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Rogue Pirates Bride

Page 26

by Shana Galen

  catch a frog or snake, take it back to his room, and

  perhaps surprise Armand with the creature in his bed.

  He remembered looking back at the chateau as

  he’d made his way toward the nearby creek. He’d

  seen the light in Armand’s room still burned. His

  brother was probably reading, and if Madame St Cyr

  caught him, he’d be in big trouble. He couldn’t see his

  brother Julien’s room from that vantage point, but he

  suspected Julien was fast asleep. Julien usually followed

  the rules. Madame St. Cyr always said, “Sébastien,

  why can’t you be more like your brother, Julien?”

  He’d been on his way back from a successful foray

  at the creek, two plump frogs in his pockets, when

  he’d seen the torches and heard the singing. He’d

  hidden in the trees, waited to see what would happen,

  and had been shocked when the peasants set the

  chateau on fire. He’d run straight into Gaston, who’d

  been coming from the stables, and Gaston had pushed

  him back into the trees.

  “Not that way, Monsieur le Marquis!” Gaston had

  been out of breath, his eyes frantic with panic. “If they

  catch you, they will kill you.”

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  “But ma mére and my brothers! I must go and help

  them.” He fought Gaston, but the groom held him fast.

  “They will have to help themselves. You and I will

  escape, and we will find them later, no? We will all be

  reunited later.”

  “No!” Bastien struggled, but Gaston pulled him

  away, hid him in the trees, and when one of the

  horses from the stables came upon them, Gaston and

  he rode for a city far from Paris. On the way, Bastien

  realized the situation in France was far more serious

  than he had known. His parents had told them there

  was some trouble with the lower classes, but he had

  not understood they wanted him and his family dead.

  Gaston told him they would need to leave France

  in order to survive. He’d promised they’d return when

  order was restored, and find the rest of Bastien’s family.

  And so they’d found themselves in Cherbourg, and

  Bastien found himself standing before Captain Vargas.

  And here Bastien stood now. He looked at his old

  friend. “Have I ever told you I’m grateful for what

  you did that night? I’m grateful you saved me.”

  “Are you?” Gaston gave him a hard look. “I some-

  times think you wish you had died with them.”

  Bastien flicked ash into the water. It was true. There

  were days he wished he’d gone back, even if it meant he

  would be dead now. “I felt like a coward for running,”

  he said. “I feel like a coward for leaving them.”

  “Then perhaps it is time you stop running. You

  were a boy then. Now you are a man. Perhaps it is

  time you seek the truth of what had happened that

  night. Perhaps it is time you stop looking for ways to

  die and start looking for how you can live.” Gaston

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  shrugged. “Eh, bien. You know what is best, Monsieur

  le Marquis.” He moved away, and Bastien stared

  after him. The old man moved stiffly, hunched over.

  It would not be long before he, too, was gone, and

  Bastien would be truly alone.

  So perhaps the old servant was right. Bastien wanted

  to know what happened to his family—even if it meant

  the death of his favorite fantasy. Even if it meant he

  found out, without doubt, he was the last Valère.

  He smelled cherries even before he saw her, and when

  he turned, she was standing tentatively behind him.

  Perhaps the time had come to start living.

  He studied her, knew she was probably waiting for

  him to order her below decks. Instead, he signaled

  Ridley. “Mr. Ridley, inform Mr. Khan and the crew

  I’d like to set a course for France. I have business

  there.” He saw Raeven’s eyebrows wing upward, but

  she didn’t speak.

  “Yes, Cap’n. Doan mind telling you some of the

  men not goin to like dat.”

  “Tell them they’re free to disembark in Brest, find

  another ship. There’ll be ships aplenty in those waters

  right now, taking advantage of the truce.”

  “Yes, Cap’n.”

  Bastien turned to Raeven. “Would you like to join

  me for a meal?”

  Her brows winged up yet again, but she nodded.

  “I’d like that.”

  “Good.” He took her hand. “I have a story to tell you.”

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  “I don’t know what this is,” Raeven told Bastien

  an hour later, “but it’s delicious.”

  Bastien nodded, sipped more of his champagne.

  She suspected he’d saved it to celebrate the defeat

  of Jourdain and had probably imagined sharing it

  with his quartermaster, Maine. She would never buy

  that dinner and wine for Percy. The celebration and

  victory were bittersweet for both of them. She looked

  about the wardroom. It seemed empty with only the

  two of them.

  But at least the food was delicious. It was some

  sort of fish, spiced and seasoned in a way the cook

  on board the Regal would never have managed.

