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Quick Be Jack: A Jack Nolan Novel (The Cap's Place Series Book 3)

Page 19

by Robert Tarrant

  "Great Sissy, and you look great as always."

  She frowned, "Why is the first thing you mention is always how I look?"

  "I thought women liked that. Don't you like to hear that you look great?"

  "So it's not true, you just say what you think I want to hear?"

  "Damn Sissy, just because you're working part of Dana's shift you don't have to play her role."

  She chuckled and asked, "You want a beer?"

  "No thanks. I had one with lunch. That's enough for now. I do want to talk, though. Don't forget you're going to try to find out if Marge is sick, . . . or something."

  Sissy nodded and said, "I haven't forgotten, Jack, but I just got here, so give me a little while. Okay?"

  "Sure. I'm just concerned."

  Sissy went to the other end of the bar to take an order and I was left with my thoughts. As much as I was attempting to distract myself I couldn't help but replay my conversation with Justin. It was disturbing, maybe scary. It seemed like the kind of stuff they make movies about, but nobody thinks is really true. Maybe I should have let him tell me what this rogue CIA unit was doing that they would kill several people just to keep it quiet?

  My thoughts were interrupted as a guy sat down a couple of stools down from me and asked, "You hear about that big shooting?"

  I shook my head, "Shooting? What shooting? I didn't hear anything. Around here someplace?"

  "Yeah, not that far. Couple of Hollywood cops got shot in some kind of big shootout."

  Now the sirens and the helicopters made sense. I called to Sissy, "Sissy, please turn on a local news station."

  Sissy picked up the television remote and changed the channel from the usual ESPN to a local channel. The picture was a long shot from a helicopter. It showed a large warehouse built in a square around an open parking area. Several police cars with their lights flashing were scattered around the parking lot and the streets surrounding the warehouse. What looked like an SUV and a sedan car were parked about forty yards apart facing each other. As the camera zoomed in, it looked as if most of the glass was gone from the sedan and much of it from the SUV. The crawler read, "Two Hollywood detectives shot in violent exchange of gunfire with two heavily armed suspects. Police are not releasing any details until a press conference that is scheduled for 5:00 p.m. Stay tuned for breaking details and live coverage of the press conference."

  Sissy said, "Wow, two detectives. I'll bet PJ knows them."

  I looked back at the television and my heart stopped dead momentarily. The sedan looked just like the one PJ was driving when she left here Sunday morning. Yet, don't all cop cars look similar? Then I remembered a conversation from a few weeks ago when PJ and Tim had stopped in for lunch one afternoon. Tim was razing her about her antique car. She said her goal was to keep it until it was a true antique. He said she might be the only cop left in South Florida still driving a Crown Victoria. I'm no car guy, but that shot up sedan sure looks like a Crown Victoria from the air.

  I didn't want to upset Sissy, after all I could be wrong, so I said, "Just remembered I've got to see Marge for a second." I walked slowly back to the office. I didn't want to think what I was thinking, but I couldn't stop myself. I asked Marge to hand me the stack of business cards that are rubber banded together in the top desk drawer. She handed them to me and asked, "Something wrong, Jack?"

  "No. Well, I don't know. I hope not." I was thumbing through the cards.

  Marge said, "Anything I can do?"

  "Oh, I'm sorry Marge, I'm just distracted. A couple of Hollywood detectives have been shot. I just want to check and make certain PJ's not one of them. I left her a voicemail a while ago, but she hasn't called back. I thought I'd give her partner a call."

  Marge said, "If two detectives have been shot, the rest are probably pretty busy. How bad are they hurt?"

  I said, "I don't know how bad. And you are right, everyone is probably pretty busy, but I've got to try." I found Tim's business card and dialed his cell phone number from the desk phone. It went to voicemail. I left a quick message saying we had seen the news and were hoping he and PJ were okay. I tried PJ's cell again and left a similar message, except I asked her to please call me so we would know she was okay.

