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Healing the Broken

Page 21

by Evangeline Anderson

  Sarah knew what happened next—the man was going to get behind the woman and mount her. But she made herself watch anyway because Sazar seemed to be seeing something she had missed.

  As they watched, the Alquon female spread her legs with her bottom half hanging off the end of the bench. The male, standing behind her, opened her split skirt to show a pair of bright blue breeding panties, much like the ones waiting in the closet for Sarah. He opened his own trousers and pulled out a long, thick shaft.

  It was clear now, what the fourth hole in the panties was for. It was just wide enough to admit his cock and guide it straight into his female’s pussy. Sarah nibbled her lip, her face flaming with embarrassment as she watched, waiting for him to push the thick, throbbing monster into his female’s slit.

  But instead of ramming himself home in his female immediately, the male Alquon waited until a person in a long white robe and white makeup approached. It was impossible for Sarah to tell if the person was male or female—he or she had very androgynous features and unlike the other Alquons, his or her entire body was covered, making it impossible to tell the sex.

  The androgynous attendant in the white robe said a few words and then motioned for the male Alquon to continue. Under the attendant’s watchful eyes, the male slipped his thick shaft through the hole in his female’s panties and thrust forward, clearly sliding into her pussy.

  The attendant nodded and watched as the male pulled out and pushed in again, making low, rough grunts of effort as he did. The female moaned and writhed beneath him and he gripped her hips hard, riding her on the breeding couch as she gasped and cried his name.

  The female’s bottom was hanging off the end of the bench but her panties, Sarah saw, hid most of the action. Though it was amply clear the male was indeed filling her, at least she wasn’t completely on display.

  The attendant watched for a moment then nodded and moved on. But the camera person—had it been Chandra?—stayed with the rutting couple until the male thrust forward hard and held steady, clearly pumping his female’s womb full of his cum.

  His seed, Sarah thought, feeling her cheeks get even hotter. He’s giving her his seed.

  She thought of Sazar doing that to her—what would it feel like? Would it hurt? The female in the video had been moaning and writhing as though she liked it. But how big was Sazar? Sarah had only caught glimpses of his equipment but it seemed really large…

  At last the Alquon male finished. After a long moment he pulled out and whitish stuff could be clearly seen dripping from the hole in the female’s breeding panties. She smiled up at him and he grinned back and slapped her exposed ass playfully. Clearly they had both enjoyed what had happened but Sarah couldn’t understand how they could be so casual about it. How they could just have sex in a crowded room and think nothing of it.

  Sazar paused the video and turned to her, his eyes blazing.

  “Did you see that?” he demanded.

  “Of course I saw it—you made me watch it!” Sarah squeezed her thighs together tightly, trying to stop the throbbing in her pussy. God, she wished she hadn’t allowed herself to imagine what that would be like with her boss. What it would feel like to let the big Kindred breed her…

  His voice softened a little.

  “I think you’re missing the point, Sarah. It was the way he took her that offers us an answer—a way out of this.”

  “What? How?” Sarah exclaimed. “He just…just stuck it in her.” She wished her heart wouldn’t pound so hard when they talked about this!

  “Yes, he did but that’s not what we’re going to do,” Sazar said. “You’ll lay on the bench and get into position, just like that female did.” He pointed at the female in the video. “But when I put my shaft into the hole of your breeding panties, I won’t slide inside you—I’ll slide under you.”

  “You mean…” Sarah was starting to get the idea.

  “I’ll be inside the breeding panties but not inside you,” Sazar explained. “I’ll make thrusting motions but no one will know I’m not in you—the panties will hide it all.”

  “Are you sure about that?” Sarah bit her lip. “I mean, there was an attendant watching them the whole time.”

  “We’ll make it convincing.” He looked at her seriously. “Do you think you can act as though I’m really sliding into you? As though I’m really breeding you?”

  God, if her face got any hotter from embarrassment her hair was going to catch fire! But somehow Sarah nodded.

  “I…I think so,” she whispered.

