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Quick Be Jack: A Jack Nolan Novel (The Cap's Place Series Book 3)

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by Robert Tarrant

  I was walking across the parking lot toward the outside stairs to my apartment when Moe came ambling out the back door of Cap's. He appeared startled as he said, "Morning Boss. Didn't expect to see you this early." Then looking me up and down he continued, "Oh, you're just getting home."

  I knew what was coming. Moe met Mancuso when they were teamed with Justin in the rescue of Elena and me from Anthony Bracchi. Moe believes that Mancuso is a Miami mobster following in the footsteps of his father, who was a New York mobster. I told Moe about Mancuso's denial, but he's not convinced in the least. I'm not either, I'm just choosing to look the other way. Attempting to change the subject I asked, "What brings you in so early? We have a problem?"

  He shook his head, "No problem. I'm putting some new shelving in the pantry and wanted to get it done when there wasn't anyone in the kitchen. When I'm working in the kitchen and Juan's around he's always sticking his nose in my business. Under foot like a little kid. The day I changed the trap in the dishwasher, I damn near stuffed his scrawny ass in the deep fryer."

  I chuckled, "Oh, okay," and started up the stairs.

  "Not so fast, Boss. You were with Elena Mancuso last night, weren't you?"

  I turned, "Her name's Wilson, not Mancuso. I've told you that a hundred times."

  Moe held his hands up in a defensive posture, "Whoa, little sensitive aren't we? Wilson might be her married name, but she's a Mancuso and you know it. She's daddy's little girl and you know that too. Keeping her married name after she was divorced doesn't change her blood line. You're playing with fire Jack."

  Moe and I have become closer friends the past couple of months, but I've certainly never talked to him about my relationship with Elena. I asked, "How did you know I was with Elena?"

  Moe looked as if I'd just called him stupid. He sighed and said, "Not tough to figure out Boss. She's the only woman you've done anything with in weeks. When she calls you always walk away so you can talk privately. You mention her at least ten times every single day. Last night, Dana told me that when you left she was certain you had a date. In the time since we've all known you Jack, Elena's the only woman you've gone out on real dates with. Didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out you were with her last night."

  I was surprised. Not at Dana's observations or Moe's analysis. No, I was surprised that my relationship with Elena had progressed so far and everyone around here, except me, knew it. Maybe that's the way real relationships are, maybe they sneak up on you. Maybe everyone around you knows before you do. I did know that having dinner and spending the night with Elena felt right. It just did, and right at the moment that's all I cared about.

  Moe continued, "Look Boss, she may be the greatest woman you've ever met. I'm not putting her down. It's her father you need to think about. You were scared, we were all scared, when a mobster from New York came after Cap's Place. What are you going to do when a mobster from Miami comes after you? It's just too dangerous, Boss."

  I really didn't want to have this conversation with Moe right now. The one cup of coffee I drank at Elena's hadn't really cleared the cobwebs from a night devoid of sleep. Besides, when did my private life become fair game for debate by everyone around Cap's Place? Yet, I knew there was a lot of truth in what Moe said, because I'd said it to myself on more than one occasion.

  While I was searching for a response to Moe, a delivery truck pulled into the parking lot. Moe pointed toward the truck and said, "That's the new shelves for the walk-in. I've got to get going. We can continue this conversation later."

  Having been dismissed, I trudged upstairs. I like the fact that we're a big family around here, I just need to work on the parent-child distinctions.


  I got upstairs and put on a pot of coffee. Driving home I had intended to get a few more hours of sleep, but now decided against it. I don't know if it was because I felt guilty that Elena was at work with no more sleep than I had, or if my discussion with Moe had agitated me. I just didn't see any sense in trying to sleep. While the coffee brewed, I took a quick shower, shaved, and changed my clothes. Trying to avoid the whole 'walk of shame' thing.

  I had just poured a cup of coffee when my cell phone buzzed. It wasn't even 8:00 a.m. yet so it must be Elena on her way to the office. I didn't look at the display before answering, "What a nice surprise."

