young women who looked like her was new news. It should have frightened Gabriella. Instead, it galvanized her.

  She now knew her role in the op and accepted it eagerly. Taking down evil men was her mission in life. But something in the man’s eyes that he had unknowingly revealed to the camera unexpectantly filled her with dread. In that captured image, she saw the demonic evil that Jase had been describing. Catching his eye, and seeing his concern, Sapphire swallowed hard, choking back her fear. Grateful that her voice didn’t crack or waver, she addressed the group as a whole.

  “Caligula was murdered by men he trusted. This modern day tyrant is about to meet the same fate. My job is to get him to trust me as much as Caligula trusted the men who killed him.”

  She paused and added dispassionately, “Which I will do without hesitation, and with pleasure.”


  “You two, wait here. I want to speak with you both.” Diamond’s customary frown deepened as she turned to Sapphire. “Particularly you.”

  Sapphire’s chest tightened. Naturally her formidable boss would have to add that last warning. Just as she was beginning to feel that she had redeemed herself with her confident claim that Roberto Ventrilo would meet his demise at her hands, Diamond cut her down again and, of course, in front of her team.

  Having already said good bye to Ian and Noah, and even managed a cursory nod to Jase, Gabriella had congratulated herself on making it largely unscathed through the meeting that had cost her a sleepless night of worry. Knowing that she would be meeting with the intimidating troika the first thing in the morning had ensured that what little sleep she might have had was a pipe dream at best. She still didn’t know how she had finally fallen asleep after castigating herself for hours. She ranted and raged at her image in the mirror for everything from agreeing to meet Jase alone, to allowing him into her house. What she regretted the most was not telling him to go to hell and take his stupid mission with him.


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