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Sleeping With the Boss

Page 12

by Sam Crescent

  “You had fun, Julian. Fine. I don’t need some crummy piece of jewellery you got someone else to get for you. I know how this works, remember? I was the person who did it for all your other women.” She pulled her arm out of his grip. “See you around.”

  “Wait,” he said.

  She turned back to him.

  “I’ve got you a position elsewhere. My friend appreciates your experience.”

  “I don’t want a job, Julian. I’m done. I gave you my resignation six months ago. I quit. I’ll find other work.”

  Heather moved to her desk and collected her things. She’d been expecting this, so she’d cleared out her desk a bit at a time.

  He stood watching her. She moved towards the elevator still feeling numb. The tears didn’t come.

  She left the building, ignoring any calls to her. Heather walked the short distance to her home. The peace of the walk would help her. She needed to clear her head. What had just happened hadn’t sunk in yet. The love of her life had just dumped her.

  A laugh escaped her. She walked up her garden path, unlocked her door, then walked straight into her sitting room. After removing her jacket, she curled up on the couch holding onto the pillow as it was life support. Elijah came down stairs. She heard him but didn’t say anything.

  “You’re home early,” he said.


  “Are you all right?”

  “I’m fine, Elijah.”

  He knelt in front of her. She stared at her brother with his long hair and rebellious tattoos.

  “You’re not fine, are you, Heather?”

  She shook her head. The first tear began to fall. “No, I’m not fine.” She sobbed. “I’m the furthest from fine.”

  He caught her in his arms. She let him hold her. It was the first time she’d ever cuddled her brother. All the other times she’d pushed him away.

  “He dumped me, Elijah. He was going to give a piece of jewellery as a thank you.” She let it all out. The pain and suffering. The love she felt for him. How was she going to move on with her life after everything that had happened? “You were right. I was nothing but a sex toy to him. A living, breathing slave who’d do anything for his attention.”

  Elijah stroked her hair. She appreciated the comfort he offered. For once she wanted to be held by her brother.

  “You meant more than that,” he said.

  “How do you know? If I meant more to him then why did he throw me away like the others?” She rubbed her nose.

  “Because a man like Julian doesn’t keep a woman in his life for six months then ditch her. I saw the way he looked at you. You were more than a fuck-bag, Heather. He loved you very deeply.”

  “Well that makes everything worse. He doesn’t even want to fight his doubts. This hurts too much.” Heather watched him reach for his mobile, which lay on the coffee table. “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “Getting your friends. You need them right now.”

  She listened to him talk to her friends. Heather wondered how he managed to get her friends’ numbers. In minutes he threw the phone to the other end of the room. “They’ll be here soon.”

  “Thank you,” she said.

  “I’m not leaving you. They’ll bring the ice-cream, but I’m never leaving you again.”

  “Why, Elijah? I thought you hated me?”

  “You were the one always pushing me away, Heather. I figured you’d work out your own issues.” He stroked her hair.

  “Mom and dad have always preferred you. No matter what I do, you’re their favourite,” she said, admitting to the jealousy she’d kept buried deep.

  “Not my problem. I don’t expect us to get over our problems today or even in a week. We’ve got rivalry between us to last us a millennium, but I’m still your brother. If I wasn’t worried about you so much, I’d go and kick his ass.”

  She chuckled, resting her head on his chest. Their problems as siblings were not solved. That would take time. At least they could push them aside in order to be together now. She didn’t know how she’d cope without Elijah at that moment. Her heart was breaking. She’d walked out on the man she loved without trying to fight for him.

  “Come on, you need a shower and some pajamas. This is going to take some time. Go and wash, and I’ll make you a cup of tea.” He pushed her up the stairs.

  Heather went willingly. There was nothing she wanted more than a hot bath to wash away the pain. At least it would be second best to Julian.


  Julian stood in shock. She was the first woman to refuse his gift. He opened the case and looked at the heart-shaped pendant he’d purchased for her. This was the first gift where he’d spent all the time picking out. He wanted her to remember him. He wanted her to have a piece of him on her at all times.

  Instead of chasing her out of the office into the street he went back into his office. He sat down feeling raw. His eyes hurt. The knot in his throat was unbearable. Julian put his head in his hands trying to fight the pain.

  He lost.

