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Chasing Dreams

Page 10

by Alison Mello

  “Skyler, you have an incredible body. And besides, I have a gym in my home and you can feel free to use anytime you want.”

  “Thanks, I haven’t been going since you and I started seeing each other and I need to get back to it.”

  The server arrives and we place our orders for both our drinks and our food. She walks away, promising to be right back with our drinks.

  Skyler is staring out the window into the busy evening night. “What are you thinking about?” I ask her.

  “A lot of things,” she replies, still looking out the window, “like how much my life has changed in the last few weeks. I can say I have never been happier than I am now. I feel like my life is finally moving in a positive direction.”

  “Why do you feel your life wasn’t in a positive direction before? You got yourself here and without the help of any friends or family. I think that is pretty positive.”

  Though our conversation is a bit heavier than I wanted to have tonight, at the same time, I’m glad we are talking.

  “Yeah, but I was lonely before. Meeting Sadie was great and we hit it off right away. But there were many nights she would be with Jonah, and I can’t fault her for that. I couldn’t handle another crappy relationship or another guy who wanted me only for my body or sex. I needed to stay focused on my goals.”

  “What about us? Do I fit into your goals?” While I hate that I sound nervous, I’m starting to wonder if she didn’t tell me she loved me because she wasn’t planning on sticking around.

  “You do now. I didn’t want to go out the night I met you. I fought Sadie on it, giving her several lame excuses. She told me I was going out and that was it. Now I’m glad I did. I finally feel like it may be possible to sing and have a relationship. I think I want to go in a different direction now.” She looks outside again. “Before, I wanted to be famous. Recognition, record deals, the whole nine yards. Now I want to be here and sing at better clubs locally, become known as the local singer to see.”

  “What has changed?” I ask, hoping it has to do with me.

  “I met you. I know you probably think I don’t have feelings for you because I didn’t say I love you in return when you said it earlier. To be honest, I wanted you to know I was saying it because I meant it not because you said it.”

  The waitress arrives with our meals, and we start eating.

  “Mmm, this is so good.” Skyler closes her eyes, savoring her chicken. We both settle into a comfortable silence while we eat, and I’m feeling better about our situation. I want to ask her to move in with me. I’m not sure if she’ll be up for that since we are still new. I have to wait to see how things play out.

  “Oh, I meant to ask you. Sadie has her art show on Friday. I know that’s a busy night in the club, but is there any chance you can escape for a few hours to go with me? Then we can hang at the club after if you want?”

  “What time does the show start?” I say between bites. I’m suddenly starving and my food is delicious.

  “It goes from 7:30 to 11:00. We don’t need to be there the entire time. I promised her I would go and support her because this is her first time in a larger art show. I have to find a dress to wear as well.”

  “I should be able to make that happen. Maybe I can have Shane open the club and we can go from open to maybe 9:00, and then hit the club since it won’t be busy yet. We open at 9:00 but things don’t pick up on a Friday night until 10:30-11:00, so that should be fine.”

  “Great. I’ll look for a dress this week. I assume you have a suit you can wear.”

  “Of course I do. If you want I can have the personal shopper deliver some dresses for you to try on. I’ll leave it up to you.”

  I can see her thinking about it, and secretly I hope she accepts because I enjoy taking care of her.

  “That would be nice, thank you.”

  “Is there a certain color you would like?” I ask.

  She chews the inside of her lip for a moment. “Maybe black.”

  “I’ll have her deliver a few different colors and you can keep what you like and what you don’t we can send back, okay?”

  Skyler smiles and nods at me.

  We are on our way to pick up her car and since she hasn’t mentioned work tomorrow I ask, “Have you decided what you’re doing about work tomorrow?”

  “Part of me wants to call Mitch and tell him I’m never coming back. I haven’t even told him what happened though, so I feel like that is unfair. I don’t know what to do.”

