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The Good Time Coming

Page 18

by T. S. Arthur

  “Not with Mr. Lyon, I hope?” said Fanny, quickly and earnestly. It was the first time she had mentioned his name since the day his cold allusion to her had nearly palsied her heart.

  “Why not with Mr. Lyon, my child? Do you know any thing in regard to him that would make such a connection perilous to my interest?” Mr. Markland looked earnestly into the face of his daughter. Her eyes did not fall from his, but grew brighter, and her person became more erect. There was something of indignant surprise in the expression of her countenance.

  “Do you know any thing in regard to him that would make the connection perilous to my interest?” repeated Mr. Markland.

  “Will that man be true to the father, who is false to his child?” said Fanny, in a deep, hoarse voice.

  He looked long and silently into her face, his mind bewildered by the searching interrogatory.

  “False to you, Fanny!” he at length said, in a confused way. “Has he been false to you?”

  “Oh, father! father! And is it from you this question comes?” exclaimed Fanny, clasping her hands together and then pressing them tightly against her bosom.

  “He spoke of you in his letter with great kindness,” said Mr. Markland. “I know that he has been deeply absorbed in a perplexing business; and this may be the reason why he has not written.”

  “Father,”—Fanny’s words were uttered slowly and impressively—”if you are in any manner involved in business with Mr. Lyon—if you have any thing at stake through confidence in him—get free from the connection as early as possible. He is no true man. With the fascinating qualities of the serpent, he has also the power to sting.”

  “I fear, my daughter,” said Mr. Markland, “that too great a revulsion has taken place in your feelings toward him; that wounded pride is becoming unduly active.”

  “Pride!” ejaculated Fanny—and her face, that had flushed, grew pale again—”pride! Oh, father! how sadly you misjudge your child! No—no. I was for months in the blinding mazes of a delicious dream; but I am awake now—fully awake, and older—how much older it makes me shudder to think—than I was when lulled into slumber by melodies so new, and wild, and sweet, that it seemed as if I had entered another state of existence. Yes, father, I am awake now; startled suddenly from visions of joy and beauty into icy realities, like thousands of other dreamers around me. Pride? Oh, my father!”

  And Fanny laid her head down upon the breast of her parent, and wept bitterly.

  Mr. Markland was at a loss what answer to make. So entire a change in the feelings of his daughter toward Mr. Lyon was unsuspected, and he scarcely knew how to explain the fact. Fascinated as she had been, he had looked for nothing else but a clinging to his image even in coldness and neglect. That she would seek to obliterate that image from her heart, as an evil thing, was something he had not for an instant expected. He did not know how, treasured up in tenderest infancy, through sunny childhood, and in sweetly dawning maidenhood, innocence and truth had formed for her a talisman by which the qualities of others might be tested. At the first approach of Mr. Lyon this had given instinctive warning; but his personal attractions were so great, and her father’s approving confidence of the man so strong, that the inward monitor was unheeded. But, after a long silence following a series of impassioned letters, to find herself alluded to in this cold and distant way revealed a state of feeling in the man she loved so wildly, that proved him false beyond all question. Like one standing on a mountain-top, who suddenly finds the ground giving way beneath his feet, she felt herself sweeping down through a fearfully intervening space, and fell, with scarcely a pulse of life remaining, on the rocky ground beneath. She caught at no object in her quick descent, for none tempted her hand. It was one swift plunge, and the shock was over.

  “No, father,” she said, in a calmer voice, lifting her face from his bosom—”it is not pride, nor womanly indignation at a deep wrong. I speak of him as he is now known to me. Oh, beware of him! Let not his shadow fall darker on our household.”

  The effect of this conversation in no way quieted the apprehensions of Mr. Markland, but made his anxieties the deeper. That Lyon had been false to his child was clear even to him; and the searching questions of Fanny he could not banish from his thoughts.

