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Page 1

by Cameron Hale

  “Ladies!” Computer cried. “Enough is enough! Mistress, will you please remove your crew and allow this wretched creature a chance to properly recover? He will need nourishment and rest. I take no responsibility for his welfare if this unacceptable behavior continues.”

  Martika glanced at the struggling man and reluctantly hustled the women out. “By the way, Computer, I forgot to ask. Does he have a name?”

  Computer sniffed. “I’m not surprised you forgot, Mistress, considering the way you were all pawing him like a museum exhibit. His name is Captain Jack Singer of the Earth deep space probe Andromache.”

  “Really?” she mused, lewdly winking at Computer. “I wonder what the dashing captain was supposed to be probing?”

  “No doubt you’ll find out,” Computer retorted out of earshot.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  Copyright ã 2002 by Cameron Hale

  ISBN: 1-59109-063-6

  Cover art by Jenni Sjoberg

  All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

  Published by Zumaya Publications, 2002

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  The Academy – A brilliant student discovers that her prestigious scholarship conceals a sinister plan for colonization …

  Assassin – A mysterious woman challenges the domain of a notorious underworld figurehead …

  Desert Dreamer – The world of virtual reality provides an unhappy wife the key to escaping her troubled marriage …

  Detox – Hurled to a distant world by their malfunctioning ship, a socialite and her date become the prey of hostile inhabitants …

  The Doughnut – Two sisters enslaved by the sex trade for their survival on a bleak Earth beat the odds through a daring escape …

  Fly By Nite – Brought together by a dimensional rift, two unlikely soulmates meet briefly on a moonlit beach …

  Fusion – An illicit love between a woman and a married man tempts the laws of time and paradox …

  Game Point – An eccentric recluse fond of dangerous games learns a lesson in humility from a daring opponent …

  Ground Zero – A young girl bored with her generic lifestyle is hurtled into a dark realm that releases her innermost desires …

  Island – A woman chosen to spearhead the merging between humanity and an alien race undergoes a profound transformation …

  Mirror Club – A social noncomformist struggles for her identity in an intolerant world bent on harsh methods of rehabilitation …

  Nuclear Heaven – After drifting two centuries, the sole survivor of an exploratory mission is revived to find himself in the hands of a voracious female crew …

  Off the Beaten Track – A cutting edge attraction opens a gateway between the ancient seeders of Earth and its children …

  Peep Show – A woman existing merely as sexual merchandise finds release in the love of two men …

  Room of Hands – An alien using unsanctioned genetic experimentation to transform herself into humanoid form commits the ultimate betrayal against her people …

  Silent Gathering – two scientists studying important archeological relics unwittingly unleash an ancient entity waiting to claim them …

  Storm Warning – A planet in turmoil brings together and ultimately separates two star-crossed lovers …

  Timespanner – A nomadic alien trapped on present day Earth assumes human form to survive and experiences a close encounter with its rescuers …


  I never understood the logic of situating an exclusive academy on a planet in a remote sector of the galaxy. At least, not until the private cruiser chartered solely on my behalf dropped into orbit around the serene blue giant known as Treor. Below me lay paradise incarnate, revolving in splendid isolation beneath the glare of twin white stars. Feathery swathes of cloud revealed tantalizing glimpses of azure, island-dotted oceans and verdant continents bisected by meandering rivers and mirror bright lakes. In the higher elevations, majestic mountain ranges scythed the flawless sky like upthrust fists, their snow-kissed peaks glittering with the intensity of crushed diamonds.

  Enthralled by the breathtaking vista, I concluded that the intention was that if the most promising female minds of the galaxy were to be nurtured to greatness, a remote, idyllic setting was best, a setting that happened to include complete isolation from males, which confirmed my belief that not even genius could fend off the primal call of hormones.

  Of course, I was hardly one to complain about the stipulations dictated by the Confederation of Advanced Education. As the winner of the highly prestigious and coveted Mwaor Braak scholarship, I had successfully beaten over a million aspiring applicants after presenting my award winning theory of linear dimensional acceleration to the Judging Committee. Gazing through my cabin’s filtered porthole at the dual suns locked in an eternal orbital embrace, I felt the future beckoning me with fantastic promise.

  The captain’s sandpaper voice boomed over the com. “We land on Treor in a few minutes, Marese,” he said, the sarcasm in his gruff voice undisguised. “If there’s anyone you want to contact, you’d better do it now. We’re incommunicado the moment we approach our landing coordinates. Then I’ve got five minutes to get my ass into the outer stratosphere.”

  “What’s wrong, Wilk?” I innocently asked. “After all, you accepted the charter from the Confederation of Advanced Education. And at a pretty handsome price, from what I hear.”

  A loud guffaw reverberated in my luxuriously appointed cabin. First class was one privilege that time did not change. “A job is a job. Only a fool would refuse that kind of payoff, but it doesn’t change my feelings about those parasites. They’d cut their own balls off if it would further their glorious cause to sniff out every corner of the universe. Not that they have any left by now. This whole setup is nothing but a front to legitimize unrestricted colonization.”

