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Meeka's Reluctant Mates [Beckett's Wolf Pack, Triad Mates 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

Page 12

by Lynnette Bernard

  “You wouldn’t have gotten injured if I hadn’t run in front of the car you were driving, Meeka,” Reece reminded her.

  “That’s true,” Meeka agreed. She stepped forward and touched Reece’s naked chest, running her hand down the center of his torso to his cock as it was peeking over the top of his underwear. “You’ll just have to promise never to run from me again.”

  Before Reece could answer, she took hold of his shaft and pulled up on it firmly, her mouth watering as it firmed up immediately. Reaching out, she pulled at Wade’s overalls to tug him closer. She slipped her hand inside his overalls and caressed his cock tenderly.

  “It feels like the both of you are ready to make love with me,” she whispered, leaning in to kiss Wade’s chest before turning and doing the same to Reece’s.

  “Baby,” Wade moaned, unable to stop himself from thrusting his hips forward to press his cock through the tight hold of her soft hand.

  “I’m not sure how this is going to work,” Meeka said, giggling softly. “You’re both going to have to help me, because I want you both inside of me and claiming me before this night is over.”

  A soft squeal of delight left her as both men reached for her and lifted her between them, rushing into the bedroom that they would share with her for the rest of their lives. She was briefly aware of the beautiful gold and earth tones of the room as she was whisked inside of it. When she was carefully placed on the large bed, she settled comfortably and watched as both of her men stepped back and began to pull their clothes from their gorgeous bodies.

  “Very nice,” she whispered as they stood before her completely unclothed.

  Both men smiled as they reached for her, taking great care to remove her shoes, her socks, her black pants, and her red sweater. She felt the chill of the early November air as she lay there in just her bra and panties.

  “Cold, baby?” Wade asked her worriedly as he climbed up onto the bed and covered her body with his.

  Meeka moaned at the contact, loving the warmth of his body touching hers. “You feel so good covering me, Wade,” she told him softly. She turned to face Reece as he slid in beside her and pressed against her. “You’re nice and warm, Reece.”

  “Our bodies run a little higher in temperature than yours, little one,” he told her as he leaned in and kissed her neck lightly. When he pulled back and saw her looking at him, he reached up and touched her face gently, his fingers skimming across the bandage that covered her forehead. “Are you in pain, Meeka?”

  “Only a little,” she admitted. “I had a bit of a headache before but Mother Fate took it away.”

  “She did?” Wade asked, amazed by the fact that Meeka had been blessed in such a way.

  “I’m not surprised,” Reece said gently. “Mother Fate appreciates how special you are, Mate.”

  Meeka smiled at the use of the word and realized that it was said with commitment. “I think you and Wade will put my mind on other things.” She smiled at both men as they leaned up on their forearms to look down at her. “I’m fine. Really.”

  Reece eased forward and kissed Meeka’s forehead lightly, breathing in her scent and growling softly against her temple. “Are you sure you want us to claim you, little one?” he whispered against her ear, biting down on her earlobe lightly.

  Meeka turned toward him and kissed his cheek lightly, claiming his lips when he turned his face to search for her mouth. She put every bit of love, need, and desire she had for him into that kiss, and she was glad when he accepted her feelings and equaled them with his own.

  “That’s the plan,” she told them, smiling. “Eric is spending the night with Suzie so we can make this happen. I want this to happen.”

  “Meeka,” Reece whispered against her neck, biting down on her shoulder lightly.

  Meeka arched her body as feelings of pleasure raced through her. Turning to Wade, she smiled softly at him. When a wide smile filled his face, she felt a flutter in her stomach at the beauty of his happiness.

  “Hi, Wade,” she whispered, touching his face gently and caressing his cheek lightly.

  “Hello, baby,” he whispered back, covering her chest with his own as he took the kiss that he had been dying to take.

  Their lips were warm and soft against each other’s. Meeka could feel Wade’s heart beating against her body. She loved the feeling of his strength reassuring her.

