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by Annie Jacobsen

  Angela Thompson Smith; former researcher, Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Laboratory, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ; remote viewer

  Major Paul H. Smith (retired): remote viewer; former electronic warfare operator, strategic intelligence officer, U.S. Army, INSCOM; former intelligence analyst, Defense Intelligence Agency

  Winston Smith: remote viewer

  Andrea Stocco: cognitive neuroscientist, Institute for Learning and Brain Sciences (I-LABS), University of Washington

  Russell Targ: physicist; former codirector, Biofield Measurements Program [Remote Viewing], Stanford Research Institute, Stanford, CA; former consultant, CIA; former senior staff scientist, Lockheed-Martin

  Charles T. Tart: psychologist

  Jacques Vallée: astrophysicist; venture capitalist; former assistant researcher, Project Blue Book, U.S. Air Force; former principal investigator, (D)ARPA, Department of Defense; former consultant to SRI on Project Grill Flame

  Jack Vorona: physicist; former chief scientist for the Directorate of Science and Technology, Defense Intelligence Agency

  Dan Williams: journalist; Thomson Reuters senior correspondent for Israel and the Palestinian Territories

  Interviews and Discussions with Family Members of Principal Sources

  Hanna Geller

  Shipi Shtrang

  Ginette Matacia Lucas

  Stephanie Hurkos

  Murleen Ryder

  Andrew Puharich

  Adrienne Puthoff



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