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Uncovered by Truth

Page 7

by Rachael Duncan

  Moving further down her body, I run my lips down her stomach until I’m at the waistline of her pants. Her belly twitches in anticipation as I tease her, denying her what I know she wants most. Finally, when I don’t think I can hold back anymore, I slowly unbutton and unzip her pants before sliding them off. She has on a pair of matching black panties, and when I lean in I can smell her arousal. Her scent makes my mouth water and I know if I don’t taste her in the next few seconds, I’m going to lose my fucking mind.

  My finger hooks in the side of her panties and moves them over to expose her flawless pussy. “Mmm, you look so damn amazing,” I say before going after what I want. My tongue licks up her seam slowly. The first taste of her has my dick throbbing in the most painful way, desperate to be inside of her. I take two fingers and spread her lips apart so I have perfect access to her clit. I lick up her center again before stopping at her sweet spot and circling it with my tongue. I keep going as she writhes, screams, moans, and calls out my name. When she’s close, I insert one finger into her wet core, and then another. As I suck on her clit, my fingers rub her G-spot. Within seconds, she’s coming all over my hand and mouth. I lap up every drop as she rides out the waves of her orgasm.

  “Wow,” she says on a breath. I can’t help the grin that stretches across my face. Wow is right. That was fucking amazing. I love watching her move under me and hearing her come. Knowing I’m the one making her feel that way is indescribable. I want to beat on my damn chest and carry her off to a cave where I can do it over and over again.

  Her chest heaves up and down as she regulates her breathing. Her cheeks are flushed and a sated look possesses her eyes. “I’m not done with you yet. I was just getting started. Now I’m going to love you.” The warm look that crosses her face fills my heart. And I don’t care how big of a pussy that makes me sound like, it’s the truth. She’s all I need in this world to feel complete.

  She bites her lip as she watches me undress. While taking off my shoes, I reach behind me and pull my shirt up and over my head and then stand up and take off my pants and boxers. My cock lets out a sigh of relief now that it’s not restricted. Sitting back down on the edge of the couch, I hook my fingers in the top of her underwear and slide them down her legs until they’re removed. My hands trail a slow path up her calves, along the inside of her thighs, brush over her center, and continue further up until I’m cupping her face.

  “I’ve told you I love you, now I’m going to show you. This isn’t going to be fast and hard. We have plenty of time for that later. Right now I’m going to take you nice and slow. I’m going to swallow every moan, enjoy each sigh, and savor the feeling of you wrapped tightly around me.”

  She leans up and kisses me softly. I brace my left hand next to her head to support my weight before grabbing the base of my erection with my other hand and guide it into her heat. Once I’m completely buried in her, I pause and blow out a breath of air with my eyes closed. “God, you feel incredible.” She starts to move her hips but I grab her to stop her movements. “Give me a second, sweetheart, or this’ll be over way faster than I intended it to be.” A small giggle causes me to open my eyes. “You think this is funny, huh? We’ll see who’s laughing before it’s all said and done.”

  I withdraw from her slowly before gradually sliding back in. I keep this pace, refusing to go any faster when she demands it. Her head thrashes from side to side with the torturous build up. “Look at me, love,” I whisper in her ear. Leaning back, we lock eyes. I grab her hand and thread our fingers together and continue to rock into her while holding her gaze.

  She really is gorgeous. From her beautiful green eyes, to her perfectly sculpted body, she blows every wet dream out of the water. But it’s her inner beauty that has me captivated, has me feeling things for her I’ve never felt before.

  “I’m close, Alex,” she says, still maintaining eye contact.

  “Let go for me, Elizabeth.” And she does. She screams out my name as her hands go to my shoulders and claw at my back. The sharp pain mixed with the intense pleasure sends me over the edge with her. I thrust one final time as I find my release. My head drops to her shoulder and I bury my face in her neck. I pepper small kisses over her soft skin, earning me a hum from her.

