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Meeka's Reluctant Mates [Beckett's Wolf Pack, Triad Mates 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

Page 34

by Lynnette Bernard

  Jace snapped up the cookie and chewed it quickly, licking at Seth’s hand before chuffing lightly and turning to lead the way into the laundry room that was beside the kitchen. The rest of the wolves followed, not willing to risk Martha getting angry with them.

  “Geez, Seth, you’re asking for trouble,” Ben warned his triad partner.

  “Nah,” Seth said quickly. “Jace likes it when I bust his chops.”

  Tammy reached out and touched Seth’s hand, squeezing it gently. “Don’t hurt Unca Jace, Seth,” she said worriedly. “I love him.”

  “I’m not, Tammy,” Seth said immediately. His words were whispered into her ear so he could reassure her without everyone hearing how much he loved their alpha. He leaned forward and kissed her cheek lightly. “I love him, too. I just like to tease him.”

  “I’ll be mad at you if you hurt him, Seth,” Tammy warned him.

  Jace came into the kitchen then, dressed in black sweatpants and a black sweatshirt. He was rubbing at his wet hair with a maroon towel, throwing it over Seth’s head as he neared the table. Reaching out, he picked up Tammy and threw her up into the air, catching her effortlessly and hugging her tightly as he kissed her forehead.

  “You’re a good protector, Tammy,” he said quietly, a little overwhelmed by the love of the little girl.

  “I love you, Unca Jace,” she whispered, wrapping her arms around his neck and hugging him fiercely.

  “I love you, too, cub,” Jace whispered back, looking at Laurie and smiling.

  Jackson took his place by Jace’s side and leaned in to kiss Tammy’s cheek quickly. “I love you, little Tammy,” he told her, laughing as she immediately turned into him and kissed his cheek.

  “Unca Jackson, I love you,” she said happily, giggling softly as he blew a raspberry against her cheek.

  “You’d better,” he warned her playfully.

  He touched her black curls and tugged on them lightly before turning and walking over to Laurie and gathering her in his arms. The instant warmth that washed over him made him count his blessings once again. To be part of such a loving triad was a miracle that was something he thanked the Fates for every day.

  “Hi, darlin’,” he whispered, kissing their woman’s lips lightly before leaning back and looking down at her, his brown eyes warm with happiness.

  “Hi, Jackson,” Laurie greeted him, kissing his neck lightly and hugging him. “It’s getting harder and harder to get close to you.”

  Jackson smiled down at her, loving the pregnant belly that was pressed against him. “I like it,” he told her gently. “I like our daughter growing inside of you.”

  Jace walked around the table to join them, still holding Tammy within his arms. He leaned down and kissed Laurie’s lips quickly, smiling down at her as she laughed softly.

  “I like that, too,” he said quietly.

  Reece walked over to Meeka, completely understanding how Jace and Jackson were feeling. He loved the thought of their daughter growing inside of Meeka, too. Looking at Wade, he saw the love in his eyes as he faced their woman and knew that his triad partner agreed. He could feel his happiness through their bond.

  Wade snatched the cookie from Eric’s little hand and popped it into his mouth, picking up Eric and taking his seat before settling the little boy on his lap.

  “Thanks for the cookie, cub,” he teased, smiling when Eric giggled and reached for another cookie and offered it to him.

  “Do you want another cookie, Poppa?” Eric asked sweetly.

  “Sure.” He opened his mouth and waited while Eric brought the delicious morsel to his mouth. When Eric quickly changed directions and pushed the cookie into his own mouth, Wade couldn’t help but laugh at their son. “Hey, buddy! That’s mine!”

  “Nope. It’s mine,” Eric mumbled around the cookie, chewing quickly so he wouldn’t lose his prize.

  Wade hugged him tightly, kissing his cheek and growling against his neck. “Love you, little boy,” he said quietly, emotions filling him as he held the precious son that Meeka had gifted him and Reece with.

  Meeka stepped closer to them and touched Wade’s head lightly, pressing her hip against his shoulder and leaning over him to kiss the top of Eric’s head. When Wade turned and leaned into her, she wanted more than anything to show him just how much she loved him.

