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Meeka's Reluctant Mates [Beckett's Wolf Pack, Triad Mates 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

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by Lynnette Bernard

  Ethan hung up the phone, calling her attention back to the present. When he looked at her, there was nothing but coldness in his eyes. So much for thinking that he would want to be a part of the baby’s future. She would still offer him the opportunity to do so, but she truly held no hope that he would want to share in their child’s life.

  She saw him take in a deep breath and was confused as she saw his eyes widen in surprise before they narrowed in what could only be described as anger. She didn’t understand it, but she was certainly attuned to it.

  “Is there something wrong, Ethan?” she asked him, her voice strong.

  Ethan shook his head and turned to pick up the manila folder that was next to the phone. “I’m going to be leaving in the morning on a business trip. I’m looking into taking over a company that is based in Colorado. I want you to go with me, Mikayla,” he told her, opening up the file and looking it over as he spoke. “I would like you to take a look at the books and tell me if the company is as sound as I think it is.”

  Meeka blinked in surprise. She had never been asked to go with him on a business trip before. “Are you certain I would be the right person to go with you, Ethan?” she asked quietly.

  His attention snapped from the folder to her face in an instant. “Yes, Mikayla. You are the perfect person to go with me.” He closed the folder and looked at her calmly. “Be here at seven tomorrow morning. Our flight is at nine. Be prepared to be gone for three days.”

  Meeka nodded and waited, unsure if he wanted to discuss anything else with her. She fingered the envelope in her hand that held her letter of resignation, realizing that it was not the time to tender it. She would wait until after the Colorado trip. What could three days hurt?

  “Are you sure you should go with him to Colorado on this business trip, Meeka?” Kaley asked her sister. “I don’t think you’ll be safe with him, honey.”

  “I’ll be fine,” Meeka insisted.

  “I don’t know. I think he’s about the smarmiest man I’ve ever met, and I’ve met some pretty smarmy guys, honey.”

  Meeka laughed softly and reached out to pull on the length of her sister’s black hair. “You’re too cynical, Kaley.”

  “And you’re too trusting, Meeka.”

  Meeka was quiet for a moment, knowing that Kaley was completely correct in her observation. She had been fooled before, but she wasn’t being fooled now. It was just a business trip, and she was determined to do her job to the best of her ability. It was not a pleasure trip, and she was not going to fall into bed with Ethan ever again. It would be the last time she did anything for Webber Development. She had to be smart and do what she had to do to make sure that she had enough money saved to take care of her and her child. She also needed a letter of reference to find a new job.

  She hadn’t told either her sister or Ethan the secret that she was keeping. She didn’t want Kaley to freak out, and she didn’t want Ethan to feel obligated to make any commitment to her. She actually thought it would be best for her and her baby to not have anything to do with the man. As far as she was concerned, it would be best if they had a future without him.

  “You’re right, Kaley, but I have to make this business trip with him. Ethan is depending on me to look over the books of the new company he wants to purchase and to keep him organized.” She looked at her sister and saw the look of disgust in her face. “What?”

  “Meeka, you’ve got to be kidding me,” Kaley said in exasperation. “Ethan Webber is a prick. You don’t owe him anything. You owe yourself something, though.”

  Meeka laughed and faced her sister with a definite twinkle in her brown eyes. “What do I owe myself, big sister?” she asked as she stepped forward and grabbed for Kaley’s hand, squeezing it lightly.

  “You owe it to yourself to wait for the one guy who’s going to treat you the way you deserve to be treated,” Kaley told her gently.

  “Wow,” Meeka whispered. “You’re getting soft in your old age, Kaley.”

  Kaley huffed indignantly. “Thirty is not old, brat.”

  “Yeah, it’s pretty old, Kaley,” Meeka disagreed, loving that she was yanking her sister’s chain.

  “Then you’re teetering on the edge of oldness yourself,” Kaley told her with satisfaction. “You’re only two years younger than I am, you know.”

  Meeka laughed and leaned into her sister to grab a quick hug. “I love you, Kales,” she whispered as she pressed her forehead against her sister’s.