  After I left the office, I found myself going upstairs to my apartment. I didn't remember making a decision to go upstairs, I just found myself doing it. I sat down on the edge of my bed and put my head in my hands. I wasn't praying, but I guess I was doing the closest thing I do to praying, I was hoping with all of my heart. Hoping it wasn't PJ.

  My cell phone vibrating in my pocket startled me. I looked at it and saw Dana was calling. "Dana, what's up?"

  "Jack, I just got a Tweet saying that two Hollywood detectives were shot to death this afternoon. Your friend PJ's not one of them, is she?"

  I couldn't get my breath for a second. Dana said, "Jack, you there?"

  I answered, "Yeah, I'm here. I heard there was a shooting, but we don't know who's involved. There's going to be a press conference. We should hear more then." Dana told me she was going to hurry home to see the press conference.

  I didn't want to go back downstairs, but I knew I had to. If PJ was dead, Sissy would need me. They are really close and this would be devastating to her. Don't think that Jack, just keep hoping. When I got back into the bar, the shooting was all anyone was talking about. As I climbed up on my stool, Sissy came down to my end of the bar. She looked distraught. Leaning across the bar she said in a low tone, "A guy just came in and said he heard one of the cops shot was a woman. You don't think it could be PJ do you? I tried her cell, but got voicemail."

  I cleared the catch in my throat and said, "There must be more than one woman detective in Hollywood, so even if it is a woman doesn't mean it's PJ. We'll probably learn more at the press conference coming up in a little while."

  "Okay," said Sissy as she turned and walked away without even asking if I wanted a beer. She was obviously distracted. Just then my cell phone vibrated in my pocket. I jerked it out and read the number, Elena. I was both relieved and disappointed. Relieved that it was Elena calling me and not someone calling to tell me the worst, and disappointed that it wasn't PJ calling to tell me she was fine.

  The noise level in the bar was increasing by the minute as the late afternoon crowd built and everyone talked about the shooting. I stepped out the back door and answered my phone. The first thing out of Elena's mouth was, "Did you hear about the shooting? Do you think PJ could be involved? She's a detective, isn't she?"

  I replied, "Yes, she is a detective, but I don't know if she's involved or not. Let's hope not."

  "Hope not! I'm praying she's not! She's such a nice person and she has that daughter. It just can't be her."

  I thought to myself, most cops are nice people and most of them have kids, but knew that wasn't the thing to say in response. Instead I asked, "Where are you now? Still working?"

  She replied, "I'm on my way there. You're at Cap's aren't you?"

  This was the first pleasant surprise I'd had today, "Yes, I'm here. It'll be great to see you, but I know how busy you are, so I understand if you can't take the time to stop by."

  "Stop by? Does that mean I can't stay the night?"

  "Yeah, I mean no, I mean of course you can stay the night, I just thought--"

  Elena interrupted, "Well quit thinking. Sometimes you overthink things Jack. I'll see you in about forty-five minutes."

  "Great. Drive Safe. See you then."


  Elena walked in just before 5:00 p.m. She looked very professional in a pale turquoise business suit and black blouse. As always, her platinum blond hair was radiant. It was only the serious expression she wore that detracted from her appearance. She glanced around and spotted me standing at the far end of the bar.

  I was standing because Marge had come out of the office to watch the press conference and I insisted she take my seat. All of the stools at the bar were occupied and most of the way ar
ound the bar people were standing behind those seated. We have two televisions behind the bar and two others mounted around the room. We're far from a sports bar with their countless screens, so every seat with a view of a television was occupied. Elena walked up to me and gave me a hug and a peck on the cheek. She whispered, "I'm scared."

  I glanced at Sissy who was behind the bar staring at the television as if willing it to be 5:00 p.m., or praying it would never be 5:00 p.m., I wasn't sure which. I whispered back to Elena, "I'm scared, too."

  She pulled me back from the crowd and said, "I think you should go back there behind the bar with Sissy, just in case. If it's bad news, she'll need you."

  "But you just got here."

  "Don't worry about me, I'll go talk to Marge."