  “Skyler, when you were in the hospital I called the bar and told Mitch you were attacked outside the club. He knows what happened and didn’t give a shit. Personally, I would prefer you didn’t go back there. I’ll take care of you.”

  “Is that what you would like me to do?” she asks, and I glance over at her quickly before I look back to the road.

  “I want you to move in with me and not worry about it until you start working the club. I also want you to be happy with the decision.”

  She’s chewing her lip again. I have noticed she does that when she’s nervous or thinking about something. “Can I sleep on it?”

  “Of course you can. Like I told you before, I want you to be happy and I want to take care of you, but I don’t want to rule you. It’s your decision. I would be less worried about you if you were living with me though.”

  I pull up to her apartment.

  She leans over to kiss me and says, “I’ll see you at your place.”

  Chapter 9


  I have three dresses to choose from tonight and I don’t know whether I want to wear the black, the blue, or the red one. They are all very pretty and fit me well. I can chose from any of them because Logan is wearing a black suit. I’m leaning toward red or blue. I hold the red one up one more time and I decide that’s the one. It’s a pretty floor-length gown and will look great with my new silver shimmery shoes.

  I head into the bathroom that is now fully stocked with my personal items. I have agreed to move in with Logan since Sadie has moved out and I’m not comfortable living alone. Logan emailed my landlord and told her to bill him for the thirty day notice and he would take care of it. Now we have to figure out what to do with the furniture but all my clothes and stuff are now here.

  I turn on the water and jump into the shower, carefully shaving all my bits for a romantic night with Logan. We have packed clothes to change into when we get to his club. I told him if it was busy and he needed me to, I would jump in and help out. Mitch was pissed when I called him and told him I wasn’t coming back, but I didn’t want to face the bar again, especially since he didn’t even ban the loser who attacked me.

  I slip on a sexy matching red thong and bra set that Logan had the personal shopper deliver. The funny thing is, he picked all these nice matching sets, but when he rips my thong off it leaves me with only the bra so I’m not sure what the point is. I slip on my robe and head back into the bathroom to do my hair and makeup for tonight. I carefully curl and pin my hair and put on some makeup, giving myself smoky eyes, and red lipstick. I step into my shoes and head downstairs to see if Logan is ready. He was going to shower in the guest bathroom so he wouldn’t interrupt me getting ready. When I get to the bottom of the stairs, Logan comes around the corner.

  “Sweet Jesus, woman, you look incredible.”

  I blush and look down at the floor. “You look pretty hot yourself.” I grasp the collar of his suit coat and pull him toward me.

  He kisses my cheek. “I don’t want to mess up your makeup. Let’s go. We need to head downstairs before I rip that dress off you and we never make it to the show.”

  “What is it with you and ripping things?” I ask as we head out the main doors.

  “Our ride is here,” Logan says, leading me to a sleek black limo parked in front of the building.

  I look at him in shock. “You got us a limo? How are we getting home from the club later?”

  He smiles at me proudly. “Yes, I got us a limo, and my
car has been dropped off at the club. The owner of Thrive and the son of an actress cannot show up at one of the hottest art gallery showings of the season driving a car.”

  He helps me in and slides in beside me. He opens the bottle of champagne in the back of the limo and pours me a glass, then one for himself. “To Sadie and her showing. Let’s hope it’s a successful night for her.”

  We clink glasses and take a sip. I instantly relax a little. We arrive at the gallery a short time later and the driver gets out of the car to open the door. Logan climbs out, then tells him to be back by 9:00 so he can take us to the club. When he helps me out, I step onto a red carpet in front of a ton of photographers snapping pictures.

  “Mr. Michaels!” one shouts. “Who’s this beautiful lady on your arm?”

  Logan looks to me with the proudest smile and says, “Skyler Jones, my girlfriend.”

  Being the son of an actress, I should have expected that he’s probably known to reporters. We hear some more shouting.

  “Mr. Michaels! Mr. Michaels!”

