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Page 22

by Taylor Lee

  She whispered, “Listen to me. They are going to dress us and put makeup on us. It’s going to be okay. I promise you. Good men will be here soon to help us. But you have to be brave and do what I tell you or we won’t be safe.”

  Sapphire barely had time to quiet the frightened girls when a group of sturdy-looking women entered. There had to be at least ten of them. Two of them were pushing a large cart filled with what looked like clothing the others were carrying make up trays. Doing her best to look as frightened and drugged as the young women, Sapphire gave in to the ministrations of the officious women who began to work on them. Apparently oblivious, or not caring what they were preparing the terrified young girls for, the women chattered among themselves. Sapphire picked up the sounds of Russian and Czechoslovakian among the more prevalent sibilant Spanish. As they finished with the girls they lined them up against the wall to survey their handiwork.

  Sapphire tried to swallow the gorge welling up in her throat. To a person, the young women were gorgeous. Carefully applied makeup made them glamorous—but more like children playing dress up with their mothers’ cosmetics. Sapphire thought, with a clenching breath, that they looked like a bevy of young girls auditioning for kiddie porn. Their costumes, or lack of them, underscored the conflicting images. All of them were naked from the waist up. Their nipples had been rouged and pinched to prominent points. The transparent harem pants they were wearing were open at the crotch, displaying freshly shaved mons. Leather cuffs decorated their wrists. The clips on the sides of the cuffs that could be used to secure the restraints behind their backs were apparent. Equally troubling was the other consistent element of the fetish scene. All of the girls were wearing leather collars, but, unlike Sapphire’s gold collar, the young girls’ collars featured a braided leather leash.

  Sapphire stared at her reflection in the mirror. It was clear what her role was. She was naked from the waist up and wore the same gossamer pants as the girls did. But the clamps decorating her nipples underscored the lushness of her bountiful breasts. Her sun-streaked hair was pulled up in a high ponytail that would have made her look younger if it weren’t for the way that it accented her outrageously made up eyes. The woman who’d applied her makeup was a true artist. She’d outlined Sapphire’s eyes in black, adding an up tilt at the corners. The panoply of shimmering shades of gold, silver and lavender on her eyelids made her Caribbean water blue eyes gleam like rare jewels. The woman had darkened her brows and lashes and stroked vibrant shades of rosy pinks across her high cheekbones and painted shiny gloss on her full, lush lips. Even Sapphire had to admit that she’d never looked more beautiful or more exotic. And, she thought with a satisfied nod to the artist who’d decorated her, she looked dangerous as hell. Something about the woman’s knowing nod confirmed that at least she knew what was going to happen in the next room and had done her best to make Sapphire look worthy of the challenge.

  Chapter 31

  Jase stared through the doorway at the makeshift stage in the front of the great room in Ventrilo’s majestic mountain retreat. A heavy curtain draped across the platform masked what lay behind. Jase fought to contain his ricocheting emotions, knowing that if the girls were not already assembled on the stage, they soon would be. The last sotto voce message they’d heard from Sapphire was “five minutes max to show time.” Hearing Roberto Ventrilo call his name, Jase forced himself to join his host on the cobblestone courtyard.

  Hundreds of brightly colored lanterns lit the tree-lined patio competing with the star studded summer night. A cool breeze blew the heady scent of jasmine and bougainvillea across the piazza. The soft tones of Bill Evans’ lyrical melodic improvisations added a sophisticated backnote to the animated conversations among the guests. Waiters in crisp white shirts, black string ties and black trousers carried trays of upscale hors d’oeuvres, while the four bars flanking the large patio had at least three bartenders at each, all of whom seemed to be constantly busy. Jase conceded that he would have enjoyed the gorgeous evening if it was not the prelude to the hideous entertainment event planned for the evening.

  Roberto Ventrilo moved among his guests, easily conversing in the multiple languages echoing across the courtyard. The languages and the attire of the men who’d arrived with their entourages spoke to the international scope of the event. Sheiks in taubs and keffiyehs, impressive African men in vibrantly colored dashiki’s, and smaller Asian men in dark business suits conversed with men whose hardier features spoke to their Balkan origins. The gathering could have been any assemblage of wealthy men from across the globe. That this group had convened in Ventrilo’s mountain top estate to participate in the age old practice of buying and selling human chattel, specifically young women, was a chilling reminder that evil has no geographic base or time limits.

