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Made to Love: Carmen and Cooper's Story

Page 13

by Candace Werts

  Christopher comes back and kisses his wife. Their love is inspirational. Christopher informs us that Carmen can have visitors. The girls take off.

  “Come on Candace,” he grabs her hand.

  They start walking away. “Aren’t you coming?” he asks.

  “You guys go first. I have a lot of making up to do.”

  He smiles. He places his arm around Candace and they go to see Carmen. I stop at the gift shop before arriving to the room Carmen is located in. I phone my parents to let them know what has occurred this evening. They say that they will be here tomorrow. I purchase a dozen white roses, fully blossomed.

  Turning the door handle, I step inside her let them know what has occurred this evening. I catch a glimpse of her and I want to go pick her up and embrace her. This is entirely my fault. How could I have been so stupid?

  Carmen opens her eyes at the smell of the white roses. She still seems loopy, probably from the pain medicine used to treat her fractures. Even though the left side of her body is pretty bruised up and swollen from the impact, to me she is still as gorgeous as ever.

  “My Carmen, these are for you.”

  Tears begin to form in her eyes. I place the vase on the table beside her bed so the fragrance lingers with her throughout the night. After kissing her cheek softly, I take a seat in front of her. Her parents sit on the couch opposite of me; Marcia and Giselle are at her bedside. I want to ask why she is teary eyed but it’s time for me to prove my love. No more questions for now. Instead I must make her understand her true worth to me.

  “I am so sorry this happened, I was a fool for treating you the way I did. And for the stupid things I said.”

  She stops me by reaching for my hand. “I was the fool, Cooper.” She winces with pain as she reaches down towards her ribcage.

  “I hate to see you in agonizing pain, would you like me to call the nurse so she can give you more medicine? Maybe get you an icepack to help with the bruising? You just name it and I will do it,” I plead.

  “No Cooper, I will be fine, it just hurts.”

  Her parents rush to her side. Mrs. Williams is rubbing the top of her head and places a kiss on her forehead.

  She whispers to her “Carmen we are so happy you are alive, now please let us provide you with the care your body deserves.”

  Carmen sighs. “I’m fine, Mom. I thank you both for coming up but it’s late. I just need to get some rest.”

  I speak up to encourage them to go as I will stay with her through the night, reassuring all her needs will be tended to. Mr. and Mrs. Williams look delighted their daughter will be getting the attention she requires from the man she truly loves. They kiss Carmen goodbye and tell her to call if she needs anything. They thank me for staying by her side. I walk them out as Marcia and Giselle prepare to say their goodbyes.

  When I come back in I see the ladies taking turns to kiss Carmen. They are showing tenderness to my Carmen, happy that she is going to be okay. I can see she’s in pain. The nurse comes in to administer more medication. We walk outside while the nurse checks her vitals.

  We hug goodbye, and they thank me again for being there with her and say they’ll be back first thing in the morning to check on her. The nurse hands me a brochure on how to treat Carmen’s injuries. She will need an icepack applied to the fracture every twenty minutes of every hour that she is awake for the next two days. It will help reduce the swelling and help with the healing process.

  Carmen looks at me with one eye open, the other partially shut. She reaches for my hand and I rush to interlock mine with hers and softly kiss her forehead. She has a small gash above her right eye; a bandage has already been placed on it.

  “I love you and I am so blessed you are going to be okay.”

  She looks happy to hear my words when she replies, “I love you too, Cooper. More than you’ll ever know. When can I go home?”

  “You will be coming home with me; I have lived without you long enough. Your wish is my command now.”

  A tear rolls down her cheek and I wipe it away. “No tears my Carmen. Only happy times going forward. You have my word.”

  I think about how long it has been since I’ve explored that body of hers. We kissed recently and I had the pleasure of having her in my arms but it’s not the same as being intimate. My mind should not focus these thoughts right now, but it’s uncontrollable. To be without this woman, was like being without food, water, and shelter. She is my everything.