  “Ladies and gentlemen,” Logan says, “tonight is about a dear friend of ours, Sadie Johansen, who happens to be exhibiting in this show. Please excuse us so we can enjoy our night.”

  We walk into the gallery away from the majority of the reporters. There are more inside, but they’re covering the art show and are the only ones allowed in. We’re asked to pose for a few more photos and then Sadie and Jonah are at our side. We all hug and shake hands. Sadie is bouncing off the walls with excitement.

  “Logan dropped your name as an artist to the reporters outside,” I comment. “I thought that was pretty cool.” She giggles like a school girl.

  “Mr. Michaels, can I get a picture with you and your guests?” a reporter asks.

  The four of us get together for a picture, and when we are done Logan informs him that Sadie has artwork in the show, that Jonah is her fiancé, and I’m his girlfriend. The reporter asks Sadie to show him her work and she walks off to do her thing. Logan and I stay behind with Jonah.

  “Thanks for dropping Sadie’s name, Logan,” Jonah says. “She’s so excited to be here and it will help her career a lot if she can sell a few pieces tonight.”

  “No problem, glad to help.” Logan turns to me. “Should we look around?”

  “Do you guys want me to show you where Sadie’s stuff is?” Jonah asks.

  Logan puts his hand out. “Lead the way.”

  We head to the back wall where they have eight different pieces that are displayed.

  “She’s quite good,” I remark.

  Logan looks them over and nods. “I agree, I like that one.” He points to a picture that is a distant image of the two mountains behind the airport with some palm trees in front of them and the sun rising behind them.

  “It’s beautiful,” I say in agreement.

  The curator is walking by, and Logan tells her he wants that one.

  “Sure thing, please follow me,” the woman says, and he follows her to pay for the painting.

  “How are you two doing?” Jonah asks me once Logan is out of earshot.

  “We’re doing well actually. I’m a little nervous about starting at the club though. We’re going to head there tonight from here, and I told him I would jump in and help if he needed it. I’m pretty anxious to prove myself to the staff.”

  “You’ll do fine, and if anyone gives you crap you let either me or Shane know and we’ll handle it.

  “Listen, Jonah I know you’re probably worried about Logan knowing I don’t do well in relationships, but I want you to know that we have talked about it quite a bit and I don’t plan on screwing this one up. He’s good to me and I love him.”

  “Good, glad to hear it. You deserve a good man, and I hope you two have many years of happiness.”

  I give him a warm smile. “Thanks.”

  Logan is back and I can’t believe it’s already getting close to nine. I barely got to talk to Sadie at all, but I’m happy that the curator has marked ‘sold’ on two of Sadie’s paintings.

  “Did you buy two, I ask Logan?”

  He grins. “No, the guy behind me wanted the same one I did. Since I had already bought it, he bought his second favorite before that one disappeared too.”

  The limo pulls up as we are walking outside, and the photographers are back at it.

  “Mr. Michaels, did your friend sell any of her paintings?”

  Logan pulls me to his side and smiles for the camera. “She has already sold two but the night is young. She’s quite talented and I’m sure she’ll sell the remainder of them.”

  “Mr. Michaels, are you off to another event tonight?”

  “No, I’m off to my new club, Thrive. It’s doing well and I want to see that it continues to do so.”

  The driver opens the door for me and I climb in with Logan right behind me.



  “They are savages, all of them,” I say once the limo door is closed behind us. “It’s the one part of being me I hate. The media always wants to know what I’m doing and it’s annoying as hell.”

  Skyler beams at me proudly. “You handle them well, Logan. I’m impressed.”

  I lean in to kiss her. “Thank you.”

  I kiss her softly, but it quickly turns into more as our tongues go to war with each other. My hand is squeezing her breast through her dress. “You look amazing and I’ve wanted to fuck you since you walked down those stairs.”

  She’s nibbling my neck as I say it and it’s driving me wild.

  She bites my ear and says, “We will be at the club any minute.”

  “Good, because I’m going to do something I’ve never done before.”

