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Loving his ANGEL

Page 20

by Megan Hetherington

  “I figured that.”

  He was nuzzling into her neck now, but she wanted to tell him the news.

  “Mmm you smell gorgeous,” he buzzed into her ear.

  She really wanted to tell him, but the sensation she was suddenly feeling up in between her legs was more urgent right now.

  He nibbled her ear lobe.

  A thrill shot down deep inside her.

  She rolled her head to expose her neck to him.

  He responded, trailing his lips down the long side of her neck to her collar bone.

  Each touch a little electric current, building the thrill between her legs up to an aching throb.

  On auto-pilot they edged back into their bedroom, stopping when they reached the foot of the bed.

  He moved his hand up under her tight fitting t-shirt. No bra, meaning he had instant access. Just the slightest brush with his palms and she groaned, dropping her head back. Oh God, this was ecstasy already.

  He nuzzled into the crux of her neck and then kissed continuously up the front, dragging his mouth across her chin. His coarse stubble scratching at her soft skin. She brought her head down so she could push her tongue into his mouth. Release the hormones that were building up inside her body into his.

  She lifted her leg up, balancing her foot onto the bed and ground herself into the side of his hip. He raised his knee and she gyrated herself onto it.

  “I knew you’d missed me too,” he teased, flashing his white grin.

  She pushed him backwards onto the bed and climbed on top of him, lifting up her t-shirt up and pulling his hands up onto her breasts. She arched her back as he fondled and caressed them.

  Then she turned her attention to his belt and jeans. Roughly pushing them down over his hips.

  Her hand crept into his boxers, feeling his hard length. She shivered involuntarily. Yes, she had missed this and from the way her body was reacting she had most definitely missed his cock.

  Pregnant and sex starved. Who knew that would be a combination?

  She pulled it free of its cotton home and ran her fingers delicately over the length. Feeling all of the shape and the softness, before gently squeezing it to feel how hard it was.

  The need to have it inside her was intoxicating.

  She moved up the bed and reached under her skirt. Pulling her panties to one side she sat down on top of it. Gently lowering herself down.

  His moan and her descent went on and on. Finally reaching the limit, she stopped momentarily to let herself adjust and to concentrate on the feeling of his tip right up against her cervix.

  She tensed, squeezing him, as she rose as slowly as she went down.

  His hands started moving on her breasts again. Halting as she lingered at the top, moving her hips in slow wide circles.

  Kissing the tip with her entrance. Then just when she sensed he was about to forcibly pull her down again she eased down.

  The same agonisingly glorious slowness.

  His hands stopped moving again. He couldn’t move anything whilst she did this to him.

  The sensations on every millimetre amplified and registered with the slow speed.

  She dropped her head back and groaned when they became one again, stilling for a few seconds before squeezing her internal muscles as she rose to the top.

  He gained his composure for long enough to grip her skirt, pulling it up her waist and over her breasts and head.

  His gaze lowered, watching her lower down on him, eating him up. Burying himself in her. The vision and the simultaneous sensation was too much.

  The slowness of his orgasm allowing every tingle and explosion to register in his brain. He held her hips down so he was completely lost in her and just when he thought it was over she rose again, this time only halfway before tilting forward and riding him.

  Her clit rubbing against his length, the heat inside a furnace, the slickness offering no resistance. His orgasm resurfacing, building up again, this time exploding with a ferocity he had never felt before.

  His balls tightened, being pulled into it with every other nerve ending in his body. Pulled in and set on fire. Flashes of vivid colour sparking on the back of this eyelids.

  His face contorting and the veins in his temple and neck throbbing as the aftershocks went on.

  Eliza stilled and fell down onto his chest; he was still twitching inside her. They panted in unison.

  A sweaty, sticky, hot, panting mess.

  After a few moments she lifted her head, still trying to catch her breath and they both laughed. A euphoric release.