  “All things confirm the necessity of my journey,” he said, when alone, and in close debate with himself on the subject. “I fear that I am in the toils of a serpent, and that escape, even with life, is doubtful. By what a strange infatuation I have been governed! Alas! into what a fearful jeopardy have I brought the tangible good things given me by a kind Providence, by grasping at what dazzled my eyes as of supremely greater value! Have I not been lured by a shadow, forgetful of the substance in possession?”


  “I SHOULD have been contented amid so much beauty, and with even more than my share of earthly blessings.” Thus Mr. Markland communed with himself, walking about alone, near the close of the day preceding that on which his appointed journey was to begin. “Am I not acting over again that old folly of the substance and shadow? Verily, I believe it is so. Ah! will we ever be satisfied with any achievement in this life? To-morrow I leave all by which I am here surrounded, and more, a thousand-fold more—my heart’s beloved ones; and for what? To seek the fortune I was mad enough to cast from me into a great whirlpool, believing that it would be thrown up at my feet again, with every disk of gold changed into a sparkling diamond. I have waited eagerly on the shore for the returning tide, but yet there is no reflux, and now my last hope rests on the diver’s strength and doubtful fortune. I must make the fearful plunge.”

  A cold shudder ran through the frame of Mr. Markland, as he realized, too distinctly, the image he had conjured up. A feeling of weakness and irresolution succeeded.

  “Ah!” he murmured to himself, “if all had not been so blindly cast upon this venture, I might be willing to wait the issue, providing for the worst by a new disposition of affairs, and by new efforts here. But I was too eager, too hopeful, too insanely confident. Every thing is now beyond my reach.”

  This was the state of his mind when Mr. Allison, whom he had not met in a familiar manner for several weeks, joined him, saying, as he came up with extended hand, and fine face, bright with the generous interest in others that always burned in his heart—

  “What is this I hear, Mr. Markland? Is it true that you are going away, to be absent for some months? Mr. Willet was telling me about it this morning.”

  “It is too true,” replied Mr. Markland, assuming a cheerful air, yet betraying much of the troubled feeling that oppressed him. “The calls of business cannot always be disregarded.”

  “No—but, if I understand aright, you contemplate going a long distance South—somewhere into Central America.”

  “Such is my destination. Having been induced to invest money in a promising enterprise in that far-off region, it is no more than right to look after my interests there.”

  “With so much to hold your thoughts and interests here,” said Mr. Allison, “I can hardly understand why you should let them wander off so far from home.”

  “And I can hardly understand it myself,” returned Mr. Markland, in a lower tone of voice, as if the admission were made reluctantly. “But so it is. I am but a man, and man is always dissatisfied with his actual, and always looking forward to some good time coming. Ah, sir, this faculty of imagination that we possess is one of the curses entailed by the fall. It is forever leading us off from a true enjoyment of what we have. It has no faith in to-day—no love for the good and beautiful that really exists.”

  “I can show you a person whose imagination plays no truant pranks like this,” replied Mr. Allison. “And this shall be at least one exception to your rule.”

  “Name that person,” was the half-incredulous response.

  “Your excellent wife,” said Mr. Allison.

  For some moments Mr. Markland stood with his eyes cast down; then, lifting them to the face of the old man, he said

  “The reference is true. But, if she be not the only exception, the number who, like her, can find the best reward in the present, are, alas! but few.”

  “If not found in the present, Mr. Markland, will it ever be found? Think!”

  “Never!” There was an utterance of grief in the deep tone that thus responded-for conviction had come like a quick flash upon his heart.

  “But who finds it, Mr. Allison?” he said, shortly after, speaking with stern energy. “Who comprehends the present and the actual? who loves it sufficiently? Ah, sir! is the present ever what a fond, cheating imagination prefigured it?”

  “And knowing this so well,” returned the old man, “was it wise for you to build so largely on the future as you seem to have done?”

  “No, it was not wise.” The answer came with a bitter emphasis.