  “What’s that?”

  I look her in the eyes. “I’m going to bend you over my desk and bury myself balls deep inside you.”

  The limo comes to a stop and the driver opens the door. I help her out and get our bags. I head straight to my office, not even bothering to ask if my staff needs anything. I shut and lock the door and as soon as I do I push Skyler against it, kissing her hard. Our teeth crash and our tongues slide against one another’s. I pull her away from the door slightly so I can unzip her dress and it falls to the floor in a pool at her feet. As soon as it does, she’s standing in front of me wearing these sexy silver heels with a matching red thong and bra set.

  “I wanted to rip the dress off you but will settle for the panties.” I tear them off her and throw them on my desk. “I’m going to fuck you over my desk wearing those heels. I hope you’re ready.”

  Skyler nods, biting her lip. I drag her to my desk and push her down so her stomach is flat on my desk. I insert two fingers into her to confirm she’s ready and by God she’s so wet for me.

  “Please, Logan, I want you inside me.” I reach around her with my other hand and rub her clit as she’s riding my fingers. “Oh my God, Logan, please tell me I can cum.”

  I smile proudly that she asked for permission.

  “Give it to me, Skyler,” I say, and just like that she comes on my fingers. I love the feeling of her pussy clenching shut tight around me as she comes.

  She goes to stand up and I slap her ass. “I’m not done. Are you ready to feel my cock in you?”

  “Yes please, Logan, give me more!” I ram into her so hard her body shifts on my desk. I can’t control myself. She looks so hot spread out naked on my desk in these heels. I continue to slam into her, fucking her harder than I ever have. She’s moaning and whimpering as I work her back up to an orgasm. I reach my hand around to play with her clit so I can get her there faster. I have been semi-hard all night watching her walk around in that dress imagining this moment. I know she’s getting close because I can feel her holding on for me. She’s waiting for me to give her permission. She’s tightening her muscles around my cock and I have to give her the okay because if not I’m going to explode before her.

  “Come with me,” I grunt, and she lets it go, milking me and screaming m
y name. “That was incredible,” I tell her as I lay over her for a moment to catch my breath.

  We both quickly clean up and get dressed so I can see what’s going on out in the club. Jonah is off tonight so I want to be sure there are no issues with either the bartenders or the bouncers. As soon as we’re on the floor, I see Troy walking through the club.

  “What are you doing back in my club and how did you get in?”

  “I’m here for my last paycheck and to ask you to drop the charges so I’ll be able to find another job.”

  “How did you get in?”

  “I told the rookie bouncer at the door I was here to see you about my last paycheck and that he had to let me in. I told him I’d call the police.”

  “Get out! I owe you nothing for your final paycheck. You drank it all in the liquor you stole. And if you come here again I’ll have you arrested for trespassing. You’ve been blacklisted from most of the local clubs. Not being able to get a job has nothing to do with your charges. You’ll never work in a club again.”

  “You can’t fucking do that!”

  “I can and I already did. Now you have thirty seconds to leave before I call the police and you spend another weekend in jail.”

  “You’ll be hearing from my fucking lawyer.”

  I look him dead in the eye. “I look forward to it.”

  Kelly comes over just then. “Hey, Skyler. I know you aren’t scheduled tonight, but Shawna is out back puking her brains out. Can you jump in?”

  “Sure.” Skyler follows Kelly behind the bar, where Kelly quickly shows her the register and how to set up a tab.

  In minutes Skyler is going to town making drinks and running the bar with Kelly. I’m so proud of her. I walk over to bar two and ask if they need any help. The bartender informs me they are low on Sam Adams bottles. I run to the back, sign out a case and then head to the main bar to see what they need. I don’t know why but this place is jamming tonight and I don’t mind helping out one bit.

  “Do you ladies need anything?” I ask.

  “I need a bottle of Malibu and a bottle of Absolut!” Skyler yells and then Kelly says, “I need more Bud.”


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