  Jase listened to Ian’s low voice over his com calling for an updated ‘sit rep.’ Each of the agents responded with a soft “copy that,” confirming that their teams were in place. Jase reassured himself that they were ready for whatever happened. The video conference he’d chaired several hours ago included his men and representatives from an array of national and international agencies that were hot on the trail of the despicable mastermind standing ten feet away from Jase chatting with his equally despicable guests.

  The raucous conference marked by the brash gallows humor that was a key part of any high level meeting of adrenalin-pumped operatives seemed a lifetime ago to Jase as he surveyed the courtyard scene. The file that Sapphire had swiped off Ventrilo’s computer formed the basis of their planning. Because of the detailed notes, they were able to confirm the attendees, and more importantly scope out their security details. Jase had implemented an outrageous plan to insert flu “bugs’ into the water supplies of the various details causing a mini-diarrhea epidemic among the mercenaries. The audacious move ensured that the agents would need to be replaced at the last minute, allowing Jase to infiltrate the security details with his agents. As Grayson said, when they were all congratulating themselves on the outrageousness of their plan, they could only hope that the hired guns didn’t compare notes, or they might figure out that at least half of each security squad accompanying the high level guests were Jase’s men. As were more than half of the servers and bartenders.

  Jase looked up to see Ventrilo approaching. The man of the hour was literally glowing with excitement. He rushed up to Jase greeting him as a comrade in arms.

  “Wait until you see what my women have done to your bitch, Jase. Every man here will be fighting to buy her. Except, of course, the men who share my taste for virgin meat. But if anyone could change my mind, it would be that haughty slut of yours. Hell, she’s likely to bring in a couple million dollars easy.” He clapped a big hand on Jase’s shoulder and whispered conspiratorially, “Remember man, ten percent of the take belongs to you in addition to which of the kiddie cunts turns you on.”

  Jase managed to fight back the bile that surged in his throat and nodded as if in agreement. Knowing that they were minutes away from taking down the bastard was the only thing that kept him from decking him on the spot. Roberto saved himself by announcing that the event was about to begin.

  “You’ll have to excuse me, Jase. I believe we’ve plied my guests with enough alcohol to ensure that they will be generous. The trick is to catch them before they get too drunk to know what they’re doing. Unfortunately, some of our past auctions have ended up with supposedly sophisticated men brawling in the aisles.”

  Knowing that in a short time, these sophisticated, jaded men would be above the fold news in every major newspaper and the breaking story on every international television channel was comforting to Jase. He knew that except for Ventrilo and his associates, none of the wealthy, unscrupulous men would see prison—although he could hope that the law would harass them for as long as possible and that the public shame might hurt them where it would hurt the most, their finances.

  After the guests were seated inside the great room, Roberto mounted the stage. He res
embled the circus barkers of old as he pranced across the platform, waving his arms as he extolled the virtues of the sensational treats that were waiting behind the curtains. Jase thought, with a sneer, that all he needed was a top hat, striped vest, a cigar and cane to be an authentic hustler. Knowing that barely teenaged girls were the treats the audience was preparing to purchase, and that the woman he loved would soon be front and center in the odious production, had Jase fighting to see through the red haze blanketing his eyes.

  Jase felt Noah’s presence and knew without looking behind him that Grayson had joined them. The silent support of two of the most fearsome warriors he’d ever worked with was comforting. Even so, he thought he might give in to his rage when, with a flourish from Roberto, the curtains opened. At least twenty young girls stood in a row, shaking with fear. Their pale faces and terrified expressions were hideously inconsistent with their attire. All of them were naked except for transparent harem pants that were open at the crotch. The bright lights played across their nubile bodies, some of which had only the slightest suggestion of breasts.

