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The Forbidden Script

Page 15

by Richard Brockwell

  “Agent Langley. How are you feeling?” asked Tony.

  Danny did not answer at once. He looked at Tony for a few seconds before answering.

  “I’m feeling fine doc. Just a bit drowsy and my head is killing me!”

  Tony was not entirely sure if Danny did or did not see his face as he overtook him that night.

  “It’s quite normal feeling that way after what you went through. I will get the nurse to give you something for that headache, but you must try to rest now.”

  Tony replaced the chart and walked calmly out of the room. He wondered if agent Langley was pretending not to recognize him. It was a chance he did not want to take. Tony decided to leave work early that day to play it safe, making sure not to run into Danny’s partner Jason if he decided to return.

  It was just a few minutes before noon when Jason arrived at Tony’s house. He parked his mustang on the opposite side of the street and went over to the gate, pressing the intercom button on the side of the wall. He waited a few seconds before pressing it again. No one was home. Jason had no intention of leaving before checking out his suspect. So he went back to his mustang and waited until Dr. Barrette returned home.

  He was just about to doze off when he heard a car door close on the opposite side of the street. Jason immediately got out and walked over to the person who was about to enter through the front gate.

  “Dr. Barrette!” Jason called out.

  On hearing his name, Tony turned around to face Jason. He took a step back as he recognized who it was.

  “Yes. I’m Dr. Barrette,” said Tony trying to hide his startled look.

  “Who are you? And what do you want?” he asked.

  Jason took out his FBI badge showing it to Tony.

  “I’m special agent Mallock. Would you mind if I ask you a few questions, please?”

  Tony tried his best to avoid Jason.

  “I’m sorry. Maybe another time. I have just finished work, and I’m rather tired if you don’t mind.”

  “Don’t worry, this won’t take long,” said Jason, not backing down.

  Tony unlocked the gate and opened it, ready to close it behind him when Jason put his foot between it, preventing Tony from closing.

  “All I want to know is where were you three nights ago?” Asked Jason.

  Tony stalled for a bit before answering.

  “If I remember well, I think I was out for a drive along the coast. I decided a drive would do me good after a stressful day at work. I needed to let off some steam,” said Tony.

  He thought it would be better to tell the truth for fear that Danny might have seen him that night.

  “Where is it you work? You’re a doctor. A medical doctor?” Continued Jason.

  “I’m an Anesthesiologist at Jackson community hospital. Now if you don’t mind, I must go now,” Tony said as he slammed the gate behind him.

  Just before Tony turned to walk away.

  Jason said, “I know what you are Dr. Barrette! You can’t fool me!”


  The house was quiet as Tony slammed the front door behind him. The sudden noise got Bruce barking from the rear of the house. Things were not going as planned, and time was running out. According to the Mayan text, the calling of the underworld gods is best performed when the moon is at its brightest and fullest. Tony knew the magnetic force of the moon has always been associated with the spirit world. He missed the last full moon three nights ago but did not intend to miss the next. He thoroughly researched and found out that tonight an event will take place when the moon will be at its brightest and fullest. The last event like this took place about three years ago. Tony had to act quickly, knowing he would not get another shot at this. The only person who can get things moving fast was Travis. Taking out his cell phone, he speed dials Travis. After a few seconds, he answers his phone.

  “Hello Tony! What a coincidence. I was thinking of giving you a call.”

  “Listen Travis! I need your help!” Said Tony.

  Travis looked around to make sure he was alone.

  “What is it? Is something wrong?”

  “I need you to bring that friend of yours with us tomorrow night for another gathering, what’s her name? Sally is it?” Tony said.

  Travis was not getting the picture.

  “I thought you took Helen!”

  Tony was getting impatient and raised his voice.

  “Helen is dead! Carlos shot her three nights ago. He ran into trouble with some FBI agents when we were on our way to the gathering. He had no choice but to shoot her and then the big idiot got himself killed trying to make a run for it. I was lucky to get away unnoticed. Now this FBI agent is starting to ask questions.”

  Travis took a while trying to take it all in at once.

  “My god Tony! Things are getting out of hand. They’re onto us!”

  “Tonight is the only chance we will get at succeeding with the Mayan ritual, and then we can stop for a while until things cool over. I promised you great things if you come along with me. You have seen the past like no one else has. It’s like we traveled through time together. You’re a top student in anthropology, and now you’re on to your master’s degree. With my help from the spirit world, you managed to achieve high grades. If it weren’t for me, you would be living on the streets. You owe me Travis!”

  Tony’s words had power over Travis, manipulating him in any way he could.

  “Okay! Okay! I will bring her to your place after school. She wants to reconnect with her mother again anyway, and I was going to call you about it, but you called me first,” said Travis.

  “Okay, great, then I will see you here later. Make sure it’s just you and Sally and the usual three girls,” said Tony, before hanging up.

