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Escape to Earth-The Legacy of a Conqueror

Page 15

by Saxon Andrew

  “And don’t you forget it!”

  Lukas smiled and squeezed her hand tighter, “I never will.”

  • • •

  “Sit down. Are you comfortable in that armor?”

  Chris smiled, “No, I’m not taking it off. I’m comfortable enough. Besides, my sensors tell me that the atmosphere on this ship is much denser than what I’m accustomed to breathing along with the level of gravity being maintained.”

  “These crewmembers are all from heavy gravity planets. I should have brought a different ship.”

  “Then you would have to wear armor.”

  The Being smiled, “You are right, of course. My name is Kilon.”

  “My name is Christopher Stone. Call me Chris.”

  “So what do we do about this situation?”

  “Obviously, we try to come to an understanding about how each of us will conduct ourselves when we encounter each other.”

  “Can you make agreements for your civilizations?”

  “I’m surprised you say civilizations.”

  “I assume there are more than just one intelligent species in your galaxy?”

  “You are right. The ones fighting the war against what you call the Monster Galaxy are working together. There are four of us.”

  “What about the others?”

  “They are sitting this one out.”

  “By choice?”

  “No, they would attempt to take advantage of any situation to conquer new territory. We deemed them…unreliable. However, I can make agreements for our Alliance.”

  “Unfortunately, I cannot. I am in the position of the commanding all of our forces but my fleets come from more than six hundred different civilizations. They understand that someone has to be in a position to make decisions but that will end if we win this war.”

  “That’s unfortunate.”

  Kilon nodded, “Its worse than that. There are numerous civilizations that actually bonded with the Invaders. They want the Monsters to return and are actively working against us.”

  “They’re attacking your fleets?”

  “No, they’re not that stupid but they are working behind the scenes trying to turn our members against our efforts.”

  “It sounds to me like you’ll have a civil war if you’re successful.”

  Kilon smiled, “Nothing brings beings together like a common enemy. I do expect some…adjusting to new circumstances, if we win, but even civil war will be nothing compared to fighting off the Orange Ships.”

  Chris looked out of the room’s viewport, “Whose planet is that?”

  “That’s my world.” Chris nodded and continued to stare out of the viewport. “What are you thinking?”

  “I’m glad I saved you. I can see in our thoughts that this war against the Progen has hardened you but you are honorable. I can work with that.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Chris thought, “Barbie, do you have the blue prints of the fusion reactor and the disruptors they fired on the Attack Pod?”

  “I do.”

  “Transmit them to my data center.”

  Allison thought, “Is this a good idea?”

  “You’ve been listening to the discussion. What do you think?”

  “Why do you want to do it?”

  “They won’t be strong enough to defeat our ships but his ships will be strong enough to stand up to the Orange Ships and shorten any civil war that follows.”

  “I’m not so sure they’ll stand up to the new Progen Ships.”

  “If they get close enough, they will. That’s all I can give them.” Kilon watched the small being and knew he was communicating with his ship. He waited and then Chris said, “I’m downloading some plans on a fusion reactor and a beam weapon that uses the reactor.” Chris saw the data complete downloading and said, “Do you have an input for your computer?”

  “How do I know you’re not downloading a virus?”

  Chris shrugged, “You don’t. But you can isolate this ship’s computer until your engineers can look at the data.”

  “You say a fusion reactor?” Chris nodded. “Why would you do this? What are you looking for in return?”

  “Actually, I don’t expect anything in return; this is old technology for us now. However, I know your principle weapon is your missiles. They won’t be enough against the Progen’s new warships.”

  “You still haven’t told me why you’re doing this?”

  “If we somehow defeat the forces in the Monster Galaxy, this will shorten the civil war that follows. Choose carefully who you share this technology with.”

  “You’re setting me up to be the ruler of this galaxy.”

  “Only if that’s what you want. You’ve been chosen to lead them now; who would be better to give this to?” Chris paused and said, “Try to keep the death toll as low as possible if civil war breaks out and be generous in your terms of surrender.”

  “I didn’t expect this when I offered to communicate.”

  Chris slowly shook his head, “There is also a selfish reason for this.”

  “What is that?”

  “If any of your civilizations attacks my galaxy, I will be the one to punish the offender. I don’t want to kill like I did the last time. I’m really hoping you can prevent any of your civilizations from forcing me to do that.”

  “What’s to prevent you from conquering my galaxy?”

  “That’s simple.”


  “Just don’t attack us and you’ll be safe.”

  Kilon stared at Chris, “You’re serious.”

  “I am. My Alliance is not aggressive. We do not intend to take territory. But we will be the worst nightmare of anyone foolish enough to attack us.”

  Kilon pressed a button on his desk. A tall black being entered and Kilon said, “This being has just downloaded some data into our network. I want you and Grel to take a look at it and tell me what it is.” The being bowed and walked out. “How were you able to stop from exterminating the ones that killed your mate?”

