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Beneath the Stands: An Enemies to Lovers, Best Friend's Brother Romance (Sugarlake Series, Book Two)

Page 17

by Emily McIntire

  She rushes from the room, and I collapse on the couch, Sarah rubbing my back with the palm of her hand. My head throbs, torn between what I want to believe, and what I know deep down is true.

  I glance at Chase. His hands are in his pockets, and he’s leaning against the far wall, his jaw locked tight as he stares me down.

  Sarah stays quiet but steady in her support, as always.

  I rub my temples. “Do you think she’s overreacting a little?”

  I don’t know who I’m even asking. I guess I’m just praying for someone to tell me what I’m seeing isn’t real.

  Chase springs from his relaxed stance, moving to stand in front of me. “You know, you may not want to hear it, but fuck it.” He shrugs. “Ignoring the problem won’t make it go away, Eli. It won’t make it stop. It’ll just continue to spiral out of control, and then one day… one day, you’ll wake up and wonder what the hell you were thinking. You’ll wonder how you could have been so goddamn blind.”

  His voice hitches, and he rests a hand on top of his heart, clenching the fabric of his shirt. “Trust me, when that day comes? The regret will rot you from the fucking inside. Because you’ll know—you’ll know that you didn’t do everything in your power to save them when you had the chance. You didn’t do anything.” He shakes his head. “I hope to God you wake up before then.”

  He sighs and storms out of the room, probably chasing after Lee, but his words linger, infusing the air around me.

  My eyes jump back to Pops as he snores in his chair, his ghastly frame a whisper of the man who raised me.

  My gut swims with unease. But there’s nothing I can do about it tonight.

  At least he’s home.

  I haven’t eaten breakfast, my stomach is too jumbled to handle the calories. Sarah is insisting on going to Sunday service.

  Kill me.

  She wants to see the church and get a feel for Preacher Sanger. I’m having a hard enough time pretending his name doesn’t send me into a blind rage. But I can’t tell her that without her prying into why I have such a strong dislike for the man, and that’s something I don’t talk about with anyone.

  Talking makes it real. Talking makes me remember. And I’ve done a damn good job of trying to forget.

  I knock on Pops’s bedroom door, but I doubt he’s awake. He has a tendency to sleep in, and when he does wake up, he’s a hungover asshole until he gets his coffee. I’m ashamed to say that yesterday was the first time I noticed the Jameson he pours at the bottom of every cup.

  Still, I haven’t brought it up, because what the hell am I supposed to say? Every time I open my mouth, something crawls up my throat and clamps my tongue. It’s not easy talking to the man I’ve been raised to believe is beyond reproach.

  “Pops.” I knock again. “We’re going to church, wanna go with?”

  There’s not a whisper of sound from the other side, and I’m not planning to wait, so we leave without him.

  The church itself is beautiful, and one of Sugarlake’s historical landmarks. Stained glass lines the white exterior, and the steeple stands tall, casting shadows instead of bathing me in its light.

  “Eli, this. Is. Perfect!” Sarah squeals, gripping my arm.

  I smile, wishing I felt the joy I’m trying to project. My eyes soar past her to the church’s cemetery a hundred yards away. I swear I can feel Ma’s spirit calling out to mine. Or maybe it’s just my guilt knowing I haven’t been to see her grave. My throat swells, pain radiating into my ears when I think about how I wouldn’t even know where to look.

  “What’s wrong?” Sarah asks.

  I clear my throat, bringing my attention back to the moment. To Sarah. To a future I never asked for, but one that Ma did.

  Marry in the church. A nice girl. A stable future. Take care of that lonely heart.

  “Nothing’s wrong. Being here just brings back a lot of memories.”

  “I bet.”

  I bring her into my side, and she presses kisses to my cheek, my insides humming from her warmth. It’s nice, and I’m reminded of why I started wanting her around me in the first place. She brings me comfort.

  But the comfort doesn’t last.

  A flash of red catches my eye and my heart gallops against my ribs, my body catching fire.

  Becca’s standing in the arched entry, staring at me, and once again, I can’t fucking look away. Not even when another woman has her lips on my skin.

