Life Without Hope

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Life Without Hope Page 35

by Leo Sullivan

  surrounded me, instantly I thought about my hair, my makeup.

  This was the last thing I needed.

  How did they find out so fast?



  “Ms. Evans, will you be defending Life Thugstin?”

  “No comment,” I responded, as I attempted to trudge

  through the herd of media.

  “Ms. Evans, with your prior experience with the prosecutor’s

  office, what made you want to switch sides and go against your old


  “No comment.”

  “Ms. Evans, you’re young, barely in your mid 20s with hardly

  enough experience to go up against your old boss, David Scandels.

  What kind of defense do you plan to use?” a repor ter asked.

  I ignored him and stepped over a thick television cable cord.

  I saw a repor ter standing in my garden. Cordially, like every day I

  was used to coming home finding a herd of anxious reporters

  standing in my yard, I said with a straight face, “I will be more

  than happy to talk with you guys, but until something breaks and

  I am assigned the case it would be inappropriate and unprofes-

  sional for me to discuss the case with you.” I then pointed to the


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  reporter standing in my garden, he was short and round like

  maybe doughnuts were his first love. “Sir, if you don’t posses a

  degree in agriculture I suggest you get off my Magnolias before I

  have you arrested for plant homicide.” The reporters roared with

  laughter as the he stepped out of the garden like a fat kid that just

  got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. I couldn’t help but grin

  at his antics as blue skies and camera lights flashed, bathing my

  body. I finally managed to make it inside my home. Shutting the

  door, I just leaned against it. Lord, I was so tired. I knew I need-

  ed a check-up and I promised myself as soon as I got caught up on

  everything I was going to see a doctor.

  The phone rang, eyes bulging I stared at it as if it were a time



  I thought. I placed my briefcase on the couch

  and removed my shoes. On stocking feet I padded over to the




  “This is she. May I help you?” I said recognizing the harsh

  tone of the voice instantly.

  “This is Mr. Scandels, your former employer. What’s this

  about you taking the Thugstin case?” There was a pause, my heart

  skipped a beat, it felt like the wind was sucked out of me. For the

  life of me, I did not know why this white man intimidated me so


  “Yes, it’s true,” I heard my voice respond timidly as I gripped

  the phone

  with both hands balancing my fortitude. Yet from somewhere

  in the back of my mind a voice said,

  Hope you have spent your

  whole life preparing for this, the little Black girl from the Pork and

  Beans Projects. You’re a fighter, fight back


  “Hope, I suggest you withdraw from this case if you know

  what’s good for you!” Scandels threatened. Silence, as I grasped the

  phone so tight it felt like I could have crushed it.

  “David, I have no intention of withdrawing from the case.”

  “David?” Scandels repeated, not believing I would have the


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  gall to call him by his first name the way that he has always done


  “I can have you removed from the case. As you are aware of,

  this is a matter of conflict of interest –”

  “Whose interest, yours or the court?” I asked, raising my


  “You are not familiar with the logistics of federal law, but I’m

  known for

  my shrewd courtroom skills.”

  “All I know is that in our last conversation, before I left your

  office, you threatened to blackball me, so if that is any indication

  of your courtroom skills, you’re not playing fair, you’re taking me

  back four hundred years,” I said sarcastically. I heard the harsh rus-

  tle of air through his nostrils as he breathed his rage into the

  phone. Apparently I had struck a nerve. I was trying to play on his

  psyche, to bait him, use a strong dose of psychology.

  “Are you implying that I’d rather blackball you than face you

  in cour t?” he shouted. I took the phone away from my ear.

  “I’m only stating the facts as to how you related them to me,

  David,” I said feeling my confidence building as I realized I might

  have found a hole in his armor. My rival, a man. His weakness, his

  ego. A smar t woman has always been able to exploit that to her


  “I’ll tell you what Ms. Evans,” Scandels said calmer, with more

  threat in his voice.

  For the first time ever he addressed me by my last name. “I’ll

  look forward to seeing you in cour t and making you the laughing

  stock of the town.”

  “Mr. Scandels, the feeling is mutual.”

  He slammed the phone down. I beamed with pride as I turned

  and peeked out the curtains. The reporters were gathering their

  gear to leave, thank God.


  After ward I called my girl Nandi Shakur. She was now Dr.

  Shakur, a professor and pioneer in the study of socioeconomics. I


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  called in a debt of friendship and asked her to be one of my expert

  witnesses. She told me that she had been following the case in the

  news. For the first time in my life she let me do all of the talking.

