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Shameful Reckonings

Page 4

by S. J. Lewis

  A woman screamed, somewhere out of sight. The scream was followed by a long, moaning wail. Giancarla shivered, and not just from the chill. Panic began to overcome her as she looked around and realized that she was in a cage set against the near wall, which also looked like carved rock. To her right and left she could see more cages. Most of them were empty, but two held other naked women who were either sleeping or unconscious.

  She had a sudden, irrational urge to beat at the bars with her hands and fought it down. The effort left her heart pounding and her arms and legs shaking. She felt sick to her stomach. There was a metallic taste in her mouth. Where was she? What had Nicholas done?

  She looked at the other two women again. She couldn’t see either of their faces. They were far enough away that she couldn’t even tell if they were breathing. All she could make out in the dim light was that they both had very dark hair.

  For the first time she noticed that what light there was seemed to be coming from somewhere outside of the chamber that she was caged in. There was some kind of opening in one of the walls, but she was not in a position to see through it. That was where the light was coming from. That was also where all the screams and wails were coming from. Now she also heard rough male laughter, and the sound of a woman crying and moaning. Giancarla shrank back against the rear of her cage, shaking uncontrollably. She tried to cling to the hope that this was just some sick, cruel joke that Nicholas was playing on her, but she already knew that that was very unlikely.

  She heard the sound of footsteps approaching. She froze, her breathing quick and shallow, wanting to see who was coming and at the same time dreading it. A short, squatly-built man appeared around the corner. He was wearing a white lab coat that made his dark skin seem all the darker and thick glasses. He scanned the cages, coming to Giancarla’s last, and he smiled when he saw her. All Giancarla could do was shiver and whimper.

  “Ah, good,” the man said in thickly accented English. “You awake. You be the American woman. We do you next.” He turned and gestured back the way he had come and shortly afterwards two more dusky men entered the chamber. Both of them were average height, and so alike at first glance that Giancarla thought that they might be twins. They wore only some kind of loose-fitting pantaloons and sneakers, so she could see their powerfully muscled chests and arms. The lab-coated man pointed to her and said something in a language she had never heard before. The two men nodded and came over to her.

  As badly as Giancarla had wanted to get out of her cage, the thought of what these men might do to her made her fight them as they tried to pull her out. She kicked and clawed and screamed and tried to bite, all in vain. The two men pried her loose, avoiding all of her attempts to hurt them with practiced ease. In a few moments, they were marching her out of the chamber towards the light, her arms twisted painfully up behind her. The floor felt icy cold to her bare feet.

  Her brief struggle had exhausted Giancarla, but when she saw where they were taking her, she found new strength to resist. She could see what looked like a gynecologist’s examining table, complete with straps and stirrups, other tables laden with jars and bottles and medical equipment. She tried to dig in her heels. It was useless. They were far too strong, and she was far too weak. In the end, all she could do was scream and wail as they lifted her up onto the examining table and strapped her down, with her feet secured in the cold metal stirrups and her arms trapped up over her head. By then even screaming was too much for her. All Giancarla could do was cry and plead.

  “Easy, easy,” the lab-coated man crooned to her as he stroked her hair. “I speak English good. I not hurt you,” he wagged a finger at her. “I not hurt you. You scared now, like animal in trap. Is okay. You will learn.” He chuckled as he turned to a nearby table strewn with shiny metal implements. He selected a speculum and held it up for Giancarla to see before he put it down and pulled on a pair of surgical gloves.

  “Doctor,” he said, tapping his chest. Then he tapped Giancarla’s chest. “Animal,” he said. Giancarla whimpered and watched helplessly as he went and stood between her raised and parted legs. He smiled down at her. His teeth were as white as his lab coat. Giancarla thought that he looked vaguely East Indian.

  “You are animal now,” he said. “Scared, wild little animal. We train you here. Soon you no be wild.” He paused. “Maybe you still be scared, though. No worry. I just examine you now, see if you healthy.” He put his gloved hands on her knees and slid them slowly up along her inner thighs. All Giancarla could do was squirm and whimper.