  After the medication kicks in, her eyes start to grow heavy.

  “Go to sleep baby, I’ll be right here if you should wake up and need anything. You need your rest.”

  She nods and shuts her eyes; I catch her smiling once she is fast asleep. I hope she is having pleasant dreams about our upcoming future. We just have to get her through this recovery first.

  Hours pass by, when the nurse comes in with another dose. She wakes Carmen for a brief moment so she can take it with some water. She looks exhausted. The nurse asks if she would like to stay up for twenty minutes so an icepack can be applied to the area. She weakly agrees. Thankfully, the nurses have been on top of the medication so she hasn’t had the chance to feel any pain. Dreary eyed, she requests that I move to the couch on the other side and try to get some rest. I won’t hear of it. “No, I will not think of resting, not until I have you home with me.” She grimaces as she holds the icepack in place. “The doctor will be here first thing in the morning to evaluate your condition but they’re hoping to release you tomorrow afternoon at the latest.”

  I remove the icepack and dispose of it once she is back to sleep. I stand by her side and watch her for a moment before taking my seat. It’s close to six o’clock. Twenty minutes; Mr. and Mrs. Williams step in. “Good morning Cooper.” Candace says. I stand up and hug her, then do the same to Christopher.

  “How’s our sweet pea doing?” Christopher speaks up. I advise them with a breakdown of how the remainder of the night went.

  The doctor then steps in. “Good morning all. How’s my patient feeling?”

  Carmen cracks open her eyes at the sound of his voice. “I’m feeling okay,” she replies, still somewhat sleepy from the meds.

  He checks her over thoroughly and said she will be fine to be discharged this afternoon. We are all grateful. The doctor excuses himself after we thank him for his services. He said he will go draw up the discharge paperwork and send the nurse in with another dose of medicine. Carmen looks just as happy to go home; I can’t wait to have her beside me, though I can’t touch her like I want to yet.

  “Mr. and Mrs. Williams, I want to extend my home to you during Carmen’s recovery period. I have more than enough room to accommodate everyone, and would love if you would accept my offer and stay.”

  They look at one another and smile. “We accept.”

  “Great. Please excuse me for one minute so I can call my parents to have them go and set up the guest’s rooms. I will also text Marcia and have her gather some of Carmen’s things for her stay.”

  I exit the room allowing them some alone time with their daughter while I get arrangements in line for this afternoon. I call my mother and she says her and my dad are already on the way to the hospital. I ask if they will instead go to my house to get the guest rooms in order for Carmen’s parents and we will meet them there once she is released. She willingly accepts, and says she will make sure at least three guest rooms are prepared for overnighters. Her and my dad will be staying as well to provide any needed assistance.

  Once I hang up, I text Marcia and ask her to gather some of Carmen’s things for her stay at my house.

  She replies no problem and says she will be by in an hour.

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  It’s been a week since the accident and I am going crazy. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate what everyone is doing, but my mother and Beverly’s constant fussing over me is driving me insane. Marcia and Giselle come over after work to check on me. Those two keep
me laughing even though it still hurts like hell. Giselle gives me cards the kids at the center made wishing for me to feel better.

  He was a father of two children who was overly tired the night of the accident. He fell asleep while driving. My presence at the funeral, I believe, will let the children know their father wasn’t a bad person. Cooper said he would go with me, but he would prefer if we didn’t. On Monday I am going to work for half a day. Cooper is not going to be delighted with this decision. He has been marvelous in taking care of me. The only quarrel we had was when I told him that I wanted to go to the funeral of the other driver.

  Our mothers have decided to go out for dinner tonight, thank goodness. Cooper is downstairs making dinner. The smell of chili and fresh cornbread lingers in the air. I really need to use the bathroom, which is a task. Having fractured ribs has made me appreciate my health. It’s easy to take simple tasks for granted. I get my period, and there are no tampons in here; of course this would happen when my mom is gone. My side is hurting and I don’t have the energy to search for the tampons. Feeling defeated, I hold my head down, place my hands over my eyes and cry.