  “It’s really quite an honor, you know,” I said, keeping the amusement out of my voice. “The Castaltor Deep Space Project is the CAE’s most ambitious. Everyone knows that the Academy training is second to none. Some of our greatest leaders were graduates. The sexes are segregated simply to allow concentration on studies. Even you must remember what it was like to be young?”

  “I still don’t see what’s wrong with men and women working together, Marese. For God’s sake, you’d think we were back in the post-nuclear era. Who the hell ever heard of segregation in this day and age? I tell you, it’s not natural!”

  The curt tone of the landing signal cut my reply short. I collected my gear while Wilk floated the cruiser down like a gently falling leaf.

  The suns blazed high in the horizon as I stepped out of the craft onto a pristine white beach. My feet sank into velvety warmth that glittered with reflective pinpoints of crushed quartz. Inhaling a sharp, briny tang, I felt immediately exhilarated despite the sharp heat. Surveying the limpid ocean to the west and towering, granite-faced cliffs to the east, my senses were immediately assailed. Flowers in shapes that defied imagination bloomed in riotous profusion, their colors ranging from delicate pastels to vivid primaries. I discerned dozens of different fragrances from shrubs and creepers, interlaced by a musky jungle aroma that left a lingering aftertaste in my mouth.

  Squinting in the brilliant light, I ha
rdly noticed the cruiser take off, the muted rush of its engines quickly fading away. A group of women emerged from a nearby cluster of fruit bloated trees, their unexpected appearance somewhat startling. I had neither seen nor heard anyone, and the thought that I had been discreetly observed vaguely disturbed me. Nonetheless, I brushed aside my concern at their approach. The semi-sheer fabrics of their sarongs displayed more than a glimpse of flesh beneath a variety of beautifully intricate patterns.

  I did an inadvertent double take when I recognized Adine, the Overseer of the Academy. The reserved and immaculately groomed woman I had briefly met at the scholarship awards ceremony barely resembled the stunning creature clad in a clinging sheer white sarong that dramatically offset her gleaming copper skin. Undulating toward me with a sensuous roll of her hips, her Nefertiti like features and graceful swan neck rendered her a regal appearance that hinted at her human/Norgali tribal blood. Full breasts swayed in time with her steps, the almost black, oval nipples like smears of chocolate.

  Stirred by the tantalizing glimpse of her body, I averted my gaze to the other women in the group, some from races familiar to me, others quite alien, but all with skins glowing in burnished tones of amber, copper, jade, mahogany and ebony. Exotic faces curiously regarded me, their features an intriguing mix of humanoid-hybrid, avian, pseudo-reptilian and neo-primitive. Consistent in all the women was their underlying poise, beauty and an innate sensuality that physically emanated from them with each approaching step. I felt a constriction in my throat, my eyes wanting to linger on a shapely limb or ripe breast, yet at the same time I felt confused by my reactions.

  The women paused while Adine stepped forward and smiled. A heady whiff of perfume assailed me. “On behalf of the one hundred and twelfth class of the Academy, I welcome you to Treor, Marese,” she said, extending a finely boned hand. “You have the distinction of being the first New Earth woman to be honored with the Mwaor Braak Scholarship. I speak for everyone when I say congratulations on an extraordinary achievement. You’ve become a member of a very select group, one that will offer you untold opportunities to forge new worlds and explore realms beyond the imaginations of most.”

  “Thank you, Adine,” I said, smiling to the group. “To say that joining the Academy has always been my dream is an understatement. Yes, we’ve all been blessed with great gifts, but the media through which the Academy allows such development is unparalleled. I feel privileged to walk among you.”

  Adine beamed. Once more her dusky beauty snared me. A golden mesh clasp supported her magnificent coil of upswept ebony hair. At the base of her slender neck, a pair of discreet cooling gills intermittently opened and closed. I stared at the smooth slope of her bare shoulder, the skin lightly kissed with dampness. “I think your experiences on Treor will exceed your expectations in more ways than one, Marese.”

  Her silken hand lingered on mine while the introductions were made, the somehow intimate contact eliciting a vague unease within me. Most of the women were young like myself, their formidable minds disguised by their even more impressive femininity. A gorgeous cerise flower adorned the ears of those who possessed them, but even the blossoms were outshone by the gazelle-like beauty of a shy Accaran female who watched me with huge, liquid eyes. Clad in an emerald green sarong, her taut, lithe body and slender, muscular limbs easily resembled the animal that roamed the African plains. A pair of delicate, white tufted ears shifted in response to the slightest sound, her dark snub nose twitching at my proximity. Her wild, alien beauty at once repelled and attracted me.

  “Marese, I’d like you to meet Leika,” Adine said, noting my reaction. “She’ll be sharing your quarters. We pair our students to create a sense of teamwork and companionship. This bonding process is an integral part of the program.”

  Leika hesitantly approached and touched my hand. Her soft, tawny skin had a curious suede-like quality to it and left a pleasantly warm resonance on my fingers. Limpid sable eyes drew me into a brief trance. I stepped back, startled by her intense gaze.

  After the other women had an opportunity to introduce themselves, they showered me with hugs and drifted away in pairs. Many had a distinct scent that lingered in the air. I briefly wondered if my own had left its particular calling card.

