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Meeka's Reluctant Mates [Beckett's Wolf Pack, Triad Mates 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

Page 25

by Lynnette Bernard

  “Me, too, baby,” Brett offered, winking at her.

  Kaley looked at them stunned for a second. She blinked repeatedly as she looked at both Nathaniel and Brett. There was a moment of silence as she processed what they had just said then she burst out laughing, making both men smile.

  “You guys are too much.”

  “No, we’re not, baby,” Brett told her, laughing softly. “We’re just enough for you.”

  “Do you think you’ll enjoy being mated to two enforcers from Beckett’s pack, sweet cheeks?” Nathaniel added, leaning in, resting his head on her left shoulder, and taking a deep breath. He growled softly at the enticing scent of their woman.

  “Yeah, okay, enough,” Kaley said, pushing away from them both and rubbing her hands over her face tiredly. “Meeka didn’t tell me there were two delusional men in the pack.”

  “Wolves, baby,” Brett corrected her, taking a step toward her and reaching for her waist to hold her in place while he nuzzled her neck and kissed it lightly. “You sure smell good, Kaley.”

  “Get your wolfy asses out of my way,” she told them, trying very hard not to laugh again. She couldn’t let them break down her barriers. She wouldn’t survive if she did.

  Kaley allowed herself to relax for a brief moment as Brett held her gently within his arms. She had never been treated so tenderly in her entire life. When Nathaniel stepped forward and joined in the gentle embrace she felt such peace. She couldn’t help but lean against them and take whatever kindness they offered her. It wasn’t going to last, she knew that, but it was nice for now.

  “You’re exactly where you’re meant to be, Kaley,” Brett whispered, kissing her temple lightly.

  “Yeah? And where’s that?” Kaley said, closing her eyes and leaning into the two men.

  “With us,” Nathaniel whispered, reaching to tip her chin up and looking down at the beautiful woman who was finally a part of their lives. She was so incredibly gorgeous. Her dark hair fell in a soft wisp across her forehead in feathery bangs. It was silky soft to his touch. He traced the delicate arch of her eyebrow and smiled when she opened her eyes and the incredible light blue of her eyes met his. “You’re wonderful.”

  Kaley laughed softly. “You’re good for my ego,” she said quietly. “Now, let go of me. Enough of this fantasy. I need to check on my sister.”

  “I’ll only let you go if you grant me the favor of a kiss,” Nathaniel teased her, knowing that he was completely serious in his request but trying to keep things light so he wouldn’t frighten her away.

  “Grant you the favor of a kiss? What are we back in medieval times?”

  “Yes, my lady,” Brett whispered. “We’re yours to command for the rest of our lives. A kiss, please.”

  Kaley looked at both men and couldn’t help but smile. She was having fun with them. It was a nice change of pace from the daily grind of unending customers and rude men who wanted to make another conquest.

  She smiled softly, nodding as she leaned toward Brett and kissed his lips lightly. Before he could intensify the kiss, she pulled away and turned toward to Nathaniel to do the same. There was a zing of a connection that she didn’t understand but she had to acknowledge. Stepping back, she looked at both men and shook her head sadly.

  “That was fun. Thanks for the distraction.” She turned away from them and walked toward the kitchen, suddenly feeling very sad that she was walking away from them.

  Just as she was about to walk into the kitchen, her sister met her coming out. She noticed that Wade and Reece were holding Meeka’s hands. She looked at her sister and saw that Meeka was smiling.

  “You doing okay, Meeks?” she asked quietly.

  Meeka nodded. “Yes,” she said softly.

  “So, everything is cleared up?” Kaley asked. “I don’t have to skin your evil wolves?”

  “No, Kales,” Meeka said, sighing softly. “I’ll tell you later. Everything is fine.”

  Kaley nodded and crossed her arms across her chest. “You’re going to be good to my sister, right?” she questioned them.

  “Yes,” both men answered together.

  “And you’re going to be good to my nephew?”

  “He’s our cub,” Wade said, nodding.

  “We love him,” Reece added. “Where is he?”

