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Page 17

by Taylor Lee

  Like the master manipulator that Jase was, he’d ignored her heated pleas and continued to torment her with his hands, his mouth and his outrageous words, holding her on the edge of an erotic precipice for what seemed like hours. When he finally allowed her to ride the crest to the top, the orgasm that swept over her was a wildfire of sensation burning through every last bit of resistance to him she’d had. Even now, the memory made her knees buckle. She leaned helplessly against the shower wall, not sure she could stand without support.

  Discouraged that not even the blazing heat of the shower dampened her erotic memories Sapphire grabbed for a towel and fled to her dressing room. Scrubbing at her overheated body, she did her best to rub the troubling thoughts from her consciousness. She heard the ping from her cell phone signaling that she’d received a text. Grabbing her cell phone, she told herself she shouldn’t look at it in case the message was from him. She realized, with a frustrated pang, that she’d actually be more upset if it wasn’t. Punching up her messages, she saw the words and closed her eyes at the unbidden rush of sensation that charged her senses. She sank to the floor and rested against the cool wall. Good God, if just the sight of a message from him was enough to bring her to her knees, she was lost before she’d begun.

  The message was all business. Not so much as a ‘hello’ or ‘good afternoon’ distracted from the clearly professional tone. It took her a minute to absorb the fact that in less than three hours Jase would pick her up and they would head for the Caligula Club. The rest of the message described what she was to wear—and not wear. The costume he specified was the gold sequined halter dress he’d bought for her at the Finery. Sapphire groaned, remembering how the scanty fabric had barely covered her ass. Apparently wanting to ensure that every inch of her long legs would be on display, he ordered her to add the matching five-inch, high-heeled, gold slippers and that she should wear her hair long and loose about her shoulders. Jase’s attention to detail went so far as to indicate the shade of eye shadow she was to wear. He finished by telling her not to worry about jewelry, that he would bring the required baubles. All of that would have been acceptable, if overbearing, if it were not for his order of what she was not to wear. Sapphire gasped and then flushed with anger at his concluding order: Underwear of any kind is forbidden.

  When she finished dressing Sapphire stood in front of the mirror studying her reflection. Once again she admitted that Jase clearly understood fashion and had an unerring sense of what a particular outfit could do for a woman’s body. Or, she thought with an annoyed huff, he was an expert at women’s bodies—likely having dressed and undressed countless hundreds of them. Staring at her long legs and bodacious breasts unhampered by a bra, Sapphire made a decision. Yes, Jase did have the right to suggest a costume for the evening. After all, he knew Roberto Ventrilo and the kind of clothing that would pique his interest. But, dammit, she also knew men and what they liked women to wear. For God’s sake, she’d been front and center in at least a hundred missions in which her assignment was to “seduce” the target. And, dammit to hell, she’d been successful every time.

  Chafing at his order that she was not to wear underwear, Sapphire tossed her head and began rummaging in her lingerie drawer. She knew what sexy lingerie did to men. It was why she had several thousand dollars of gorgeous lace, silk and satin frivolities guaranteed to arouse a man. Jase was just going to have to defer to her on this. Besides, she intended to keep her dress on, and in the horrible event that she was forced to take it off she did not intend to be naked. Besides, not wearing anything under the skin-tight dress made her feel more vulnerable, less in control. She snorted, thinking that no doubt that was precisely what her arrogant commander intended.

  As she waited for him to arrive, Sapphire decided she needed a glass of wine, or, better yet, a heady dose of her precious Glenmorangie if she was to hold her own against the domineering Commander Malone. Just the thought of his flashing eyes filled with lust confirmed that the Scotch was her best bet. Throughout the day she’d done her best to forget Jase’s strange confession. No matter how many times she replayed his remarkable claim, she still didn’t know why he had said it. Or why he looked so frighteningly serious when he did. The idea that the stud of all studs was falling in love with her was patently absurd.

