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Immortal Beauty

Page 12

by Thomas McDermott

  “Good Morning Taylor. How’s the snooping going?” She hoped she did not sound condescending but was trying in her awkward way to play it cool.

  “Oh it’s turning out to be very interesting. Much more interesting than I thought it would be. His brown eyes reflected a golden honey color and Sasha realized she was staring like a puppy dog into their homey depths. Taylor sat down on the corner of her desk as if they were the oldest of friends.

  “Well that’s good. I’d hate to think of you being bored here.” This time she was condescending but full of good humor.

  “Bored in Paris? Are you kidding me? This place is great. Now I know why you love it here!” He tried to peek at her screen and she pushed a button and her screen saver took over.

  “And why do I love it here?” She mused.

  “Oh you know, the food and shopping and the women…well, what can one say about the women of Paris that hasn’t already been said?” He was being flirtatious and completely obvious and Sasha did not mind one bit. It had been a long time since she enjoyed the parlez of flirting.

  “Oh yes, the women are beautiful here.” Sasha played right along and was unconscious of the fact that they were gently leaning toward each other. “I saw one on the metro this morning who could have been a model or an actress. She looked like an antique porcelain doll that had come to life.”

  “Oh, I didn’t know you were into interesting.” Now he was being a cad and if she hadn’t found him so damned charming she would have been offended and she was very amused with his light banter.

  “Oh you know how it is. Besides they sat the women of Paris don’t dress up for other men; they dress up for the other women to appreciate and envy. They are very competitive with their appearance here.

  “This is so interesting. I am learning more and more each day I’m here.” He removed his rear from the corner of her desk and stood up. “Seriously though I just learned that Celgen had a lab in Orleans. Do you know about it?” His switch from dandy to reporter was so subtle that Sasha almost missed it. She stopped arranging her desk in a lame attempt to look busy.

  “I know that’s where all the genetic research goes on for the beauty line. It’s a small facility with a very limited staff. None of us are allowed access there. It’s kept separate from the research labs here.”

  “Do you know why?” He was all journalist now. The flirtation had ceased completely.

  “No idea Mr. Hamilton.” She tried to match his clinical tone. “Don’t you have an interview with Madame Le President today? You should ask her.”

  “Oh I intend to ask her that along with about a hundred other questions.” He lowered his voice in an effort to keep their conversation to themselves. “I think I’m onto something but I’m not sure what it is. Here’s a question for you if I may?” He pretended to hold a microphone up to her mouth. “Why would a beauty company conduct controversial embryonic research combining the DNA of two different species?” The question threw Sasha off guard and she motioned his silly hand away.

  “What are you talking about? I’m not even sure I know what you are asking. What exactly do you mean?” Her response was so spontaneous and so honest Taylor knew that she wasn’t hiding anything. This was the first time she had ever heard such a thing, he could see it in her face. Whatever was happening in that laboratory was a secret to Sasha and most likely all of the Celgen employees here in Paris. He tried to ignore the surprised look on her face and continued.

  “Apparently there was a protest a while back about some research being done at the lab in Orleans and it had to do with some animal rights protesters and a few right wingers. They found out that Celgen was creating embryonic hybrids of different species like combining let’s say a dog with a cat to create something new. They’re used in medical research to help create cures for disease. Some of these hybrids can produce protein chains and peptides as well as hormones that could help with common afflictions. I don’t really understand it all, but I am curious as to why a company that makes lipstick is up to such unconventional methods and technologies.” Her look turned into one of shock. What on earth was he talking about? Was he playing a joke on her? If so, her tolerance was about to dry up quickly. He just kept talking. “Of course, the embryos are never allowed to mature but I can’t figure out why Celine needs genetically manipulated creatures to make eye cream.” Kyra’s mind began to work overtime.

  “well, maybe they could manufacture something from the embryos that prevents the skin from aging. It would definitely be a breakthrough and that is what Celgen is all about. Being ahead of the wave of innovation is all we ever talk about here.” Taylor smiled and applauded quietly.

  “Brava! That’s not bad! Did you ever think about becoming a journalist. I could use a sidekick while I’m here.” He leaned back in towards her and she was as giddy as a schoolgirl.

  “Thanks, but I’m good here. I’m not really the journalist type.”

  “And what type would that be?” He remained close as if any moment he might just go ahead and kiss her. She smoothed her hair back in a classic nervous gesture.

  “You know, the sneaky type that would sell you out for a good story.” She pushed him away by his shoulders playfully and he retracted as if she had mortally wounded him.

  “Ouch that hurts! I’d love to stay and defend myself but I’ve got an appointment with the head honcho around here. Wish me luck.” He winked at her.

  I think you are going to need a lot more than luck cowboy.” It was strangely familiar this teasing back and forth. Normally she was so reserved and shy with men. This just proved to her how badly she needed to go on a date. She kept pushing away the thought of being one of those career people who never have time to actually live.

  “At any rate I will see you this evening. I’ll come by around seven. Is that still alright?”

