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Daughter of Darkness

Page 8

by Daughter Of Darkness(Lit)

  I looked into Caleb’s beautiful glowing green eyes and saw my reflection in them. I had a fraction of a second to wonder why I had thought they were green before seeing my reflection in them. I was a stranger to myself, and I found that oddly liberating. I went wild with frantic pushes. I wanted him to fill me with his hot juices--I wanted to bathe in it. I fell to his side, my leg touching him while he released himself. It splattered up my leg and I felt his warmth running down my thigh. I had an uncontrollable urge to get back on him and catch any leftovers.

  Waste not, want not, right?

  Caleb pulled me to him. His mouth found me, and his tongue went in search of mine. He found it, and I let my body rest as we kissed. My legs were wet and slick with the juice of love making, and I could feel him flexing his member under me--teasing me, taunting me. My body grew hot again, in answer to him. I ran my fingers down and touched him. He was slick, wet, and ready to go again. I let my slippery lower half rub against him, caressing, encouraging him to enter me. He moved, eased his body over mine, supporting his weight on his strong arms.

  Waves of silky blonde hair fell around our faces. For a moment it was just the two of us, on the cusp of joining again. Caleb moved a hand through his hair, pushing his over one shoulder, letting me see into his eyes. His eyes held something I hadn’t seen before, pure unadulterated need. He looked hungry for me, even though he should have been sated.

  I heard something rustling on the floor near the bed. I was too fixated on Caleb’s shimmering eyes to bother with it. He pushed himself into me, slowly.

  I cried out. "Yes! Oh, yes!"

  Caleb pulled out. I felt every inch of him exiting my tight entrance. Our bodies made strange sounds from all the fluids smeared on us. I wanted more. I begged him for it. He kept himself propped above and brought his cock back into me, even slower than the last time. I felt him growing harder inside of me, and was shocked because I had thought he was already at full length. My vaginal muscles clenched him, their need barely outweighing my own. He moaned and thrust into me harder, faster--chanting my name over and over, slamming into me. My toes went numb first, then my thighs, butt, and groin. I screamed out for him to join me in my moment of ecstasy. His butt clenched tight as he rammed himself into me. He stayed there, filling me with his sweet, magical juices before collapsing on me.

  I held onto his shoulders for dear life, feeling that if I let go, he would leave me, and take with him the magic that we shared. The need for him scared me and excited me all at the same time, and for a brief moment, I wondered if I’d be able to breathe without Caleb near me. This outrageous fear helped to lift the fog that had become my mind.

  I turned my head and I saw Pallo on the floor pinned by the black magic I’d shot at him. He was staring at the two of us, tears streaming down his face. I was not so far gone that I didn’t understand the pain I had caused him. Making a two hundred year old master vampire weep wasn’t easy. I could feel his love for me, and felt tears come to my eyes as well. When Pallo saw this, he closed his eyes tight. He could not bear to watch anymore.

  Caleb lifted his head to look at me and saw my tears. Something registered in his eyes, and he leapt off me. All the heat drained out of my body, and I could feel the dark spell fading away. It had gotten what it had come for, and had no need to linger, or to see the devastation it left behind.

  Caleb was suddenly next to me, looking frightened and confused. "Gwen, I couldn’t stop. I’m…." He turned and smashed his hand into the wall, screaming in rage.

  Pallo stood behind him. My eyes widened, my gut clenched, and I feared that he would kill Caleb for something he had no control over. Pallo reached out and put it on Caleb’s shoulder. I gasped. Instantly, Caleb stopped screaming and punching the wall. His shoulders stiffened, and he looked as though he was preparing himself for battle. I prayed that it wouldn’t come to that.

  I didn’t know if a vampire was stronger than a faerie, but I was betting Pallo’s rage would be a help, not a hindrance. I couldn’t let this happen. I sat up on the bed. My body was dripping with the leftovers of the evening’s festivities. I searched for a towel, for anything.

  I saw Pallo tightening his grip on Caleb’s shoulder, and my stomach curled into a tight knot. "No…." my voice came out, barely above a whisper, and completely unnoticed by them.