  There was a long pause and then PJ said, "Really? I told you I'd call. I'm actually surprised you're so wide awake at this hour. Figured I'd wake you, but was afraid this would be my only opportunity to talk to you today. We're really swamped working these bank deposit robberies. Can you talk for a few minutes?"

  "For you PJ, I always have time."

  PJ said, "I outlined my actions from the time we were both at Pinnacle until Sissy was attacked. Here's what I have. I got the room key from Jeff Spencer and I accompanied Sissy up to her room. You left to go back to Cap's Place and meet Tim to review the security camera footage from Allison's last night working. Obviously, Jeff Spencer and his secretary Kat would have both known the room number as Kat made the actual reservation and brought the key to us. Probably the security monitoring room knew as well. I recall that Kat stated she had checked with them and they had camera views from both ends of the hallway. She must have given them the room number to obtain that information."

  I interrupted PJ, "Why aren't we more focused on the people involved with security at the hotel? You told me that they have had problems with security officers in the past. I doubt they pay enough to get exactly the cream of the crop. Maybe it's as simple as one of them giving out Sissy's location."

  PJ responded, "That's certainly a possibility. I just don't think anyone there would have known who Sissy was. I only told Spencer that she was someone who had testified against a Russian thug in the past and that there was a threat against her. I just don't see how one of the security officers could have given anyone the limited information they knew and had it reach the people out to kill Sissy so fast."

  "Okay, you're basing your theory on the speed with which the killer found Sissy. That does make sense."

  "Yes, and even if someone had followed you and Sissy to the hotel they wouldn't have any idea what room she was in. No one followed Sissy and me up to the room. I'm certain of that. You didn't even know what room she was going to when you left that night. The only one who knew was Tim. I called Tim after I left Sissy and in the conversation I gave him the room number. He's the only other person who knew."

  I waited, but PJ had quit talking. Just stating her theory out loud seemed to be paralyzing her. I asked, "Maybe Tim told someone else? Did you ask him?"

  "At the time it happened, after you had Sissy hidden away, Tim and I talked about it. We were trying to figure out what happened. We talked about the fact that we were the only two, outside of the hotel, who knew her room number. He didn't mention telling anyone else, but I never asked him directly. I can't think of any legitimate reason for him to tell anyone else." She hesitated and then continued, "Whenever we talked about it, Tim kept going back to Jeff Spencer and the security guys. It's no secret that Tim doesn't like Jeff Spencer, so I don't know that he's as objective as he could be. Or, he could just be trying to make a scapegoat out of Jeff."

  I said, "Okay, let's do this. I'll go see Jeff Spencer. I'll tell him that the whole thing still scares Sissy and I'm just trying to learn anything that might put her mind at ease. I'll tell him that you and I have talked and that you are just too busy to look into it now. I'll ask him to help me. He may not be willing to talk to me about it, but I'm betting that if I tell him I'm just trying to alleviate Sissy's fears, he'll help."

  "I hate to put you in that position Jack. When I first mentioned this whole mess to you I was just looking for a sounding board. Here I am, coming from a police department full of investigators, and I've got a civilian investigating for me. It just doesn't seem right."

  "I'm not really going to be investigating, I'm just going to be interviewing. I do have experience int
erviewing witnesses. Whatever I learn, I bring back to you and you determine where we go next. Just let me do some of the legwork for you. You really do need to find the truth. You can't go on thinking your partner may be crooked, but not knowing for sure."

  Even on the phone I could hear PJ sigh. Finally, she spoke, "You're definitely right about that. I need to know. We need to know." Another long pause and then she said abruptly, "Okay, talk to Jeff Spencer and see what you get. Don't mention our theory though. Don't mention Tim."

  "Of course not PJ. I know what I'm doing. My goal will be to learn as much as I can without giving Spencer any more than necessary to keep him talking to me. Whatever I give him will center on Sissy and her fears. Nothing about any thoughts there could have been a leak anywhere except at the hotel." My tone was sterner than I intended.

  PJ's tone softened, "I know that you know what you're doing Jack. This whole mess just has me on edge."

  "I know it does PJ, that's why I'm going to dig in and help you. That's what friends do, they help friends."