  “We seek to escape the restlessness of unsatisfied desire,” said Mr. Allison, “by giving it more stimulating food, instead of firmly repressing its morbid activities. Think you not that there is something false in the life we are leading here, when we consider how few and brief are the days in which we experience a feeling of rest and satisfaction? And if our life be false—or, in other words, our life-purposes—what hope for us is there in any change of pursuit or any change of scene?”

  “None—none,” replied Mr. Markland.

  “We may look for the good time coming, but look in vain. Its morning will never break over the distant mountain-tops to which our eyes are turned.”

  “Life is a mockery, a cheating dream!” said Mr. Markland, bitterly.

  “Not so, my friend,” was the calmly spoken answer.

  “Not so. Our life here is the beginning of an immortal life. But, to be a happy life, it must be a true one. All its activities must have an orderly pulsation.”

  Mr. Markland slowly raised a hand, and, pressing it strongly against his forehead, stood motionless for some moments, his mind deeply abstracted.

  “My thoughts flow back, Mr. Allison,” he said, at length, speaking in a subdued tone, “to a period many months gone by, and revives a conversation held with you, almost in this very place. What you then said made a strong impression on my mind. I saw, in clear light, how vain were all efforts to secure happiness in this world, if made selfishly, and thus in a direction contrary to true order. The great social man I recognised as no mere idealism, but as a verity. I saw myself a member of this body, and felt deeply the truth then uttered by you, that just in proportion as each member thinks of and works for himself alone will that individual be working in selfish disorder, and, like the member of the human body that takes more than its share of blood, must certainly suffer the pain of inflammation. The truth then presented to my mind was like a flood of light; but I did not love the truth, and shut my eyes to the light that revealed more than I wished to know. Ah, sir! if I could have accepted all you then advanced—if I could have overcome the false principle of self-seeking then so clearly shown to be the curse of life—I would not have involved myself in business that must now separate me for months from my home and family.”

  “And should you achieve all that was anticipated in the beginning,” said Mr. Allison, “I doubt if you will find pleasure enough in the realization to compensate for this hour of pain, to say nothing of what you are destined to suffer during the months of separation that are before you.”

  “Your doubts are my own,” replied Markland, musingly. “But,”—and he spoke in a quicker and lighter tone,—”this is all folly! I must go forward, now, to the end. Why, then, yield to unmanly weakness?”

  “True, sir,” returned the old man. “No matter how difficult the way in which our feet must walk, the path must be trodden bravely.”

  “I shall learn some lessons of wisdom by this experience,” said Mr. Markland, “that will go with me through life. But, I fear, they will be all too dearly purchased.”

  “Wisdom,” was the answer, “is a thing of priceless value.”

  “It is sometimes too dearly bought, for all that.”

  “Never,” replied the old man,—”never. Wisdom is the soul’s true riches; and there is no worldly possession that compares with it in value. If you acquire wisdom by any experience, no matter how severe it may prove, you are largely the gainer. And here is the compensation in every affliction, in every disappointment, and in every misfortune. We may gather pearls of wisdom from amid the ashes and cinders of our lost hopes, after the fires have consumed them.”

  Mr. Markland sighed deeply, but did not answer. There was a dark sky above and around him; yet gleams of light skirted a cloud here and there, telling him that the great sun was shining serenely beyond. He felt weak, sad, and almost hopeless, as he parted from Mr. Allison, who promised often to visit his family during his absence; and in his weakness, he lifted his heart involuntarily upward, and asked direction and strength from Him whom he had forgotten in the days when all was light around him, and, in the pride and strength of conscious manhood, he had felt that he possessed all power to effect the purposes of his own will.


  AFTER a night that was sleepless to at least three members of the family the morning of the day on which Mr. Markland was to start on his journey came. Tearful eyes were around him. Even to the last, Fanny begged him not to leave them, and almost clung to him at the moment of parting. Finally, the separation was accomplished, and, shrinking back in the carriage that conveyed him to the city, Mr. Markland gave himself up to sad reveries. As his thoughts reached forward to the point of his destination, and he tried to arrange in his mind all the information he had relating to the business in which he was now embarked, he saw more clearly than ever the feeble hold upon his fortune that remained to him. Less confident, too, was he of the good result of his journey. Now that he was fairly on the way, doubt began to enter his mind.