  “Seven is perfect.” She just could not stop smiling and wondered if she looked like the village idiot. “You have the address? Paris can be very confusing to the tourist.”

  “Next to my heart.” He padded the pocket on his chest. “A biento.” He waved as he turned to go.

  “Goodbye Taylor.” Nothing in the world apparently was going to take the grin from her face. She turned back to her computer and did her best imitation of getting serious work done. As she jumped around her computer it suddenly occurred to her to check out this embryonic hybrid thingy that Taylor was talking about. Maybe she could find something of interest for his story She would have to be careful though not to reveal too much about her employer though they had all been sent a memo to be of utmost assistance to the American journalist who was writing the article about Celgen. She wanted to help Taylor but also felt Celine had to be highly protective of this new launch. The secret of the launch is what created all the buzz. It would be anti-climactic to reveal the wonder too soon, whatever it happened to be.


  Taylor was admitted into Celine’s office by the same young woman who had let him in the first time. Today she had a tight white dress with a smart black stripe running down on both sides and black leather boots that came up to her knees. She was Emma Peale from the Avengers Taylor thought to himself as he watched her delicious figure move toward him as if she were on a runway. She smiled with recognition and led him gracefully into the mirrored room.

  “Miss D’Aumont has been delayed momentarily. She will be with you shortly. Please make yourself comfortable. There is water in the bottles on o=ice over in the corner. Miss D’Aumont wanted me to make certain that they were nice and chilled for you.. I hear Americans love everything cold.”

  Taylor laughed at this and held back his wise ass remark about cold women. She just seemed the type who would not get it and find offence. He bit his tongue and walked into the =office. As soon as the secretary was gone and the door was closed he made his way to the ice bucket and grabbed one to the bottles. It was odd that there was no label on the bottle. It must be something that is well known by really
rich people. It probably cost more per gallon than gasoline. As always, the water really seemed to hit the spot and he felt a fierce clarity running through his brain. No matter what this cost, he would have to get him=self some. He looked around the rest of the immaculate room. The leather chairs and couches were just as beautiful and unassuming as the other day. It was form and function at it’s fines. No bright distracting colors anywhere. It really was beautiful and Taylor began to take pictures of the officer more for his own personal use than for the article. He could use a few changes in his dingy beige apartment in DuPont. The only thing that put him on edge were the mirrors. He had the feeling that there was a secret room behind one of the walls like in all those cop movies. It was the mirrors that kept him from snooping though eh would have liked nothing more tan to pry into her desk or jump onto her computer. Instead he sat down on one of the dark gray couches and sipped at his water. He took a digital voice recorder out of his suitcase and turned it on. He pulled out a pen and a notepad but that was really just for show. The interview could come from the audio feed. He would transmit it to his office in D.C. after he completed the process. His company would really write the piece for him. All he had to do was o.k. the final copy and sign his name to it. Thank God for the twenty first century. How people survived without modern technology was beyond him. A few more minutes went by and still no Celine. Maybe she was toying with him. Throwing him off by making him wait and assuming the dominant position of control. She did seem like she liked things under her grip. It was probably this quality that had made her company rise from the sea of endless beauty companies to become e top competitor in this day and age of conglomerates which owned everything. She still owned her own company and year after year declined generous offers from one of the large companies that own most of the world. She was determined to remain independent in a day of business where all the small companies were swept up by the giants or left behind to perish in the wake of globalization. He admired her ability to fend off the suits and still make insane profit. She was not your average ordinary woman and he knew this the first time he had lain his eyes on her.

  He heard voices from behind the door. He strained his ears to listen and got up off the couch to move within hearing range. He could hear Celine distinctly. She sounded angry.

  “What do you mean Ellen hasn’t returned any of my calls? That’s absurd!” Taylor could hear the lovely young woman’s timid reply.

  That’s all I know Miss D’Aumont. We’ve left message after message and there is nothing.” She sounded afraid.

  “did you send the driver to her place like I instructed?” Celine practically bellowed.

  “Of course Miss D’Aumont.” She was groveling now. “No one answered at her apartment and the concierge hasn’t seen her for a couple of days.. It seems she just disappeared.”

  “Nobody disappears into thin air! Have we checked all the hospitals? Hotel Dieu?” Celine began to compose herself and hold her anger in check.

  “We did Miss and she is not in any of them. There is simply no trace of her. Maybe she went back to the states.” The woman was obviously trying to placate her boss. He wondered who this Ellen was and where she mysteriously went to. Maybe Sasha would know more.

  “I can’t deal with this now.” A very low and soothing voice now came from Celine’s lips. It was as frightening as it was disarming. “Has anyone been here? Anyone at all since Ellen’s gone missing?” Her voice became slower and more deliberate and Taylor thought it even sounded suspicious. “This is very important Marie. Has there been anything out of the ordinary?”

  “Nothing I can think of. Well, your decorator came here yesterday to get some swatches for the project he was doing for you.” The young woman seemed proud of herself for remembering this simple fact.

  “My what?” The volcano had erupted all over the woman in the white dress. Celine was yelling now and there was no more pretending to be calm. “I don’t have a decorator, everybody knows that! What do you mean he came here for swatches? Did you let him in?”