  "Yes, they do, and you are a friend, Jack." She couldn't see it through the phone, but that last statement had me smiling. I want PJ to think of me as her friend. Once I wanted her to be even more than merely a friend, but now with Elena . . . stay focused Jack.

  I asked, "You know Spencer, I don't, any tips on talking to him?"

  "He's a pretty straight shooter, but I'd be cautious about pointing any fingers at his security operation. He's pretty proud of his operation and he's taken a couple of black eyes over the past two years. He's probably very sensitive to any accusations."

  "I hear you. Good advice. Thanks. I'll just let him give me his theories on what happened. I certainly won't make any accusations."

  PJ and I talked a few more minutes and then she told me she needed to get going to a meeting.

  Having finished my first cup of coffee while PJ and I talked, I poured myself a second and wandered out to the balcony to strategize about how to approach Jeff Spencer. I considered calling to make an appointment, but decided that had two potential drawbacks. First, he might not be willing to meet with me, period. After all, who am I in his world? Second, he might jump to the conclusion that I was making some kind of accusation that the leak was from within his outfit, causing him to circle the wagons and rebuff me. PJ said he's very protective of his security organization and that he's experienced some problems in the recent past. It's doubtful he'd welcome any questions about his operation from someone like me, someone without status or authority.

  Having decided I needed to pursue an unannounced meeting with Spencer, I began to focus on how to make that happen. I didn't even know what hours he worked. Today being Friday, a busy day in the hotel and casino business, so I'd bet he's working sometime today. I doubt he's a nine to fiver. Certainly not on a Friday. My guess is that he works some type of afternoon or evening shift on Fridays in order to be on the premises during the peak hours. Just like police departments loading up shifts that historically see more calls for service.

  My next step was to decide how to initiate my unannounced meeting. I could hang around the casino hoping to see him walking around and 'run into him', but my sense of Jeff Spencer is that he would see through that guise in a heartbeat. Probably, my best bet is to just go there this evening and find one of the security officers and ask to see the Director of Security.

  Having a plan always makes me feel better. In celebration I decided I would wander downstairs and see what I could rustle up for breakfast. Heaven forbid that I should stock food in my apartment. With any luck, Juan came in early to keep an eye on what Moe was doing in his kitchen and he could make me something. If Juan wasn't around, I could pull together something myself, as long as I cleaned up all traces of my activity so Juan didn't know I'd been using 'his' kitchen.


  When I got into the kitchen downstairs, I found an agitated Moe. With his size and demeanor an agitated Moe is a sight to behold, or cautiously avoid. Me, I just walked on into the eye of the hurricane. "Moe, what are you so upset about?"

  He whirled to face me and growled, "That damn truck driver wouldn't help me get the shelving units into the pantry. Wouldn't even help me get them inside the back door, just unloaded them and left them outside. I've got 'em unboxed, but I'm going to need to find a tarp or something so I can drag them in somehow."

  "Why don't I help you carry them in?"

  Moe scratched his head, "I guess you could. You're not busy?"

  "It's 8:45 a.m., what would I be busy doing at this hour of the day? Unless of course, if I was still asleep, which obviously isn't the case."

  "Great, Boss. I really appreciate it. I want to get the pantry back together before Juan gets here and goes ballistic."

  I said, "You're in luck there, too. I noticed the work schedule posted outside the office on my way by and Billy opens today, Juan doesn't come in until 4:00 p.m."

  When we got outside I saw why Moe was perplexed about how he was going to get the three shelving units inside. Each stood six feet tall, three feet deep, and six feet wide and they were made of heavy gauge stainless steel. Moe is one big strong guy, but this was a two-man job. Looking at the shelves I just hoped I was enough man to hold up my end.

  We struggled with the first unit, the second went better and by the third we had it perfected. I understood why Moe was in a hurry to get the units inside. He had cleared out most of the contents of the pantry and torn out the homemade shelves he was replacing. The inventory from the pantry was sitting all over the kitchen. He was correct that Juan would go ballistic if he came in and found things in such disarray.

