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One Last Chance

Page 20

by Hollowed, Beverley

  Cole slumped back into the bed. He knew he needed to get over this Jason thing. He needed to let his fear go.

  Chapter 29

  “You feeling okay this morning?” Ally asked Cole when he finally woke up. She had been lying quietly watching Cole sleep for the last twenty minutes. “That was quite a dream you had last night. You want to tell me about it?”

  “I can’t really remember,” Cole lied. He had chosen not to tell her he had the dream again after he had the dream for the second time. “I have no idea what I was dreaming about.”

  “You know you can talk to me,” Ally said as she reached out and softly traced down Cole’s face with the tips of her fingers. “I want you to share everything with me, and that means all the bad stuff too. You can’t keep wrapping me in cotton wool.”

  “I know, “Cole said with a sad smile. “But I swear, it was just a dream. I don’t remember what it was about. I am okay. I promise.”

  “Okay,” Ally replied brightly but she felt a little disappointed. She knew he wasn’t telling her everything but she decided not to push.

  Instead she slid out of bed and headed towards the bathroom. She reached in and turned on the water in the shower, then she stripped her pyjamas off and stepped beneath the water, allowing it to cascade down over her body.

  “You got room for one more,” Cole said as he popped his head around the shower door.

  “Well, if you can squish in here with this huge thing,” Ally said rubbing her ever expanding bump. “You are very welcome.”

  “How about you let me wash your back,” Cole whispered against her ear as he pulled her closer to him.

  “That sounds like heaven,” Ally grinned as she turned her back to Cole and passed him her body wash.

  He squirted some on to his hand then, sitting the bottle on the shelf, he rubbed his hands together and began to massage the body wash into Ally’s back. Starting at the base, he worked his hands up her back until he reached her shoulders and then, down her arms.

  Lifting the bottle again, he squirted more onto his hand and rubbed his hands together once more. Then reaching under her arms, he began to massage the body wash into her bump, gradually working his way up to her breasts.

  “This feels so good,” Cole whispered against her ear and suddenly, Ally could feel his erect cock press against her backside. Cupping her breasts, he pressed his lips against her neck. He nibbled her and softly kissed her until he reached her ear.

  “I want you,” he breathed against her ear. Holding her close to him, he pushed her feet wider apart with his foot. Then bending his knees slightly, he reached between them with one of his hands, still holding her close to him with the other hand.

  She could feel the slick head of his cock slip between her legs and then push through her soft folds until he found his target.

  Ally cried softly as Cole tilted his hips up and slid his entire length deep inside her.

  She instinctively reached out for the tiled wall to steady them both, as he slowly rocked into her again and again.

  “I love you, Ally,” he moaned breathlessly against her neck as he thrust into her over and over again.

  Ally could feel the build-up in the pit of her stomach as her legs began to shake.

  “OH COLE!” She cried out, as she pinched her eyes shut, the pleasure consuming her body. She knew she was close. She pushed her bum back against him as she took him deeper inside her.

  “Ally, I’m not going to last much longer,” Cole groaned against her ear.

  His paced picked up as he pushed into her deeper and deeper. Ally could feel her orgasm build quickly as she threw her head back onto Cole’s shoulder and cried out as she let go. “OH YES! YES!”

  Cole pushed into her harder as he erupted inside her holding on to her tighter to stop her from collapsing as she slumped against his body.

  “I love you, gorgeous girl,” he whispered against her ear when he finally caught his breath.

  When she regained her composer, Cole insisted on finishing off what he started. He grabbed the shampoo and gave her hair a good wash.

  When they were finished in the shower, Cole stepped out and wrapped a towel around his waist, then grabbed another towel and held it out for Ally. He wrapped it around her tightly as she stepped out of the shower and into the awaiting soft, fluffy towel.

  “I am sorry I have to go to this meeting this morning,” Cole said as he wrapped another towel around her hair and towel dried it for her.

  “I know you have to go,” Ally said as she held the towel around herself. “But you are still meeting me at the hospital for the appointment?”