  "You don't even know Marge."

  She smiled, "I will." With that she walked up behind Marge and tapped her on the shoulder. I heard her say, "Hi Marge, I'm Elena, mind if I join you?"

  Marge turned, smiled warmly at Elena and they shook hands. The guy on the stool next to Marge hopped off and told Elena she should take his stool. She smiled at him, said, "Thank you," and sat down next to Marge. I walked to the opening at the other end of the bar and joined Sissy at center bar.

  Sissy looked at me with a puzzled look, I'm seldom behind the bar, and then noticed Elena next to Marge. She didn't say anything to me, but walked down to the other end of the bar and said, "Hi Elena, I didn't see you come in. You look nice today. Can I get you something?"

  Elena smiled and reached across the bar to clasp hands with Sissy. She replied, "Sure, I'll have a glass of Chardonnay please."

  Sissy poured the glass of wine and set it in front of Elena before turning and walking back to me. She looked up at me with moist eyes and said, "You think it's PJ, don't you?"

  I put my arm around her and hugged her to me, "I don't know, but I'll admit I'm worried." I looked past Sissy to Elena talking with Marge. Elena looked up, caught my eye and nodded her approval.

  The sudden hush of the crowd drew my attention to the television. Moe, who I hadn't noticed walk up to the open end of the bar, picked up the controller on the back counter and turned the volume up. The picture was of a solemn police chief behind a bank of microphones. Behind him stood several stone faced police officers.

  The chief spoke, "While following two robbery homicide suspects today, two Hollywood Police Department detectives were ambushed by the suspects. A violent gun battle resulted in the death of one of our detectives and the serious injury of the second. Both suspects were killed in the gun battle."

  I felt Sissy slump against me and I held her tighter. The chief continued, "We are not releasing the names of our officers at this time, as all family members of the officers have not been notified as of yet. As soon as all family members of both officers have been notified, we will provide names and backgrounds on both officers."

  One of the reporters shouted, "Can you tell us how seriously the second officer is injured?"

  The chief replied, "The second officer sustained serious injuries and is presently being treated at Memorial Regional Hospital."

  Another shout, "Is the officer conscious? Have you talked to the officer? What happened?"

  A look of annoyance flashed across the chief's face, "The officer was conscious when responding officers arrived at the scene, but lost consciousness and remains unconscious at this time. We will make no further comments regarding the officer's condition until all family members have been contacted. We have detectives and crime scene technicians on the scene investigating. We will have a more complete picture of what transpired after they complete their work."

  "Were automatic weapons involved?"

  "Both suspects were armed with semi-automatic assault style rifles. At this time, I do not know if the rifles were capable of full automatic fire. A large quantity of ammunition was found in their vehicle."

  "Chief, were these suspects terrorists?"

  "We have no indication that this event is in any way terrorism related, we believe these subjects were two heavily armed robbers and murderers. Our investigation will answer all of these questions in due time." As another reporter started to shout a question, the chief raised his hand and said, "Let me repeat, we have no indication that this event was in any way terrorism related. There is no reason for the public to be alarmed at this time. In fact, the public should take solace in the fact that these two brave detectives took two very dangerous people off the streets today."

  After fending off several additional questions aimed at gleaning information the chief was unable or unwilling to release he said, "That is all we have to give out at this time. We will be holding another news conference at 7:00 p.m. Thank you."

  With that, the talking heads began to tell us what we had heard and to speculate about what we had not. All the while a continuous loop of the aerial shots of the scene played in the background. The more I saw those pictures the more convinced I became that it was PJ's car.

  Everyone in the bar drifted back into their conversations with the drone of the talking heads in the background. Sissy went back to filling drink orders and I walked over to where Moe was standing. Moe said, "Bad shit, Boss. Bad shit."

  I nodded, "I know. I don't feel good about it. I haven't said anything to Sissy, but those pictures look like PJ's car."

  Moe said, "I thought it looked like the car she had here last weekend. Sissy's gonna take it real hard, if it's her. They're really close."