  The tears sprang to his eyes, and the sob in his throat escaped. He’d done it. He’d broken up with a woman he loved more than anything else in the world. Rubbing his chest, he tried to stop the pain. Nothing happened.

  He stared at the fabric box he’d given her, then opened his drawer. There in the bottom of his drawer lay the small square box. When he’d seen the ring he knew it would be perfect for Heather. Without thinking he’d purchased the ring.

  “Who is the lucky lady, sir?” the owner had asked.


  “You’ve just bought an engagement ring.”

  The revelation of his choice had shocked him. He hadn’t wanted to put it back.

  Now, sitting here, he realised he’d made a big fucking mistake. Julian wanted Heather to be his woman for the rest of his life. He didn’t want another man to claim her for his own.

  Julian got out of his office chair and made his way out of his building. He knew he needed to get to Heather, to his woman. The elevator doors pinged open into the parking lot. Julian made his way over to his car and stopped when he saw three angry women. Ashley, Amber, and Connie. He knew they wouldn’t be able to get into the building, but the parking lot was easily accessible to anyone off the street.

  “We did warn you that we’d come and hurt you if you hurt her,” Ashley said. Even the threat of knowing about her reputation wasn’t enough to stop her from helping her friend. Julian admired her for it.

  He decided to explain what he was doing. Julian held his hand up with the velvet box in it.

  “Wait, what’s that you’re holding?” Connie asked as they walked up to him.

  He handed the engagement ring to her friends. “That is what I should have given her. I should have fought for her. Instead, I let her go.”

  They all gasped, admiring the ring. “Then why aren’t you chasing after her? She’ll take you back. Go and apologise. Then get down on one knee and tell her you love her,” Amber said.

  “She will never forgive me.”

  Ashley walked right up to him and slapped him on the face. “If you love her it shouldn’t matter what you have to do to win her back. Now, grab the ring, and let’s go. I’m driving.”

  Julian stared at her friends then followed them through the parking lot to her car. He would do anything to win Heather back.

  “She loves you,” Connie said to him in the back of the car.

  “I know. I heard her tell you.”

  “Is that what had you running scared?” she asked.

  “Wouldn’t you be? I’ve never let another woman in.”

  “Heather is a special kind of woman. It’s hard not to let her in,” Ashley said. “Even for an asshole like you.”

  Julian laughed. He couldn’t believe he was riding in the back of a car with three women. Ashley broke the speed limit getting to her house.

  “You’ve got this, Julian. Go and claim your girl,” Connie said, slapping him on the back.
  He got out of the car. Elijah stood waiting for him. “Make her better, or I’ll break you,” her brother said. Julian nodded and walked into the house. Heather was walking down the stairs wearing her teddy bear pajamas as he walked in.

  “I cleaned myself up. Where’s my tea?” She stopped on the step when she saw him. “Julian.” Her eyes were red from crying. He knew they matched his own.

  “I made a big mistake,” he said.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked.

  He held his hand up, closing the distance between them. She stopped staring at his hands.

  “I’ve come to apologise.”

  “You just dumped me, Julian. Can’t you give me some time to process that?” More tears fell from her eyes. He felt like an utter bastard.

  “I’ve never loved a woman. I’ve slept with women and used them. When I first met you, I wanted you. We work brilliantly together, and I didn’t want to ruin that. Then I saw you dancing at Wade’s, and I couldn’t stand to see another man touching you.” He opened his heart to her. “The passion between us burned brighter than ever before. You were sleeping with the boss.”

  “Julian, I know all this.”

  “No, you don’t.” He moved up on the step pressing a finger against her lips. “You don’t know everything. I fell in love with you, Heather. You became part of my life, and I didn’t want you to go. Six months is a breakthrough for me. Most of the women last a month, if that. I don’t want you to leave me.” Julian reached into his pocket.

  “You love me?”

  “My heart beats for no one but you. I love you, Heather. I fucked up and made a mistake. Please, I’m begging you forgive me.” He pulled out another small fabric box.

  “More jewellery. Julian, please.”

  He opened the box, showing her the diamond heart-shaped ring he’d bought her. “Heather Booth, I know this is asking a lot. I don’t deserve your love or your forgiveness, but I’m asking you. No, I’m begging you. Will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?”

  Her mouth opened. She stared at the ring. Heather was standing in a pair of pajamas with her hair in a clip. She looked so adorably cute, but she was his woman. The one he wanted to spend the rest of his life loving.