  “Good.” He nodded decisively. “Because I think this is our only chance. We’ll just have to fake it as convincingly as we can and wait until we’re certain we won’t cause offense by leaving.”

  He pressed the controls again and the scene started once more. Sarah watched as female after female was mounted and felt a throbbing between her thighs.

  So she and Sazar were going to fake it. But what happened if they were caught? And what if—

  Her thoughts derailed suddenly because the videographer had come to the front of the throne room where a larger, more elaborate breeding couch was set up. It gleamed gold and The Lord Magnate himself was using it.

  Or he’s using the girl who’s on it, anyway, Sarah thought, grimacing. The girl beneath the Alquon ruler was so much younger than him it made her sick. At least she looked to be of legal age but just barely, Sarah thought. Her face was twisted in a look of agony and The Lord Magnate was riding her hard, clearly not caring that he was obviously hurting her.

  Ugh! Just like The Prophet! Just like Father Caleb, Sarah thought.

  “Who?” Sazar paused the scene again and turned to her. “Who is this Prophet I’ve heard you speak about before?” he asked. “Are he and Father Caleb one and the same?”

  Sarah’s mouth went dry when she realized she’d said the words aloud. She’d spent so much time hiding her past—running from it. She had the urge to run and hide again but somehow when she opened her mouth what came out wasn’t another excuse or evasion…it was the truth.

  “Father Caleb is The Prophet—or that’s what he calls himself. He…The Lord Magnate reminds me of him. He’s the leader of The Brotherhood of Peace,” she added in a low voice.

  “The religious organization you ran away from,” Sazar said and it wasn’t a question.

  “Call it what it is.” Sarah’s throat felt tight. “It’s a cult.”

  “A theological movement with socially deviant or novel beliefs and practices usually directed at a particular figure or object,” Sazar said, sounding like he was quoting from the dictionary.

  “Exactly.” Sarah nodded, looking down at her hands. “In the Brotherhood, at the Compound where we all lived, Father Caleb was who we—they—venerated.”

  “But not you?” he asked.

  Sarah shook her head vehemently.

  “Not me—never me!” she said fiercely. “I was just stuck there—stuck because my dad left me and my mom was completely brainwashed. I would have been brainwashed too if I hadn’t been able to sneak off to the library and read books. I found out what The Brotherhood really was and I knew what Father Caleb wanted from us wasn’t…wasn’t right.”

  “What did he want?” There was a soft growl in Sazar’s deep voice but she didn’t think it was directed at her.

  “What The Lord Magnate wants,” she said, feeling her stomach clench. “To sleep with any girl he takes a liking to. So he made up a reason to do it—he’s ‘special’ you see. He’s The Prophet and he has to spread his seed to make ‘holy babies’ in as many girls as he can.”

  “Sarah…” Sazar reached for her but she pulled away. “Did he do that to you?” he asked in a low voice. “Did he—”

  “I told you I’m a virgin, didn’t I?” she snapped. “I hid for as long as I could—hid in plain sight. By wearing clothes that were too big and gaining weight. By looking as plain as I could…”

  “That was why you wore the glasses!” Sazar snapped his fingers. �
��I wondered why anyone would wear oculars they didn’t need. You wanted to disguise your beauty.”

  “Right. My beauty.” Sarah gave a sarcastic laugh. “My ‘beauty’ is why I ran away in the middle of the night, praying they couldn’t find me…” She put a hand to her eyes. “I was safe for years, you know—even working in the office. Because Father Caleb had another girl he liked—the head secretary, Sister Hope. She ‘met his needs’ as often as he wanted so he didn’t bother me. Until…until she got pregnant.”

  “And then he turned his attention to you?” Sazar’s voice was low and dangerous. “Did he hurt you? Did he touch you?”

  “He tried…tried plenty.”

  Sarah swallowed convulsively, remembering the skin-crawling sensation whenever Father Caleb had snaked a hand up her skirt or tried to paw her breasts.