  After we have hot chocolate, I would really like to go home and cuddle, she whispered gently within her men’s minds.

  Sounds like a very nice way to spend a cold and snowy afternoon, Reece answered, his voice gruff with emotion.

  How about if we do it naked? Wade teased, making both of them smile.

  How about if we do it with the two of you buried deep inside of me? Meeka whispered back, laughing softly as both of her men growled.

  Wade stood and pinned her between them, kissing her temple lightly. Eric giggled as he was squashed in the middle of his parents. Reece wrapped his arms around all of them and hugged them carefully. Meeka loved it.

  “How about some hot chocolate?” Martha offered, setting down a tray filled with steaming cups of hot chocolate. She placed a bowl filled with the tiny marshmallows on the center of the table, laughing when the men reached for the sweet treats at the same time as the cubs.

  Nikki leaned forward and snatched a handful of the marshmallows, turning and offering them to Alex and Butler. When they opened their mouths to accept the treats, she leaned forward and kissed them quickly.

  “You guys are as bad as the kids,” she teased them, laughing as they nipped at her fingers.

  “Looks like you got pelted pretty good with some snow,” Kaley said as she looked at Nathaniel and Brett. Their hair was completely soaked, and she had the insane urge to help them rub it dry with the towels that were now hung loosely around their necks.

  “We were ambushed,” Nathaniel said quickly, looking at Ben and Seth and growling softly.

  The boys just laughed and reached for mugs of hot chocolate. They made sure to get a mug for Tammy and place it in the spot left open for her at the table so she could sit between them. Gathering a few cookies, they placed them before them on the small platters that Martha had passed out, being sure to put two cookies on the plate waiting for Tammy.

  “You deserved every snowball they hit you with,” Kaley teased them, laughing as Nathaniel pulled the towel from his neck and snapped it out to hit her butt. She covered her behind with both hands, turning to glare at him. “They should have hit you harder.” Her blue eyes flashed with irritation.

  Before she could say another word, Brett reached out and gathered her in his arms as he sat beside Nathaniel. He rubbed her backside tenderly with his right hand while he smiled up at her, growling low. “I’ll help you feel better,” he told her softly.

  Kaley was stunned into silence, shivers running through her as Brett’s large hand caressed the cheeks of her ass. She was momentarily frozen in place before she realized that not only was she allowing him to touch her so intimately, she was completely enjoying it.

  Pushing out of his arms, she didn’t know what to say. Instead, she turned and walked toward the sink to help Martha carry more treats to the table. She looked at Nathaniel as she placed another platter that was piled high with chocolate chip cookies on the table, blushing as she saw the look of desire that he gave her.

  Cammy watched as Ryker and Garrett came into the kitchen, seeing how the men stood on the outskirts of the kitchen beside Simon, Warren, Max, and Eli. These six men from Alpha Randall’s pack always seemed to stand just a little apart from the rest of them. Her heart ached for them. She knew what it was like to live your life on the outskirts of society. Her father had kept her there for almost her entire life. Only recently, had she stepped out into the world and had gone to school with Kaley’s help. She had secretly graduated with a degree in hotel management. Now that she was away from her father, she looked forward to finding a job and taking care of herself.

  Looking at Garrett and Ryker, she wondered if she had t
he courage to try to include them in her life. Matings of three people seemed to be the norm here. At first she didn’t really understand how three people could be happily mated with no jealousy, but the more time she spent with the people of Jace Beckett’s pack, the more she realized that it not only was possible, it was a natural order of things within this amazing group of people.

  Taking a calming breath, she walked toward the two men who consumed so much of her thoughts and stood before them. When she saw the surprise on their faces, she couldn’t help but smile. Leaning forward, she kissed first Ryker’s cheek, and then Garrett’s. She breathed in their scents deeply, loving the way it soothed her.

  “I had fun watching you play with the kids,” she told them softly. “Did you have fun playing with them?”