  “You have very pretty pussy,” the ‘doctor’ grinned. “Nice and pink.” He reached forward, his hands closing on her breasts. He squeezed and fondled them. His touch made her shudder.

  “Nice big titties, too,” the doctor went on. “And real! Even better! Nice dark nipples.” He pinched one, making her yelp. “Very good!” he beamed.

  Now his hands slid down along Giancarla’s waist and belly. She had a fit of dry heaves, gagging and convulsing on the examining table. It didn’t help that the ‘twins’ were watching it all with undisguised interest, making comments to each other and grinning like wolves.

  “Good thing we not feed you yet, eh?” the doctor chuckled. “Empty belly make you weak, but now you no puke.” His hands caressed her hips. He was standing close enough to her now that she could feel the warmth of his body. She had another fit of dry heaves.

  “You good, healthy, young,” the doctor went on happily. “But this,” he shook his head as his fingers trailed through Giancarla’s pubic thatch. She had kept it neatly trimmed, a stripe no more than two inches wide of curly, dark brown hairs. “This no good. We fix, eh?”

  “Please…” Giancarla moaned weakly. The back of her throat felt as if she had swallowed battery acid. “Please, no.”

  The doctor slapped her thigh hard enough for it to sting.

  “You animal now,” he wagged his finger at her again. “Nice, pretty animal, but still wild. You must learn quiet.” He nodded towards one of the ‘twins’, who promptly came over and clamped his hand over her mouth. Giancarla closed her eyes. She didn’t even try to bite him. Now she was feeling weak and dizzy as well as sick to her stomach.

  “Good,” the doctor nodded. “See? We train. You learn.” Giancarla could only moan weakly behind the hand over her mouth. A moment later her eyes flew open and she squealed as she felt the doctor’s fingers on her pretty pussy, spreading her open. His thumb brushed up and down against her clitoris. She tried to buck him off, but her legs were secured by straps at her ankles and just above and below her knees. All she could move was her torso and that not much.

  “Bad animal,” the doctor said. He gave her belly an open-handed slap, and she subsided. He signaled the other man, who came over quickly. There was a wide strap fastened on one side of the examination table, level with Giancarla’s waist. When he buckled it tightly on the opposite side of the table it held her down even more securely. It also made it a little difficult for her to breathe.

  “You see?” the doctor looked down at her, smiling. “No good to fight. You be still now, pretty little animal.”

  She couldn’t even work up any tears when the doctor spread her pussy again and began examining it. She shuddered when he touched her clit, which was often. The whole time, he kept making comments to the other men. Sometimes they laughed. One of them watched over the doctor’s shoulder for a while to see what he was doing. Then he switched places with the man with his hand over her mouth. Both of them took the opportunity to fondle her breasts as they changed places. All Giancarla could do was squirm and whine. She had a pretty good idea what they were saying to each other; even if she didn’t know the language they were speaking.

  The doctor slid a finger up into her, and she gritted her teeth.

  “Very good, very good,” he said happily. “You nice, healthy animal. Everything so nice and pink!” He wriggled his finger. Giancarla thought of fighting, of struggling, of biting the hand over her mouth, but she d
id nothing.

  “Not done yet,” he went on. He held up the speculum again. Giancarla braced herself.

  It slid in easily. Maybe he had lubricated it beforehand, but it was still cold. She made a weak noise of complaint, and the doctor laughed.

  “You learn obedience or you get worse,” he cackled. She felt the speculum spreading her wide.

  “Oh, very nice, very nice!” the doctor said. “You just built for good fucking, little animal. Bet you like it very much, too!” He kept examining her for a little while longer.

  “How you like best, eh?” he continued. “Front, back, top, bottom?” His finger massaged her clit with surprising gentleness, making her shudder and moan. However broken his English, and however crude his treatment of her had been so far, this very strange ‘doctor’ knew how to arouse her in spite of herself. With the speculum still stretching her vagina wide, he kept teasing and stroking her clit. Giancarla tried to ignore what he was doing, hoping he would soon stop it, but he didn’t. Soon Giancarla was twitching and moaning, spread out and strapped down on the examination table.