  “Carmen, what’s the matter?” Cooper asks when he enters the bathroom. I cry harder. “Tell me, are you in pain?” he asks. He removes my hands from my face and kneels in front of me. I have to stop crying because I am freaking him out.

  “I got my period and don’t have enough strength to go get tampons.”

  He looks relieved. “Where are they?”

  “They should be in my small Dooney and Bourke overnight bag,” I answer. Cooper briefly kisses my lips and exits the bathroom.

  I can hear him unzipping my bag and opening the cardboard box. When he returns he asks, “Why did this upset you?”

  “I am not sure. I think it is just everything that has happened. I hate not being able to take care of myself.”

  He looks concerned. “My Carmen this is only temporary and it is my job to always take care of you. Open your legs.”

  Shocked I say “What?”

  “Open your legs Carmen.” Why is he telling me to open my legs? I just told him I am on my period. He starts ripping off the paper and he carefully spreads my legs.

  “Cooper, I can do this. I don’t want you seeing this.”

  “Be quiet Carmen,” he commands. “I want to be a part of every aspect of your life.” Before inserting the tampon he traces my heart with his finger and smiles.

  He disposes of the applicator and flushes the toilet. He helps me up and we wash our hands together. I just fell deeper in love with Cooper Jackson.

  He walks me back to the bed and gets me settled. “Let me check on dinner and I’ll be right back.” He kisses me on the lips.

  I lie there thinking of the moment we just shared. So turned on by his actions, yet I am unable to act on it. My fantasies are interrupted as he comes back and joins me in bed.

  “Dinner will be ready in twenty minutes. In the meantime…”

  He opens the draw to his nightstand to retrieve something. He presents me with a velvet black box and my heart melts. Taking the box I pry it open to see the most exquisite ruby and diamond hoop earrings finished in white gold. A tear of pure joy forms as I see the writing in the top of the box where the jeweler’s information is usually stored. It says:

  For my Carmen, my everything. Love, Cooper.

  I want to throw my arms around him and embrace him tight but my injuries won’t allow it.

  “Cooper they’re absolutely beautiful, I love them and I love you. Thank you.”

  He leans over and kisses me with overwhelming desire.

  Upon release he says, “Thank you for the customized Christmas gift you left for me, even though I was a complete ass. Now every time I pour a glass of Scotch, I think of you.”

  He holds me the best he can so as not to cause me any pain. I enjoy the warmth his body brings mine as his chin rests above my head.

  “I hate to leave you right now, but I don’t want to overcook dinner. I shall return.”

  Moments later, he says, “Dinner’s served.” He smiles as he places the silver bed tray in front of me.

  The chili aroma is more intense now that it is within arm’s reach of me. Cornbread is placed on a separate plate alongside the blue bowl. A goblet of water is beside the utensils. He places a napkin on my lap as he exits to gather his tray of food. He comes back in, takes a seat beside me and we eat. The chili is spiced flawlessly; I saturate my cornbread in it for the ultimate combination.

  “Mmm, this is wonderful,” I say between bites.

  “I’m glad you’re enjoying it,” he replies as he takes his napkin to dab some remnants from the corner of my mouth.

  “I could tell you many other things I would like to enjoy right now.” I look down towards where my valuable present rest between his legs.

  “In due time,” he responds.

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Today marks my six-week checkup. My doctor says that I have healed nicely. I ask him if I can have sex, though I’m embarrassed. He assures me I can resume all sexual activity. This excites me in more than one way. I am so horny and Cooper continues to deny me. All I can think of is sex. I am turning into Marcia. Cooper said he wanted to wait until my six weeks are complete, which was plain torture. Masturbation hasn’t been an option. I need Cooper and his big cock in my hungry pussy.

  I create a sex music playlist and tonight it is going to happen. Dressed in a white button down shirt and sexy lingerie underneath, I am going to make Cooper a three course meal. While we eat, the music will play. Starting with “Let’s Get It On” by Marvin Gaye.