  “No miss , he let himself in with his own key. He was so angry that Ellen was not here and said you would be furious with him if he didn’t get the material that afternoon.”

  “His own key?” Celine could not stop repeating the shocking news. “No one has keys to this office except for me. He was probably a spy from one of our competitors, did you ever think of that you imbecile?” The anger was pouring off Celine now and Taylor thought he felt the office grow considerably warmer. She still had no idea he was sitting in the room with his recorder capturing every outcry.

  “I don’t know what happened Miss D’Aumont. It was the strangest thing. I felt as if I had to do everything he said. There was something very odd about him and afterwards I couldn’t remember exactly what happened until you asked me.” The assistant was pretty sure her job was terminated no matter what she said so she decided to be honest. Taylor felt sorry for the beautiful girl.

  “What did he look like?” This time her voice was very quiet. “And tell me in French.” The rest of the conversation was lost on Taylor but not on his device. He would get someone to translate it as soon as he finished the interview. He hated being left out at such a crucial point in their exchange. He wanted to know who this man was too. Maybe he was one of the protesters infiltrating her company. With a big product launch so close at hand any negative publicity would certainly be unwelcome. Taylor fiercely wished that he had learned the language back in college when he had the chance. The conversation went quiet without warning and the large doors opened without a sound. Celine entered the room as if she were a queen entering her court. She was wearing a bright red dress which cluing perilously close to her well proportioned curves. The red of her hair and the red of the dress clashed riotously but the effect was overwhelming. She looked like a seductress out of an old Hollywood movie. Her make up was done to perfection and she looked even more flawless and younger than when he had seen her a few days before.

  “Ah. Mr. Hamilton. How are you this morning?” Her sexy voice was cool and smooth like ice. There was no sign of the disturbance that had happened only a few minutes earlier. She had put on her poker face and Taylor was even more impressed with this woman and her capabilities.

  “I am very well thank you. My suite at the Ritz couldn’t be more comfortable and your employees have been so helpful in helping me with my little article.” He long ago learned the art of depreciation to throw the object of the interview off guard.

  “Your little article is going to make history my friend.” She smiled at him and motioned for him to take a seat. I’m sorry I’ve been delayed. You see one of my assistants is missing and I find it most disturbing. She’s like a member of my own family and I just haven’t been able to rest ever since I found out she had disappeared.” She sat down gracefully in her black leather chair without a sound.

  “Disappeared?” Taylor hid the recording device from view underneath his notepad. “That sounds very serious. Maybe we should postpone the interview.” He threw this out to her very casually. To his surprise she agreed without hesitation.

  “Are you absolutely sure you don’t mind? I just don’t feel like I could give you my full attention until I know that Ellen is safe and sound. She is my right arm as you say in America and she is my most faithful and dependable employee. If anything has happened to her I don’t know what I would do.” Celine sounded genuinely upset. Maybe she wasn’t as cold and hard as she let off. “You see..” Celine leaned into him and he could smell the unforgettable fragrance of mimosa blossoms. It was an old world scent that was barely used anymore. “Ellen is a bit naïve and I worry about her falling into the wrong hands, whether it be another company trying to crack our secrets or one of our French scoundrels who use women like Ellen as playthings.”

  “No, I wouldn’t mind in the least.” Taylor leaned away from Celine out of fear that the overwhelming scent of flowers would lull him into a stupor from which he could not awaken. The smell
was bringing up memories silent and obscure. Fragments of time jumped out at him unawares and he could not for the life of him think of what these memories were. He shook his head as if to clear it. “This would give me a little more time to gather more information and learn a little more about embryonic research. I’m afraid it’s all gibberish to me. I’m more familiar with war torn countries than I am cosmetics.” He watched her very closely and for a split second the perfect mask revealed a crack. The smile froze and it looked as if she were going to scold him. Instead she took a deep breath in and summoned the grin back to her bright red lips.

  “Oh yes, my company has it’s hands in all the latest technologies from all of the sciences. That is where we are different from the others. We are always ahead of the wave with breakthrough and discovery and if you did your homework you would know that this is our mission.”

  “And what is your mission?” He was all journalist now. The missing woman was momentarily forgotten.

  “Why to find the fountain of youth of course!” She laughed genuinely and loudly as she smacked her palm on the hard surface of her desk. Now she was passionate; alive. “You Americans started his fad with Hollywood and now the rest of the world wants the same thing. We all want to be young Taylor. Women spend billions of dollars a year to keep from aging. It is the oldest disease known to mankind and my company is about to offer the people what they’ve always wanted.” She paused and stared him down. “A cure!” Her eyes were flashing with unadulterated pride. She was practically beaming.

  “A cure for aging? Is that possible?” Taylor was now fully involved in Celine’s tirade. It was fascinating and the claim she was making would absolutely make the headlines but could she deliver? People have been looking for the fountain of youth since civilization began. How could it be that this one woman had found it? His puzzlement must have been obvious on his boyish face.


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