  “I love you, Alex.” She’s said this before, but this is the most vulnerable she’s ever sounded. I wonder if I’ve finally penetrated through her walls and stripped her down to the wonderful person that she is where she doesn’t have to lie, put on a fake personality, and can be honest.

  Now I’m the one lying.

  “I love you, too.”

  WE’RE LYING ON the couch with her head resting on my bare chest as I draw circles on her naked back. As much as I want to stay here and live in the moment, my mind is racing with the million things I’ve got to figure out and do. First on my list is to think of a way to keep in touch with Elizabeth.

  “I’ve been thinking,” I say.

  “Hmmm,” she responds lazily.

  “We need a way to talk to each other so I know you’re okay.” She tenses with my comment.

  “Alex, I told you I wouldn’t try to hurt myself again.” Her voice is stern, but underneath it is a layer of hurt.

  “I’m not saying you’ll do that again, but I don’t trust that asshole you’re married to. I can’t stop by every day, and I need to know he’s not hurting you.” She relaxes back against me.

  “I could always text you,” she offers.

  I shake my head. “I don’t have a phone right now, but I have email. We can set you up with a fake account so it’ll look like you’re my sister. That way if anyone is watching me, it won’t look suspicious.”

  She looks up at me with furrowed eyebrows. “Who would be watching you?”

  I tread lightly, careful not to give her too much information. Keeping a level tone to mask the fact I’m being purposely vague, I say, “The guys who took me.”

  “You don’t know their names?” she questions further.

  I shake my head. “No.”

  I hate not telling her the truth. I hate she has no clue about my real life. But most of all, I hate that she calls me Alex when that’s my cover name. Just the thought of telling her the truth has me breaking out in a sweat. She already has one man in her life that betrays her, and I don’t want her to feel like she has another one.

  “I’ll go grab my laptop,” she says on a sigh before getting up. I watch her ass sway back and forth without a stitch of clothing on as she walks away. My cock stirs back to life, wanting more of her. I haven’t even begun to have my fill of her yet, but something tells me I never will. No matter how many times I’m inside her, it’ll never be enough and I’ll always want more. She’s definitely my addiction, my drug of choice.

  She comes back into the room with her laptop in hand, but my eyes are fixated on her amazing chest as it bounces slightly with each step. “Like what you see?” she asks playfully.

  “You know it,” I say with a wink that causes her to grin salaciously. I sit up so she can sit down next to me. After her computer is started up, we set up a fake email.

  “Does Cal monitor your activity on here?” I ask.

  She shakes her head. “Not that I know of.” That doesn’t exactly make me feel better, but this is really our only option. It’s driving me bat shit crazy not being with her all the time to ensure her safety.

  “Okay. We’ll have to come up with some sort of code words so that I know if something is wrong and you need help.” She nods her understanding. “Got any ideas? It needs to be a word or phrase that’s easy for you to remember, but hard for others to decode. To anyone else it’ll look like normal conversation, but to us, it’ll have meaning.”

  “How about . . .” She looks up at the ceiling in deep thought before continuing, “Gump?”

  My eyebrows furrow because of her word choice. “Gump?”

  She gives me this look that says, ‘Really? You don’t know this?’ Typical woman. “That day we played
paintball . . .” she trails off, giving me a clue.

  “Yeah,” I draw out. Then it hits me. “Oh, I remember now. You got shot in the ass that day.” I try hard to hold back the laughter, but it comes out anyway. Out of all the places for her to get hit, she takes one to the ass. What are the odds?

  She giggles a little. “Exactly. So if there’s a problem, I’ll call you that in my email.”

  I lean in and kiss her. “That’s perfect,” I say against her lips. She seals her lips over mine and I’m about to pull her down on top of me when I realize I’ve been out for a while and I need to get back. My lips pull away from hers reluctantly. “As much as I’d like to keep doing this, I really have to go.” Her shoulders sag in disappointment and I hate it. I place my hand on her face and rub her cheek with my thumb as I stare into her eyes. Damn, I love this girl. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. I’d stay if I could.”