  When he pulled away from her she opened her eyes, unaware that she had even closed them, and looked up at the two men who were going to change her future. Their eyes were completely golden, and she could sense their wolves coming forward to participate in the mating.

  “Help me,” she whispered.

  “Help you what, little one?” Reece asked gently.

  “Help me love you.”

  Reece smiled tenderly, reaching up to run his fingertips from her lacy, peach bra to the waistband of her matching panties. “So feminine,” he said quietly, his raspy voice betraying his need.

  He leaned forward and kissed the underside of her right breast, nudging the swell of her breast with his nose as it pushed against the scalloped cup of the bra. Meeka moaned softly at his touch, desire rushing through her and making her wet with need. She had never had such a reaction before. Only Reece and Wade could pull such emotions and need from her.

  Wade reached up and traced her left breast through the lacy material, hooking his index finger in the cup and tugging down slowly. When her breast popped free, he growled as he eased forward to capture its fullness with his mouth and lave her nipple to a tight peak.

  Meeka threaded her fingers through his silky brown hair and held him against her tightly. His touch, his warmth, and his desire washed over her. It was as if she could feel what he was feeling. It was surprising, but it was also wonderful. She concentrated on Reece, allowing his tender touch against her cheek to connect them. Turning to face him, she saw his beautiful golden eyes as need burned within them. She felt his desire, she felt his sadness, she felt his fear, but most of all, she felt his love.

  “Reece. Wade.”

  Both men eased back and looked down at her, concern clouding their eyes. Touching their faces lightly, she rubbed her thumbs across the scruff on their cheeks, loving the masculine feel of it against her hands.

  “I can feel you in my heart,” she told them softly. “Please don’t worry.”

  Pushing at their chests lightly, she sat up and knelt before them as they eased back. Reaching behind her back, she unhooked her bra to let it fall from her body and tossed it to the side to fall somewhere on the floor. Touching both men’s shoulders, she used their strength to steady herself as she rose to her feet to stand on shaky legs before them.

  She smiled as they each touched her legs just above her knees to steady her. Hooking her fingers into the waistband of her panties, she slid them down and across her hips, loving the soft, rumbling growls that came from her men as they watched her. Pushing the lace material further down her thighs, she lifted each foot to carefully ease her panties off and toss them to the side to join her discarded bra.

  Before she could put both feet firmly on the mattress, Reece grabbed for her right leg and hooked it over his shoulder, spreading her open to him. He leaned in to nuzzle the beautiful black curls at her core and took a deep breath, growling softly as he reached up and spread her lips to lick her dripping channel and draw her desire into his mouth.

  Meeka moaned at the intimacy, gasping when he latched onto her clit and suckled it gently at first before increasing the intensity and biting down lightly on the swollen nub. The orgasm hit her without warning, and she exploded with mind-numbing sensations. Slamming her hands against the wall behind her, she scrambled for purchase, but there was nothing that was going to hold her up as her body turned liquid from the intensity of the orgasm Reece had given her.

  She slid down the headboard, glad for the support when Wade reached up to frame her waist and helped her to lie comfortably on the bed. She looked up at both men and couldn
’t prevent the blush that covered her cheeks. When Wade pressed inside of her channel with two fingers, she covered her face in embarrassment.

  She felt her hands being pulled from her face, and she saw Reece holding her hands tightly within his as he looked down at her and smiled with the smugness of a man who had just made his woman come. She was about to call him on his arrogance when she felt Wade press inside of her even deeper and rub across a spot inside of her that made her gasp and her hips rise as a bolt of pleasure shot through her.

  “Did you have something to say to me, little one?” Reece asked her, chuckling softly.

  “I was going to tell you that you’re much too arrogant,” Meeka told him softly, smiling up at the happiness she saw on his face. It was a good look—one that she was determined to put there every day of their lives together.

  “But you’ve changed your mind?” Reece teased her.

  Meeka reached up and touched Reece’s chin, scraping her nail across the sexy stubble there. “I think you should be arrogant,” she said softly.

  “You do?”

  “Absolutely. A man should be pleased with himself when he gives his woman such incredible pleasure,” Meeka told him, smiling up at him.

