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Healing the Broken

Page 25

by Evangeline Anderson

  As she and Sazar dealt with their own situation, the Alquon male had been pounding into his breeding partner’s pussy and finally, with a low male roar, he finished inside her, pressing deep to fill her with his seed.

  “Good! Very good,” the breeding attendant exclaimed. Coming forward, he or she produced something from the fold of those long white robes—it looked a little like a clear cork to Sarah.

  As the male pulled his shaft free and the first dribble of cum started to slide out of his female’s freshly opened pussy, the attendant rushed forward and pressed the clear cork-like thing into the entrance of her sex. Sarah watched as the thing expanded, filling the Alquon girl’s opening while still showing the massive amount of cum left inside her pussy.

  “There.” The breeding attendant nodded with satisfaction. “Not a drop spilled. Now, you know how it goes,” she said to the Alquon girl. “The stay-tight will dissolve after twenty-four standard hours but until then it’s going to hold all that lovely seed deep in your pussy and give it time to take root in your belly.”

  “Yes, thank you, attendant.” The girl smiled as she climbed off the breeding bench with her partner’s help. “I pray I shall conceive.”

  “May it be so, and may your child have blood as pure as our ancestors,” the stern attendant said, coming in Sarah’s estimation, dangerously close to smiling.

  But when the happy couple left, the attendant turned back to Sazar and Sarah and frowned.

  “Well, I see you’ve put it in her at least,” the attendant remarked, motioning to the place where the big Kindred was buried to the hilt in Sarah’s pussy. “But why are you just holding still? Breed her! Go on—do your duty! Breed your partner and shoot your seed deep in her pussy!”

  Oh God… Sarah bit her lip and looked over her shoulder at Sazar again. He had a troubled look on his face and she knew he was torn up inside about actually doing this. He didn’t want to hurt her—didn’t want to break yet another promise.

  But again they had no choice.

  “Just…just do it,” she told him in a soft, breathless voice. “You’re already inside me, Sazar. Inside my…my pussy. I guess it won’t hurt if you slide in and out a few times.”

  “Sliding in and out is breeding,” he pointed out, even as he slid his long shaft out of her pussy until only the broad head remained inside her. “And breeding you is wrong. I’ve already taken your virginity from you which I swore not to do.” He thrust back in again, as though to emphasize his words.

  “You also promised not to let me get eaten by the grike,” Sarah whispered, trying not to moan at the delicious sensation of his thick shaft stretching her to the limit. “You’re not the only one involved here, Sazar. But…I don’t think we have any choice. Maybe you can just…just do a few thrusts to make the attendant happy and then we can pretend you came in me and get out of here. Besides, I don’t think it’s really breeding unless you, you know, come in me.”

  “You don’t think so?” He sounded extremely unhappy but he slid out and then back into her anyway, thrusting that thick shaft deep in her pussy until Sarah couldn’t help moaning with pleasure.

  “Oh God, Sazar,” she gasped as he pulled out and did it again. “That feels amazing.”

  “Feels good to me too, Ladara,” he growled softly as he did it again, setting up a steady rhythm inside her pussy. “Your pussy is the sweetest and the tightest I’ve ever known.”

  “Feels right, doesn’t it?” the breeding attendant asked, nodding at Sarah approvingly. “Feels right to spread your thighs and let yourself be bred by your male.”

  “I…I…yes,” Sarah couldn’t help confessing. “It does.”

  “That’s good,” the attendant said approvingly. “Now keep it up—press back to take your male’s shaft and milk him for his cum. It’s the only way to get yourself a big belly.”

  Pregnant by her boss…Sarah bit her lip at the thought of it. And yet, would it really be so bad, feeling Sazar’s child stretching her belly?

  Sister Hope didn’t think so and look what happened to her. Father Caleb got rid of her as soon as she started to show, whispered a nasty little voice in Sarah’s head.

  She pushed it away. I won’t think of that now. I won’t!

  “Don’t worry,” Sazar whispered as he thrust inside her. “I’m not really going to come in you, Sarah. I swear I won’t.”