  “It took one of my Senior Officers pointing out what kind of example I was setting for my son to follow.”

  “I can’t believe you took that very well.”

  “I had my hand on her throat in an instant.”

  “She must be very brave.”

  “She’s the bravest person I know. She saved me from losing my soul.”

  “Do you honestly think you would have?”

  “Do you have children?”

  “A son and daughter.”

  “You will find yourself looking at them and realizing how many sons and daughters your actions killed. You will never be the same if you don’t control your intentions.”

  • • •

  Allison listened to the conversation and sighed. She should have acted earlier. Chris just told her what he was thinking every time he saw Michael. He carried a heavy burden and she didn’t see any way for him to ever find redemption.

  • • •

  Kilon stared at Chris and said, “I will consider what you’ve said.” He looked up as the door opened as the tall black being rushed in and said, “Commander, this is incredible. This is far beyond anything we’ve ever seen.”

  “Can you build them?”

  “With these plans, an idiot could build them.”

  Kilon looked at Chris, “Thank you. Your galaxy has nothing to fear from us as long as I’m in command.”

  Chris nodded, “That new reactor plans also include the schematics of a thruster system that will allow you to travel to the Monster Galaxy in three weeks.” Kilon looked at the tall engineer and he nodded. Chris said, “Use them wisely.”

  “I will, my friend. You’ve probably saved me again.”

  “Make it worth it, Kilon.”

  Chris turned and Kilon said, “Take him back to his ship.” The engineer nodded and led Chris out of the room. Kilon sat down and thought about a species that strengthened strangers and expected nothing in return. He thoug
ht about the Green Civilization and began having second thoughts about their destruction.

  • • •

  Chris walked on the bridge and Allison got up and went to her chair. Chris deactivated his armor and stretched. He turned the ship and moved out of the huge landing bay. He moved it a mile away and dropped into the barrier. He skipped out and Kilon heard, “Commander that ship disappeared from our scanners as soon as it entered the void.” Kilon nodded and continued to think about what he was going to do with this new technology. His crew thought about a ship that was undetectable with a force field beyond anything ever encountered. Their fear was real and the message went out about a small invincible ship.

  • • •

  Chris looked at Allison, “M-87?”

  “I think we need to go home first?”


  “There’s been a development that Lukas wants to discuss with you.”

  Chris tilted his head, “Do you know what it is?”


  “I want you in the meeting with me.”


  “I need your insights. You see things I might miss.” Allison nodded as the ship appeared above Earth. She shook her head. The universe had gotten much smaller. She didn’t have time to think about why they were recalled before they were standing in front of Lukas and the rest of the Leadership Team. She looked at Chris and realized he saw the same thing. She didn’t know if this was a benefit or not of their new barrier drive. She didn’t even remember to ask Chris how he knew she was so competitive. Along with the entire Leadership team the Welken, Myot, and Johan Rulers and their fleet commanders were present. Something radical must have happened. Five minutes into the meeting, she and everyone else in the room saw Chris was not happy! And she really couldn’t blame him. She could see in his eyes that his nightmares were alive and well.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “I don’t care why you want to do it, it’s not the right thing to do and it won’t work.”

  Lukas and Jinks looked at each other and Jinks said, “Chris, if we are going to continue this war against the Legends, we have to prevent them from connecting us to it.”

  “First of all, you’re being foolish to go out looking for them now.”


  “Because it’s downright foolish to give the others the opportunity discover us now. That would bring all of them into the fight before we can even build enough ships to beat the ones in M-87. You can’t risk that before we’ve built enough of the new Barrier Pods.” Jinks stared at Chris and then looked at Lukas who shrugged. Chris shook his head, “Second. The species in M-84 is telepathic. Every pilot we have assigned there will have to wear their armor a hundred percent of the time to prevent them from seeing what you’re planning to do. We’ve already lead one aggressive civilization to their galaxy and what do you think they’ll feel after they’ve been promised we’ll defend them? They’ll know they’re being set up again and if I were in their place I would fight you to the last. It’s unethical and I’m ashamed you’re even considering it.”

  “But what choice do we have?”

  Chris looked at Lukas, “It wouldn’t deceive the Legends. The whole idea is flawed.”


  “They aren’t stupid. If they are led to believe that their attackers are in M-84 what will they find when they go there and look? None of the planets there have ships like ours and I’m going to guess that the Legends will be able to see that their species are not flying the ships that attacked M-87. They’ll search that galaxy for humans and, not finding them, they’ll come to the conclusion that the ships had to of come from our galaxy. The only way to prevent that is to have a planet in that galaxy with a large enough population of humans to make them believe it. Are you going to take half of Eden’s population and move them there? Are you willing to allow them to be the sacrificial lambs to save the rest of mankind? You should also know that the Legends currently in M-87 know that silver ships come from the Milky Way!”

  Chad said, “We could paint the new pods a different color.”