  "I’m sorry. I should have been able to control myself. I should have…," Caleb said. His fists slid down the wall--bloodied from his blows against it.

  "No, va bene--it is all right. I should not have taken her there tonight. I should have known that they would be waiting. I am too old to have been so foolish. I let my need to see the joy on her face when she saw others like her own, and it cost me dearly," Pallo said, his Italian accent the thickest I’d heard it yet. "I have you to thank for bringing her back to me safely, il mio amico--my friend."

  Who the hell were they? I bent and pulled the top red sheet from the bed, covering myself with it. I was ashamed of myself and wanted to disappear.

  Pallo looked at me and lowered his eyes. "We have failed her again, my il mio amico. We have failed her again."

  I looked at the two of them. They were so different, yet the same. Both were tall, but one was made like an Adonis, and the other an angel. Was I the devil between them? Had I ruined the fragile friendship they seemed to have? I waited with bated breath for a fight to begin. None did.

  When I was sure they weren’t going to rip each other’s head off, I headed back into the bathroom. I went straight for the tub again. It was still full of water. I put my hand in. The water was still warm. How the hell hot had Pallo made the first bath? Was he trying to save me or burn me alive? At this stage of the game I didn’t care. I just wanted to get cleaned up and go home.

  Chapter 8

  After I finished scrubbing away the day’s festivities, I cracked the bathroom door open and peered into the bedroom. The bedding had been changed to all black. I had to marvel at the speed and efficiency of Pallo’s housekeeping staff. I had yet to see a one of them, and everything was always spotless. I wasn’t sure if I was impressed or spooked. Either way it was clean and tidy again. No trace of what had occurred was to be found.

  I had no clean clothes with me, so I wrapped up in a red towel that covered all of me, not that it mattered--I had just given the performance of a lifetime. I felt sick to my stomach thinking about it again. I felt cheap. I hated that piece of me that wasn’t strong enough to fight the spell. I was relieved that it was Caleb that it directed my lust to. I would have preferred Pallo, but I was happy that it wasn’t something like one of those disgusting trolls that had attacked me. I shuddered at the thought of having sex with them, and stepped out into the room.

  "Feeling better?" Pallo’s voice came from my right. I jumped, startled by his presence.

  He was leaning against the wall, on the other side of the bathroom door. If I didn’t know any better I would say he was hiding there. He had changed his clothes and was practically camouflaged with the bedroom décor. I smiled at the thought of needing a search party to locate a vamp in his own room. Calling that in would be hilarious--help, I’ve lost Pallo. His monochromaticness has done him in. I laughed and shook the thought from my head.

  Pallo’s hair was pulled back tightly from his face. The loss of his soft brown curls framing his face made him look hard--made him look villainous. I had half a mind to run back into the bathroom and lock the door. I knew he could break it down without really trying, so it seemed silly to bother. I edged out of the doorway, making sure I moved away from him. His eyes dropped to the floor.

  "I have no plans to harm you," he said, softly.

  I let out a small snort. The phrase "could have fooled me" came to my head. I took another step back from him. "I just want to go home." My voice sounded mousy.

  Pallo kept his eyes lowered. I knew he was trying not to stare at me only wearing a towel. I was happy to know he was trying to be polite, but I didn’t really see the point. He had just watc
hed me do another guy on his bed. Short of charging admission, I wasn’t sure how much more a show I could have put on in front of him. Mortified didn’t even come close to describing how I felt.

  "I will see to it you get home safely," he said. I heard a but coming on-- "I would like to offer you one thing first."

  I watched him skeptically, wanting to ask what the condition was, but I wasn’t sure I really wanted to know. He didn’t wait for a response.

  "I would like to offer you my friendship," he said, raising his eyes to meet mine.

  I couldn’t believe my ears. This guy was offering me his friendship. Was he just waiting to see how I’d react?

  "Why?" I asked, waiting for the loophole.

  "Chi trova un amico trova un tesoro," he said, his voice wrapping around me, forcing to me to concentrate on breathing again.