  When he walks in from a long day at the office, he greets me with a kiss while I stand at the stove.

  “Welcome home,” I say. “Please sit down, Mr. Jackson while I serve you dinner.”

  He sits on command without commenting. I present our Caesar salads as I check the status of the main course in the oven. Pouring him a glass of Scotch, and me a glass of Moscato, I begin the playlist. Cooper raises his eyebrows at my choice of music this evening. “Justify my love” by Madonna comes on as we finish our salads. I gather the plates so we can enjoy the main course that follows. I’m wondering as I put the dishes in the sink, if he knows where this track list will lead.

  I make our plates of filet mignon with York Gold potatoes and the mixed vegetables look perfect. I place it on the candlelit table and freshen up his glass of Scotch. As we cut into the tender meat, “I Touch Myself” by Divinyls comes through the speakers. He grins at me. I meet his smile with a soft rub of my 34 D’s. God, I want him badly and I will have him once this meal is fully consumed. R. Kelly’s “Bump N Grind” comes on and I begin gyrating on the seat, doing a little dance for my man. Looking at me calmly, he shoves a forkful of potatoes in his beautiful mouth. My seductive track list continues with “So anxious” by Ginuwine, as we finish up the remainder on our dinner plate. We take a break before dessert is served. We sip our beverages and allow our food to settle. Donna Summer’s “Love to Love You Baby” begins, I get up to clear the table for the events that are to proceed once this song is over. I make only one serving of dessert, as I will be skipping this course to place my plan into action. He sips on his Scotch watching me make my way around the kitchen, careful not to reveal what’s to come next. I want to catch him completely off guard.

  Walking over to where he sits, bowl in hand. I straddle the table by sitting in front him. I present him with homemade dessert: apple tart topped with vanilla ice cream. The bowl rests between my legs; my shirt is long enough not to display my goodies underneath. “Freak Me” begins to play. When Silk sings “Cuz tonight baby I wanna get freaky with you” I smear vanilla ice cream all over his lips. I lick the entire sweet residue from his lips. He restrains himself from touching me the way he has in the past, clueless as to what is about to come. I scoot off the table and place the bowl on the countertop. I go back to my seat, and slip on the stilettos awaiting me.

y favorite and final track “Do Me Now” by K. Roosevelt seals my current plot as he begins moaning my present thoughts towards Cooper. I sip my wine and we gaze at each other with deep sexual desire. Right before he moans “Baby I’m horny”, I approach Cooper. Kicking his chair, I position him to face me and I slowly unbutton my shirt. I touch myself as I let the shirt fall to the floor, revealing the red lace teddy. My patent leather black stilettos scream take me now. His face shows surprise and longing.

  Leaning down so my face is inches from his, I seductively whisper, “It’s been six weeks Cooper, I’m horny.”

  I blink my eyes and lick my lips on queue as I reach down and grab his shirt with my hand. I pull his head close to my breasts; my cleavage implying “fuck-able” in this halter teddy that hugs my girls tightly. Noticing the back thong; he puts his hand on my ass and grabs it firmly. He pulls my lips to him and kisses me with intentions of pleasing me in one stroke of his tongue on mine.

  He stands once my pussy is wet with urgency and says, “Carmen I will make love to you tonight, but right now I’m going to fuck you.”

  Blowing out the candles, he clears the table completely off. He picks me up and shoves me down on the table. His mouth explores my body starting with my lips, as he traces his tongue down my neck to meet my breasts. Ripping my teddy open, his warm mouth engorges my nipple, sucking and licking as my body arches at his distinctive touch. His hands hold my legs down, my stilettos dangle from the table when his tongue reaches my pussy. Oh how I’ve missed the way he traced my heart below, he travels further, licking forcefully before he enters his fingers inside.

  My climax is on the very tip due to the length of time our bodies have been apart. I moan as it continues to get closer.


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