  Sapphire knew it at the time and dismissed his ridiculous claim as one more transparent ploy to get in her pants. She admitted that the problem with that theory was that he’d already been in more than her pants. He’d insinuated himself into her very psyche. But at the same time that he was telling her he was falling in love with her he seemed to be telling her that he needed to leave before they went any further. Damn, it was so confusing. As if she wasn’t already at a serious disadvantage with the overwhelming man.

  She forced herself to focus on the horrifying news that Noah and Grayson had brought. Sapphire knew all about white slave auctions; they were yet another hideous component of the global human trafficking horror. She knew that some of the wealthiest men in the world participated in the debauchery, buying and selling young women as if they were prized horses or paintings. She’d also heard what happened to the women who were sold. Not that anyone had to tell her. She’d been part of too many missions in which she and the rest of the good guys had arrived too late. It was bad enough seeing how the women had been abused before they were left for dead. It was worse trying to deal with the ones who survived.

  Knowing that her mission was to ensure that the women Roberto Ventrilo intended to auction off were somehow saved, it was a chilling thought that in order to do so, she needed to become a key part of the auction. At least that is what she, Jase, Noah and Grayson had agreed last night would be her role. First, she needed to find the women Roberto had sequestered, apparently preparing them for sale. Once she confirmed the details she needed to get that information to Jase and the team. And then she needed to allow herself to be part of the merchandise for sale. No, make that ensure that she was part of the human commodities that wealthy, soulless men intended to purchase at a modern day slave auction. Finally she had to pray that her team, under the leadership of the commander who had turned her life upside down, would somehow be able to crash the auction. Their goal? To do what countless numbers of other high level teams of hardened warriors had been unable to do. Take down the hideous Roberto Ventrilo while surrounded by the best security teams that money could buy—unscrupulous combatants who would give their lives rather than allow their wealthy patrons to fail.

  A firm knock on her front door was quickly followed by the sound of a key in the lock. The door swung open to reveal the man who she hadn’t known she could ever face after what had happened the previous night. It took mere seconds for Sapphire to conclude that, if anything, this evening was going to be worse than she’d expected. It was bad enough that Jase might just be the most devastatingly handsome man she’d ever seen. His avant-garde tuxedo molded his strong muscular body as though it had been tailored for him and him alone. Sapphire thought, with a helpless shrug, that it no doubt had been. The crisp white pleated shirt, rakishly open at the neck, contrasted sharply with his tousled black hair and beard shadow. Sapphire decided, as she had before, that all Jase needed to underscore his wicked appearance was an eye patch. A pair of rugged Tom Ford leather boots confirmed that no fashion police could tell Jase Malone what to wear. The experts could only stand back and marvel at his audacity and the way he’d pulled off the impossible. He’d put together an outfit that every self-respecting designer would be trying to mimic come morning.

  “Good evening, Sapphire. May I come in?”

  Sapphire managed a sarcastic nod.

  “It would appear that you already are.” Staring accusingly at the key in his hand, she added, “As if I could stop you.”

  Jase’s eyes sparkled with humor.

  “Good girl. I like women who are fast learners.”

  Chapter 24

  Sapphire bit down on her bottom lip. She was determined not to let
him throw her. Which wasn’t easy to do given the way Jase was studying her, as if she were an objet d’art he was considering purchasing. Lifting her chin, she tried not to gasp when he made a circular gesture with his hand, indicating that she should turn around. She hesitated for a split second but something in his narrowed gaze made her question whether she wanted to disobey his silent order. Telling herself this was a small concession compared to the certain disagreements that were looming between them, she tossed her head and turned in a slow circle.

  She watched him over her shoulder as he examined her. He let his gaze travel slowly over her body. His slight smile widened as he focused on her shoes and traversed up her long, toned legs to rest on her hips. After focusing on them for a lingering moment his eyes flashing wickedly, he moved to her breasts. Staring intently at her nipples, he slowly licked his lips. Sapphire startled when she felt the betraying nubs swell and tighten. Instinctively she reached up to cover her breasts to shield them from his audacious perusal. Before she could cover the offending tips that were hard as berries and sticking out through her dress, his sharp “No!” stopped her.