  "Yeah, I know. I should probably have Marge call someone in to tend bar. Just in case."

  "Don't do that Boss, that'll freak Sissy out. She'll know we think it's PJ. They might not even release the names until tomorrow. If it turns out to be PJ, I'll tend bar."

  I said, "That should be interesting."

  "No problem. The drink menu will be limited to beer and rum and Coke, but otherwise everything will be normal."

  I slapped him on the back as I walked away toward Elena, "Moe, there's nothing normal about you, but you're the best."

  When I got back to the other end of the bar, Marge and Elena were deep in discussion about the idea of enlarging Cap's to accommodate entertainment. Elena looked up at me and said, "Hey Jack, Marge was just telling me about your ideas to build on. Sounds exciting. I'm going to change my clothes and then Marge and I are going to walk around the building and talk about it."

  I must have looked confused because she added, "I have my overnight bag in the car from spending last night in Boca. I thought I could change upstairs in your apartment. If that's okay with you? You do remember I'm planning to stay the night, don't you?"

  "Of course I remember. Let me get your suitcase for you. Just give me your keys and I'll take it upstairs for you."

  Elena dug into her purse and handed me her keys. "Thanks Jack, that's sweet of you." With that she reached up and pulled me down until our lips met in a quick kiss. The woman's not shy about staking her claim in public, gotta give her that.

  I went outside and found her car. It wasn't difficult, it was the only candy apple red Ferrari convertible in the lot. Hell it was the only Ferrari in the lot, ever. I took the suitcase upstairs and left it on my bed. Pausing for a second I looked out the back window over the marina and to the ocean. The sky was a crystal clear pale blue with just a couple of large white puffy clouds on the horizon. It looked so peaceful. A direct contrast to the storm raging in my gut. As if my conversation with Justin hadn't been enough, now PJ.

  With every passing minute I became more convinced PJ was involved. Without any conscious decision I took my cell out and hit PJ's number again. It rang several times and then I heard a distant shout, "I told you not to answer that." The call had disconnected as suddenly as it was answered. I stood staring at the phone in my hand. Whatever just happened didn't in any way relieve my anguish. I turned and headed downstairs.

  I got downstairs and found Elena alone. She wasn't totally alone, Marge was gone, but the guys sitting on both sides of her were talking
to her in poorly disguised attempts to flirt. I walked up and held out her keys, "Got your bag upstairs, what happened to Marge?" Both of her suitors turned away and began to study their drinks.

  Elena hopped off her stool and said, "Thanks Jack. Marge went back to the office to find her files on your ideas. I'm going to change and meet her back there."

  I handed her my apartment key, slumped my shoulders and said, "You know, of course, that the ideas are not mine. They're Marge and Moe's."

  "Of course I do," she kissed me on the cheek and said, "I'll be right back down." Then looking over toward Sissy who was serving drinks at the other end of the bar she added, "I think you should stick kinda close to Sissy tonight, at least through that next press conference."

  I watched as Elena disappeared down the hall on her way to the inside stairs up to the apartment, then I turned and looked for Moe. He's not usually that difficult to find, even when the bar's busy, since he towers over everyone else. I spotted him standing near the back door talking to someone, but Moe's body blocked my view so I didn't know who it was. I started in his direction and then saw it was Justin.

  I walked up to the two of them just as Moe was saying, "Jack and I are both pretty sure it's PJ's car in those pictures. Sure looks like the one we've seen her driving."

  Justin rubbed his chin and said, "They haven't given out any names yet?"

  Moe replied, "No, not yet." By now I had reached them and Moe turned to me and asked, "Jack, do you think that's what they're going to do at the 7:00 p.m. news conference?"

  I thought for a minute and then replied, "That would be my guess. I can't imagine that there would be that much more information to release about the investigation. The suspects are dead, so looking for them isn't a consideration. The most newsworthy information at this time would be the identities of the officers involved."

  Moe and Justin both nodded in agreement, then Justin asked me, "Have you talked to PJ lately?"


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