  Reece laughed softly as he leaned forward and nuzzled at their woman’s neck. “Any time, little one,” he promised. “I’m looking forward to making love to you.”

  Meeka didn’t know what possessed her to do what she did next. She just had an overwhelming urge to bite down on his shoulder. His reaction was thrilling. His deep growl and the way he held her tighter made a gush of fluid drip from her body right onto Wade’s palm.

  “She likes your growls, Reece,” Wade told him as he pumped his fingers deep inside of their woman. “She just gave me a rush of cream from her sweet pussy.”

  Pulling his hand free of her body, Wade brought his fingers to his mouth and licked the delicious essence from his fingers and palm. Meeka flushed red with embarrassment, quickly covering her face with her hands once again. This was way more intimate than she had ever expected it to be, although she didn’t have much to compare it to. Reece and Wade were caring, protective, gentle, and honest. They were going to be loving mates and fathers. When she thought about the way they were with Eric, she melted with the emotions that ran through her.

  “Baby, you need to uncover your beautiful face,” Wade told her softly, leaning over her body and waiting for her to lower her hands. When she did and looked up at him, he smiled down at her gently. “There’re those beautiful brown eyes.”

  “Wade,” she whispered.

  “What, baby?”

  “You’re embarrassing me.”

  “How am I embarrassing you, baby?” he asked, shocked. “Because I’m telling you I love your pretty eyes?”

  Meeka laughed softly. “A little because of that,” she admitted.

  “Then why, Meeka?”

  Meeka shrugged and tried to look away, but Wade held her chin gently and prevented her from turning away from him. She looked up at him and darted her eyes to look at Reece as he looked down at her in concern.

  “Mother Fate told me that I had to make the first move to make you both realize that we were meant to be together,” Meeka told them softly. “But I don’t have a whole lot of experience. I don’t really know what I’m doing here.”

  “Well, you’re doing a damn good job,” Wade said without hesitation. “I’m hard as steel, baby. Everything about you is sexy. Everything about you is exactly what Reece and I want.”


  “Yeah,” Wade whispered, leaning in and kissing her lips lightly. “So Mother Fate talked to you about us, huh?”

  Meeka nodded and smiled. “She told me you were both stubborn fools.”

  “She didn’t!” Reece said, an expression of horror crossing his face.

  “No. She didn’t,” Meeka admitted.

  “What did Mother Fate tell you, little one?” Reece asked her, hoping that it was good. He didn’t want to find out that he and Wade were going to be the cause of pain and suffering for their beautiful woman.

  “She told me that you both needed me to show you all the love I have for you,” Meeka told them honestly. “She said we’re going to be a loving triad.”

  “Did Mother Fate tell you anything else, baby?” Wade asked, his heart happy that Meeka was told that they were meant to be together.

  “She did, but I don’t want to share right now,” Meeka said gently. “It’s all good. I promise.”

  Reece and Wade looked at each other and smiled then returned their attention to her. She was relieved to see that they weren’t upset with her determination to keep some of the information to herself. She didn’t want to tell them that her blood was the key to their healing. She wanted them to choose to mate with her and give her their claiming bites with no reason other than to claim her as theirs.

  Wade nodded, humming softly as he reached out and gathered Meeka within his embrace, pulling her up so that she sat up with her legs spread open over his legs. He lowered his hands and gripped her hips to pull her up on the incline of his thighs as he knelt before her until his hard cock kissed her dripping pussy.

  “Are you ready to make love with us, baby?” he asked her, kissing the tip of her nose lightly.

  “Hell, yeah!” Meeka answered without hesitation, causing both men to laugh softly.

  She sighed happily when Wade held her tightly against his chest as Reece slid around behind her and pressed against her back. She gave herself up to their tenderness as they kissed her shoulders. She felt Reece gathering her long hair in his hand to brush it aside to continue kissing her neck and back.

  The sudden growl that left him made her jump. His growl was not one born of desire. It was filled with anger.

  “What’s wrong?” Wade asked, looking up at his triad partner.