  “He’s sleeping,” Meeka told him. “It’s pretty late, you know.”

  “Meeka, where’s Cammy?” Kaley asked, suddenly realizing that the shy woman wasn’t there.

  “She went to get her things a while ago,” Meeka told her. “I’m worried that she’s not back yet.”

  “We have to go to her father’s house,” Kaley said quickly, turning and walking quickly toward the front door of their apartment, grabbing for her coat off of the coat rack as she neared it.

  “Where are you going, Kaley?” Nathaniel asked, suddenly very serious. “If there’s a problem, let us take care of it.”

  “I’ll take care of it,” Kaley insisted. “Cammy’s father is a piece of shit who’s been abusing her forever. She went to get her things. She’s supposed to come back here to live with us.”

  “Kaley, it’s our job to protect the members of our pack family,” Brett told her, reaching for her hand and tugging at it so that she turned to face him. “Nathaniel and I are enforcers. So are Ryker and Garrett. We’ll go and get your friend.”

  “You two stay here,” Ryker spoke up as he stepped forward. “Garrett and I will go and collect the woman and her things.”

  Kaley looked at the two men who had been relatively silent since she had first met them. They looked like capable men who were strong despite Garrett’s limp and Ryker’s blown right pupil. Kaley knew that both men must have experienced violence that had affected them physically. She had the calming thought that they would be understanding of Cammy’s situation.

  “I’ll go with you,” Meeka said, stepping forward.

  “Mate, you will not put yourself in danger,” Reece said firmly, reaching out and pulling her back into his arms to surround her completely within his embrace.

  “I agree,” Wade said, covering Meeka’s belly with his hand and caressing it tenderly. “You have to think of yourself and our baby, Mate.”

  “Although I appreciate your concern, you’re not going to tell me what I can and can’t do,” Meeka said calmly, pushing out of their arms and walking over to her sister to stand beside her. She felt Kaley take her hand in hers and squeeze it lightly in support.

  “Meeka, baby, Reece and I aren’t trying to control what you do,” Wade began diplomatically. “We’re bound to you by blood. It’s our duty to keep you and our cubs safe. We can’t be any other way. It’s our nature.”

  “I can accept that, but you have to accept my nature as well,” Meeka told them firmly. “I have to help our friend. She might be in trouble. We have to go and get her and bring her here. She belongs with us. She’s family.”

  “We will get your friend,” Garrett spoke up. “You can depend on us to protect her and bring her to you safely. We promise you this, Meeka.”

  “We respect your strength, but there is nothing more important than your safety and the safety of the cub you’re carrying,” Ryker said firmly. “A mate is cherished. A cub is a gift that is a miracle.” He bowed slightly, giving her the respect that she deserved. He looked at Garrett and saw that his triad partner had a look on his face that betrayed the feelings that both of them had.

  “You must stay here with your mates,” Garrett told Meeka gently. “Where will we find your friend?”

  “Meeka?” Kaley asked, turning to her sister to make sure that she was okay with the plan.

  Meeka nodded her agreement.

  “Cammy lives about a mile from here. She’s not going to trust you,” Kaley said finally. She turned and left the living room, going into the only bedroom that she, Meeka, and Eric shared. Coming back quickly, she handed a small children’s book to Ryker. “Tell her you’re friends with us. Giving her Eric’s book will prove that
we sent you.”

  Ryker looked down at the book and smiled when he saw the cartoon on the front cover of Mike the Motorcycle. Holding the child’s storybook sent a surge of longing through him.

  He and Garrett had talked about their future often. Both men knew it wouldn’t include a mate or children. It didn’t matter that they both wanted a loving future with a woman who would somehow find them worthy enough to bond with them. They were both damaged goods. Garrett always blamed himself for their lack of a mate, but Ryker knew that it wasn’t Garrett who was the reason that they were alone. He knew that the Fates would not gift them with a mate because he had a darkness in him that kept away the goodness of the white light of a mate.