  “Love you, too, brat,” Kaley said quietly, hugging her back. “But, really, Meeka. You deserve to have a nice guy love you.”

  “So do you.”

  “Yeah, well, that’s probably not gonna happen,” Kaley said quickly, releasing her hold on her and tapping her sister’s chin lightly. “But you have a good chance of finding someone, Meeka.”

  “How do you figure that?”

  “You’re a sweet person,” Kaley said gently. “You’re a magnet for guys who want to settle down.”

  A burst of laughter exploded from Meeka. “Since when are there any men who want to settle down?”

  “There are guys like that,” Kaley insisted. “They’re going to be older men who are tired of the dating scene. I would say that they’ll be more mature, but I don’t know if that’s even possible for a guy.”

  Meeka smiled and patted the top of her sister’s head. “Whatever you say, Kales,” she teased her. “You go ahead and believe whatever you need to believe. I know better.”

  Kaley reached up and grabbed Meeka’s hand. “What do you mean?” she asked, concerned. “What happened, Meeka.”

  Meeka just shrugged and tried to pull free from her sister’s hold, but Kaley was having none of it. “Kaley,” she said softly.

  “Tell me, Meeka,” Kaley insisted.

  “There’s nothing to tell,” Meeka said calmly.

  Kaley looked at her sister silently, reaching out to brush her long black hair across her shoulders. Everyone always said that she and her sister looked like twins except for their eyes. Meeka’s were a gentle brown. Hers were a very light blue. They both had black hair that was long and fell in soft curls. The only thing that was different on their faces was the small beauty mark at the corner of Kaley’s left eye. Meeka always teased her that she looked like a glamorous movie star. Her little sister was so good for her ego.

  “Meeka, when you get home from your trip with Ethan, you and I are going to sit down and have a very serious talk,” Kaley told her calmly. “Don’t tell me there’s nothing to talk about. I know there is.”

  “Kales,” Meeka began.

  “No. Don’t, Meeka,” Kaley stopped her, taking a calming breath and closing her eyes to center herself. She opened her eyes and pinned Meeka with her gaze. “Okay, honey. You don’t want to talk about it right now. I get it. But we will talk about it when you come home.”

  Meeka looked into her sister’s beautiful blue eyes and lost herself in the love that she found there. “Okay,” she finally whispered.

  Kaley reached out and gathered Meeka into her arms, hugging her tightly and kissing her temple lightly. “I love you, Meeks,” she whispered. “Don’t worry. Everything will be okay. I’ll always be here for you.”

  Meeka nodded against Kaley’s shoulder, hanging on to her sister’s waist as she cuddled in and absorbed all the love and support her sister had to give her. She knew she could depend on Kaley. Her sister would help her get through the upcoming months. Meeka would have her baby, and her baby would have a terrific aunt.

  She couldn’t wait to get home from her business trip. She would be free of Ethan Webber and be able to start her new life with her baby. Kaley would be there for them both, and Meeka was sure her sister would be willing to relocate for the safety of all of them.

  Kaley was right. Everything was going to be okay.

  Chapter 2

  Meeka turned over and grabbed for her pillow to press it against her cheek. Moaning softly, her legs moved restlessly as she was pulled int
o the most realistic dream she had ever had.

  “Meeka, you belong to us, now,” a man’s voice spoke softly, entering her dream.

  “What?” Meeka whispered, turning over onto her back and extending her arms on either side of her body, searching for something she couldn’t quite figure out. “I don’t understand.”

  The man with the light brown hair and gray eyes touched her face tenderly. Meeka leaned into his touch and sighed with contentment.

  “I love when you touch me,” she told him gently.

  “I love to touch you, baby,” he whispered back, smiling at her and leaning forward to take her lips in a quick, chaste kiss as he leaned over her. “I love everything about us together.”

  Meeka smiled up at him, the sparkle in his gray eyes letting her know that he was truly enjoying her. “You’re good for my ego,” she told him, reaching up to card the fingers of her right hand through his hair. “I love to touch you, too.”