  Hearing the feral grunts of appreciation from the contemptible voyeurs in the audience, Jase fought the urge to rush the stage. What stopped him was not Gray’s restraining hand on his shoulder, but the frightening fact that Sapphire was nowhere to be seen. Roberto stepped forward and caught Jase’s eye. Rubbing his hands together in anticipation, his excitement was evident. Turning back to the audience, his smile widened to an oily grin.

  “Gentlemen, we have a special treat tonight. While most of you prefer the young, untouched women you see before you, I realize a number of you prefer a ‘hardier’ type. A woman who challenges a man, provokes him with her wicked ways, teases him, taunts him, even defies him. A woman who needs to be tamed by a strong man, a powerful man who knows how to bring such a woman to heel. For those of you who are up to the challenge we have a special treat. Her name is Sapphire. If anyone is as hard and cold as that beautiful gem, it is this woman.”

  A curtain at the back of the stage opened, revealing a second stage behind the proscenium. Standing in the middle of the raised platform was Sapphire.

  To say that she was beautiful was to say that a multihued sunset, imbued with a hundred shades of red, orange and gold, was colorful. Her statuesque body with its magnificent curves and toned skin was breathtaking. Her naked breasts were decorated with jeweled nipple clamps that Jase swore he would clamp on the end of Roberto’s penis before he killed him. What was most striking about the beautiful agent was her presence. Her chin held high, her sapphire blue eyes flashing, she gazed into the audience, a derisive smile curving her lips. Jase had to grudgingly admit that if anyone was the epitome of a willful, uncontrollable woman, it was indeed Sapphire.

  The murmurs of the crowd escalated as the men pushed forward in their chairs, consulting with their aides. From the flurry of activity it was clear that Roberto had underestimated Sapphire’s worth. Jase could see his nemesis’s eyes gleaming with anticipation. Unexpectedly, a slight frown creased Roberto’s brow. He touched his ear and visibly started. Obviously hearing a disturbing message his expression hardened. He glanced over and met Jase’s gaze. The greedy gleam that Jase had seen in the monster’s eyes seconds before was now blazing fury.

  Bowing to the crowd, Ventrilo’s voice was strained.

  “Gentlemen, please forgive me. We need to prepare for the bidding. I do hope that you are intrigued with the sumptuous delights you see before you, and that are available for your pleasure and your purchase. But do know that none of these rare delicacies come cheap.”

  With a wave of his hand he turned and strode from the stage, the curtain closing behind him.

  A shower of electric sparks surging up his spine alerted Jase to the impending danger. Scanning the crowd, Jase saw a familiar face he hadn’t seen before either at the Caligula Club or earlier in the evening. Recognition sparked between them. Dread and understanding coursed across Jase’s overtaxed nerves. In that split second Jase knew that Michael Porter, the former DEA agent who Jase had served with in Iraq and seen on a number of special operative missions was a fucking double agent. Speaking into the com, Jase intoned. “Plan Q. Now everyone. We’ve been sighted. Get the girls!”

  Jase, Noah and Gray surged forward, reaching the stage in giant strides. Ripping at the curtain, Jase fell back. His breath shot from his body as if he’d been hit by a bullet from an SSK .905-caliber rifle. For a second he couldn’t square the horrific sight with reality. The little girls were huddled together crying and screaming as he and his men rushed forward—but there was no sign of Roberto Ventrilo. And the platform where Sapphire had stood minutes before was empty.In the cacophony that followed Jase could hardly hear Sapphire’s frantic voice calling his name. Barely able to respond because his fear was so intense, Jase barked over the com, “Where the fuck are you, Sapphire?”

  Over the sensitive communication device Jase could hear Sapphire’s pounding footsteps. Her voice was ragged, panting with exertion.

  “I’m okay! Roberto is getting away, Jase. He and his men are heading for the roof. I hear a helicopter. I… can see it now. I’m on him, Jase. He’s in my sights!”

  Racing for the stairwell leading to the rooftop heliport, Jase spit out a series of sharp commands. “Gray, come with me. Noah, grab a couple of men and come up the back way.” Grayson on his heels, Jase barked into his com. “Agent Shaw, stand down! We’re right behind you!”