  Chris shook his head, “And the first time one of their beams broke through our force fields that paint would be burned off revealing the silver hulls underneath.” Chris looked around the group sitting around the table and lowered his eyes, “Don’t think for a minute that the Legends don’t have weapons powerful enough to break through our fields. The silver coating will help a ship escaped before it fails but they will see that the ship’s they’re attacking are actually silver in color.”

  Sarah looked around and said, “Uhhh, exactly when did they see one of our Silver Ships?”

  “Nudge and Budge attacked the advanced ships they sent to Earth. Are you going to count on them not having been seen them and the image being sent back?”

  Jinks looked at Lukas and he tilted his head, “What about using M-86 instead of M-84?”

  Chris shook his head, “I’ve just left there after establishing a good relationship with the being commanding their fleets. Now you’re considering using them as a target for our actions. Hell, the Virgo Cluster has 2000 galaxies, why pick one that we have promised to defend or will possibly work with us in attacking M-87? However, all of you should know that there is probably intelligent life in all those galaxies that are not enemies of ours. Are you this cold to even consider it?”

  Lukas stared at Chris and said, “Pat?”

  “Yes, Lukas.”

  “He has raised some good points.”

  “Yes, and he’s right about setting up a planet in another galaxy to make it appear humans live there.”


  “The Legends won’t believe it without a planet to prove that’s the galaxy attacking them.”

  “You mean we have to send humans to another planet to be attacked by the Legend rescuers?”

  “I thought that was clear.”

  “No, it’s not and we will not do that.”

  “Then they will know you’re in this galaxy.” Lukas shook his head and then Pat said, “There is one way to still make it work.”

  Chris closed his eyes and shook his head as Lukas said, “How?”

  “Build a force field around a planet in one of those two galaxies and use your ships to fight off the Legends when they attack. At the critical moment, recall your fleets and the Legends will move in and start bombarding that force field. When the bombardment is at its highest, remotely shut down the force field.”

  Chris’s expression showed his disgust, “That way every being on the planet would be incinerated instantly and they wouldn’t be able to see that it wasn’t humans on it.” Everyone looked at Chris. “That is exactly what Pat did with Earth.”

  Salud leaned forward in her chair, “But humanity survived?”

  “If you say so.”

  “What does that mean!?”

  “Pat allowed the Invaders to find Earth before the other fleet arrived. They were hell bound to find Pat and they would ignore every other planet until he was found. With the blackouts, there was a good chance they would have had to leave and come back later.”

  Lukas looked at Chris, “What are you saying?”

  “Three billion stars would have to be searched to find Earth and I don’t care how many ships they had. At their maximum speed, it would possibly have taken years for them to find it. We had the silver coating and a pod that could handle their ships possibly before they could.”

  Everyone was silent and Pat broke the silence, “You’re right. But how could I have planned for your discovery of the coating on your ships? It had to be done with the information I had at the time.”

  “And five billion humans were killed because of your decision.”

  Lukas’s expression showed his shock, “Pat, are you suggesting that he’s right about Earth surviving the two invader fleets?

  “There was a chance they wouldn’t find Earth but they would have found the fellowship and probably destroyed them before they left.”<
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  Chris shook his head, “If one of those ships deviated from their orders to find you, it would have been destroyed by one of the Legends’ Black Ships. Every Invader knew it and they wouldn’t have done anything but look for you in the time they were able to stay here. As long as the Fellowship did not attack them, they would have been ignored.” Chris paused, “I’ve been listening to the Legends’ thoughts in M-87 as they issued their orders and their arrogance is beyond any being I’ve ever encountered and that includes the Sentinels.”

  Stoney looked at Chris, “You don’t know that Earth would have been missed?”

  Chris looked at his father and sighed, “You’re right. I’m Monday morning quarterbacking here but the numbers indicate that it would have taken them a while to find us. They entered the Milky Way on the far side of the galaxy and all it would have taken is for them to miss once. Then they would have had to withdraw the bulk of their forces to go back for provisions. That’s two years to make the round trip.”

  “But they would have left ships to continue looking.”

  Chris looked at Chad, “We still had two small fleets that threw their lives away defending Earth. They could have been used to take on the invader ships left behind.”

  Lukas stared at Chris, “How long have you known this?” Chris stared at him and lowered his head. “Chris? How long?”

  Chris took a deep breath and blew it out. He managed to keep his composure and looked up at Lukas, “After I killed trillions in M-84, I took some time and looked at what I’d done. I thought about what I should have done and I felt more shame than any of you can imagine. After I examined what I did, I thought about what brought me to that point. It was the destruction of Earth along with Audrey’s death that allowed me reach the level of rage I experienced. I thought about Earth’s destruction and realized I was wrong. This became clear to me during the time I sat on the beach mourning those I killed and the loss of Audrey. I decided at that moment that I would never throw away lives needlessly and that includes allowing innocent beings to die so I can satisfy my anger or allow us to live. There has to be another way to survive that doesn’t include killing those that are not responsible for our choices.”


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