  He leaned into her touch and turned his head so he could kiss her palm. “Baby,” he whispered. “I need you.”

  “Well, it’s a good thing I need you, too,” she told him, laughing softly.

  “Always so fun, Meeka,” a raspy voice whispered behind her.

  “Only with the both of you,” Meeka said, laughing softly as the owner of the rough voice leaned against her back and kissed her shoulder lightly.

  She turned and faced him, smiling at the sweet smile he gave her. The light blue of his eyes twinkled with happiness. Something inside of Meeka surged with the joy she felt at this man’s happiness.

  “Are you teasing me?” she asked him, leaning forward to kiss his lips lightly, laughing when he pressed her back against the bed and covered her with his body.

  “Will you open for me, little one?” his raspy voice asked her gently.

  “Always,” Meeka told him, smiling as she spread her legs and felt his hard cock nudging against her intimately. She gasped in pleasure as his shaft slid along her swollen lips that were already coated with her juices.

  “Little one, your body is ready for me,” he told her, growling against her lips before he took them in a fierce, claiming kiss.

  Meeka gasped as his shaft slid inside of her in one gentle push. When he stilled and looked down at her in concern, she reached around and gripped his ass, pulling him tighter against her and taking him deeper.

  “Don’t you dare pull out of me,” she demanded, smiling as he laughed softly, the sound making her smile despite the way it cracked as he laughed or spoke.

  “I have no intention of pulling out of you, little one,” he told her, smiling down at her. “I’m going to make you come. Then I’m going to fill you up.”

  “Do it,” Meeka demanded. “I want you to.”

  He took her at her word. Pumping his hips, he slammed deep inside of her, dragging across her G-spot and eliciting a gasp of pleasure from her. But he didn’t stop there. He dragged his cock out of her and pushed back inside over and over again. Meeka lifted her legs higher, hooking her heels on his hips and rising up to meet each of his thrusts.

  “Meeka,” raspy voice groaned, slipping his hands beneath her shoulders and holding her in place as he pushed even deeper.

  Meeka moaned with pleasure as he pulled her up to draw her chest against his and sat her on his thighs as he pressed his cock deeper inside of her. She turned her head slightly and smiled at gray eyes, leaning back against him as he slid in behind her to press against her back.

  “I need you,” she told him, gasping with pleasure as she felt his hands touching her intimately as she sat forward and rested her chest against the sweet man with the blue eyes.

  “I’m right here, baby,” gray eyes whispered against her neck.

  Meeka gasped with pleasure as she felt gray eyes push his cock inside of her, filling her completely with ever-increasing pressure as his cock found its home inside of her alongside raspy voice’s. Her nails dug into raspy voice’s arms, the sexiness of his muscles ramping up her desire for the man.

  “You fit us so perfectly,” gray eyes whispered, pressing deeper and slipping his hand between her and raspy voice to spread her lips and touch her clit to stroke it carefully. “We’re going to make you come so hard, baby.”

  “Yeah, yeah. Promises, promises,” Meeka said lazily, gasping as he increased the pressure of his middle finger on her button. “So good.”

  “It’ll get better,” he vowed.

  “Prove it,” she challenged him.

  Both men gripped her tightly, gray eyes wrapping his arm around her waist and holding her still while he and raspy voice pressed up inside of her deeper then pulled out. Meeka grabbed for both of their arms, needing their strength to anchor her as they surged up inside of her, stretching her deliciously and causing a ripple of pleasure to race through her.

  “Don’t stop,” she screamed as she chased her orgasm.

  “Always telling us what to do, baby,” gray eyes told her, laughing.

  “Well, someone had to tell you to love me,” she told him, gasping as both men pressed as deep as they could inside of her and held still.

  Raspy voice held her still, leaning forward and biting down on her right shoulder. Meeka screamed as pleasure slammed through her. She bucked against both men, gasping as her orgasm rolled through her in a tidal wave of pleasure.