  “But how can you avoid it? Coming I mean?” she panted back. “The attendant’s watching us, Sazar—he or she is going to expect to see your…your seed leaking out of me when we finish.”

  “Sarah, I won’t—”

  “Just do it,” she moaned, completely lost to all reason or shame by now. “We have no choice, Sazar. You have to—please.”

  As she spoke she felt the peak of pleasure approaching again. Sazar’s deep thrusts were rubbing the top of her pussy against the padded end of the breeding bench and sending sparks of sensation through her throbbing clit each time she was pressed against it.

  “I shouldn’t,” he groaned but even as he did, Sarah felt his already thick shaft swelling even more inside her. She gave a little cry as something hot spurted inside her.

  “Oh…oh,” she moaned as the first spurt was followed by another…and then another and another.

  Coming in me, she thought deliriously. Oh my God, he’s coming in me. If I’m not careful I’m going to get pregnant!

  Then the pleasure overwhelmed her and she felt her pussy clench around the big Kindred’s shaft—milking him hard, as though her body wanted to get every last drop of his seed inside her.

  “Sazar,” she moaned and everything seemed to blur for a moment as her orgasm took her and shook her—scrambling her senses with pleasure until she couldn’t see—couldn’t even think—could only feel.

  The next thing she knew a deep voice was saying bitterly, “There—it’s done. I took what I had no right to take and finished inside her. Are you happy now?”

  Sazar’s thick shaft slid out of her but almost before she could cry out from the intense feeling of emptiness, the breeding attendant was pushing something else in place inside her pussy.

  What are they doing? Sarah wondered hazily. Then she remembered the clear plug-like thing the attendant had called a “stay-tight” which he or she had pushed into the pussy of the Alquon woman who had just been bred. She wanted to take it out again but she didn’t get a chance.

  Sazar dragged her to her feet and held her firmly by the hand. He looked at the attendant, his eyes narrow and angry.

  “We’ve done as you asked—are we free to go?”

  “If you wish. But don’t you want to attend the Breeding after-party?” the attendant looked surprised.

  “Under no circumstances,” Sazar growled.

  “Well then, you might at least say your goodbyes to The Lord Magnate. It’s customary to do so before leaving the ball, even if your duty is fulfilled,” the attendant said.

  “Very well.” Standing stiff and tall, Sazar waited until he caught the eye of The Lord Magnate, who was breeding the girl he had picked in a leisurely manner. Sazar bowed once, stiffly, and waited until the Alquon leader had nodded in return. Then he took Sarah’s hand and marched them through the rows of still-breeding Alquon nobles and out of the throne room.

  “Sazar please…please, you’re hurting me,” Sarah gasped as he dragged her rapidly through the palace.

  “Yes, I imagine I did hurt you—quite badly,” he growled, staring straight ahead. “As well as lied to you and violated you—and broke my oath not to take you. For that I can only ask your forgiveness. But there’s no time now—we must get out of here before The Lord Magnate changes his mind and decides he wants you after all. A male like that, used to getting his own way, won’t give up on what he desires unless it’s put well out of his reach.”

  “But…But…” Sarah wanted to tell him she didn’t feel he had done any of the things he had accused himself of. But her head was still hazy from the aftermath of her orgasm and she c
ould scarcely think he was pulling her along so fast.

  Later, she thought. I’ll talk to him later—once we’re on the ship.

  She just hoped he would listen and that she could find the right words to say.

  Chapter Twenty-two

  Bastard! Sazar thought furiously as he rushed through the glass tunnels of Idd, dragging Sarah along behind him. Oath breaker…liar…violator! He was all these things and worse—he had done everything to Sarah he had promised he wouldn’t do.

  And the worst thing was, he had enjoyed it—had gotten pleasure from the acts he was committing.

  I took her virginity, he accused himself. Not only that—I took her in public, in full view of the entire Alquon court. Then I filled her with my seed which I swore I wouldn’t do. And all the time I was violating her, she had to pretend she liked it.

  Of course Sarah had pretended to like it—to like what he was doing to her. She’d played her part well, moaning for him to fill her when she was probably dying inside.