  Why the hell can’t I look away?

  I clench my jaw, forcing myself to close my eyes, sick of this twisted feeling she’s always given me. One that I’m ready to give back.

  I don’t want it anymore.

  When I open my eyes, she’s gone.

  Sarah and I make our way inside, sitting in the back while Preacher Sanger drones on about spiritual growth through your service to God. Sarah’s enraptured by the fraud, but I’m bored, my eyes wandering until I find Becca, her aura a beacon that draws me in, even though my heart is blaring a warning to stay the hell away.

  It makes fury simmer in my veins, hatred for everything she’s put me through filling me up until I’m choking on its filth.

  The service ends, and I’m beyond ready to leave, but before we get to the exit, I see Becca standing next to her folks, saying goodbye to the congregation.

  My rage boils hotter.

  What a good little preacher’s girl.

  “Ah, the talk of the town.” Preacher Sanger pats me on the back with an extra wide, bright smile lining his face.

  The urge to strangle it off him is strong.

  “This the lucky lady?”

  I clear my throat. “It is. This is Sarah Whitson, my fiancée.”

  Becca’s shoulders stiffen, and it takes everything in me not to give her my attention.

  Sarah scoots in close, her arm linking mine, her other reaching out to shake Preacher Sanger’s hand. “Soon to be Sarah Carson. Pleasure to meet you.”

  “Pleasure’s all mine, Miss Whitson. I hear you’re havin’ your ceremony here. No better place to do it.”

  My eyes bounce to Mrs. Sanger. It’s just like him to not even introduce her. It’s even more like her to stand silently like the dutiful, obedient wife she is. My stomach rolls when my eyes gloss over Becca and realize she’s doing the exact same thing.


  Sarah smiles. “Yes! We can’t wait to meet with you on Tuesday.”

  Preacher Sanger chuckles. “You’ll be meetin’ with my daughter, Rebecca. She’ll be the one handlin’ anything you need.”

  An invisible fist slams into my gut, my breath racing out from the blow.

  “Oh!” Sarah gasps. “You’re Becca! We talked on the phone the other day, I’m so pleased to meet you. Thank you for setting all this up.”

  My heart pounds so hard it makes me dizzy. Becca’s eyes glance at me before locking on to my fiancée, a beautiful smile gracing her perfect, freckled face.

  “We’ve actually met. But it was a long time ago, back when I was at FCU... and only for a second.”

  Like a magnet, her eyes slide to meet mine again, only now, she doesn’t look away. And just like every other time, neither do I.

  She twists a curl through her fingers. “Anyway, I’ll do my best to make sure your day is perfect. You deserve the best, and I’m happy to help you get it.”

  My nostrils flare against the sudden burn in my chest.

  Becca dips her head, breaking our connection. “If you’ll excuse me.”

  My stomach flips, hoping no one noticed the tension in the air.

  Still, when I watch as she walks out the front door and down the steps, every fiber of my being wants to follow. Less than five minutes in her presence and my body craves her.

  My mangled soul reminds me of the price.

  So, I turn my attention from the woman who stole away my first chance at love, and to the man who will marry me to my second.

  It’s what Ma would have wanted.


  Beccar />
  Jax has been back from California a little over a week. I haven’t had an opportunity to pick his brain on everything Chase and Lee, so when he asked to meet for lunch, I jumped on the chance. Besides, I’ve been in a funk ever since Eli came back to town, and Jax is the perfect person to have around when you need to feel lighter.

  I dip a fry in my ketchup and pop it in my mouth, smirking when I see the group of women peeking glances from the corner booth. “Your fan club is gettin’ antsy.”

  Jax turns toward them and winks, dazzling them with his perfect smile.

  I scoff.

  “What?” He grins, tucking a strand of his shaggy, blond hair behind his ear.

  “It’s just disgustin’ how easy it is for you.”

  “Don’t be mad at this.” His hand floats down the length of his body. “I can’t help that the ladies like what they see. I don’t wanna be rude.”