  Chapter 28

  Meeka opened the door to the bedroom as quietly as she could. The small lamp on the bedside table was on as she knew it would be. Eric didn’t like being in a dark room without Meeka. Her son was sound asleep in the double bed, his little arms and legs tucked close to his body. He always slept that way, curled into himself. From the time he had been a baby, he had always cuddled against her, seeking the comfort of her love and protection.

  Reece and Wade walked over to the bed, drinking in the sight of their cub. Climbing up onto the bed, Reece lay on Eric’s right side while Wade lay on his left. Eric immediately breathed in deeply, his forehead scrunching up as he tried to make sense of what he was scenting. He turned toward Reece and opened his eyes slowly.

  Eric’s hazel eyes were clouded with sleep as he looked directly at Reece, struggling to focus. A wide smile covered his features as he reached up and grabbed for Reece’s shirt and hung on tightly.

  “Hi, Daddy,” he said happily.

  “Hello, cub,” Reece whispered, his heart filled with love for their son.

  “Is Poppa here, too?” Eric asked quickly.

  “I’m here, pup,” Wade whispered against the back of their son’s neck as he rubbed his cheek against the softness of his hair.

  Eric turned over to face him, reaching out and grabbing his hair to tug on it firmly. “Hi, Poppa!”

  “Hi,” Wade answered, leaning forward and kissing their son’s cheek sloppily.


  “I’m here, baby,” Meeka said, crawling up onto the bed to settle between Eric and Wade.

  “Daddy and Poppa are here!”

  “Yes, they are,” Meeka answered, smiling down at her son as his happiness filled her heart. “And you know what, honey?”


  “They’re going to stay with us.”

  “They are?”

  “Yes, honey. We’re going to be a family forever.”

  Eric thought for a moment, his mind racing as he thought about what she had just said. Meeka waited patiently, smiling. She knew her son was going to say something completely brilliant.

  “Mommy, I don’t think there’s enough room here,” Eric said quietly. “I don’t want Daddy and Poppa to leave because it’s too small for all of us.”

  Reece laughed and hugged Eric to him gently. “We’re going to go back to the Circle Three Ranch,” he said then looked at Meeka worriedly. “Is that okay with you, little one?”

  Meeka smiled and reached out to touch Reece’s face, running her index finger across the stubble of his beard. “I think that’s a really good idea. I want to go home.”

  I want to make love to both of you, she whispered to her men through their link. She smiled at the instant low growls that escaped them.

  Reece turned into her hand, reaching up to hold it gently while he placed a soft kiss on her palm. Wade snuggled closer to her, pressing against her back while he wrapped his arm around her waist and hugged her carefully.

  “When we get home we’re going to keep you occupied, baby. We’ve got plenty of room for our growing family,” he whispered against her neck, smiling as she giggled sweetly.

  “Mommy, we need a room for Maizy,” Eric said softly.

  “You know about Maizy?” Meeka asked, surprised. “How did you know about her, honey?”

  “I had a dream that I was playing with my sister,” Eric told her, yawning tiredly. “We had to stop playing with our toys because we had to help you.”

  “Why did you have to help me, Eric?” Meeka asked, touching her son’s hair and caressing it soothingly.

  “Me and Maizy had to help you with our baby brother’s diaper,” Eric said, closing his eyes and snuggling against her as sleep tugged at him. “His diaper was stinky, Mommy.”

  Meeka leaned forward and kissed Eric’s cheek, smiling as he rubbed his face against hers. “You and your sister are going to be wonderful helpers. Go back to sleep, honey,” she whispered. “I love you, baby boy.”

  She looked at Reece and saw the tender smile he was giving her and Eric. Turning onto her back, she looked at Wade and saw the same loving expression on his face. She covered Wade’s hand with her own, pressing it lightly against her stomach. Before she could reach for Reece’s hand, he was already placing it on her belly to share the warmth of her skin and the life force of their baby.

  “I think you guys are going to be potent,” she said quietly.

  “What do you mean, little one?” Reece asked, confused.

  “Eric saw our daughter and our baby son,” she told them. “I guess you guys are going to get me pregnant more than once.”

  Reece looked at Wade, a grin slowly spreading across his lips. He saw his triad partner’s equally smug smile. When they both looked down at Meeka, she was very serious.