  He advanced on her, his eyes gleaming with intent. Stopping in front of her he glared at her hands halting her attempt to cover her breasts in mid-air. His command was sharp.

  “Don’t even think about it, Sapphire. Put your hands at your sides and look at me.”

  When she frowned and started to look away, he shook his head.

  “Uh uh. Look into my eyes, baby. And hear me out.”

  Even to Sapphire, who was on the verge of shrieking at him, his firm command didn’t brook disobedience. Tossing her head she glared at him, her simmering anger threatening to flare. Jase emitted an audible breath and said in a more patient tone although the edge in voice was apparent.

  “Listen to me, Agent Shaw, and hear me. We are about to enter a BDSM dungeon. The practitioners are hard core Doms and their Submissives. I have spent six months convincing Ventrilo and his asshole cronies that I am one of them. When I bring you into the dungeon tonight, I will introduce you as my submissive. Everything you do and say will reflect on me as a Master. One little tip of that saucy chin of yours could threaten the cover I’ve painstakingly built.”

  He moved closer to her. He glanced at her body then held her gaze. His stern expression and commanding tone made it impossible for her to look away.

  “Do you understand, Sapphire? From now on your body is mine. Mine to look at in any way that I choose. Mine to touch anyway and anywhere that I choose. If I want to share you, it is my prerogative to share you with any man or men I choose. And, God forbid, if I wish to give you to another man, that is also my choice. Even if that man is the most evil, despicable man alive.”

  Jase’s jaw visibly clenched, the first indication of how challenging this perverse arrangement was to him. Sapphire knew that he would not do any of those hideous things to her as long as he held the cards. But the fierce gleam in his sea stormed eyes confirmed that he may not have a choice.

  “Do you understand me? If you have any questions about where we stand, what your job is, what the team expects from you, then this is the time to say it. Because, sweetheart, once we walk into that Club tonight there is no turning back. The only way any of us can survive this hideous mission is if we all to our jobs and never waver.”

  He was silent for a long moment. When he spoke the intensity frightened her.

  “I will ask you one more time, Sapphire. Do. You. Understand. Me?”Sapphire slammed her eyes shut unwilling to let him see the fear and anxiety swirling in them. She took several deep breaths then opened her eyes and nodded.

  “I understand.”

  His response was as curt as hers.

  “Good. I’m glad to hear that.”

  Now that he appeared to be done humiliating her, Jase reached in his jacket pocket and retrieved a long, slender silver box and a smaller square one. Putting the rectangular box aside he opened the smaller one. Sapphire gasped when she saw the earrings inside. She knew enough about jewelry to know when stones were real. The large diamonds hanging from fragile silver loops were clearly real, and each had to weigh at least several carats.

  Jase reached out and lifted her hair from her neck. Twisting the long locks around his hand, he tipped her head back forcing her to look at him.

  “I’ve changed my mind. Rather than wearing your hair down, I want you to put it on top of your head. We want to show these gems to their best advantage.”

  His eyes narrowed as he opened the larger box. At first Sapphire didn’t recognize the significance of the slender half inch gold band. For a fleeting moment she thought it was a necklace. Only when Jase took it out of the box and held it up to her throat did she realize it was a collar. Without question, it was as expensive a piece of jewelry as she’d ever had. But also, without question, it was a collar.

  Jase’s lips quirked up in a quick smile, no doubt enjoying her gasp. His smile died as quickly as it came. The flash of anger in his stormy eyes confirmed that she was in trouble. His voice was soft, but the dangerous undercurrent sent shivers up Sapphire’ spine.

  “I’m eager to see how this collar looks on you, Sapphire. But before I put it on you, will you please do as I told you to do.”

  When she frowned not understanding what he was referring to, Jase added sternly, “Take off your underwear, Sapphire.”