  “I wouldn’t miss it for the world,” Cole said as he dropped the towel, took Ally’s face in his hands and tilted it up so she was looking up at him. “I don’t want you to worry, we have this. Whatever they decide today, as long as you and Little Bean are safe, we can face whatever else happens.”

  “Okay,” Ally smiled up at Cole. She knew he was right. She just needed to focus on one day at a time. She was now thirty-five weeks pregnant. Ideally, she wanted to go for as long as she could. But she knew, if Little Bean needed to be delivered early, at thirty five-weeks, Little Bean’s chance of survival were very good.

  When they were both dressed, they headed down stairs and found Ben in his highchair being fed baby porridge by Ella, as Rosie prepared everyone else’s breakfast.

  “Good Morning,” Ally said brightly as she made her way directly to Ben and kissed him on the forehead.

  “Good Morning,” Ella replied back. “I hope you don’t mind, I thought I would get started on Ben’s breakfast. It’s not often I get a chance to spend some time with my gorgeous grandson.”

  “Well, that will all change now,” Cole replied as he kissed his mother on the cheek. “With you and Dad spending more of your weekends over here, you can get to see him much more.”

  “Are you still sure about your apartment, Ally?” Ella asked as she gave Ben another spoonful of porridge.

  “Of course I am,” Ally smiled as she poured herself a glass of orange juice. “I am so happy you two are going to come here more often. It is good for Ben and Little Bean to spend more time with their grandparents. When I was growing up, Nan and Pop were a huge part of my life. Even long before I went to live with them. I adored them both. I want that for my babies.”

  “I am so pleased you are happy about this,” Ella replied.

  James joined them in the kitchen, as they all tucked into their breakfast. Well, all except Ally.

  “Aren’t you hungry?” Cole looked at Ally questioningly.

  “Not really,” Ally replied. “I guess I am a little nervous about today.”

  “Try not to worry,” Cole said reassuringly. “We will get through today and you and the baby will be just fine. I promise.”

  “I know,” Ally smiled.

  “I have to get going,” he said feeling horrible for leaving her while she was so worried and nervous. “I promise I will be at the hospital. And I promise I won’t be late.”

  “I know you will be there,” Ally smiled. She knew Cole hated leaving her and she was trying to put on a brave face but she was worried. “Nick will be with me, we will drop Ben at Nan’s and I will go straight there.”

  “I was hoping you would let us mind him,” Ella said suddenly. “Dad and I were hoping to head into town and we were thinking, if it was okay with you both, we could take Ben with us for the day.”

  “You want to take Ben?” Cole asked and Ally knew Cole wasn’t keen on the idea. She knew when Ben was at Nan’s, Adam was there with them and they were all safe. Ben being with his parents would just give her more to worry about. And she knew Cole didn’t want her any more worried than she needed to be.

  “I think it’s a great idea,” Ally said quickly. She needed to put Cole’s mind at ease. “I think it would do Ben some good to get out and about and spend time with his other grandparents.”

  Cole looked at Ally for a moment. She kne
w he was running through a million scenarios in his head. Then he turned to his mother and sighed.

  “Okay,” he said sounding less than happy. “But Adam goes with you. And you take extra care. Let him drive the rental car.”

  “Deal,” Ella exclaimed excitedly but Ally couldn’t help but feel a little sad that Cole couldn’t be a bit happier that his parents were trying so hard.

  She walked to the front door with him as he was leaving.

  “Please, don’t worry about Ben with your mom and dad,” she said once they reached the door. “I want his life to be normal. A day out with his grandparents is normal. And Adam will be with them. Nothing will happen.”

  “I just didn’t want you to have something else to worry about today,” Cole sighed. “I know you are nervous enough about today as it is.”

  “I’m not worried,” Ally reassured him and smiled. “Please relax. Nothing can possibly go wrong.”

  “Okay gorgeous girl,” Cole said then leaned in and kissed Ally on the lips. “See you soon, okay.”