  I shook my head, knowing I had to look as puzzled as I felt.

  "I said, he who finds a friend, finds a treasure."

  I thought I’d been on the verge of melting before I knew what he was talking about. Now, I was sure I’d to faint if he kept it up. Passing out by way of sexy talk wasn’t how I wanted to go down. I smiled and tried to compose myself. "Pallo, I don’t think this is such a good idea."

  "Gwyneth, I would rather have you as a friend than not at all."

  My mind raced to the various visions of the two of us I had been having. I got the feeling that there was more to the story than Pallo was letting on to. I also got the feeling that his offering to be strictly friends was a big deal. It gave me the impression that he didn’t offer his friendship to anyone, and that I should take him up on it.

  "Strictly friends?" I asked, secretly hoping he’d say no. I didn’t want to be just friends with him.

  "If the only thing you wish from me is friendship, then yes. Is that all you wish from me?"

  I took a step towards him. "Yes." I was lying through my teeth, and I think he picked up on it. A devilish grin swept over his face. He looked like a kid in candy store--lacking the innocence, of course. His dark brown eyes twinkled. His mouth pulled into a strong, wide smile.

  He was enough to make a gal go weak in the knees. Problem was--he knew it. I rolled my eyes and started to walk away.

  "Here," he said, holding out an arm full of clothes to me.

  "What are those for?"

  "Are you planning on wearing my towel home?" he asked.

  I blushed. "No, I’m not. But where did you get all of those?"

  I counted at least three different dresses. He gave me a wicked little grin. I smacked myself on the forehead lightly. "Don’t tell me you keep women’s clothing lying around the place." I had to laugh. The thought of him buying women’s clothes was just too funny. Sure, it bordered on the weird, but what with Pallo didn’t?

  His mood was warming--it was good. "One can never be too prepared," he said, with the slightest hint of laughter in his voice.

  I took the clothes and walked to the bed, laying them out on it. There were actually five dresses there. Why was I not surprised that there wasn’t much to them? Three of them were black, one was red, and one was white. They looked like they were all made of spandex. I grabbed the red one. It had the most material to it … and that wasn’t saying much. I turned and looked at Pallo. He just stood there grinning at me.

  "Umm, Pallo, are you going to watch me get dressed? Friends don’t really do that."

  He released a small sigh. "It appears that we travel in very different circles. Very different indeed."

  "Pallo," I said, making my voice sound stern. All I really wanted to do was bust out laughing. Encouraging his bad boy behavior seemed unwise, so I didn’t.

  He nodded, and I watched him leave the room, then snatched up the dress. It looked two sizes smaller than what I normally wore--probably a size four.

  I let the towel fall to the floor as I pulled the dress over my head. Something brushed over my breast lightly as I yanked the dress down. I let out a small gasp and tried to hide the fact that it had excited me.

  Pallo was standing beside me holding a little red piece of material close to my body. I glared at him.

  "I thought you said just friends? Do we have to go over the ground rules?" I was mad mostly because I liked it.

  He leaned close to me. "If you would rather not have this, I will go." He pushed the material at me.

  I took it and looked at it. It was a thong. "You’ve got to be kidding me!"

  He started to take it back. "If you would rather go without?"

  I snatched it back. "NO!"

  Pallo laughed and turned. He vanished from the room. I was getting sick of the whole popping in and out routine. I hoped I’d get used to it, doubted it though. Grown men materializing from thin air might be one of those things that one can never actually prepare for.

  I put the thong on and walked back into the bathroom to look in the mirror. I saw my reflection and was shocked. I looked like a hooker. I had no bra on, so my nipples were visible beneath the skin tight material. The dress barely covered my butt. If I bent over I knew I’d flash anyone around me. My hair was almost as long as the darn thing. Going ‘Godiva’ would have covered more than the damn dress did. I had to laugh. I had never in a million years thought I’d wear anything like this--maybe for Halloween.

  I did my best to adjust myself, and headed out of the room. Pallo was standing in the doorway with Caleb. I stopped and waited for the fireworks to begin.