  Adine led they way through a plush tropical forest toward our quarters. Though she chatted amiably with me, Leika kept her distance. Occasionally we passed tranquil pools or bubbling streams where I caught glimpses of magnificently plumed fowl undisturbed by our presence. Parrot-like birds bawled raucously from unseen nooks. Sunlight filtered through the verdant shrubbery, bathing the forest in surreal light. I wondered if I could possibly feel inclined to study in such a magical environment.

  The mossy earth felt cool beneath my feet as we approached a breathtaking waterfall spilling into a deep blue lagoon. Attracted by a variety of gleeful cries and squeals, I noticed several of the women frolicking and swimming in the crystalline waters. Some dove in from the adjacent rocks while others sunbathed naked on the narrow beach.

  A series of urgent cries drew my gaze toward a large flat boulder on the north side of the lagoon. Heavily misted by the prismatic spray of the nearby waterfall, it took a moment for me to recognize the entwined form of three women. Sandwiched together in a delirious frenzy of rubbing, the shimmering curtain obscured the exact nature of their activity. Some of the other women paused to watch, inspiring one, apparently a hermaphroditic species, into a state of arousal. Her chameleon-like skin transformed from a buttery yellow pattern of striations into deep vermilion blotches. Crouching on a ledge below the boulder, she began to stroke an orifice on her abdomen. It yawned open to reveal a peculiar beak like object that she fondled with rapid strokes.

  I felt the heat of Leika’s gaze and self-consciously turned my attention to Adine. Unconcerned by the sexual activity in the lagoon, she casually pointed to a number of cozy huts tucked haphazardly amidst the surrounding foliage. Windchimes gently tinkled from the waterfall’s downdraft. Though I stared at the primitive bamboo structures, I could not quite blank out the climactic cries of the women on the boulder.

  “These are our quarters,” Adine said. “They’re basic, but comfortable. We need little when nature has provided us with so much.”

  She gestured upward. Perched high above on a verdant cliffside, the iridescent domes of the Academy shone like opals in the sunlight. “I don’t think the Academy needs any introduction.” She turned toward me with a smile. “Leika will help you settle in. I have business to attend to now. Later on she’ll acquaint you with our routine. Feel free to move at your own pace. There are no strict schedules at the Academy. Each student works at her leisure.”

  She touched my shoulder and left me with Leika. Without a word, my companion led me to our hut, her haunted eyes downcast as we walked. Though modest, the accommodation had an appealing charm. I studied the simple rattan furnishings and colorful batik fabrics. Flowers added a welcome touch, their perfume a gentle caress. I mused on the complexity of the world I had left behind on Earth, the bustle and frenetic pace now a distant memory. My reservations about coming to a strange place so far from home quickly evaporated. Perhaps I was not leaving behind as much as I thought.

  Leika drifted toward me. I stared at the fluid movement of her muscular limbs beneath the tight sarong. Though she did not appear to have prominent breasts, the slender proportions of her loins revealed the outline of a deep cleft that seemed to enlarge as I watched. She reminded me of a sleek hunting animal, her coarse, fur-like braid of honey hair draped casually over her bare shoulder. Something about her hungry gaze disturbed me, as though I were prey meant to be devoured.

  “You must be fatigued from your journey,” she said, relieving me of my kit. “Why don’t we go to the lagoon? You can bathe and relax. We’ll eat later.”

  “Why yes, fine,” I replied as she removed a sarong ablaze with peacock splashes of color from a small wicker cabinet. She collected a few more items and placed them into a draw
string bag, then gestured me to follow. We silently strolled to the lagoon, her steps swift and silent through the lush foliage. Approaching the tiny strip of beach, I noticed that the water was now deserted. I inhaled the invigorating freshness of the mist. Leika watched me unblinkingly as I removed my meshsilk flight suit and dropped it onto a rock. Though her attention unnerved me, I tried not to show my discomfort and waded naked into the sparkling, deliciously cool water.

  I dove in when I felt the sandy bottom sharply slope away and frolicked like a child. Leika remained on the beach, but despite her distance, I found it impossible to relax as I felt her intense gaze sear me. I circled the falls with a lazy breaststroke and swam to the far shore. Suddenly Leika was swimming beneath me, shimmying and arcing like a playful dolphin. Her naked body was a dancing a pattern of light and shadow, delineated much like the gazelle she resembled. She paused to float on her back and watched me with a languid expression, her braid a glistening rope in the water.

  Though I tried not to look at her, I found my egress blocked when she appeared in front of me and slowly allowed her limbs to drift apart. A sextet of tiny nipples formed a circle at the center of her chest, offset by a curious solid brown marking that descended to her engorged cleft. Amber colored flesh parted like an opening clamshell beneath my gaze, revealing a dew-pearled mouth. Slowly, her fingers drifted toward the opening and began to tease the swollen flesh.

  Disconcerted, I flustered in the water and managed to swallow quite a bit before swimming back to shore. She pursued me easily. Gliding below me, she teased me with fleeting caresses before darting off. Disturbed by her touch and her uninhibited display of desire, a growing sense of confusion and unease spurred me onto the beach.


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