  Ally stood and watched Cole head down the steps and to his awaiting car. He turned before he climbed into the back, blew Ally a kiss and gave her a big grin. Then slipped into the back seat as Liam closed the car door behind him.

  Ally spent the morning chatting in the kitchen with Rosie and Ella before she waved Ella, James and Ben off on their shopping trip just before eleven.

  She headed to her bedroom and got ready for her doctor’s appointment while Rosie got stuck into her usual morning routine.

  “You all ready?” Nick asked when Ally walked into the kitchen shortly before one o’clock.

  “Ready as I’ll ever be,” Ally replied nervously.

  “Try not to worry, dearie,” Rosie said walking over to Ally and squeezing her hand. “I have no doubt you and the wee one will be just fine.”

  “Thanks Rosie,” Ally said and kissed her on the cheek. “By the way, you didn’t see the picture frame Ella bought for us by any chance?”

  “No I haven’t,” Rosie replied. “Isn’t it with the rest of your gifts?”

  “I thought it was,” Ally sighed. “I thought I saw it with them this morning when I gathered some of the stuff up from the sideboard there and took them upstairs. But when I came back I couldn’t find it. I will have another look when I get home.”

  “I will have a look around while you are gone,” Rosie replied. “I am sure it is around here somewhere.”

  “Thanks Rosie,” Ally said and kissed her on the cheek once again.

  Ally and Nick headed out to the car and set off towards the hospital. The traffic was very heavy as it always was at that time of day on a Friday. At about fifteen minutes to two, Ally’s phone buzzed.

  When she pulled it from her bag, she saw Cole’s name flash up on the screen and Ally instantly smiled.

  “Hi,” she chirped when she pressed answer on her phone.

  “Hey there,” Cole replied sounding equally cheerful. “I am just calling to say I am about five minutes from the hospital.”

  “We got stuck in traffic,” Ally replied. “But we should be there shortly.”

  “Was Ben okay heading off with Mum and Dad?” Cole asked and Ally smiled.

  “He was fine,” Ally reassured him. “They called me before I left, and he was having a ball.”

  “Good,” Cole replied and Ally knew he was now smiling too. “I have reached the hospital, I will see you in a few minutes.”

  “I am almost there,” Ally replied. “I will see you soon.”

  When they pulled into the car park, Nick jumped out and reached for Ally’s door, but suddenly he seemed to slump against it. And slowly fall to the ground.

  “NICK!” Ally cried out in horror as she pushed the door open and climbed out. She bent down to Nick and gasped when she saw blood trickling down from behind his ear. “NICK! NICK! PLEASE OPEN YOUR EYES!”

  “Don’t think that will happen for a while,” a familiar voice said from behind Ally. She recognised it instantly and her stomach flipped. She turned around and was face to face with Jason.

  “Alone at last,” he said with a smile but his eyes said a very different thing. They were full of anger, possessed almost. He was almost unrecognisable.

  “Jason,” Ally said trying her hardest to sound calm but feeling anything but, inside. “What are you doing here? Why have you hurt him? He has nothing to do with any of this.”

  “He was one of them,” he growled as he looked down at Nick’s body, slumped on the cold ground. “He helped keep you away from me.”

  Ally didn’t know how to respond to that. Her heart was racing now in her chest, but she knew she had to try her hardest to remain calm. She looked down at Nick once again and her heart was breaking, she needed to know he was okay. She couldn’t bare it that someone else had been hurt because of her.

  Then she remembered she had left her phone on the back seat of the car. She knew she needed to get to it.

  “I am just going to check he is okay,” Ally said bending down to Nick. To her relief he was still breathing. As she stood back up, she used the back seat of the car for support and quickly let her hand slide along the seat, reaching out for the phone.

  “NOT SO FAST,” Jason shouted, almost knocking her over as he quickly reached in past her and grabbed her phone and threw it out of her reach on the far side of the car. “Nice try, But it’s just you and me now. No more fucking Thomas. He has stood in our way for long enough. Him and all his fucking flunkies.”