  "I said that I would see to it that you made it home safely," Pallo said, looking at me but gesturing to Caleb.

  My gut clenched. I wasn’t ready to be locked in a car with Caleb. I didn’t think I could control myself around him. "Thanks, but no way! I’ve had enough excitement for one night. Besides, I brought my own car," I added, hoping this would free me in some way.

  Pallo looked to Caleb and, as if on cue, Caleb spoke. "I’ve already told Pallo that I’d follow you home."

  "Why do I need an escort?" They were leaving something out, I could tell. They looked at each other and then me. Fabulous, coconspirators!

  Pallo spoke. "I do not wish to alarm you. However, the attack on your life was intentional. I.…" He looked to Caleb. "We feel it would be in your best interest to have someone with you until we know more details."

  "Listen, I don’t know what the hell’s going on around here. My life was fine until I came here, until I met you, and I don’t need anyone to be concerned with my best interests."

  Caleb stepped closer. He looked at my outfit and started to smile, almost laughing. "It looks like you can take care of yourself."

  "Very funny."

  "Gwyneth, I know you aren’t going to like hearing the fact that you have to trust us, but it’s the truth, and you really don’t have much choice," Caleb said.

  He didn’t look at all intimidating. Pallo, on the other hand, looked very powerful with his hair pulled back tightly from his face, and his gray shirt showing off his muscles. The two of them couldn’t have been more polar opposites, yet I felt like they knew something I didn’t. I felt like they shared a bond that was deeper than anything I could possibly fathom. Besides, if they wanted me dead, I would be already. Right?

  "Uncle, you win. Are you ready?" I asked Caleb, anxious to get home.


  Pallo took my hand in his. "I am sorry that I could not personally take you. The sun has already risen. I’m sure you understand." He kissed my hand gently. The back of my legs started to buckle.

  "Sure, I understand." I pulled my hand free and walked towards the door. I turned back long enough to thank Pallo, but he was gone. I looked at Caleb. He didn’t seem surprised or even impressed for that matter.

  "Does he do that often?"

  "Yeah," he said.

  We left Pallo’s and headed for the parking lot. It wasn’t hard to find my car. It was one of only a handful sitting there. Caleb headed off to get his while I walked to mine. It was only around nine in the morning, but already it was sticky an
d humid. The spandex dress was making me sweat in places I didn’t even know I had.

  I opened my creaky car door and climbed in, reaching under the seat to fish my purse out and get my keys. That’s when I noticed the car smelled funnier than normal. It smelled different. I turned to look in the back seat and my hand slid through something slimy. I jerked it back.

  "What the hell?" I said aloud, as if anyone was going to answer. Nothing looked out of place. It was the same old dilapidated piece of junk I left parked there the other night. My nostrils started to curl from the odd smell. I knew that scent. It was the smell of a dog, a wet dog to be exact. I didn’t own a dog, nor had I ever owned one. I looked back to the slimly pile of goop on the passenger seat headrest. It had to be dog slobber, but how?

  I jumped when something tapped on my window. It was Caleb. He was standing next to my car. I cranked the window down with half a mind to yell at him for scaring the crap out me.

  "Hey," he said, "I just wanted to let you know I’m all set." He pointed back at a new red Ford Explorer with its door standing open.

  "Thanks," I said, putting the key in the ignition. The smell of dog was so overpowering, I shook my head to try to get rid of it.

  "What’s the matter?" Caleb asked, leaning into my window.

  "Do you smell that?"

  "Smell what?" He bent his head in and his hand touched my steering wheel. His eyes closed tightly, and his head tipped to the side. I went to turn the key and he grabbed my shoulder hard. It was the one with the almost healed troll bit. I winced and started to shout at him, but he cut me off.

  "Get out! Get out now!" he screamed, yanking my door open and pulling me away from the car.

  He pulled me towards the red Explorer, and practically shoving me in. He climbed in behind me, throwing the car into gear and making a huge loop that left us sitting about a hundred feet from the side of my car.

  "What the hell was that all about?" I asked, trying to rub the dull ache from my shoulder.


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