  Garrett nodded silently, afraid to trust his voice at that moment. He was shocked that Cammy had been so forward. He was delighted that she had kissed them. And he was worried that she would bond herself to him and Ryker.

  Cammy reached out and tugged on Ryker’s black hair. “I’m glad Garrett dominated you after you flipped him to the ground,” she told him firmly. “You big bully!”

  Ryker’s eyes widened in shock. “Cammy, I…”

  Cammy placed her hand over his mouth to stop him. “Don’t want to hear it, Ryker,” she told him quickly. She turned to Garrett and reached up to thread her fingers through his dark blond hair and tug on it gently. “Good for you, Garrett.” Her voice was a whisper but held humor that she was sure made both of them confused. Leaning in, she pulled at their hair until they were close to her face. “I think I’m looking forward to both of you holding me down like that.” She stole two more quick kisses from their lips before stepping back and smiling at them shyly. “You’re just going to have to have patience and go slow with me. Maybe I’ll be able to let you do that soon. Who knows?”

  When she turned away from them and walked back to the table, she reached out and took two mugs, popping a handful of marshmallows in each one, then returned to the men. She handed each man a mug then stole a marshmallow from each of their mugs and popped them into her mouth, humming with appreciation.

  “Would you like some cookies?” she asked them quietly.

  Both men looked at her in stunned silence, nodding their answer. They watched in amazement as the sweet, beautiful woman walked back to the table and picked up four cookies, coming back to them and handing two to each of them. Once they took the cookies and mumbled a thank you to her, she turned and walked toward the table to sit beside Synthia and Shelly.

  “You have courage, Cammy,” Synthia whispered to her as she looked at Simon and Warren. “I wish I was as brave as you are.”

  “Me, too,” Shelly added, stealing a quick glance at Eli and Maxwell.

  Cammy turned to face the two women and smiled sadly. “I’m not brave at all,” she said quietly. “Just hopeful.”

  Synthia nodded and looked at the men she knew were meant for her, an ache of sadness filling her chest. She wasn’t hopeful at all. She knew that she wasn’t worthy to accept such a beautiful gift as the men who stood silently by the doorway of the kitchen. They were standing straight and tall, assuming the stance of soldiers on guard. They were men who had suffered much in their previous life within Randall’s pack. She wanted them to have a happy life and someone to love them and show them the goodness of the world. She knew that they deserved someone far better than she was.

  “I’d like to speak to all of you after dinner tonight,” Jace spoke up, looking at his pack family to impress upon them the importance of the meeting he needed to hold. “I’m concerned about Alpha Hayward’s recent activities and need to make sure that our security measures are up to strength. We have mates and cubs to protect. Our pack family needs to be safe.”

  Alexander stood beside his alpha, his triad partner Butler taking his place beside Jackson. If there was an issue with pack security, both enforcers were going to make sure that whatever was needed to keep all of them safe would be executed. Looking at their mate, they realized that Nikki was looking back at them with pride.

  If you keep looking at us like that, Nikki, we’re not going to be able to think about anything but taking you to bed and loving you, Alexander warned her.

  Promise? Nikki teased, touching her pregnant belly gently.

  Nikki, Butler warned her. Stop trying to distract us.

  Sorry, Nikki said quickly. I’m really not trying to distract you. I just want you to know that I’m proud of you, and I love you.

  Sweetness, Butler whispered.

  We love you, baby, Alex added.

  I know. Nikki looked up at them and smiled. I think you two need to take care of business and make sure Hayward is no threat to our family.

  Turning his attention back to Jace, Alexander saw the determination on their alpha’s face and knew that Jace would be right there with them, fighting to protect all of them.

  “We’ll all be ready to protect our pack, Alpha,” Alexander spoke for the entire group.

  “I know you will,” Jace said quietly, his voice filled with pride. “When the cubs are safely tucked away for the night, we can discuss our options.”

  He looked around the kitchen at the many members of his pack family that were present. He counted himself a lucky alpha to be surrounded by so many kind and loving women, and so many strong and protective men.

  The women are strong and protective, too, Jace, Laurie chastised him through their bond.