  “Ah, look!” the doctor exclaimed. “You get wet! You get very wet, little animal! I think maybe you come soon, eh?”

  Giancarla shut her eyes tightly. Ignoring the doctor’s attentions wouldn’t work. She tried to disconnect her mind from what he was doing to her body. After a little while, that wasn’t working either. She whined and squirmed as she felt him massaging her clit. She could feel herself growing wetter. Not even her fear that all this was leading up to a gang rape could stop that. She kept her eyes closed. She wished that she could close her ears as well, to shut out the doctor’s running commentary of her body’s responses to his manipulations, the snickering laughter of the two men watching her degradation. They were doing more than watching. She could feel their hands on her breasts, on her thighs, and on her face. Their touch made her skin crawl. She felt panic welling up inside of her. Where was she? What was this terrible place? Surely Nicholas couldn’t intend to just leave her here, could he?

  The doctor began rubbing her clit, gently but quickly, making her shudder. If he kept doing that, he would make her come no matter what. She writhed weakly in her bonds and moaned. She heard the three men laugh.

  “So pretty,” the doctor said as he kept doing what he was doing with his fingers. “So pretty, so wet. You come now, little animal. We see what you do and hear how you sound.”

  Giancarla moaned again, in a mix of arousal and despair. There was nothing she could do… nothing at all. So why was she still trying to resist? What was the point?

  She let go, and her body shuddered violently in orgasm. She moaned again, a high-pitched wail. And the doctor kept doing what he was doing and the other men laughed. Someone was pinching her nipples now. The pain barely registered as she was forced to climax again. Her arms and legs strained in vain at the straps that held her in place, without Giancarla even realizing it. She shuddered again. The hand clamped over her mouth was gone, and she shrieked and squealed and moaned.

  “Good little animal,” the doctor laughed. “Noisy little animal,” he went on. He said something to his companions, and they laughed. Weak and trembling, all Giancarla could do was moan softly. At least the doctor had stopped rubbing her clit, even if her vagina was still stretched open by the speculum. After a moment, the doctor removed it and she moaned again.

  “Very good, very good,” she heard the doctor say. “We train you real good, eh? I think you learn fast.”

  “Go fuck yourself,” Giancarla moaned weakly. She wondered what else they were going to do to her. Whatever it was, she was sure that she wouldn’t like it, and equally sure that she wouldn’t be able to do anything to stop it. Right now she was strapped down securely, her legs raised and spread, easily accessible for rape.

  The doctor just laughed and patted her cheek, not gently. He followed that with a slap that made her cry out.

  “Animal must not speak,” he admonished her. “Animal only listen, and obey.” He said something to the two men and moved away from the table, out of Giancarla’s sight. She tensed up, expecting them to start raping her next, but all that happened was that one of the men also moved out of her sight while the other fell to playing with her breasts and nipples. He kept grinning down at her, saying something as his hands fondled and squeezed and pinched. Giancarla didn’t recognize a single word, but she had the impression that he really liked her tits.

  The other man returned with a squeeze bottle of water. It was clear plastic, with a bent plastic straw sticking up out of the top. He waved it in front of Giancarla’s eyes, grinning evilly and saying more words she didn’t recognize. She thought that he was just taunting her at first, but then it occurred to her that he wanted her to do something before he would give her a drink. She still felt ravenously hungry, but she was even thirstier, so she began to beg.