  Salviati, the Shadow’s cook, might not be much on

  presentation, but he more than made up for it with

  taste. She forked up another bite, noted Bastien was

  not eating.

  “I think there are crepes for dessert,” he told her.

  She smiled. “How very French. Speaking of

  France…” The subject had to be raised at some point.

  “What changed your mind?”

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  His sipped the champagne again. “I said I had a story.”

  She laid down her fork, reluctantly, and reached

  across the table to take his hand. “I’d like to hear it.”

  He poured more champagne for both of them. “I

  am a marquis. Actually, I might be a duc. I might be

  the duc of Valère.”

  Raeven nodded. She didn’t doubt his claims, not

  anymore. Anyone could look at him and see noble

  blood flowed through his veins. She, on the other

  hand, was a sailor’s daughter through and through.

  Nothing special. “Valère.” She tapped her finger to

  her chin. “That name sounds familiar.”

  “Gaston mentioned it to you, I’m sure. We’re

  an old family—we were an old family. Now I’m all

  that’s left.”

  She felt his hand tremble slightly and squeezed it

  tightly. “What happened?”

  He told her. He told her about his kind father,

  a man who was gentle and giving. A father very

  different from her own, but someone she could see

  loving. She wished she might have met him. He told

er about his mother—how beautiful she’d been, how

  playful, and how strict. “She never let us get away

  with anything,” he added. “Somehow, she always

  knew what we were up to.”

  She smiled sadly, wondering what her own mother

  would have been like. In the portrait her father kept

  in his cabin, she looked gentle. She looked like the

  kind of woman who would have pulled Raeven onto

  her lap and kissed away all her hurts. As it was, no

  one had ever done that for her. She’d never been

  neglected, but she’d never felt cherished. She watched

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  the tender way Bastien twined his fingers with hers,

  thought of the way he held her at night when he

  thought she was asleep, the endearments he whis-

  pered to her. He had never told her he loved her, but

  he made her feel cherished.

  “And then there was Julien.” Bastien smiled, and

  she could see the little boy in him, see the admira-

  tion he held for his older brother. “He was always so

  serious, so dedicated to his studies. He was a little duc

  from the day he was born. I wasn’t the best student—

  too distracted thinking about all the fun things I could

  be doing to pay attention to our tutors.”

  She laughed because she’d been the same way. The

  hours she’d spent in her father’s cabin with tutors had

  seemed like months when the sun was out and the

  wind blowing. She would have rather swabbed the

  decks than be forced to learn Latin and Greek, which

  was probably why her grasp of the classics was so poor.

  “But Julien always helped me with my studies. He

  had infinite patience. I didn’t realize it at the time, but

  I can see I must have been a trial to him.”

  “You’re a twin,” Raeven said. “What about your

  twin brother?”

  Bastien laughed. “We looked exactly alike, but

  otherwise we couldn’t have been more different.

  Armand was quiet and serious. He actually liked to

  read and preferred to stay indoors rather than run

  around and play. I remember him with his nose in

  a book. He was the tutors’ favorite. He spoke four

  languages by the time he was ten and had read all of

  Homer—in the original Greek.”

  Raeven blinked. She hadn’t even read Homer in

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  English. In fact, she wasn’t certain if he was the one

  who had written about Aeneas or Helen of Troy. She

  always got them confused.

  “It sounds like Julien was something of a cross

  between you and Armand.”

  Bastien nodded. “Exactly so.” He was speaking

  in French now, and she didn’t know if he realized

  he’d switched. He sounded comfortable speaking in

  French, but the more he reminisced, the more she

  heard the aristocrat in his voice. Sitting across from

  her—his shirt open at the throat, his hair long and

  carelessly pulled back—he looked every inch the

  pirate rogue. But in his straight nose, the high cheek-

  bones, the arch of his brows, she saw the aristocrat.

  She saw the marquis.

  “Julien and I would play pirate, but Armand

  never wanted to cross swords—fallen tree limbs, in

  actuality—with us. He’d rather read about pirates than

  play like one.”

  “And now you no longer play pirate. Tell me your

  play pirate name wasn’t Captain Cutlass.”

  He gave her a quick grin, and she groaned and

  rolled her eyes. But when she looked back at him, his

  eyes were unfocused, and she could tell he was far, far

  away. “When I was a child, sleeping in a hammock

  on the gun deck and feeling homesick—more home-

  sick than I can express because I had no home to

  go back to—I used to pretend they were still alive.