  She lets out a sigh and leans into my touch. “I know. When will I see you again?”

  “I’m not sure. I’ll come back as soon as I can though.” I get up and get dressed. I’m not even gone yet and I’m already dreading being away from her. She stands up and slips her arms through the sleeves of her shirt. She starts to button it but pauses when she realizes she can’t. I give her a cocky grin when she looks up at me through her eyelashes. My eyes drag over her body. She’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen with her shirt open down the center, only exposing the middle of her body. I follow the path down until they stop at the apex of her thighs. My tongue darts out and licks my lips as I remember the sweet taste of her arousal.

  A throat clearing brings me back to the here and now. When I look up, it’s Elizabeth that has a cocky grin plastered on her face now. “You sure you have to leave?” she taunts with a seductive gleam in her eye.

  A growl rumbles in the back of my throat before I’m advancing toward her. She retreats until her back hits the wall and there’s nowhere for her to go. Grabbing her wrists, I pin them above her head with one hand. My finger feathers down her sternum and her breath hitches when I reach her clit. “Don’t tempt me, sweetheart,” I say against her lips. “My restraint is hanging by a thread. If you keep pushing me, I’m going to fuck you against this wall until you can’t move.” Her breathing accelerates with each word. She thought she had the upper hand with her display, but I’m in control now.

  “That doesn’t sound like much of a deterrent, Mr. Matthews.” She’s trying to play it cool like she’s unaffected, but the breathy tone of her voice and darkening of her eyes says otherwise.

  “You’d like that, wouldn’t you? To be taken against this wall hard and fast?”

  She shrugs nonchalantly. “Eh,” is her only response. She wants to play? I’m down.

  I grind my hips into her, earning a small moan. “Looks like I’m not the only one ready to snap, am I?” She bites her lip, refusing to admit to me that she desperately wants more. That’s okay, I’m a patient man. I’ll have her begging me in no time. “Don’t move your hands from this spot. Understand?” She nods in acknowledgment.

  My lips find her neck and kiss down it ever so slowly. She gasps when my tongue traces her collarbone. Fighting back the smug smile that threatens to take over my face, I continue sucking, kissing, nipping, and licking her skin. I push her shirt open to uncover her large breasts. Sneaking a glance up, I see she’s watching my every move with clouded eyes that are filled with lust and desire. My finger traces a circle around her nipple, careful not to touch it. I flick it, causing her to arch her back and throw her head back on a moan.

  “You want more?” I ask, my own restraint being tested to the limits.

  She swallows hard before bringing her gaze back to me. “Eh,” she says again with another damn shrug. A low chuckle leaves my mouth at her stubbornness.

  My tongue traces the same path my finger took around her nipple. Looking up at her while I do it, she squeezes her eyes shut and presses her lips together. I drop to my knees quickly, causing her to look down at me as I grab one of her legs behind her knee and drape it over the back of my shoulder. I raise my eyebrows at her in expectation, but she’s still holding back from me. Time to make her beg for it.

  I kiss her thigh, her stomach, everywhere but where she wants it. While I do this, I rub my hands up and down her legs and cup her ass. She whimpers in frustration, but I’m not giving in. My fingers skim over her core softly and her hands go to my head and fist my hair.

  “Uh, uh, uh. Hands up top,” I chastise.

  “Please, Alex.”

  “Please, what?”

  “I want more. I need more.” She tries to pull my head to the apex of her thighs, but I’m not done toying with her yet.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes. Please. Make me come. I need to come,” she says breathlessly. In a flash I’m standing on my feet, pick her up, and have her pinned against the wall. She lets out a small yelp in surprise. I unbutton and unzip my pants quickly before pulling out my throbbing cock. Positioning it at her entrance, I slide into her in one, hard thrust. I don’t stop fucking her until she’s screaming my name and begging for her release.

  We walk to the front door hand in hand. Before opening it, I turn back toward her and kiss her on the nose. “I’ll see you soon, okay?”

