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Meeka's Reluctant Mates [Beckett's Wolf Pack, Triad Mates 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

Page 32

by Lynnette Bernard

  Pressing against Reece’s chest, she leaned forward until he was lying flat on his back. Bracing her hands on his shoulders, she canted her hips and began a rocking that eased him in and out of her with maddening slowness. As she increased the pace, she smiled down at him, knowing he was close to coming.

  “Close, Mate?” she whispered, gasping as his cock slid across her pleasure spot at the same time his groin rubbed against her swollen clit. “I hope you’re close, because I’m about to explode.”

  “Good,” Reece growled, slamming up inside of her as deep as he could, wrapping his arms behind her back and pulling her toward him so he could reclaim her with his mating bite.

  He sank his canines deep into the sensitive flesh of her shoulder, drawing her sweet blood in long pulls that made her clit throb in reaction to each suck of his mouth. Her orgasm burst through her. Gripping his hair, she pulled with strength that amazed her as she moaned with her release.

  His cock swelled and the mating knot formed, pulling gasps of pleasure from both of them. As his seed burst from him, Meeka sighed as she felt the warmth of his life’s essence filling her. She rested her face against his shoulder, kissing it lightly and biting down on it gently. She continued to pepper soft kisses against his shoulder and neck, humming with satisfaction and leaning into the warmth of his body as his strong arms surrounded her and caressed her back slowly.




  Reece chuckled against her neck. He licked at her mating mark before biting down on it lightly once again. He hugged her tightly then breathed in deeply, loving the scent of their woman, their cub, and the satisfying smell of sex.

  “You’re a horndog!” Meeka teased him, never lifting her head from his shoulder.

  “Hornwolf, Meeka,” Reece corrected her, smiling against the top of her head as she giggled against him.

  “You two sound like you’re having fun,” Wade said as he came into their bedroom.

  “We are,” Meeka said, looking over her shoulder and watching Wade with eyes she could barely hold open as he walked toward the bed. “Are you coming to bed now?”

  “I am,” he said softly as he pulled back the comforter and climbed into bed.

  Meeka reached out and touched Wade’s hand, smiling when he immediately entwined their fingers. She pulled his hand toward her mouth and kissed his knuckles lightly before pulling it tightly against her chest. Now, everything was as it should be. The three of them were together. She relaxed, sighing softly.

  “Reece is knotted deep inside of me,” she whispered.

  “Is he?” Wade asked quietly, smiling as he lay on his right side and looked at the sexy image Meeka posed before him as she lay across Reece’s chest with her legs tucked snugly on either side of his hips.

  “Yes,” Meeka answered, her eyes closed as she enjoyed her position.

  “Does it feel good, baby?” Wade teased her, a rumbling growl escaping him as he leaned forward and kissed her shoulder before biting down on it with just the right amount of pressure.

  “Really good,” Meeka said, moving her hip just slightly and causing Reece to gasp with renewed pleasure.

  “You need to rest, little one,” he warned her. “Think of our baby.”

  Meeka sighed and snuggled closer, pulling Wade within the circle of their warmth. “I am tired,” she admitted. “Just let me sleep for a little while then I want to love on you, Wade.”

  Wade leaned closer and kissed her temple. “Okay, baby,” he told her gently. “You get some rest. I’ll be here when you wake up.”

  “And then we’ll make love?” Meeka asked, her voice fading as all energy left her.

  “Yes, baby. We’ll make love,” Wade promised her.

  “Okay,” Meeka whispered.

  Reece chuckled as soft little snores escaped their mate. He caressed her back lightly as the knot in his cock finally relaxed and he slid free from her body. Carefully turning her so that she was lying safe within Wade’s embrace, he slipped out of bed and walked to the adjoining bathroom. Cleaning up quickly, he took a washcloth and wet it with warm water, squeezing out the excess and going back to their bedroom.

  “By the Fates, she’s beautiful,” Wade whispered as she snuggled deeper within his embrace.