  She rolled off him. Unceremoniously letting his cock slap back down on the wet mess that was now adorning his stomach. Reddened with the friction of the lovemaking.

  “Argh.” he winced.

  Now was not the time to tell him either.

  Hot sex followed by a libido snapping life changing revelation didn’t seem appropriate to her.

  She needed to go to sleep.


  They both slept through to the morning. The comfort of sharing a bed again allowing them both to sleep deeply.

  She awoke first. A rarity in their relationship. Sneaking from underneath him and replacing the pressure and worth of her form with a pillow, she tiptoed to the newly refurbished ensuite bathroom. It was lovely. All blingy and sparkling. The mirror had lights behind it illuminating her face.

  She pulled at her cheeks and pushed the excess skin under her eyes to the side. Ugh. Why did she look so bad? She hadn’t drunk any alcohol in a week and they must have had fourteen hours deep sleep last night.

  She opened up the bathroom cabinet. Wondering if a fairy godmother had secreted some wonder serum in there. Especially for occasions like this.

  No such luck.

  She splashed her face with cold water. Bending over sent little trickles of excess water to the taste buds at the back of her tongue.

  She sucked ferociously, breathing in cold refreshing air into her mouth.

  Oh no!

  The waves of nausea were starting to surface. She quickly grabbed her toothbrush, hoping the minty taste of the toothpaste would help calm the nausea. The sense of unease in her stomach building, she quickly dropped the toothbrush and lurched towards the toilet.

  Oh God.

  Why was there not a specific piece of sanitary ware for this purpose. She retched into it. Her empty stomach not offering anything but watery bile.


  She could hear Jonny’s calls from the bedroom, but she was unable to answer. Her mouth occupied with the motions of vomiting and her voice overcome with the business of gasping for breath in between convulsions.

  She sat back on the side of the bath. Eyes closed whist the rush of the sickness subsided.

  Looking up to the bathroom door when it opened. Jonny stood there.

  Naked. Ruffled. Barely awake.

  Roughly rubbing one of his eyes in an attempt to motivate it to actually focus.

  “Eliza what’s wrong…” he trailed off, cocking his head on one side. “Are you ok?”

  Asking the obvious question as if his mouth wanted to say something whilst his brain re-engaged from the deep sleep he was woken from.

  “Yes.” She looked down and then murmured, “Apparently it’s normal to feel like this.”

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Oh. Now that just came out.

  She looked up at him anxiously. She wanted him to guess, so she didn’t have to say the words.

  She wasn’t sure if they would actually come out.

  Really, she should have practised saying them on the plane on the way home.

  Why didn’t he just ask “are you pregnant?” It would be easier just to nod.

  Jonny’s look of confusion told her he had no idea. He was still quite obviously half asleep. He’d probably heard what she said but his brain hadn’t caught up with the words yet. Letting them hang there until he chose to open up the dictionary in his mind and turn them into something with meanin

  She realised she couldn’t be cryptic and would have to say it out loud and boldly make it so. The phrases turned over in her mind. “We’re going to have a baby.” “You’re going to be a father.” “We’re pregnant.”

  “I’m pregnant,” she blurted out. Unable to say anymore. She bit her lip and held her breath. Staring at him intently. Not even blinking.

  She needed his reaction.

  A positive reaction.


  For a moment he was frozen rigid.

  There were only three words in that statement and two of those were merged together. What was wrong with him? Why hadn’t he responded already. The panic rising up into her mouth along with her morning sickness.

  That moment was only in reality a couple of seconds. Maybe not even that.

  Before the emotion rose up into a place that was irretrievable, he was upon her. Dropping to his knees he pulled her onto his lap and engulfed her with his arms, his chest, his mouth.

  “I love you Angel. That’s the best news ever.”

  The tide of feelings swept over her, through her core and up into her gullet.

  “Quick…” she lurched away from him and face planted the toilet.

  He leant over her rubbing her back.

  “No wonder you’ve been sick a few times recently. I just didn’t put two and two together.”