  “How do you know?” she asked.

  He caught her hand pressing it to his heart. “My heart beats for no one else, Heather. You’re the woman for me. I swear to you I’ll make you the most happy and satisfied woman alive.” Julian caught her cheek against his palm. “Also, I’ve got three women digging my grave and a brother more than prepared to bury me. My life rides on your answer.”

  She burst out laughing.

  “I better say yes then.”

  Julian slammed his lips down on hers. The need to feel her close consumed him. He broke off to trail kisses down to her neck and back again. “I love you. I love you. I love you.” He chanted the words over and over again.

  “I love you, too,” she said.

  “I will make this up to you for the rest of your life. I love you, Heather. I never want to be apart from you.”

  “I never thought sleeping with the boss could make me so happy.”

  “You’re my life.”

  Amber, Ashley, Connie, and Elijah walked back in. They offered their congratulations, hugging and kissing them. Julian felt at home. He would take her to meet his parents soon. First, he needed to get his ring on her pronto. He was a businessman, and he knew Heather was the best woman for him.


  Heather giggled as her husband ran his hands up and down her sides. It had been six months since he’d proposed and they’d gotten married. Her life was perfect. She’d signed the deeds of her house over to Elijah. She had moved in with Julian full time.

  “I want you,” he said.

  She rolled over, and he laid a kiss to her rounded tummy. Whenever he stared at her tummy she saw the love he felt for her and their unborn child. It hadn’t taken him long once he got the ring on her finger to knock her up.

  “You always want me. You never stop,” she said with a pout to her lips.

  “Your own fault. How are you today?” He rubbed her belly, crawling up the bed to lie beside her.

  “It’s good I’m used to being bigger than every other woman. This little bump is going to make me look like a whale.”

  He tickled her sides like she knew he would. Julian hated it when she criticised her weight. “Remember, I’m the boss and still in charge.”

  “Well, boss man, what are you going to do with me?” she asked.

  The love she had for him scared her at times. There was no way she could ever live without him in her life.

  “First, you need to phone your friends and brother to tell them we’re expecting a little boy. Then I’ve got to phone my parents, brother, and sister to tell them I’m going to be a father to a beautiful, bouncing boy.”

  Julian had introduced her to his family a week after he proposed. She liked all of them. His parents and siblings adored him. She knew they were happier now that he’d settled down.

  “What happens after that?” she asked.

  “After that, I make love to my wife and show her she made the right choice by marrying her boss.”

  She laughed. He kissed her lips, capturing a breast in his palm. Her body was more sensitive since she’d become pregnant.

  “Can we skip the telling part and move straight onto the fucking?” she asked. Her pussy was burning with the need to have his cock buried deep inside her.

  “What have I told you about your language?” He kissed her lips, trailing down to her neck. She gasped, her nipples hardening to unbearable points.

  “Maybe you need to spank me to remind me to behave.” She loved it when he punished her. The spanks made her burn harder for him.

  Julian pushed the strap of her top down exposing her breast to his lips. He licked the tip sending fire straight to her clit. When her left nipple was rock hard and glistening with his saliva he moved onto the next one.

  Her moans echoed off the walls. She opened her legs as he trailed kisses down her tummy. He pulled her pants down opening her slit with his fingers.

  “You look so juicy,” he said.

  She groaned as he slid a finger through her slit. Then as quickly as he’d begun to pleasure her, he stopped. Before she had chance to argue, he turned her over and slapped her ass.

  “Go and phone your friends,” he said.

  She threw the pillow at him in frustration. He chuckled, dodging the object. She growled, pulled her pants up and jumped off the bed.

  “Julian, baby,” she said. He paused at the door. She sauntered over to him, her hips swaying seductively.

  “What’s the matter, baby?”

  Heather ran her fingers over his chest. “Remember you had to run out during the ultrasound to take a call?”

  Julian nodded her head.

  She kissed his lips unable to resist the smile on her face. “Well, when you make the call to your family, tell them you’re going to be a father to twins. A boy and a girl.” She bit his lip and brushed past him.

  “Wait, what?”

  “Two for the price of one, Julian.”

  “You little minx.” He caught her up against his chest pressing her against the wall. His cock throbbed between them.

  It looked like she was going to get what she wanted after all.

  The End

  Other Books by Sam Crescent


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