  “Please…” she whimpered. She didn’t know if they would really give her any water or not, but she had to try. “Please…” She looked at the bottle, so near and yet still out of her reach and licked her dry lips. She made sucking motions with her mouth and mimicked swallowing. This seemed to strike both of the men as terribly funny, but the one holding the bottle held the end of the straw to her mouth. Giancarla painfully raised her head, clamped her lips around the straw, and sucked. Warm, flat water flowed into her mouth. She swallowed and kept sucking, but he only allowed her one more mouthful before he took the bottle away. Still thirsty, Giancarla pleaded with him to let her have more, but he just moved away. Then the doctor was back between her raised and parted knees with a smile on his face and a small pot in his hand. She looked up at him, wondering and dreading what was to come next. Then she saw that his other hand held a wooden tongue depressor.

  “You get rest soon, pretty animal,” he said. “But you here now, so we get this done.” With that, he dipped the end of the little wooden paddle into the pot and leaned forward, still smiling. Giancarla shrieked as he dripped thick, hot wax onto her pudenda and began to spread it around. She kept shrieking as he liberally applied more of the wax on her sensitive, sensitive skin. Her loudest scream came after the wax had cooled and hardened and the doctor ripped it away with one hard yank, leaving her pussy pink and hairless.

  Chapter Five

  The cell they put her in was small, maybe four feet by eight. It had cinderblock walls, a bare cement floor, and the ceiling looked like solid rock. The door was made of steel bars, and it was securely locked. As tired as she felt after her ordeal on the examination table, Giancarla felt even more hungry and thirsty. She knelt on the thin pad of woven reeds that was all that stood between her bare flesh and the chill of the floor and looked at the two bowls that they’d put in the cell with her. They were aluminum bowls, obviously meant for feeding pets. One was full of water. The other held a mix of what might be cooked and crumbled hamburger, chopped hard-boiled egg and bits of green that she hoped were just string beans.

  They had tied her hands behind her. It was obvious that they meant for her to eat and drink from the bowls like an animal. At least they weren’t watching… at the moment. There was a whole row of cells along the wall of the cave here. She’d gotten a look into some of them as they’d brought her here. Each of the other five cells held another woman, naked and bound as she was. They all looked oriental, except for one who had dusky skin.

  Hunger and thirst overcame her at last. Giancarla bent over her water bowl and tried to drink, ignoring the fact that her hair got into the water. It wasn’t easy, but at least she managed to quench her thirst for the moment. Licking her lips for the last drop of liquid, she turned to her food bowl and began to eat.

  The food was bland, but she was too hungry to care. She began gobbling it greedily. The bits of meat felt and tasted something like hamburger. The green bits had no taste to them at all. She had eaten almost everything and was licking the bowl for the last remnant of the food when she heard a man chuckling. She froze, and then slowly lifted her he
ad to look. He was standing just outside of her cell, his arms folded, looking down at her. He was dressed as if he was going on safari: Khaki shorts, khaki shirt with lots of buttoned pockets, boots and a bush hat. He was deeply tanned, as if he spent most of his time outdoors, and his face was a predator’s… so were his eyes. Giancarla began edging back away from him on her knees. He seemed to find that amusing.

  “You’re the American,” he laughed. “The Doc had a lot to say about you, so I had to come and see for myself. Stand up, bitch, so I can get a look at you.”

  He spoke with an accent that she couldn’t quite place, but his voice was commanding. Without realizing it at first, Giancarla slowly rose to her feet, her eyes transfixed by his gaze. He had blue eyes: Pale, cold blue eyes that sent a chill through her. She stood in her cell and trembled as his eyes roamed all over her naked body.

  “The Doc wasn’t lyin’,” the man said finally. “You’ve got a lot of nice curves. But you’re not standin’ right. Move your feet apart.”

  Still trembling, Giancarla obeyed.

  “You just got here, so you wouldn’t know yet,” he grinned at her. “You’ll learn with trainin’.” He unlocked the door to her cage and swung it open. Giancarla immediately shrank back against the far wall, as cold as it felt on her bare skin. The man stepped into her cage and pulled the door shut behind him. It clanged noisily, making her jump.

  “I’m your trainer,” he said, still smiling as he slowly came closer to her. “You will call me ‘sir’. Got that?” The last two words were a menacing bellow that made Giancarla jump again.


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