  I used to dream they’d escaped and were waiting

  for me.”

  She felt her throat close up and hot tears sting her

  eyes. She would not let them fall. He would not want

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  her tears, but she stood and went to him, put her arms

  around him. He pulled her onto his lap and cradled

  her as though she were the homesick child.

  “Maybe they did escape, Bastien. Gaston thinks

  there’s a chance.”

  Bastien shook his head. “I saw the chateau burn.”

  His voice rumbled in his chest where her ear pressed

  against his heart. “No one could have survived that.”

  “Did you see your father pulled out? You know he

  did not burn. Did you see him carted away to Paris?”

  “No.” And she could hear the sliver of hope in

  his voice.

  “What if others escaped without you seeing?

  Perhaps your brother Julien, or Armand…”

  She felt him stiffen and prepared for him to set her

  aside, but he continued to hold her. She looked up

  at him.

  “I’ll go back and make inquiries, and I’ll put this to

  rest,” he said, his gaze meeting hers. “The only ques-

  tion is what to do with you.”

  She twined her arms around his neck. “I’m going

  with you, of course.” She said it as though it were

  fact, but she knew it was nothing of the sort. And to

  her horror, she felt fear well up inside. Fear of losing

  him. What was wrong with her? Was she turning into

  a lovesick ninny?

  She drew her arms down, but he pulled them back.

  “I’d like that, Raeven, but what about your father?”

  Yes, what about her father? Was she leaving the

  admiral to take up with Captain Cutlass? And if she

  was, could she live with herself if her decision resulted

  in the destruction of the Shadow and its captain?

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  “He’ll come after us—you, I mean. He’ll try to

  destroy you.”

  “I can outrun him. The question is, do you want

  me to?”

  He was looking into her eyes, and she could feel her

  heart pound at the intensity of his gaze. “What are you

  saying?” she asked.

  “Raeven, don’t play games.” He spoke in English

  now, his voice chiding and his accent surprisingly light.

  “I need you to say it,” she whispered.

  He traced a finger down her cheek, kissed her

  nose. “I want you to stay with me. I want you to be

  my wife.”

  She hadn’t anticipated the last, and a tremor of

  shock tore through her. He laughed. “You didn’t

  expect that.”

  “No. I—why? Because I can fire a cannon?”

  He laughed again, and she wished he would stop,

  because she suspected he was laughing at her. “Among

  other things. I can always use another gunner.”

  “I see.” She tried to wriggle
out of his embrace, but

  he pulled her close.

  “And because you’re beautiful and intelligent and

  almost as good as I am with a sword.”

  “Almost!” She fought to escape his arms, but he

  laughed and held on. “I’ll fight you right now, and

  then we’ll see who’s better.”

  “You can challenge me back in our cabin,” he

  whispered in her ear.

  The our was not lost on her, but her back was still

  up. How like a man to think he was always better at

  swordplay. Still, if he continued to nuzzle her ear in

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  that way, she might be willing to put the discussion

  on hold.

  “Why do I want you as my wife?” His hand slid

  over her back, cupped her bottom. “I wanted you in

  my bed the first time I saw you.”

  She waved a hand at him. “Yes, yes. You told

  me—when you pulled the cap off my head. But you

  said something about marriage.”

  “Did I?”

  She pushed away from him. “Never mind.” She

  struggled to rise, and when she did, she watched in

  horror and fascination as he dropped to one knee

  before her. “What are you doing?”

  “Proposing.” He took her hand and she tried to

  snatch it away, but he held on tightly. “Mademoiselle

  Russell, I hope I am not too bold, but would

  you allow me the honor of asking for your hand

  in marriage?”

  It was a formal proposal, one she might receive

  from any gentleman of the ton, but he grinned the

  whole time as though making a mockery of it. She

  didn’t quite know what to think. Was he serious?

  She feared, for all his melodramatics, he was

  deadly serious.

  “I…” she began and didn’t know what to say.

  Finally, she settled on, “Why?”

  “I believe I made a promise to myself in the

  marketplace in Gibraltar,” he said, still on one knee,

  still holding her hand. “I realized I’d met my match,

  and I’d better marry you before you killed me.”

  “I was never going to kill you. Not after Brest, at

  any rate.”

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  “And why is that?” His grin was cocky, and she

  almost didn’t tell him.

  “Because I wanted you to kiss me too badly. You

  couldn’t very well kiss me if I slit your throat.”

  “Not to mention, you’re afraid of blood.”

  “I am not!”

  He laughed. “Raeven, the floor is hard, and my


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