  Reece smiled down at their woman as he climbed up onto the bed. Carefully spreading her legs, he wiped her clean, being careful not to hurt her. There was something very satisfying in seeing his seed dripping from her glistening pink folds.

  When he was certain that she was comfortable, he reached for the sweatshirt and sleep pants that she had been wearing. Wade helped him dress her and smiled as she tried to help them by pushing her arms through the long sleeves. Reece brought the washcloth back to the bathroom to deposit it into the hamper then returned to their bedroom. He quickly pulled on his pajama pants and eased into bed to settle beside their woman.

  “Our mate is home,” Wade said quietly as the two of them settled her between them and finally relaxed after being away from home and without her for so long.

  “Thank the Fates,” Reece whispered.

  “I do. Every day,” Wade whispered back, pressing closer to Meeka and settling against her softness. He smiled as he was allowed to glimpse into her heart.

  “Can you see the happiness and the love she’s showing me?” Reece asked quietly, unsure if Wade could feel and see what he was being gifted with.

  “Yeah,” Wade answered, almost unable to speak as he saw the bright, shining white light of love that she surrounded both of them with. The ribbons of their bond surrounded all of them, drawing them closer to her body and pulling them deeply into her heart.

  They knew of no better place to be.

  Meeka moved restlessly. She was snuggled between Wade and Reece, completely surrounded by their arms and warm from the heat of their bodies. She didn’t want to wake up or move. It was too nice being exactly where she was. Pushing aside her need, she pressed closer to Wade and tugged on Reece’s arm to get him to move closer, laughing softly when she realized that she didn’t need to try to get him to move closer. Every move she made caused him to adjust his body so that he was flush against her. She was going to love sleeping between her men every night for the rest of her life.

  The increasing pressure in her bladder made her sigh. There was no way she was going to be able to ignore it any longer. Smiling softly, she sent feelings of love to their baby, asking their daughter to have patience and give her enough time to carefully remove herself from between her mates so she could get to the bathroom before she wet her pants.

  She sat up slowly, carefully pulling her men’s hands from her body and resting them on the mattress. Easing forward, she climbed over Wade, doing her best not to jostle him as she left the bed. Walking toward the bathroom, she realized that she was completely dressed, including her socks. The last thing she remembered was holding Wade’s hand while she was lying on top of Reece who had been locked deep inside of her. She blushed at the memory. She admitted to herself that she was looking forward to a repeat performance.

  Sitting on the toilet, she sighed with relief as her bladder thanked her. She thought about the consideration of her mates. They had dressed her after she had fallen asleep not only for her comfort, but also for her modesty. Now that their home was shared with Kaley and Cammy, and Eric was with them, Meeka had admitted to her men that she was concerned about being caught naked. They had laughed as she had blushed, but they had admitted that they wanted to make sure that their son was not subjected to sights that he should be shielded from. So they had come up with a good solution that her men would wear pajama bottoms and she would wear enough to cover herself depending on the coolness of the time of year.

  As she was washing her hands, she realized that not only had her men dressed her, but they had also cleaned her. The thought of them taking care of her so intimately didn’t make her uncomfortable in the least. She was touched by their consideration and c
oncern. What wonderful mates she had.

  “Is everything okay, baby?” Wade’s voice startled her.

  She looked up and smiled at Wade’s reflection over her shoulder as she looked up into the full mirror before her. His hair was adorably tousled and the morning scruff on his face made a surge of need rush through her. She turned to face him, stepping closer and slipping her arms around his waist.

  “I’m fine,” she said smiling up at him. “You look sexy.”

  Wade’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. “I look sexy?”

  “Oh, come on. How can you even ask me that? Look at you.”

  Wade smiled down at her. “Baby, you have no idea what you do to me,” he whispered. “You see things in me that no one has ever seen before.”

  “Good,” Meeka said quickly, leaning up and kissing his neck. “I don’t want any other woman ever looking at you and seeing how sexy you are. You belong to me, Mate.”

  Wade growled and hugged her tightly against his body. “I’m all yours.”

  “I fell asleep last night,” she said quietly as she looked up at him, her eyes hooded with desire.