  Her breathless refusal hit him hard in his gut.

  “I can’t, Jase. I can’t let him get away.”

  Remembering the image of Sapphire, naked except for the gossamer harem pants, he shouted, “Dammit, woman, you aren’t armed! For the last time, Agent Shaw, I’m ordering you to stand the fuck down!”

  As they cleared the landing at the top of the stairs and prepared to rush the roof, shots rang out, chipping at the stuccoed walls around them. Jase stopped, almost knocking Gray down behind him. Peering around the doorway, Jase saw Roberto’s personal EC 135 helicopter with Mason and Manuel at the control panel, preparing to take off. Frantically scanning the rooftop for a glimpse of Sapphire, his chest constricted further when he saw her. To his horror, Ventrilo had her by the neck, dragging her across the tarred roof, the barrel of an S&W 500 Magnum pressed against the base of her skull.

  Ventrilo shouted above the whirr of the powerful blades, “Move another step, Jase, and I’m going to splatter her brains all over this roof.” He added with a sneer, “Know that I’m going to kill her anyhow once I get in the bird, but you can speed up her death by making a single move.”

  Jase stepped back, signaling Gray to do the same. He forced himself to look at Sapphire, expecting to see terror in her eyes, the terror that was making it impossible for him to breathe. Instead, her jewel-hard eyes were bright with intent. He saw her almost imperceptible hand signals and realized that she must have spied Noah at the side wall. Knowing that what she intended was borderline suicidal, Jase almost didn’t give Noah the corresponding signal. But seeing the fierceness in Sapphire’s eyes he knew he had to comply.

  Spotting the barrel of Noah’s M110 SASS sniper rifle aimed at the back of Ventrilo’s head, Jase did the only thing he could to save Sapphire. He signaled Noah to be ready and at the almost indiscernible countdown of her fingers, Jase gave Noah the go sign. In slow motion he saw Sapphire smash her elbow in to Ventrilo’s gut at the same time dropping to her knees. The blast from Noah’s rifle echoed across the still night air. Again, as if the world was turning in slow motion, Jase swore he saw the bullet enter the back of Roberto’s head. Ventrilo’s Magnum fired, but blessedly Sapphire was on her knees in front of the shattered man as he fell to the ground, his bullet harmlessly penetrating the tarmac.


  With his free hand, Jase tightened his grip on Sapphire’s arm. He already had his other arm wrapped securely around her shoulders and there wasn’t an inch of space between their bodies, but the extra grip was comforting, at l
east to him. It was four hours since the hideous roof top scene, when Jase knew that he’d come within split seconds of losing the woman he loved.

  He knew that for years, if not the rest of his life, the image of Sapphire, Ventrilo’s arm around her throat, his Magnum pressed against the kill spot at the base of her skull, would be in every nightmare he had. Even so, he couldn’t believe the calm courage of the woman who gave him silent orders that were 90% likely to end with her death. That he had no choice but to comply would haunt him for a lifetime, knowing the tragedy that could so easily have happened.

  Herding the “clients” into the various agencies planes and helicopters, Jase acknowledged that most of the contemptible men would be on their way to their home countries within hours. As bitter as that fact was, Jase comforted himself with the knowledge that he and his men knew who they were and planned to make the rest of their lives a living hell.

  On the flight down the mountainside on the way back to their base, Jase connected with Ian and Diamond, giving them a blow by blow description of the chilling events that ended with Ventrilo’s death and the capture of scores of his men—including and especially the traitorous Michael Porter. Ian summed up the response that echoed that of every one of their agents on the team.

  “Sapphire, I can only tell you, that when agents across the globe come together to retell the most heroic stories of brave agents, what you did today will be the first one told.” His voice dropped. “We honor you, Gabriella.”

  Jase saw the tears well up in Sapphire’s eyes. One fell when Diamond’s crisp voice came over the com.

  “Col. Ross is correct, Sapphire. While I should fire you on the spot for once again disobeying direct orders, I applaud your instincts and sheer courage. You, my dear, are the epitome of the agent I envisioned when I formed the Ladies of the Night.”


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