  This was Mr. Markland’s state of feelings on reaching the city. His first act was to drive to the post-office, to get any letters that might have arrived for him. He received only one, and that was from New York. The contents were of a startling character. Mr. Fenwick wrote:

  “Come on immediately. Your presence is desired by all the members of the Company here. We have news of an unexpected and far from pleasant character.”

  This was all; but it came with a painful shock upon the feelings of Mr. Markland. Its very vagueness made it the more frightful to him; and his heart imagined the worst.

  Without communicating with his family, who supposed him on his journey southward, Mr. Markland took the first train for New York, and in a few hours arrived in that city, and called at the office of Mr. Fenwick. A single glance at the agent’s countenance told him that much was wrong. A look of trouble shadowed it, and only a feeble smile parted his lips as he came forward to meet him.

  “What news have you?” eagerly inquired Mr. Markland.

  “Bad news, I am sorry to say,” was answered.

  “What is its nature?” The face of Mr. Markland was of an ashen hue, and his lips quivered.

  “I fear we have been mistaken in our man,” said Mr. Fenwick.

  “In Lyon?”

  “Yes. His last letters are of a very unsatisfactory character, and little in agreement with previous communications. We have, besides, direct information from a partly on the ground, that tends to confirm our worst fears.”

  “Worst fears of what?” asked Markland, still strongly agitated.

  “Unfair—nay, treacherous—dealing.”


  “That word but feebly expresses all we apprehend.”

  “It involves fearful meaning in the present case,” said Markland, in a hoarse voice.

  “Fearful enough,” said Fenwick, gloomily.

  “I was just on the eve of starting for the ground of the Company’s operations, when your letter reached me this morning. An hour later, and I would have been on my journey southward,” said Mr. Markland.

  “It is well that I wrote, promptly,” rem
arked Fenwick. “You were, at least, saved a long and fruitless journey.”

  “It will yet have to be taken, I fear,” said Markland.

  Fenwick shook his head ominously, and muttered, half to himself—”Vain—vain!”

  “Will you state clearly, yet in brief, the nature of the information you have received from Mr. Lyon?” said Markland. “I comprehend nothing yet.”

  “His last communication,” was answered, “gives a hurried, rather confused account of the sudden flooding of the main shaft, in sinking which a large part of the capital invested has been expended, and the hopeless abandonment of the work in that direction.”

  “Do you believe this statement?” asked Mr. Markland.

  “I have another letter from one of the party on the ground, bearing the same date.”

  “What does he say?”

  “But little of the flooded shaft. Such an occurrence had, however, taken place, and the writer seemed to think it might require a steam-engine and pump to keep it clear, involving a delay of several months. The amount of water which came in was sufficient to cause a suspension of work, which he thought might be only temporary; but he could not speak with certainty in regard to that. But the most serious part of his communication is this:”

  Mr. Fenwick took a letter from his desk, and read:—

  “The worst feature of the case is the lack of funds. The Government officials have demanded the immediate payment of the second, third, and fourth instalments due on the Company’s grant of land, and have announced their purpose to seize upon all the effects here, and declare a forfeiture, unless these dues are forthcoming at the end of the present month. Mr. Lyon is greatly troubled, but mysterious. He has not, from the first day of his arrival out up to the present moment, admitted any one fully into his counsels. I know he has been seriously hampered for lack of funds, but was not aware, until now, that the second and third instalments of purchase-money remained unpaid; and my knowledge of this, and the impending danger from the Government, was only acquired through accident. No doubt Mr. Lyon has fully advised you of all the facts in the case; still, I feel it to be my duty also to refer to the subject.”


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