  Wade laughed as he leaned forward and kissed her forehead lightly. “I hope so,” he answered calmly. “That’s what people do at night.”

  “But I wanted to love you,” Meeka said quietly. “I’m sorry I fell asleep on you.”

  “Actually, you were on Reece when you fell asleep,” Wade teased her.

  “I remember,” Meeka said, laughing softly. “I liked it.” Her voice was soft but the honesty in it was obvious.

  Wade melted at her words and the look of love that she gave him. “Baby, you’re perfect,” he said after a moment.

  “You know what would be even more perfect?” Meeka asked him softly.


  “If you were inside of me right now.”

  Wade’s growls filled the bathroom. She couldn’t help but laugh as he pulled her tighter against him and claimed her mouth with such love and longing Meeka nearly cried. To be so desired and so loved was a shock and a blessing.

  “Wade,” she whispered against his lips, kissing him quickly before traveling down the column of his throat and sucking up a love mark.

  Wade groaned and let his head fall back to accept her kisses. His cock was tenting the front of his pajama pants, straining toward her. He wanted her. He needed her.

  Meeka slid her hand down the front of his body, pressing against his groin and tracing the hard length of him. She squeezed him firmly, loving the feel of him, the scent of him, and the love he sent her through their bond.

  “I think you want to be inside of me,” she said softly, looking up at him and smiling.

  “Oh, baby, you have no idea,” he nearly groaned.

  “Oh, I think I do,” Meeka told him. “I think you want to be inside of me almost as much as I want you inside of me.”

  She took a step back and slipped her hands into the waistband of his pajama pants. She slowly knelt before him, balancing herself against his muscled legs. She rubbed her face against him, feeling that his cock was thick and hard behind the silky material of his pajamas. It made her channel clench with need. She pulled his pajama pants down slowly, revealing his shaft in teasing inches. She leaned in and kissed the base of his shaft, rubbing her nose through the dark curls at his groin and inhaling the delicious scent of him. When the waistband of his pants reached the ridged head of his shaft, it caught momentarily before pulling free and his cock bounced free. She smiled and hummed in appreciation at the sight of his impressive length, knowing how wonderful it was going to feel when it was deep inside of her.

  She felt Wade touching her hair gently and closed her eyes in appreciation of it. Opening her mouth, she eased the head of his cock into her mouth, sucking the spongy head lightly as she ran her tongue beneath it to caress the sensitive bundle of nerves there. She felt Wade shudder and smiled, pressing forward to take more of his length into her mouth then pulled back, sucking firmly as she went. She heard Wade whisper her name and smiled with satisfaction that she had given him such pleasure.

  Repeating the process over and over again, she could feel Wade’s body trembling as she rested her hands on his thick thighs. She could feel the tenseness in him and knew that he was using every bit of control he had to remain still. But she didn’t want him to stay in control. She wanted him to lose himself in the lovemaking that she needed just as much as he did.

  Easing off of his shaft, she kissed the tip lightly, licking at the bead of liquid at the tip and humming in appreciation. Standing slowly, she looked up at Wade and saw the way his beautiful gray eyes had turned completely golden. His wolf was right at the surface—just as she wanted him to be. She wanted Wade to know that she didn’t fear his wolf. He was an important part of Wade, and she loved him.

  Stepping back, she reached down and pulled Reece’s sweatshirt up and over her head, dropping it silently onto the floor. She looked directly into Wade’s eyes as she hooked her fingers into the waistband of her sleep pants and pushed them slowly down her legs, stepping out of the pooled material at her feet and taking the one step needed to reach her man. Raising her arms and holding onto Wade’s shoulders, she smiled up at him and sighed softly.

  “Pick me up, Wade,” she told him quietly, laughing as he instantly gripped her ass and lifted her until her legs were wrapped around his hips.

  She reached between them and took firm hold of his shaft, placed it at the juncture of her thighs and rubbed it repeatedly through her dripping folds. Pressing the head of his cock inside of her, she waited a moment as she looked up at him.

  “Push inside of me,” she whispered.