  She had no choice. Now I was a professional and this was my field,

  criminal law. This case, this trial, was larger than life, bigger than

  the both of us. I told her about one of a kind strategy that had

  never been used before. I was going to build a defense on what I

  was calling a Social-Economic crime, meaning that oppression

  and environment, along with the fact that drugs were placed in

  the Black community, were factors that had to be taken into con-

  sideration. Nandi agreed to help me.



  Chapter Ninteen

  Chapter Ninteen

  “Time To Get Ready for Trial”

  – Hope –

  “Hope! Hell naw! Have you lost your fuckin’ mind?”

  “Just hear me out.”

  “I’ve heard enough. I ain’t pleading guilty to nuttin’.”

  “Five hundred grams of powder or less carries a sentence of

  five years, but due to your past criminal history they’re going to

  add a few more years. The government is asking for a life sen-

  tence,” I shouted, grabbing his arm. Our eyes locked like in a

  mental standoff. He pulled his arm away from me. I watched as he

  caressed the neat crop of waves in his head with his hand, eyes

  downcast. A week prior to my visit Judge Statford granted me per-

  mission to take the case. The only catch was I was only given three

  weeks to prepare for trial. A week had already passed and I was still

  trying to prepare a defense that even I had doubts about. And Life

  Thugstin was stubborn as hell, just
like the rest of the brothas

  caught up in the system. They just did not understand the real

  dynamics of law.

  I opened his folder and passed him a copy of his indictment,

  along with the discovery, a thick folder with all the evidence the

  government intended to use against him, including all the wit-


  “You’re charged with CCE, Continuing Criminal Enterprise.

  In order for the government to prove its case against you, the gov-


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  ernment must prove, without a shadow of a doubt, that you took

  part in a continuing series of violations in which you,” I pointed

  a finger at him for emphasis and was surprised to see that I had his

  full attention, “were the leader. The government must prove you

  worked in concert, with at least five or more other persons, and

  obtained a substantial income for over a year. By pleading guilty,

  merely selling cocaine powder, the most time it carries is five years,

  most importantly, it knocks all the air out of the government’s case

  and establishes a leeway to counter attack all 78 witnesses that are

  scheduled to testify against you for a reduced sentence.” Silence. I

  could tell he was pondering what I said.

  “What about my co-defendants?” Life asked.

  “Annie Bell, the young lady you know as Black Pearl, is walk-

  ing now. She has a slight limp and she lost a lung but she’s doing

  a lot better. They moved her from the hospital to the FCI holding

  facility for women up on the hill. The government gave her a deal

  to testify against you.” I let the words hang in the air, watched his

  reaction, felt his anxiety.

  “What happened?” he finally asked leaning forward in his seat

  his brow furrowed with concern.

  “Your friend Annie Bell is a trooper. She told them to kiss her

  ass.” Life erupted in laughter as he threw his head back and

  slapped his thigh, all I could do was shake my head.

  “What about Trina?” he asked after his laughter subsided. At

  that moment I saw something on his face, like maybe he had

  asked a question that he really didn’t want an answer to.

  “Trina and Annie Bell are cellmates. Both of their lawyers told

  me they’re ready to go to trial,” I said. Life was looking at me with

  an expression of disbelief, like he was sure that Trina was going to

  rat on him.

  “How much time are they facing?” he asked somberly.

  “Thirty years if they are found guilty. All charges dropped if

  they agree to testify against you.” Life sighed a whistle through his

  teeth. I continued, “A woman by the name of Tomica Edwards,

  the woman that set you up at your estate, plans to testify against


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  you in order to get a lenient sentence for herself and a friend by

  the name of Evette Keys. However, Ms. Keys has sent word by her

  attorney that she has no intention of taking the stand against you.

  I’ll be honest, I think my staff of attorneys can crush the majority

  of the government’s witnesses once they take the stand, but

  Tomica Edwards and Calvin Johnson are going to be difficult wit-

  nesses to crack.” Life just looked at me with a blank stare. I said,

  “ The reason why I want you to plead guilty to the sales of cocaine

  is because in law there is such a rule as buyer-seller relationship.

  Meaning just because you sold someone drugs doesn’t mean you

  employed them making you guilty of CCE kingpin status of run-

  ning a continued criminal enterprise.” Suddenly a light bulb went

  off in his head as it dawned on him what I was trying to get him

  to understand.

  “By pleading guilty, I won’t be denying I sold drugs, but only

  that I shouldn’t be charged with CCE.”

  “Exactly. Most importantly, ever yone that is testifying against

  you says you sold them cocaine, or they know you from selling it.

  In a sense we could use their testimony to help you.”