  They are, Jace agreed immediately, feeling sheepish that he had slighted the women.

  Good save, Jace, Jackson spoke up, earning him a death glare from his triad partner.

  Jace leaned down and settled Tammy back in the chair between Seth and Ben, turning to gather their woman in his arms and hug her carefully. He kissed her lips quickly and smiled down at her.

  “What would I ever do without you, Laurie?” he asked her quietly.

  Laurie leaned into his chest and kissed the underside of his jaw. “Good save,” she whispered, mirroring Jackson’s comment and laughing softly as she felt Jackson chuckling against her back.

  Chapter 35

  Meeka snuggled deeper under the covers, hugging herself as she tried to get comfortable and stay warm. She missed Wade and Reece. She was worried that the meeting Jace had called had lasted so long already. The living room at the family lodge had been filled to capacity with the men and women of the pack. Meeka had stay just long enough to find out that Alpha Hayward had been instigating other packs in the area to join forces against Jace’s pack and some of the neighboring packs. Meeka didn’t really understand why.

  The door to their bedroom opened and both of her men entered as quietly as they could. She watched them silently as they readied themselves for bed, using the bathroom and coming out dressed in only their pajama pants. It amazed her that her men were never cold. It must be a wolf thing.

  When both men settled in bed beside her, she sighed and was finally able to relax. Their warmth surrounded her as they held her gently between them. Now, it was as it should be. She turned to kiss their shoulders before snuggling closer.

  “Is everything okay?” she whispered.

  “For now,” Wade answered for them. “Jace and Jackson think Hayward won’t make a move against us or any of our neighboring packs for a while. He thinks they’re in the planning stages to take over our packs.”

  “I don’t understand what’s making Hayward want to hurt us,” Meeka said, feeling the concern and worry that was filling her men. “Why does he hate us?”

  “Because we’re a triad pack community,” Reece explained, yawning tiredly.

  “What?” Meeka was completely confused.

  “Hayward’s pack, and Randall’s pack were not made up of triads,” Wade explained, snuggling closer. “There are a few packs that have matings of just two, but ours was never one of them. There are a few packs that are near us that have the same triad matings that we do. Hayward and Randall always called us tw
isted. They felt they were superior because their packs don’t need a second wolf shifter to breed.”

  “Well, that’s just stupid,” Meeka snapped, reaching out and tugging her men’s arms tighter around her. “I’m so thankful the both of you are the fathers of our kids.”

  “We are, too, little one,” Reece said softly, smiling against her temple and kissing it lightly.

  An old memory tugged at Meeka’s brain. She tried to concentrate and call it forth. Closing her eyes and squeezing them tightly, she tried to remember what Randall had said so many nights ago when she had arrived at his house with Ethan. When his hateful words flashed in her memory, she whimpered as fear filled her.

  “What’s wrong, baby?” Wade asked, holding her tighter against him.

  “I remember what Randall said to Ethan when Ethan brought me to his alpha and asked him to take care of me and the half-breed I was carrying,” she whispered. Both men’s growls of anger filled their bedroom.

  “What did he say?” Reece finally asked, doing his best to remain calm.

  “He said that Jace’s pack was filled with men who weren’t even men enough to fuck a woman. He said it took two of them to breed one bitch.”

  “Yeah, that sounds exactly like Randall,” Wade agreed. “He treated Suzie’s family, Reece’s family, and my family like absolute garbage when we lived within his pack. We were looked down on because we came from a pack that had triad partners who searched for their triad third.”

  “Why did you stay?” Meeka asked, petting his arm lightly.

  “We had no other pack to go to,” Reece answered for them. “Suzie had a vision that we would be accepted and protected if we left and traveled to Beckett’s pack land to ask if we could join his pack family. That’s what we were doing the night we were attacked.”

  Meeka tightened her hold on both men, realizing how much all of them had suffered because of the cruelty of one man. Randall was a lunatic—pure and simple. She was glad that Jace had challenged him and had won. She was also glad that Alexander and Butler had taken care of Boyd when he had kidnapped Nikki just a few months before.


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