  “I put him off and put him off,” she said in a low, choked voice. “But finally he said it was time I…I became a Bride of the Prophet.” The words seemed to stick in her throat. “I knew I would end up like his other secretary, Sister Hope—like every other girl in the Compound who had to ‘receive his seed’—pregnant and handed off to some other man I didn’t love. I knew I’d rather die than let that happen.”

  “So you ran away,” Sazar said.

  She nodded. “I ran away. I ran to the shelter and stayed for as long as I could.” She looked up at him. “Then I saw the ad for a job up on the Kindred Mother Ship. I knew if I could just get there, I’d be safe. That the Controllers from The Brotherhood would never find me.”

  “They won’t,” he said in a soft, low voice. “You’re safe with me, Sarah. You know that, don’t you?”

  She looked up at him. “Thank you, but can we please not talk about this? I shouldn’t have said anything. It’s just that the creepy Lord Magnate reminds me of Father Caleb. And the way he looked at me when we went to the palace…” She shivered. “Let’s just say I’m not looking forward to seeing him again.”

  “I’ll keep you away from him,” Sazar vowed in a low voice. “He won’t touch you, I swear it.”

  “Thank you.” Sarah looked at him gratefully. “I feel better knowing that.”

  “Let’s just get through this ball tonight,” Sazar said grimly. “If we can give a good performance and appear to be honoring the Alquon traditions, I think we can probably be assured of getting the Alquons to agree to a trade with the Kindred. After that our job is done and we can go home.”

  “Just in time for Christmas,” Sarah murmured.

  “Oh, yes…” He frowned distractedly. “Your upcoming festival of giving. I had almost forgotten about that. Yes, let’s hope we may be back to the Mother Ship in time for you to celebrate there.”

  It was on the tip of Sarah’s tongue to ask if they could celebrate together…but somehow she couldn’t make herself say the words. They’d only known each other a few days, she reminded herself. And despite the intimacy they’d shared here on Alquon Ultrea, things might be completely different back aboard the Mother Ship.

  Let’s just get through the ball tonight, like Sazar said, she told herself. Once we get through that and get out of here maybe we can talk.

  And maybe…just maybe they might have more to talk about than work. She hoped.

  Chapter Eighteen

  “Well, the two of you look just perfect,” Chandra exclaimed when Sazar opened the door to their room. “I just knew that silver outfit would do you justice, Commander!”

  Sarah had to agree that the formal clothing the big Kindred was wearing did indeed do him justice. The silver material of the robe and trousers was somewhat thinner than his everyday wear and the shimmering silver fabric clung to his muscular frame and made his pale eyes stand out dramatically. But she couldn’t stand there all day drooling over her boss, she told herself, dragging her eyes away from his tall frame.

  “You look beautiful too, Chandra,” she said, nodding at the vivid pink and purple silk outfit Chandra had on.

  The Alquon girl blushed. “Oh, this old thing? I just threw it on. But that gold looks gorgeous on you, Sarah.” She nodded at the gold lame' jacket which framed rather than covering Sarah’s breasts and the long gold split skirt she was wearing.

  “Thank you,” Sarah smiled, trying to take pleasure in her own appearance. But though she had gotten more or less used to going out in public basically topless, she was never going to actually like it.

  Chandra dropped her voice, a mischievous look dancing in her eyes. “And do the panties fit all right?” she murmured.

  “Oh, uh, yes. Yes, of course.” Sarah tried not to blush and failed. In fact, the gold breeding panties were much more skimpy than she had realized when she’d first looked at them. When she put them on, she was disturbed to see that the front border barely came higher than the top of her pussy slit. They were more like bikini panties than the high-waisted cotton briefs she was used to from years of living in the Compound.

  “Well, I’m glad they’re working for you.” Chandra gave her a critical look. “There’s only one thing missing.”

  “Oh, what’s that?” Sarah asked uneasily.

  “Formal nipple jewelry of course.” Chandra produced a long, flat box and opened it to reveal new nipple bands and a brand new breast chain. The new bands were also gold but unlike the plain ones Sarah was wearing, these were studded all over with tiny diamonds. Hanging from the golden, fine-link breast chain which was strung between them were several gold and diamond charms which were no doubt meant to dangle playfully and attract attention at the same time.