  “Here.” He filled a glass with cold water and offered it down to her.

  “Thank you,” she gasped, fighting for air in between the convulsions that her stomach was creating.

  “Wow. I can’t believe we’re going to have a baby. How…” He caught himself before he asked a stupid question. “When did that happen?”

  “About nine or ten weeks ago.” She stood back up, leaning on the sink for support.

  “Nine or ten weeks.” He repeated, trying to think when that would have been. Jamaica possibly? For a moment he tortured himself with all of the angst they had gone through in the weeks since coming back from holiday. The first few weeks of this unborn baby’s life. He shuddered. Hoping the stress hadn’t impacted the baby in anyway.

  “So you are okay with this then Angel?”

  “Yes. If this morning sickness would do one. Yes, definitely. I know it’s not planned but it seems like this is gonna be a year of firsts and unplanned events in our lives.”

  He smiled and nodded, before worrying again. “So are you sure this is just morning sickness and nothing more to be concerned about?”

  “Yes it’s fine. I went to see my doctor when I was in Amsterdam and it’s really common to feel this way in the early weeks.”

  “Okay, good.” He wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head. “As long as it’s normal. I don’t know the first thing about pregnancies, but I’m here for you Angel. And will do whatever it takes.”

  “Good, because there is no way I can do this on my own.”

  “So what do we need to do now?”

  “I need to register with a gynaecologist. I’ve got a letter from my Doctor, but need to have all the pre-natal checks here. Certainly before we go on tour.”

  “Tour? Shit, I’d forgotten about that. You can’t still do the tour, can you? What with the puking and everything?” He felt suddenly very protective, even more so than usual. “Don’t you think we should cancel?”

  “No. We can’t let everyone down. Jim Bob said most of the venues have sold out already. I’m hoping the sickness will subside in a week or so and I’m sure it will be over before I get a proper baby bump.”

  Jonny put his hand to her belly and she put hers on top of it. Resting their foreheads together. The three of them connected for the first time by touch.

  “If you’re sure? If you want to cancel, then I’m all for it. I’m sure Dirk and Kurt will understand.”

  “No, it will be fine. I’m sure of it.”

  “Okay. When shall we tell everyone then?”

  “Not until I’ve seen the gynaecologist and everything has been confirmed as okay. Even then I don’t think we should go public until after the tour.”

  “Let’s get on with finding a doctor then. Make sure you’ve got everything you need.”


  They met with a renowned gynaecologist on Harley Street in London and scheduled a meeting the next day with Jim Bob, arranging to meet him at his borrowed office.

  “Jim Bob, we’ve got some news, but it can’t be shared just yet. You just need to know so you can manage certain aspects of the tour appropriately.”

  “Okayyy.” Jim Bob sat forward in his chair. Excited about the exclusive news that was about to be revealed.

  “Eliza’s pregnant.”

  Jim Bob raised his hand to cover his mouth. Eyes wider than a cheerleader’s pom-pom.

  “Oh my God, that is wonderful.” He clapped his hands together. “Ooh…ooh…can I be the godfather?”

  Jonny was a little taken aback by Jim Bob’s reaction. In a good way.

  “I just love babies. Those cute little squishy feet.” He mimed squeezing an imaginary baby’s foot.

  Eliza laughed and after exchanging a look of amusement and then agreement with Jonny, she nodded at Jim Bob.

  “Yes, of course you can be godfather. We’ve been to see a gynaecologist and everything is fine. I’m ten weeks pregnant, so the baby will be due after the wedding.”

  “So you will be in the second trimester during the tour. That’s good.”

  “Second trimester?”

  Eliza and Jim Bob nodded at Jonny.

  “It means the fourth, fifth and six months of the pregnancy. It’s when most mothers feel good during their pregnancy. More energy. Blooming. Hopefully anyway.” she explained to him, with her fingers crossed.