  Reece reached up and took gentle hold of Meeka’s shoulders, pulling her away from Wade and turning her body so that she lay on her stomach between them. He brushed aside Meeka’s long, silky hair to bare her naked back to Wade’s eyes.

  Wade’s growls joined Reece’s as he saw the puckered scars that ran down the length of Meeka’s back from her left shoulder, across her back, and ending at her right hip. The scars could not be mistaken for anything than what they were—claw marks.

  “Who did this to you, Meeka?” Reece’s raspy voice held both anger and pain as he looked down at the injury that their woman had sustained.

  “It happened a long time ago,” Meeka said quietly. “It doesn’t hurt.”

  “But it did hurt,” Wade said, stopping her. He reached out and gently traced the path of the four claw marks with his fingertips. “It had to have been incredibly painful, baby. Who did this to you?”

  Reece leaned forward and kissed Meeka’s scars, whispering words of love and tenderness as he went. He told her how beautiful she was, how brave she was, and how strong she was. He was in awe of her strength.

  Meeka turned over slowly, lying on her back as her men settled on either side of her. “The man who did this to me was acting on the orders Alpha Randall.”

  “Randall,” Reece snapped, his eyes flashing golden and his hands morphing into claws as his wolf demanded to be released.

  “Randall is the alpha who attacked Carter and Suzie,” Wade explained softly, reaching out to touch Reece’s shoulder in an attempt to calm him as his growls filled the room. “When Reece and I tried to help them, he did that to Reece’s throat and this to my arm.” He pointed to the injury that had caused Reece such pain and torture over the years, before indicating the scars on his own forearm.

  Meeka took hold of Reece’s hand and drew it toward her lips to kiss the tip of his claws before rubbing her cheek over the soft hair on his morphed hand. Taking Wade’s hand in hers, she drew his forearm closer to her mouth and kissed his scars tenderly. Holding both men’s hands in hers, she took a calming breath and closed her eyes to settle herself as she prepared to tell her men exactly
what had happened to her so many years before.

  Opening her eyes, she looked at Reece and saw his beautiful blue eyes filled with compassion and love. When she looked at Wade and saw the same reflected in his gentle, gray eyes, she knew it was time to tell her story to the only two people who deserved to know.

  “Almost five years ago, my boss Ethan Webber and I came to Randall’s pack land for a meeting,” Meeka told them after a moment, her voice strong. “Ethan was the man I slept with two times. I didn’t realize that he was a wolf shifter. I also didn’t realize what a horrible man he was. When I realized that I was pregnant, I knew that I had to protect myself and my baby from him.”

  “Was he the one who did this, baby?” Wade asked her, doing his best to remain calm. The last thing Meeka needed was to have their wolves out of control. He tried to control his shift and was able to push down his wolf but not before his own hands had morphed into claws.

  “Ethan told Randall that he needed his help to get rid of me and the half-breed I was carrying,” Meeka told them, her voice hitching slightly as she thought about how she had almost lost her son.

  When both men gathered her gently within their arms and tenderly caressed her belly, she covered their hands with her own and pressed them tightly against her abdomen. She realized that both men’s hands were completely human again and smiled. Their need to comfort her had pushed aside their inability to control their wolves.

  “I tried to run from them. I found a cabin a little away from the main house where Randall lived. It belonged to Ethan’s brother Boyd.” Meeka squeezed her men’s hands and was relieved when they both held her tighter. “He’s the one who clawed at my back. He also beat me unconscious and threw me into the trash heap behind his cabin. He thought I would die and take my baby with me.”

  “Meeka,” Reece whispered, his rough voice filled with pain. “Thank the Fates that you and Eric survived.”

  “Suzie and her mom came and got me from that trash heap,” Meeka whispered. “Suzie said she had a dream that I would be there. She said she had to save me and my baby. Thank goodness they came and got me. They kept me hidden in their cabin and took care of me. When I was able to talk to them, they helped me contact my sister and tell her I was okay. I finally was able to convince my sister to move from our home before Ethan could hurt her.”


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