  He suddenly swung a kick and connected with Nick’s ribs and Ally cried out as a semi-conscious Nick groaned in pain.

  “From now on it’s just me and you,” Jason continued, turning back to Ally, “Just me, you and the baby. As it should be”

  “Jason, please,” Ally begged as she fought to push the tears back inside. “Don’t do this. I swear she isn’t your baby.”

  “Don’t lie to me Ally,” he snapped back. “I won’t be kept away from what’s mine any longer. Now let’s go. Back to where you belong.”

  “I AM GOING NOWHERE WITH YOU!” She screamed angrily at him.

  He didn’t reply instead he just stepped closer and Ally could feel something press against her stomach. She looked down and her stomach heaved when she saw the dark metal of a gun, pressed against her bump.

  “Oh, I think you will,” he said calmly with a strange smile and Ally knew she had no choice. He had her.

  Chapter 30

  Cole checked his watch again. It was now five minutes past two. Ally should have been here by now. When he had talked to her, she had said she was a couple of minutes away. He had no idea what could be possibly taking her so long.

  He pulled his phone from his pocket, hitting redial as Ally’s number was the last one he called. He held it to his ear and listened as it just rang out. He immediately hit the redial button again and listened as it once again as it just rang out.

  He brought up Nick’s number and pressed call and a wave of panic washed over him when that too rang out. He pressed Ally’s number once again.

  “Come on Ally,” he growled as it just kept ringing. “Answer the damn phone.”

  Suddenly, it was answered but there was no reply for a moment.

  “ALLY! ALLY! IS THAT YOU?” Cole roared into the phone. Everyone that was around him in the hospital waiting room, stopped what they were doing and looked at Cole. He couldn’t have cared less who was looking at him. “ANSWER ME, DAMN IT.”

  “M…Mr…Thomas,” Nick said weakly into the phone. “He…he jumped…me… He… he has her… the bastard has her.”

  Cole took off running for the exit and headed straight for the car park. As he ran, he brought up Nathan’s number and hit call.

  “How did the appointment go?” Nathan asked the minute he answered the phone.

  “Nate…. “Cole said and had to take a deep steadying breath to stop himself from vomiting. “He has her. HE FUCKING HAS MY WIFE!”

  “WHA…HOW?” Nathan e
xclaimed, he too sounding panicked. “What the fuck happened?”

  “I don’t know,” Cole replied as he finally reached the car park. He scanned the car park until he spotted the Rover, with a very shaken looking Nick, standing next to it, holding his head. Cole raced straight over to where Nick was and he was shocked to see the blood pouring from Nick’s head and soaking into his shirt collar. “He must have been waiting for them I think,” Cole continued talking in to the phone to Nathan. “He jumped Nick. I am with Nick now. He looks like he received quite a blow to the head.”

  “Mr. Thomas,” Nick said as he took the handkerchief from his pocket and held it to his head. “I am so sorry. I did the usual perimeter sweep. He just came out of nowhere. I don’t know how he got so close.”

  “Nick, we can worry about that later,” Cole replied. “Did he say anything to indicate where he was taking her?”

  “I am sorry Mr. Thomas.” Nick said as he winced with the pain from his ribs. “Most of what he was saying was very garbled to me. I was trying not to black out completely, but I was struggling to focus on what he was saying.”

  “Is there something,” Cole pleaded, grasping at anything that could give him the tiniest bit of hope. “Anything at all that you remember, that might help.”

  Nick tried hard to make sense of the jumbled words that were in his head. He tried hard to ignore the pounding headache and focus on the snippets of information floating around his mind.

  “He said something about it being her, him and the baby from now on,” Nick said trying hard to remember anything at all that may help. “He was taking her back where she belonged.”

  “Did you get that Nathan,” Cole said bringing the phone to his ear once again. “Are there still men at his apartment?”

  “Yes,” Nathan confirmed. “I have them on the other line. They have said there is no movement at Jason place. But if he is travelling through the city. He isn’t going to do anything stupid, like speed to have the police pull him over. I am heading straight over there now.”


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