  “Yo, that’s brilliant, but I have one problem with that.”

  “What’s that?”

  “What about the conspiracy charge?”

  “What about it?” I said making a face. “Under federal law, it

  takes two or more persons to conspire.”

  “Uh huh, so you’re saying that Tomica and Lil Cal are the only

  two people that seem to be the biggest threat to my case?” I nod-

  ded my head. Life sat the folder down and looked at me. His

  entire demeanor had changed. I could tell he wanted to ask a ques-

  tion, but thought better of it.

  “How are you and your father getting along?” I asked. Life

  looked at me and frowned as if to say,

  what does that have to do

  with my trial?

  “Dig, we don’t get along. As far as I’m concerned I don’t have

  a father.”

  “They did a story on you the other night on ABC’s Nightline.


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  They said your father was ill, in the hospital with diabetes.”

  “Fuck him!”

  “What about your relationship with your stepmother?” I

  asked, intentionally ignoring his attitude toward his dad.

  Life arched his brow, “Hope, what are you getting at?”

  “Life you’re going to have to trust me on this. I have a plan. I

  want you to tell your step mom to bring the church here, in a

  show of support for your trial.”


  “Listen, you have to trust me on this. By nature Black people

  are spiritual people, soulful people. Whites have always been

  intimidated by this.”

  “Hope, what da fuck dat gotta do wit my damn trial? If you’re

  finna try some bullshit –”

  “No hear me out!” I said, slamming my fist down on the table

  and standing up, wearing my frustration on my face. “As a Black

  woman, I have always been hated, discriminated and severely

  underestimated for my intellectual talents, told what I can’t do

  because I was a poor Black girl from the Pork and Beans projects.

  Now I have the knowledge and the wherewithal to beat these peo-

  ple at their own game.” Life just looked at me, mouth agape at my

  uncharacteristic outburst.

  “These white folks are going to do like they have always done.

  They’re going to underestimate us and our strategy, and that is our

  sole advantage.” I walked over to the window with my back to

  Life. We were in the private section of the facility, a small room

  designed for attorney/client visits. Today I wasn’t feeling too well,

  and as of lately, I had been wearing my emotions on my sleeves.

  “So, you’re pretty sure about this, huh?” he asked evenly.

  I turned facing him and said, “The only people that we have

  to make an impression on is the judge and twelve jurors. From

  what I’ve heard Judge Statford is a very conservative judge, some-

  times that can be good. So far I’ve hired experts to come testify on

  your behalf. One of them is a professor at UGA. She will testify

  that people are influenced by their environment.” What I didn’t


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  tell L
ife was Dr. Nandi Shakur was my girl and we devised a strat-

  egy. I knew that we only had a 2 percent chance of winning, but

  we had a chance.


  The first day of the trial was eventful. The media was there in

  full blast. The place was a frenzy. My staff and I had to be escort-

  ed through the rear entrance of the old court building. The day

  before, I did an interview on BET and ABC. I was caught up in a

  whirlwind of media and its hype. Most days I would be so

  exhausted that I couldn’t even eat and I lost a considerable amount

  of weight.

  On the first day of the trial, I wore a stunning two-piece black

  and gold suede Armani skirt suit. I made sure I dressed to impress

  and the media quickly took notice. In fact, one of my pictures

  appeared in the best-dressed column of the Enquirer. In the paper

  I was standing next to Marsha Clark, the prosecuting attorney that

  tried the O.J. case.

  By the time my staff and I entered the courtroom, it was jam

  packed. The section behind our defense table was mostly Black

  folks, with only a sprinkle of whites and they were the media, and

  I guess a few FBI agents. I could hear a soulful melodic hum, voic-

  es, soft like a gentle breeze. As I sat down I turned my head all the

  way around and saw all the elderly Black folks swaying back and

  forth, some of them had paper fans fanning themselves. For some

  reason the courtroom was hot, the air was stale. This was the

  atmosphere I wanted. I asked Life to send his father’s church

  parishioners, and that he had done. Too many old Black folks will

  turn an old courthouse into a church house. Life entered the

  courtroom, smiled, as the U.S. Marshals were escorting him. He

  pumped my hand, I could feel the raw energy. With his cute dim-

  ples and sexy smile, he was the most handsome man in the entire

  courtroom. He wore a beige two-piece suit like he was modeling


  After we said a few words in hushed tones, I surreptitiously

  looked over at the jur y, six women and six men, all white and they


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  varied in age. In my peripheral vision, I saw Mr. Scandels. He sat

  at the prosecutor’s table with his assistants. The expression on his


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