  “If you don’t want more children, Meeka, we don’t have to have another child after we have Maizy,” Wade told her gently.

  “It’s always going to be your choice,” Reece told her sincerely. “We love you, Mate. And we’ll love every baby we make together.”

  “I’m going to love seeing you grow with our cub, Meeka,” Wade whispered, pressing his hand gently against her belly.

  “I’m going to get pretty big,” Meeka warned them, remembering how huge she was with Eric at the end of her pregnancy with him.

  “I’m looking forward to seeing you filled with our babies,” Reece said quietly.

  “Yeah?” Meeka asked, looking into his blue eyes and melting at the happiness she saw there.

  Reece nodded, unable to trust his voice as emotions filled him.

  Meeka turned to face Wade and saw him looking at her with the same tenderness in his beautiful gray eyes. “Wade?”

  “What, baby?”

  “Do you think you’d like to have a couple of kids with me?”

  Wade smiled and leaned in to kiss her temple, breathing in the new scent that made his wolf preen with arrogant pride. “Yes,” he whispered. “What do you think about that, Mate?”

  Meeka was silent for a minute. “I think I’m afraid,” she said finally, her voice barely above a whisper.

  “Of what?”


  Both men’s panic sent guilt through her. Reaching out, she placed her hands over theirs and closed her eyes. She concentrated on their link and sent them a picture of the three of them sitting on their couch in the living room of Reece and Wade’s beautiful home that they would soon be sharing with her. She was sitting between them and nursing their daughter while Eric was playing with his toy trucks on the rug in front of them.

  Everything is so wonderful. I’m so happy. I’m afraid that all of this is a dream. I’m going to wake up and it’s all going to be gone.

  “I think we all have fears of losing something that we want so fiercely,” Reece said thoughtfully. “But we have to have faith. Mother Fate has given you to us. And we’re not going to ever give you up, little one.”

  “We’ve seen the visions,” Wade reminded her. “We’ve seen our daughter, and I don’t have a doubt in my mind that we’ll have a beautiful future together.” He looked at Meeka very seriously, worry clouding his eyes. “Just promise me something, little rabbit.”


  “Please don’t run from us a
gain. If we mess up, tell us. If you’re worried, tell us.” He hesitated a moment, taking a calming breath. “Neither one of us has been able to breathe since you left. We wouldn’t be able survive without you again.”

  Meeka nodded. “I promise,” she said quietly, loving the soft growls that left her mates as they snuggled closer, pressing Eric safely between them.

  For the first time in nearly two months, Meeka was able to sleep peacefully, surrounded by her little family. As she drifted off to sleep, she opened her heart to her mates and washed them in the bright light of her love.

  Chapter 29

  Ryker knocked softly on the red door of the small ranch home. All the lights were off inside the house. The silence was something that bothered him greatly.

  “I don’t like this,” Garrett said softly, a deep rumbling growl escaping from him as a sudden feeling of unrest filled him.

  Ryker nodded his agreement. “My wolf is fighting me,” he said quietly.

  Ryker raised his hand and knocked again, this time a little more forcefully. “Cammy?” he called out, trying his best to remain calm. The last thing either one of them wanted to do was to frighten her.

  Only silence met his words. He looked at Garrett, unsure what to do.

  “Cammy, Kaley and Meeka sent us to get you,” Garret called through the barrier, his deep voice vibrating through the bright red door. “They were worried about you when you didn’t come back to Kaley’s apartment.” He hesitated. “Please, Cammy. Open the door. We’re worried about you, too.”


  “Kaley told us to tell you that we have Eric’s book Mike the Motorcycle so you’ll be certain that she sent us to you,” Ryker added.

  “You have Eric’s book?” a small, feminine voice called through the closed door.

  “We do,” Ryker answered, looking at Garrett with relief. “Please open the door, Cammy. We need to make sure you’re okay.”

  “We need to get you out of here,” Garrett added firmly.

  “Show me the book,” Cammy called to them, ignoring their words.

  “How?” Ryker asked. “Will you open the door so I can show it to you?”


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