  She ran from a forced breeding, escaped from the cult where she was raised at great danger and expense to herself and what do I do the moment she comes to me? Do I protect her as I swore I would? No, I abuse her—strip her of her virginity and breed her. I subject her to the hell she was running from in the first place. Now she’ll hate me and want to leave me—she’ll probably go as soon as we reach the Mother Ship and I don’t blame her.

  The fact that he’d taken her virginity was the worst, he thought. Among his own people, a female’s virginity was considered all-important. And a male who took it without her permission—who violated her—was criminal scum—the worst of the worst.

  That’s me, he thought grimly. The very fucking worst.

  There was only one bright point—at least for Sarah—in this whole dark mess. Though he had filled her with his seed, Sazar had managed to keep from biting her and injecting her with his essence during the moment of ejaculation. They might have fucked—well, he had fucked her—but they had not had bonding sex. So at least Sarah wasn’t tied permanently to him and they didn’t share the mental bond which all Kindred form with their mates at the moment of bonding sex.

  Thinking of that bond of intimacy—longing for it—made Sazar even more aware of what he’d lost. He’d come to love his little human assistant—he saw that clearly now. But after what he’d done, he could never have her—never bind her to him permanently as he desperately longed to.

  Once more he felt the sharp ache of sudden loss, just as he’d felt when he came home for lunch almost two years before and had found Malinda lying cold on the floor while Tsandor cried in confusion over her body. His young, lovely wife—gone in an instant. Exactly the way Sarah would be gone the moment she had a chance to get away.

  And this time the loss was his own fault.

  Goddess, he thought. Why must I always lose what I love? Why does everything I touch turn to ashes?

  He had no answers—only a pain so deep he felt numb.

  * * * * *

  Why is he in such a rush? Does he really think The Lord Magnate is coming after us? Is he? Do we really need to go so fast?

  Sarah’s thoughts went around and around in a circle and she hardly noticed it when they found themselves in front of their room.

  “In,” Sazar growled, unlocking the door with his palm print and pushing her inside. “Put on some decent clothes and pack. We are leaving immediately.”

  Decent clothes…

  His words made her look down at herself with fresh eyes and she winced at what she saw.

  The decadent gold and diamond breast chain and nipple bands still glittered, emphasizing her bare breasts. Her split skirt was open, showing the fact that she was bare underneath it—her tiny golden breeding panties had been left on the throne room floor. Her thighs were still wet with her juices but not with the big Kindred’s seed.

  That’s because it’s up inside me, Sarah thought. That cork thing—the stay-tight—is holding it in there.

  Suddenly the words of the breeding attendant came back to Sarah’s mind.

  “There—now you’re set. The stay-tight will dissolve after twenty-four standard hours but until then it’s going to hold all that lovely seed deep in your pussy and give it time to take root in your belly.”

  A big belly—pregnant. It’s going to make me pregnant if I don’t get it out!

  And she knew from experience what happened when a woman got pregnant by her boss. She thought of Sister Hope’s tear-stained face as she left the office with orders never to return. She had thought that Father Caleb cared for her—that he loved her. But the moment she was no longer pretty and sexy, he had gotten rid of her.

  Oh God, is that going to happen to me? Is Sazar going to fire me now?

  She had been about to go to the pink carry-all cube and start packing as he had ordered but she bolted to the bathroom instead, panic rising in her like a wave.

  Get it out—I have to get it out! she thought frantically. But though she worked frantically between her legs and scratched herself badly with her own fingernails, the clear stay-tight cork refused to be extracted.

  “Sarah?” There was a heavy knocking on the bathroom door. “Sarah we need to go. Get out here now.”

  At last Sarah gave up.

  If I’m going to get pregnant it’s probably already happened, she thought unhappily. And if Sazar is going to fire me, there’s nothing I can do about it.

  Feeling dejected and rejected, she came out and brushed past the big Kindred to go pack.

  Chapter Twenty-three

  “Oh, do you really have to go so suddenly?” Chandra was standing with them at the tuve station—by the numbered tuve leading back to their ship. She was still wearing her own pink and purple breeding gown and it was clear from the way she walked, she also had a stay-tight tucked up inside her.