  He rocked his hips slowly, inching his shaft into her in slow, measured movements until he was completely sheathed within her. He groaned against her shoulder, biting down on it lightly as he held still until he could calm himself. Meeka could feel the throbbing of his shaft and knew he was doing his best to remain in control.

  “Like where you are?” she asked, smiling brightly.

  Wade’s bark of laughter made her giggle. She loved teasing him.

  “Baby, you’re the best,” he told her, leaning forward and kissing her lips lightly.

  “So are you,” she told him, gasping when he moved his hips and pulled out of her just a bit before pressing back inside of her so deep she could feel him touching the mouth of her womb.

  They were both silent as he continued his thrusts and retreats, lost in the beauty of their connection. When he lifted his right hand and ran his middle finger over her bottom lip, she smiled and nipped at it playfully.

  “Wet this for me, baby,” he told her, his eyes flashing mischievously.

  Meeka opened her mouth without hesitation and drew his finger in, licking at it and sucking on it lightly. She loved the way he growled at her response and did it again just to draw more of a reaction out of him.

  “Your teasing is going to get you into trouble,” he warned her.


  He laughed softly as he pulled his finger from her mouth and slid his hand over the soft swell of her hip. When he slid his middle finger through the crease of her cheeks, Meeka gasped in surprise then moaned with pleasure as he circled her puckered star.

  “Good, baby?” he asked her, pressing against her hole and slipping his wet finger inside her to the first knuckle.

  “Yes,” Meeka moaned, leaning against him and biting his chest as the most incredible feelings of pure pleasure radiated through her.

  “I want to take you here someday, baby,” he told her, his voice deep with desire.

  “Do it now,” Meeka whispered, kissing his chest and holding him closer to her.

  “Do you think you’re ready for me to take you here?” he asked, pressing in deeper and smiling with satisfaction as Meeka released another groan and pressed against his hand which dragged his cock over her sweet spot as she moved.

  “I don’t know which way to move,” she complained. “Bot
h ways feel so good.”

  He pumped into her wet heat two more times before easing out of her and setting her on her feet. “Turn around and bend forward,” he told her firmly. “Place your hands on the counter to steady yourself.”

  Meeka did as she was told without hesitation. She was about to ask what Wade wanted her to do next when she felt him kneel behind her, separate her ass cheeks, and lick at her hole. The flash of pleasure was instant. She couldn’t help but moan at the sensation. Before she could do anything or form a coherent thought, Wade continued licking and sucking at her rosebud with an intensity that stole her breath. The way he licked her, alternating with his mouth and his thumbs to drive her insane, she thought she was going to expire from the pleasure.

  She heard the sound of the drawer beside the sink being opened then the snap of a cap and the squirt of the lube she was sure was his weapon of choice. She smiled as she felt the dribble of the cool liquid slide between her cheeks and the press of Wade’s fingers as he pushed the fluid into her over and over again. When she felt him press his fingers inside of her, she gasped at the foreign feel of it, her brow creasing in reaction to the slight burn that she felt. She almost asked him to stop when the burn morphed into the most incredibly pleasurable feeling of fullness.

  Wade smiled at the sweet sounds of pleasure that escaped their woman. She was absolutely stunning in her acceptance of everything he desired to do with her. He and Reece were definitely lucky wolves.

  “Wade,” Meeka moaned, not really sure what it was she was asking for.

  “I’ve got you, baby,” Wade told her, leaning forward and biting her left butt cheek lightly as he pressed three fingers inside of her. He watched in fascination as he pulled free then reinserted four fingers and pressed deep.

  Standing, he poured a good amount of the lube down the length of his shaft and spread it completely, coating the head heavily. Taking firm hold of his cock just behind the head, he lined it up against Meeka’s stretched hole and pressed in carefully. When the spongy head kissed her star and the relaxed guardian ring of muscle allowed him entrance, he slid into her in one long glide, drawing moans of pleasure from both of them. When he bottomed out and his balls slapped against the sweetness of her wet pussy, Wade growled and bent his body forward to drape across Meeka’s back.


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