  Jason drove home after his encounter with Tony. He thought about Helen and how she ended up dead. He had a gut feeling that Danny was right about this guy Tony. Both cases point in the same direction. It was too much of a coincidence for Helen to be seen with the same person who had abducted her from Mexico and also with the person who seemed to be performing these spiritual meetings.

  If only Jason knew that his daughter Sally was about to become involved in the middle of all of this.

  As he arrived home, he called out to see if Sally was in. He got no reply and thought she must still be at school. He thought about calling her on her cell, but then changed his mind thinking she might be in the middle of a class, so he called Kate instead.

  “It’s me, Jason.”

  “Jason, did you go to see this Dr. Barrette?”

  Jason said, “he wasn’t at home when I got there, so I waited for him until he came back. The guy is slick and stinking rich also.”

  Kate pictured him as some old guy preying on young girls.

  “What’s he like? Was he cooperative?”

  “Well, he’s about my age, has blond hair, seems to workout, and has the coldest looking eyes I have ever seen. He didn’t want to answer my questions at first, but admitted to his whereabouts that night. He said he just went out for a drive. I’m surprised he told the truth. Oh! And he works at the same hospital where Danny is,” said Jason.

  “You think Danny could be in danger?” inquired Kate.

  “I don’t think so. He has an officer on watch outside his door, and Patricia is with him most of the time,” Jason said.

  As school came to an end that afternoon, Sally and Jackie walked out together ready to head on home, when Jackie spotted Travis’s car on the opposite side of the road.

  “Hey, look who’s here!” She said teasing her friend.

  “Hi ladies. How was school?” Travis said.

  Sally answered, “it was okay, thanks.”

  She noticed something strange about him, the tone in his voice seemed different.

  “What do you say we go for a drive,” he asked Sally.

  “Hope you don’t mind Jackie. I will see you tomorrow in class,” Sally said with a smile.

smiled back, taking the hint.

  “Go ahead. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!” Said Jackie with a wink.

  They gave each other a hug and Jackie said, “see you Travis, and you take care of her.”

  They drove off, waving goodbye.

  After a few minutes on the road, Sally asked, “is everything alright? You seem a little strange.”

  Travis slowed down and stopped the car.

  “I’m fine. I just want to be alone with you. I didn’t want to tell you in front of Jackie.”

  “Tell me what?” She asked.

  “I’ve arranged for us to meet with Tony again.”

  “Really! When can we go?” Said Sally getting excited.

  “He said we can go tonight, but to bring you only. That’s why I didn’t want to tell you in front of Jackie.”

  “Tonight! I don’t think so Travis. What will I tell my dad? He will never let me, and I can’t lie to him again.”

  Travis looked puzzled.

  “Sally! You’re nineteen years old. I don’t think your father can stop you.”

  Sally said, “yes, I know that, but he’s so over protective with me lately since he’s been working on this case.”

  “Case! What do you mean case? You’re saying he’s a cop?” Asked Travis.

  Sally continued. “He’s with the FBI! Travis I thought I told you that!”

  Travis was looking nervous now.

  “No, Sally! You never mentioned he’s an FBI agent. You said he was working a lot lately, but I thought he’s just doing overtime or has two jobs.”

  Sally drew back in her seat.

  “Why are you so jumpy Travis? I didn’t think it mattered to you what he did. Are you hiding something from me? Are you in trouble?”

  Without saying a word Travis started the car and continued to drive. Both were quiet for a couple of miles when Sally asked, “where are we going?”

  Travis didn’t answer her. He just kept on driving, picking up speed as he drove.

  She then reached for her cell phone.

  “Who are you calling Sally?”

  “You’re scaring me Travis. Tell me where we’re going, or I will call my father.”

  Her eyes were swelling with tears as Travis reached over taking her cell phone and placed it in his jeans pocket.

  “Where do you think we’re going? Tony said we had to come tonight, and that’s what we’re going to do. Now sit back and shut up.”

  It was passed school hours, and Sally had not returned home. Jason was getting worried. He tried to reach her by phone, but failed to get through to her. It wasn’t like her not to say where she was going. He knew his daughter well and was sure something was wrong.

  Arriving just after six in the evening, Travis pulled over outside Tony’s house. He opened the car door for Sally to step out. She protested at first but finally gave in to him.

  “Sally, this won’t take long and you’ll be home in no time. Just tell your father you stayed at school studying.”

  She got out of the car and followed him into the house when a thought passed her mind as they walked into the hallway.

  “How come you have a key to the front door?” She asked.

  Travis turned towards her. “I live here, that’s why. I spend a lot of time at the university, but this is my home.”

  “You never mentioned it to me Travis! What’s going on? Why did you really bring me here?” Said Sally, taking a step backward.

  Tony was downstairs in the meditation room preparing things for later when he heard Travis and Sally. He made his way up the basement stairs coming face to face with Sally. As soon as she saw him she bolted for the front door.

  Tony quickly shouted out to Travis.

  “Stop her for god’s sake!”