  “I’m afraid we do,” Sarah said and suddenly she was fighting back tears. It wasn’t just that she was sad to say goodbye to her friend, it was the way everything seemed to have gone wrong so suddenly. It had seemed to her that she and Sazar had shared a moment together while he was breeding her. The pleasure had been intense—overwhelming—and she’d been certain he felt it too—the sense of connection…the oneness…the rightness.

  But apparently not.

  He was angry and terse—wanting nothing more than to just forget about what had happened between them and go.

  “Well…I’ll miss you.” Chandra looked like she might cry. “I had so many other activities planned for us to do together. So much more of Idd I wanted you to see.”

  “We’ve seen all we care to,” Sazar snapped. “Sarah, finish saying your goodbyes.”

  “All right!” Sarah snapped back, her temper rising at his rough treatment. “Just give me a minute—I’ll probably never see Chandra again.”

  “Oh dear, never?” Now Chandra really did begin to cry and Sarah felt her own tears rising as well.

  “I’m sorry,” she said in a trembling voice. “But it seems like…like a trade between the Kindred and the Alquons isn’t going to happen after all. But thank you for everything you’ve done for us.”

  “Oh Sarah, I know I haven’t known you long but I’m really going to miss you!” Chandra threw her arms around Sarah’s neck and hugged her hard.

  Sarah hugged back and then pulled away to swipe at her tears. She was aware that Sazar was standing there scowling at her, waiting impatiently so they could go.

  “Good bye,” she told Chandra. “I’ll never forget you or the adventures I had here.”

  “Adventures,” Sazar muttered savagely as though the word tasted bitter in his mouth.

  Sarah looked up at him but the big Kindred didn’t say any more. So she kissed Chandra on the cheek and left the weeping Alquon girl behind.

  She stepped into the tuve which whisked her upward and out of the city of Idd forever.

  * * * * *

  “Get strapped in,” Sazar ordered as soon as the hatch had closed
and Sarah had stowed her pink carry-all cube in the luggage hold. “We’re going home to the Mother Ship—at least I am.”

  “What…what does that mean?” She turned to face him, her eyes stricken.

  “It means I’m sure you won’t be on the Mother Ship for long,” Sazar growled. Because why would she want to be near her violator? She would probably wish to go back down to Earth, to the shelter where she’d been safe.

  “You…you’re getting rid of me?” she asked in a quavering voice.

  “You’re going, aren’t you?” he demanded. He didn’t want to talk about this—didn’t want to draw it out. “Unless you prefer to press charges against me once we get to the Mother Ship,” he added. “Which is perfectly within your rights. I did, after all, violate the bounds of our professional relationship in the worst possible way.”

  “I…” Tears were spilling over the edges of her lovely hazel eyes—tears he had put there, Sazar told himself savagely. “No,” she choked out at last. “No, I…I don’t want to press any charges.”

  “You should,” Sazar growled. “I won’t fight them if you do.”

  “You…I…” She shook her head and then looked away, her shoulders shaking with silent sobs.

  Sazar felt like his heart was being torn out. He wished like hell he could go back and change what he had done—wished he could give back her innocence and the virginity he had taken from her. But there was no way to turn back time—what was done was done.

  He hated himself and he didn’t blame Sarah for hating him too.

  * * * * *

  Why is he pushing me away? Why does he hate me so much? Sarah thought despairingly as she tried to control her sobs. At least Father Caleb kept Sister Hope around until she started to show. But Sazar doesn’t even want to wait that long. Maybe he figures I’ll get pregnant for sure since the attendant put the stay-tight inside me. And he doesn’t want the baby. Hell, he can’t even take care of the child he already has—let alone one by me.

  The thought made her sorrow turn to anger. Poor little Tsandor! She’d wanted so badly to be there for him, even if Commander Sazar wasn’t. She’d promised herself he wouldn’t spend Christmas alone and now he would do exactly that, because Sarah was going to be leaving the Mother Ship—sent back down to Earth with no way to contact the lonely, love-starved little boy.


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