  “Oh,” Sarah breathed. “It’s beautiful, Chandra but it must have cost a fortune.”

  The Alquon girl made a shooing motion. “Not so much. Just consider it my gift from me to you. I want you to look right at the ball tonight. Everyone is going to be watching you so you have to be absolutely perfect.”

  “Wow, okay.” Sarah swallowed nervously. So they were really going to be on display. She supposed she should have expected that, considering all the fuss they’d caused the night before at Fresh Catch and the crazy way the Alquon people seemed to think she was the answer to some weird “prophesy.”

  A new thought entered her head. She wondered uneasily if they were going to be able to pull off their fake breeding with everyone watching them. What if they got caught faking it? What would the Alquons do to them?

  We just can’t get caught, she told herself firmly. We can’t.

  But what if they were?

  “Well…” Chandra tapped the box with the new breast jewelry in it. “Aren’t you going to have your pair partner help you put it on?”

  “Oh…of course.” Though she knew she ought to be used it this by now, Sarah couldn’t stop the pounding of her heart as she turned to Sazar for help. “Can…would you help me take the old jewelry off and put the new bands on?” she asked.

  “It will be my pleasure.” His voice was a low rumble and his eyes flashed red. “Come, let me sit in the chair so I can reach you better.”

  * * * * *

  Sazar would have liked to take his time taking off the old breast bands and putting on the new ones but Chandra proclaimed that they were in a hurry and kept asking if he was almost finished. It was incredibly annoying and it set Sarah on edge as well, he could tell.

  “Sazar,” she breathed as he sucked her nipples gently but thoroughly to get the old bands off. “Do you really think everyone will be watching us tonight?”

  “It seems likely,” he murmured. “Are your breasts sore from wearing these all day?” he added, nodding at the golden bands now in the palm of his hand. “Your nipples look red.”

  “Maybe a little,” Sarah murmured, her cheeks going warm. “Why, are you going to, uh, heal me?”

  “I’ll be sucking your nipples again before I put your new bands on,” he remarked, examining her tight pink peaks. “I’ll release a little of my essence and apply it to be certain they’re in good shape before I put on the new bands.”

  “Th-thank you,”
she stuttered and looked at him shyly. “You…you take such good care of me, Sazar.”

  “I don’t know if going to the Breeding Ball tonight qualifies as taking good care of you,” he murmured wryly. “It’s more like taking you into danger but I don’t see that we have a choice about it.”

  “I was the one who wanted to…ahhh…the one who wanted to stay,” she moaned softly as he sprayed some of the compound on her right nipple and took it deep into his mouth, spreading the essence all Blood Kindred make with their fangs to heal or pleasure a mate. “You gave…gave me the option to leave and I chose not to.”

  “I would not have given you the option if I’d known how dangerous this might become,” Sazar said severely as he applied the new, diamond studded band to her nipple. He had to admit it looked lovely.

  “That’s one thing I wanted to ask,” Sarah murmured. “How dangerous do you think it will get if someone figures out we’re…” She cast a side-long look at Chandra who was amusing herself by playing back the orgy video of the last Breeding Ball on the wall screen. “If someone figures out we’re faking?”

  “They won’t find out,” Sazar assured her and sucked her other nipple into his mouth, healing it as well. Gods, he loved how stiff her peaks got when he sucked and licked them…loved the way she moaned and shifted her hips as she stood in front of him.

  “But these panties…they’re so tiny,” she protested when she got her breath again. “What if…what if someone sees that you’re not, you know, actually in me?”

  Sazar allowed his gaze to travel down her body and saw that she was right. The tiny golden panties were so low in front he could actually see the top of her pussy slit. Their plan was for him to press his shaft into the hole at the back of her panties and conceal the fact that he wasn’t actually inside her, but it seemed clear to him that the low-slung panties would never hide his shaft. He would poke out the front of them as he rubbed against her pussy rather than sliding inside it.

  Seven Hells, this was a problem. Then he had an idea.


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