  Sally made it to the front door, opening it, but did not make it outside. Travis was on her in a flash, taking hold of her wrists pulling her back inside. Sally screamed out as she was dragged back in, but Bruce’s barking drowned her screams. The animal felt the tension inside the house, and sensed the fear also, just like a wolf would sense the fear of a deer being stalked for the kill.

  “Take her downstairs before somebody hears her, while I go and get my medical kit,” said Tony.

  Sally hysterically flared out with both hands striking Travis across the face.

  “Why are you doing this?” She cried out.

  The next instant the whole room went black as she felt the anesthetic doing its job.


  While Sally is sedated and bound to a chair in the basement of the house, Travis and Tony prepare things for the night. He wants to perform the ritual tonight while the moon is at its fullest and brightest. Tony then encourages Travis on summoning the other three girls to his house.

  As Sally is under the full effect of the anesthetic, she starts to hear her mother’s voice beckoning her to wake up.

  “Sally! You have to wake up. I beg you to fight it. Please Sally wake up and get out of there!”

  Out of nowhere Sally lets out a loud scream startling Tony, who was packing items into a bag. He immediately felt the energy in the room, knowing it was a spiritual attempt to interact with the unconscious Sally.

  As Tony walks over to her, he notices rapid eye movement behind her closed eyes. He places his hand upon her cheek, feeling the energy flowing in her veins. All of a sudden Sally opens her eyes, staring Tony in the face. Startled, he falls backward onto the floor.

  “Impossible! The effect of the drug should last at least another couple of hours. Yet you’re fully awake,” said Tony.

  She continues to look directly at him, but then after a few seconds she closes her eyes once more.

  The others arrive and are quickly informed about the urgency. Tonight will be the only chance for Tony to pass over into the spiritual world and see what’s on the other side of death.

  They waste no time and help walk Sally into Tony’s closed van. They sit her in the rear, close the doors and drive off into the night. After a while, she begins to gain consciousness with her mother’s voice still calling out to her. She manages to open her eyes, focusing on the things around her when she feels someone grasping her by the arm. Barely visible she recognizes Travis sitting next to her.

  In a low drowsy voice Sally says, “where are we? Where are you taking me Travis? Help me, please!”

  He continues to look the other way as she blacks out again.

  Jason is at home pacing around the kitchen after failing to make contact with Sally on her cell phone. He decides to give Jackie a call.

  “Jackie! It’s Jason, Sally’s father!”

  Jackie takes a deep breath before answering,

  “Hi! Mr. Mallock, what’s up?”

  “Have you seen Sally? She hasn’t come home, and she isn’t answering her cell phone.”

  “She must be with Travis, Mr. Mallock. I haven’t seen her since this afternoon.”

  Jason runs his hand through his hair with frustration.

  “Travis! Who is Travis?”

  “Travis Malone. We met him when we had that overnight stay at the Miami university. I’m sorry Mr. Mallock. I thought you knew!”

  Jason heard the tremor in Jackie’s voice.

  “Yes, I remember her mentioning his name. You let me know if she gives you a call.”

  Jackie rolled her eyes back. She knew Jason was always over protective towards Sally.

  “Okay, Mr. Mallock I will,” she said goodbye and hung up.

  Jackie then dialed Sally’s cell phone, and after three or four attempts, she finally manages to get through.

  Sally’s phone starts to ring after Tony took possession of it. He picks it up to see who is calling her. Jackie’s name is flashing on the screen.

  “What do you want honey?” He says sarcastically.

  Jackie on the other end is surprised to hear a mans voice.

  “Who is this? You’re not Travis. Where’s Sally?”

  “She’s behind me si
tting next to Travis. We’re all going on a little journey together, and tell her father to stop calling and keep his distance. Sorry, you can’t bid your friend farewell, you’ll be lucky if you see her again,” said Tony.

  The line went dead. Jackie could not believe what she just heard. Tears rolled down her face as she tried frantically to phone Jason, but his cell phone is engaged. She sat down and burst into tears.

  Jason was on the phone with Kate, who is busy at the lab researching on mediums and the paranormal. She asks Jason to come over, sure she has found something interesting to show him.

  “Jason, I think you should come over to the lab. I think I found out some interesting stuff.”

  He grabs his car keys.

  “Okay, I will be right there.”

  While driving as fast as he can to the forensic lab, he informs Kate about Sally’s disappearance, hoping she might know of her whereabouts.

  Meanwhile, Jackie has stopped crying and is now feeling guilty for pushing her friend into a relationship with Travis. She decides to drive over to Tony’s place, hoping to find out where he has taken her best friend.

  It takes nearly an hour when she arrives at the house. Jackie stops right in front of the gate and waits a while, looking for any sign of movement from inside. The house is large and scary giving her the shivers as the hairs on her neck start to rise. She courageously steps out of the car and slowly opens the unlocked gate. A small breeze picks up twirling fallen leaves in a spiral formation, making the place even more creepy than it already is. Jackie speeds up her pace and heads over to the living room window. She looks inside the dark room not able to see anything. She then applies pressure on the window, and it slowly opens a few inches.


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