  “I’ve got so many nieces and nephews; I know all about pregnancy. In fact,” he swatted his hands in the air, “Eliza, don’t bother with your gynaecologist, just ask me. I’m sure I would know more than they would.”

  “Erm… don’t think so.” Jonny added, thinking about the physical examinations gynaecologists do.

  “Anyway.” Jim Bob carried on, “I’ll keep shtum about this.”

  “Good. So, changing the subject, any feedback on the Helen story?”

  “Yes, now you mention it, there is.” He wiggled in his chair. So much gossip. He was in his element. “Turns out the father is none other than one of your former band members.”



  “I fucking knew it.” Jonny chided. “Fucking knew it. And do you know what? I reckon she fucking did too. Bitch.”

  Eliza had never heard Jonny express emotional outrage at anyone like this before. She was a little shocked but figured if there was one person he had every right to be annoyed with, it was Helen. She rubbed his forearm in a display of emotional support.

  “So how’s that all come out?”

  “Well it turns out that reporter was, for obvious reasons, a little disgruntled that he had been fed a pack of lies so decided he needed to regain his reputation and did some serious digging of his own. Got some witness statements from the time of the wicked deed. There’s photographs, hospital records the lot. It’s gonna run in tomorrow’s edition.”

  “How do you even know all of this.”

  “I’ve got my contacts.” He tapped the side of his nose.

  “Hmm. Pity those contacts didn’t come up trumps with the two stories that have been run on us two lately?” Jonny chastised. As much as he liked and admired Jim Bob he had lost a little faith in him over the scandal they had been afflicted with just lately at the hands of the press.

  “Yeah. I’m sorry about that. I truly am. But, as sure as God made little green apples, I swear it won’t happen again.”

  Jonny and Eliza looked at each other, more than a little confused at the saying Jim Bob just came out with.

  “So what’s our response to the story?”

  “Nothing. You will both rise above it, like the perfectly sweet and innocen
t couple you are.” His hands floating up in the air to accentuate the instruction. “No comment. Nada. Nothing.” Zipping his thumb and forefinger across his tightly shut lips for extra effect.

  Jonny just nodded. He liked that idea. No words to twist, no comment to misprint. He couldn’t wait to see the story though. Then he inwardly slapped himself. No, that’s exactly what made this whole paparazzi nonsense go around. People wanting to know about sensationalistic clap trap.

  Chapter Thirty

  The European tour was less frenetic than the US one. They were only doing ten gigs in five venues, over six weeks. A tour bus wasn’t even an option. Flying from each venue to the next.

  Eliza was feeling much better, the morning sickness had subsided and, with help from a range of vitamins the doctor had prescribed, she was feeling quite energetic.

  Dirk and Kurt were none the wiser and Eliza decided not to tell Leesa. It irked her, but she couldn’t afford for the word to start circulating about it.

  Jonny had even put his foot down about his mother. He knew she couldn’t help herself. She’d be telling the rest of the family, who would then widen the secret to other family members and before they knew it the whole world would know. He was sure after the paternity test incident and the concern he’d had about Mrs Loveridge down at the chemist, his mother would be in all the local shops buying Babygro’s and nappies. Yeah, she wouldn’t be actually telling anyone but they’d no doubt put two and two together.

  He also reckoned his mother would fret relentlessly about the pregnancy and there was nothing she could do whilst they were away on tour. It wouldn’t harm her not knowing until they were around more for her to cluck over them.

  Their aim was to get through the tour and to the twenty week pregnancy mark without being hounded by the press or anyone else.

  They were now at the Nürburgring stadium in Germany.

  As usual, they hung out in the green room before the show. The rehearsal earlier in the day had gone as well as they could have hoped, although Dirk was on it again. His cocaine taking ramping up as the tour went on.

  On stage it resulted in a shirt off, sweat spraying, stick twirling frenetic performance. Drum solos that went on for long after they were necessary. But. The fans loved it.


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