  She nods her head, tears pooling in her eyes. “Okay. I love you.”

  “Love you, too.” I place a soft, lingering kiss to her lips and then leave. Hurrying down the driveway, I have to fight not to turn around and go back to her. I feel off when I’m not with her, like a part of me is missing. And I guess it is. She holds my heart, giving me a greater purpose in this life.

  Once I’m shielded by some of the larger bushes at the edge of the yard, I look over my shoulder toward the house and see her standing in the large window. She waves and then blows me a kiss. I couldn’t stop the grin that spreads across my face if I tried. I wink at her and continue my way toward the street. Yeah, it’s going to damn near kill me to try and stay away from her for a few days.

  NO ONE SAYS a damn word to me when I get back. Where did Cal find these dumbasses? If I didn’t have a bunch of shit on the line right now, I’d be out of here so quick. I’m trying to hide it, but I’m starting to feel really anxious and getting impatient waiting on Turner to put the pieces together. Each minute that ticks by is another minute closer to my deadline, and puts me further away from Elizabeth.

  I hate sitting here feeling like I’m not doing anything, so I decide to try to get some information from Rodney and Bruce. “So, how long have you guys worked for the Senator?”

  “A few years or so,” Rodney offers up. From the information we’ve been able to gather, we’re estimating Cal started taking illegal campaign funds around four years ago, so this would match up with our timeline.

  “Do you guys always hang out and watch people that are forced to do his dirty work?” I pretend to be engrossed in doodling on this scrap piece of paper.

  “What’s it to you?” Bruce interrupts sternly. Looking up, he glares at me and I know I need to watch it.

  I shrug. “Just curious.”

  “Don’t fucking worry about it. You do your job and that’s it.” I nod slowly and continue drawing on my piece of paper. That wasn’t exactly what I was looking for, but I can’t interrogate the assholes and chance blowing my cover, so I drop it.

  The stress of the last two months is taking its toll on me. Usually, I’m pretty good under pressure. Hell, I strive in it, but not when the stakes are so high. Not when the one person I love is being used against me. I don’t give a shit what happens to me at this point, but I will make damn sure that she gets out of this situation unharmed.

  The next day, I tell Bruce and Rodney I’m running out to see if I can try another setup at one of his campaign stops. Hutchison has been traveling throughout Virginia a lot lately, so that works out conveniently for me. Since he’s close, I don’t have to worry about bringing the two of them with me across country.

r parking the car about a mile from where Hutchison will be, I walk a couple blocks in the other direction to this little diner. I spot who I’m looking for, walk over to a table and have a seat.

  “Hey, sir.”

  Turner looks up from his menu. “Matthews,” he responds in greeting. “Your email from last night seemed urgent.”

  “Fuck yeah, it’s urgent,” I say in a restrained voice so I don’t draw attention to us. “What the hell is taking so long with this case?”

  He lets out a tired sigh, as if the redundant question is annoying him. It’s taking everything in me not to wring his damn neck. It’s not his ass on the line. “We’re working as fast as we can.”

  “It’s not fast enough. I only have thirteen days before Cal’s going to cash in on his promise to hurt Elizabeth. Then what?”

  He stares at me for a minute and I can see the wheels spinning in his head trying to formulate a plan. “Prepare to go for Plan B.”

  I lean forward with my arms on the table and look around before focusing my attention back on Turner. “That’s the best you can give me right now? Go to Plan B?” I ask in disbelief, my voice rising in volume.

  “What more do you want from me? I don’t have a definite answer right now. You know he’s a high-profile target and will be coming at us with the best attorney money can buy. We have to execute everything flawlessly or he walks.”

  My hand rakes over my face roughly. “Fine, but she’s coming with me.”

  “Like hell she is.”

  “Try to stop me on this, sir. It’s happening whether you like it or not.”

  “You are a major pain in my ass,” he grumbles. I’ll take that as an affirmative.

  “Here’s the timeline. I’ll wait it out for another ten days. If there are no arrests made, then I’m going for it.”


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