  He’s cocky, but I can’t really blame him. Jax might be the most beautiful specimen that’s ever graced my eyeballs. Similar to a Monet or Picasso, he’s a masterpiece of art you’re afraid to touch. Maybe that’s why he’s one of the only guys I didn’t hook up with when I was in high school.

  He snaps the hairband on his wrist, his green eyes dimming as he smirks across the table. We’re similar souls, Jax and I, opting for meaningless hookups instead of grabbing hold of something real. The difference is I don’t want to grasp mine, and his is out of reach.

  I take a sip of my sweet tea, resting my elbows on the table. “So, how are you doin’ with everything? Really?”

  Sighing, he leans back, throwing his hair into a bun.

  His knuckles tap the tabletop. “Did you know she was back with him?”

  He’s talking about Lee and Chase, of course. They’re officially back together, and I know he’s struggling with the news. Lee’s the girl he’s hopelessly in love with, and Chase is the man who broke both their hearts. I guess it’s easier for some to forgive than others because I don’t think Jax will ever let Chase back into his life.

  I nod. “Not until after you did, I’m sure.”

  It’s weird, but I feel closer to him in this moment than I ever have in the past. Maybe it’s because for the first time, I see the torment he hides behind his carefree gaze. Or maybe it’s my soul recognizing a kindred spirit, both of us left with nothing while the people we want give their everything to someone else.

  I take one of the straws from the table and rip off the paper, putting an end to my mouth and blowing. The wrapper flies into his face.

  He bats it away, chuckling, and I grin wide, some of the gloom slipping away with our laughter.

  I point at him, squinting my eyes. “Chipper up, buttercup. You’ve got plenty of ladies waitin’ for you out in Sunny California.”

  “Naw, not too much in Cali. Too busy kissing my boss’s ass to find time to kiss any that are more to my liking.” He shakes his head. “Hollywood producers are a different breed of asshole.”

  Jax works on movie sets, but even though he has movie-star looks, he’s no actor. He’s got a gift—always tinkering beneath the hood of something worn, and turning it into beauty. When he first moved to Sugarlake twelve years ago with his momma, he nabbed a job at the mechanics shop on the weekends. Over the years, his restorations gained notoriety, and California sets came calling. Now he’s the go-to guy for the cars they use in blockbusters.

  “When are you headin’ back?” I ask.

  “Next week. I’m staying in town until Sam’s retirement party.”

  I grimace at the thought of that damn party. Sam’s the owner of Sugarlake construction, and a beloved member of this community. He’s done a lot for Sugarlake, so now that he’s retiring, he’s going out with a bang.

  The thought of being stuck in a building with the whole town sounds like the worst kind of hell, but I wouldn’t miss it. Sam is Chase’s dad, and Lee would kill me if I wasn’t there.

  “I’m actually thinking of moving out there full time.” Jax’s eyebrows are raised, like he surprised himself by saying it.

  I gasp. “What? To California? Does Lee know?”

  He slides his fork through the leftover mayonnaise on his plate, shaking his head.

  My chest pulls tight. “Are you movin’ out there because of her?”

  The muscle in his jaw jumps, his cheeks puffing with his breath of air. “No offense, Becs, but I’m not gonna talk about that with you when I haven’t even told her.”

  “Fair enough.” I sigh, imagining what her reaction will be. She’ll blame herself, I’m sure. “Lee’s gonna lose her shit.”

  He shrugs. “She has Chase now. And you.”

  My lips purse. I’ve been friends with Jax for a decade, and this is the first time he’s seemed so beaten down. Moving away from this place will be good for him. My heart aches when I think of him leaving, but I can’t ignore the gusts of jealousy that whip across my insides knowing he’s freeing himself from his chains.

  I stick out my bottom lip. “Wanna take me with you?”

  He smiles. “You can always come with, Becs.”

  I huff. “I was jokin’. What would I do out in Cali? Cater to your every wish? Pass.”

  “You’re right.” He nods, rocking on the back two legs of his chair. “Better to stay here and cater to your father’s.”

  I’ve never spoken about my family issues with Jax. That’s not the type of friendship we have. The fact that it’s so obvious—even to him—slams into me with the force of a battering ram.