  Gray eyes pressed against her clit, rubbing it quickly as he leaned forward and bit down on her left shoulder. Another orgasm tore through her. She panted as she fought to control her breathing and her heart rate, but it was useless. Both men continued their loving assault on her body, pushing inside of her deeper as their cocks swelled and their seed pulsed from them, filling her to overflowing with their life’s essence.

  Meeka sagged against the strong chest before her. She felt both men kissing her shoulders lightly. She closed her eyes and gave herself over to the feelings and emotions that they made her experience every time they touched her. She felt cherished, loved, and protected. It was the most wonderful moment of her life. She had never felt so at peace and happy.

  “Love you, baby,” gray eyes whispered against the back of her neck.

  “Little one, I love you so much,” raspy voice croaked against her temple. “We’re nothing without you.”

  Both men helped her to lie on her side, surrounding her in their arms and petting her body tenderly as they kissed her shoulders repeatedly. She could still feel their cocks deep inside of her, and she sighed contentedly, somehow knowing that they were exactly where they belonged—deep inside of her, together.

  “We’ll be having a baby soon,” gray eyes told her gently.

  “No,” Meeka said sadly. “I’m already pregnant. The baby isn’t yours. I wish it were, but it isn’t.”

  “Your son is our son,” raspy voice told her firmly. “We love him. He belongs to us.”

  Meeka felt herself starting to cry. She wished that these wonderful, kind, and loving men really could claim her baby as theirs. But they couldn’t.

  “Don’t cry, little one,” raspy voice told her gently. “Your baby is going to be a beautiful son. We’ll be very proud of the person he’ll become. We’ll love him together. We’re a family.”

  “No,” Meeka told him sadly. “We’re not a family.” She reached up and touched both men’s faces tenderly. “As much as I wish we were a family, we’re not.”

  “Oh, little one, we are,” raspy voice insisted.

  “You’re our mate, baby,” gray eyes told her gently. “Our very sexy mate who makes both of us very thankful to have such a kind, loving, and beautiful woman in our lives that we can call our own.”

  Meeka moaned as the cocks that had filled her slipped from her body. “I hate when that happens,” she groused.

  Both men laughed and hugged her tightly. She couldn’t help but smile.

  “Stop. Don’t make me laugh,” she warned them. “I don’t want to laugh.”

  “Sorry, baby,” gray eyes told her warmly. “You have to laug
h. It’s because of you that we laugh. You make us happy.”

  Meeka sighed as both men kissed their way down her body to kiss her belly lovingly before resting against her hips, raspy voice on her right hip, while gray eyes nestled against her left. They both kissed her sides as they gently caressed her belly. Meeka’s chest squeezed with emotions as the tenderness of her men filled her.

  “What’re you doing?” she whispered, almost afraid to ask.

  “We’re loving our son,” raspy voice told her.

  “He’s not your son,” Meeka told them quietly.

  “Yes, baby. He is,” gray eyes insisted. “He belongs to us. And we’ll be giving him a little sister to love very soon.”

  “We will?” Meeka asked, stunned.

  “More than one little sister,” raspy voice added. “We’re going to love getting you pregnant, seeing you pregnant, and holding our babies when you give birth to them.”

  “Baby, we want to be with you,” gray eyes told her, his deep voice gentle. “We want you. We want the son you’re carrying. And we want to wake up with you every day and see your beautiful smile. Do you think you’ll want that, baby? Will you smile for us every morning?”

  Meeka laughed as both men kissed their way up her body to settle comfortably beside her and rested their heads on her pillow on either side of her head. To see their smiles made something lighten within her.

  “I’ll smile for you every morning,” she promised gently. “Only if you promise to love me every night.”

  “Every night, every day, forever,” raspy voice declared for them both.

  “Okay. It’s a deal,” Meeka told them, laughing as they both growled against her neck. “You guys make me happy.”

  Both men pulled back and smiled down at her. The unique golden sparkle in their eyes made happiness fill her. When they both covered her belly with their large hands, she melted at their desire to touch the slight swell of her pregnancy.

  “Do you like touching my belly?” she asked them, her voice light with humor.


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