  He held her gaze for a long moment and then stepped next to her, so close she could feel the vibrating anger coursing through his body. His voice was a low, crooning threat.

  “Unless you’d like me to take them off for you.”


  Sapphire stared at him in horror, then tried to pull away. Jase shook his head and tightened his grip on her chin. He huffed out a hard sigh. He knew they had reached a decision point. An Armageddon if there ever was one—at least for this mission. And, Jase acknowledged with a shudder, for his relationship with Sapphire. Even though Sapphire indicated that she understood his impassioned declaration regarding what they were facing at the Club, it all came down to this. Either she could submit, do as he ordered her to do, or the op was off. He had to be able to trust her. To know that when the mission went to shit, as it was guaranteed to do, that Sapphire would follow orders. Jase felt as though a giant anvil was squeezing his chest, making it difficult to breathe. Forcing his lungs open he sucked in barely enough air to speak.

  “What’s it gonna be, Sapphire. On or off?”

  Her eyes widened, indicating that she understood his purposefully mixed message. The color leeched from her cheeks and he thought for a moment she might faint. Within seconds however, the color returned full force, her face flushing a bright scarlet. She glared at him then twisted out of his grip and stepped back. Jase let her go, knowing that he had to let her make the decision. This was her call. He hadn’t realized how little air he had in his lungs until she spoke, at which point he took his first full breath since he arrived.

  “Thank you for the offer, Col. Malone. But I am perfectly capable of dressing and undressing myself.”

  She stepped back further and met his hard gaze with an expression so filled with fury that Jase swore the fire in her eyes would ignite at any minute. Tipping up that damnable chin, she literally sneered at him.

  “Enlighten me, Agent Malone. How would you like me to take off my goddamn underwear? Slowly, so that you can revel in my humiliation? Or would you consider that disobedience? My taking advantage of your tender male sensibilities? Would you assume that I am trying to tease you, torture you, the way we wicked women do to torment poor fragile male egos?”

  Jase managed to keep from smiling at her audacity, realizing that he was breathing normally for the first time in what seemed like days. Determined not to reveal the relief flooding him at her willingness to participate, he quirked a brow and replied evenly, “As I indicated, Agent Shaw, that is your call. I don’t give a good goddamn how you take off that sexy thong and push up bra that you decided to wear, agai
nst my direct orders. As long as they both are in my hands in the next twenty seconds.”

  Sapphire stepped back, flushing impossibly brighter. Jase had never seen her look angrier—or more inviting. At least his damnable cock thought so. Holy Christ, he knew adrenalin was spiking in his blood but the flashing fury emanating from Sapphire confirmed that she was as hot as he was. For the moment, the heat was bound in anger, but he recognized the passion undergirding it. Somewhere in the back of his rational brain, he questioned how they would ever get out of this room before he’d laid her out on the floor and took her in every way he could. Knowing that even if that was possible, which it wasn’t, he would never be able to satisfy the incomprehensible need this woman sparked in him.

  Sapphire continued to glare at him, her throat visibly constricting as she swallowed. Holding his gaze, she reached behind her and slid the zipper to her waist. She dropped the front of the dress, and, with an economical movement, unsnapped the front closure on her exotic bra and whipped it off. She tossed it to him and stood for a moment blessedly naked from the waist up. With an anger-tinged smirk, she clasped her hands behind herself and arched her back, raising her lush mounds within inches of his hands and mouth. Before Jase could take advantage of the daring move, she yanked the top of the dress over the succulent globes and zipped it back up.

  Still holding his gaze with her infuriated one, she slowly raised the hem of her dress over her curvy hips and held it at her waist revealing the tiny patch of satin covering her mons. Twisting her fingers in the fragile string that held the miniscule shield in place she tugged on it. The slender fabric gave way as she jerked it free. Tossing the ripped confection to him, she held the hem of her dress above her waist ensuring that his eyes were locked on her swollen folds and then slowly eased the dress over her curvy hips, allowing it to rest a scant four inches below her ass.


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