  Once we got the three units in place in the pantry Moe secured them to the wall. He said that the units were stable enough to stand under normal use, but he was afraid that one of those "sparrow-ass cooks" would climb on the shelves to reach something on the top and tip them over. Made perfect sense to me, as climbing up the shelves was something I might do. If I ever went into the pantry, and I seldom do.

  By 9:45 a.m. we were just finishing moving the inventory back into the pantry and onto the shelves when Billy came into the kitchen. He took a look at the new shelves and said, "Nice shelves Moe, but I can tell you Juan won't like the way you have the supplies arranged."

  Before Moe could reach out and throttle Billy by the neck, I led him out of the pantry and back into the kitchen saying, "While you're getting the kitchen opened for the day could you make me something for breakfast? I'd sure appreciate it."

  He looked at me like I was speaking a foreign language, but then replied, "Ah, sure Jack, I'll see what I can find. I know we've got eggs, bacon for the BLTs, and bread I can toast. How does that sound?"

  "Wonderful Billy. Just wonderful. I knew I could count on you."

  Having helped Moe out of his dilemma and saved Billy from a sure thrashing, I decided to wander out to the bar and read the paper while I awaited my breakfast. I was actually feeling pretty useful, and it wasn't even noon yet.


  By mid-afternoon I'd run all of the errands Marge had assigned me for the day. This getting up in the morning does have its benefits. My lack of sleep was starting to wear on me just a bit when Elena called. Just talking to her perked me up. I know it's the proper thing for the guy to call the morning after, but I knew she had an important meeting that morning and didn't want to be a nuisance. At least that's what I told her when she turned out to be the one who called first. The truth was, that I was afraid I'd call and she'd be cool to me. Maybe she didn't think last night was as great as I did?

  The suggestions for tonight that she related, in a voice that I could only describe as soft and smoky, removed any doubts I had. I told her I needed to meet with a guy at the Pinnacle Hotel and Casino in the evening, but that we could certainly meet after that. She reminded me that the suggestions she was making for the evening's activities would be illegal if done in public. I haven't researched Florida law, but I think some of
them may be illegal even if done in private. You gotta love this woman. After being coy, suggestive, and teasing, but nothing more, for several weeks, she's turned a corner and I don't think there's any going back. I just hope I can keep up. I agreed to call her when I left the casino on my way to her condo. The drive south to Miami Beach on Friday night would be a killer, but well worth it. Of that I was certain.

  It was 6:30 p.m. when I pulled into Escapade. Friday night traffic was already clogging up with people in a hurry to part with their money. Escapade is a large entertainment complex anchored by the Pinnacle Hotel and Casino and the Ocean View Race Track. Years ago, several powerful casino and bar owners joined forces and lobbied the legislature for the opportunity to "compete on a level playing field," with the Seminole Tribe of Florida who had run their very lucrative casinos on reservation lands twenty-four hours a day. Eventually, the lobbyists prevailed and the Florida Legislature created a jurisdictional fiction similar to an airport authority. This Authority is a type of special city. It has its own governmental authority and provides its own municipal services such as police and fire protection. The Authority is authorized to pass ordinances that mirror the special opportunities afforded the Indians. Its only citizen is Escapade which consists of restaurants, bars, shops, the Pinnacle Hotel and Casino and the Ocean View Race Track. Consequently, Escapade is a twenty-four hour entertainment complex offering everything from high-stakes poker tournaments to championship fights and world class horse races. To say nothing of the numerous bars, restaurants, and the forty-story, five star, Pinnacle Hotel.

  Jeff Spencer is Director of Security for Escapade, including the Pinnacle Hotel and Casino and the Ocean View Race Track. While I had no idea where he might be on the sprawling property, I did recall, from the time we met when attempting to hide Sissy here, that his offices were located in the "back of the house" at the casino. After working my way through the queue, I dropped my car with one of the parking valets. I had the same reaction I always do entering a casino, how can all of these people actually believe they're going to be the ones to win? Just look around, casino operators don't build these lavish facilities and employee these armies of people if the odds are not in their favor.


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