  I deflect his statement, throwing my balled-up napkin at him and scowling.

  He bats it away, dropping the legs of his chair and leaning forward on the table. “Seriously, if you want to get away, Cali’s always waiting for you. If you’re ever like me and just… need to get some space from this place.”

  His swallow is thick, and he’s fingering the chain around his neck.

  My heart hurts for what I know he’s feeling. Hell, I’ve only had to endure Eli being with someone else for five seconds, and I’m fixing to lose my mind. I can’t imagine the wear and tear that’s been taking place on Jax’s soul for years.

  He’s never faltered in his love for Lee. Never pushed her for more or weakened in his support. He’s just been there, molding himself into whatever she needs, allowing her to lean on him even when the weight is hard to bear.

  “Jackson Rhoades, I think you’re a much better human than me.”

  He cocks his head, the left side of his mouth quirking. “You just now figuring that out?”

  I groan, throwing my head back. “God, your ego knows no bounds.”

  He laughs. “Becs, you’re one of the best humans I know.” He covers my hand with his. “And trust me, I know a lot.”

  “Yeah.” I shrug.

  “Okay, that’s it. What’s got you all twisted up? Is it John, ‘The Becca Tamer?’”

  I roll my eyes at the stupid nickname. I made the mistake of telling him and Lee during brunch that I was going on a date, and even though I’m not planning on seeing him again, neither one of them have let the idea go since. Probably because he’s the first man they’ve seen me date. Ever.

  “Honey, you should know by now I can’t be tamed.” I force a grin.

  “That’s right, baby. Don’t you forget it.” He taps the top of my hand with his finger. “I don’t like seeing the Queen of the Jungle being kept in a cage.”

  My heart thunks at his words.

  “I’m serious, Becs. If you want to come to Cali for a while, you’re more than welcome to stay. You could take over babysitting duties for me.” His hands come together in prayer.

  I snort. “Is that what you’ve been doin’ out there all this time? Here I was, thinkin’ you were makin’ it big.”

  “I’m a man of many traits.” He smirks. “Really, it’s just my boss’s daughter. The kid never leaves me the hell alone. She’s annoying as hell… bratty. Kind of like someone else I know.” His eyes sparkle.

  My eyes grow
wide and I throw a hand to my heart. “Wow. She sounds terrible. Bratty and annoyin’? How will you survive?”

  He doesn’t smile, just shakes his head, running a hand over the top of his head. “That’s the million-dollar question.”

  “I don’t have the kind of money to come out there.”

  It’s a weak excuse, one I’m using so I don’t have to face the truth.

  Just like Momma.

  His brows jerk up. “There was a time you wouldn’t have cared.”

  “Well, things change.”

  He hums, rubbing the scruff on his jaw. “And some things never do.”

  Pulling into the church parking lot, I take a deep breath. It’s time to face what I’ve been dreading all weekend.

  My meeting with Eli and his fiancée.

  I have no idea what to expect. I know next to nothing about weddings, and even less about helping to plan one in our church. I’m not sure why Papa decided I’d be the best choice for this, but regardless, I’m going to put my personal feelings aside and try to give Eli the best damn wedding he can dream of.

  Even if it is to the girl I’ve always known would come between us.

  The moment I saw them on Sunday, embracing outside of the church, it clicked. I’ve seen the back of that head before—on national television while she hugged on my man.

  Just friends, my ass.

  A lick of anger flickers, but I tamp it down, knowing it has no right.

  Walking into my old man’s office, I’m surprised to see Papa sitting behind his desk, Eli and Sarah on the other side.

  “Rebecca, you’re late,” Papa says.

  Irritation grips my insides, making my jaw tense.

  “Actually, Papa, I’m five minutes early.” I smile wide.

  Eli scoffs.

  I spin toward him, my annoyance lasering in on a target. “Somethin’ funny, big head?”

  The nickname hurls out of me before I can catch it, my stomach jumping to my throat.

  Eli stiffens, his eyes narrowing as they burn a hole through me. “You’ve never understood the importance of being punctual.”


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