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Atlantis Page 18

by Lisa Graves

  An acid taste filled my mouth. “What are you doing here?”

  “Lilly!” my mother scolded me. “Charlotte is our guest.”

  I sat down across the table from my nemesis and shot daggers at her with my eyes.

  My mom continued to butt in. “Come on you two. You can’t let a little fight break up such a good friendship. Let’s find a way to put all this behind you guys. What was your fight about anyway?”

  We both answered with full force at the same time.

  “Lilly is trying to steal Nicholas from me!”

  “You’re delusional and can’t keep secrets!”

  “Girls. Please.” It was then that I noticed Sophie sitting on a barstool by the counter. She was quietly witnessing the little fiasco. I’m sure my mom had told her about the brilliant plan to get me and Charlotte in the same room and she didn’t want to miss the fireworks.

  “Girls. You are both young women now and need to learn how to get through things like this. People don’t always agree.”

  “Especially when they steal your boyfriend.”

  “Whatever! I stole nothing. You on the other hand can’t keep your big mouth shut.”

  “Girls!” My mom threw her arms up in the air in frustration. Clearly this wasn’t going as she had planned. A quick glance to Soph and her trying to hide a snicker made this a little worth my discomfort. At least someone was enjoying dinner.

  I took the tongs and dished myself some of the spaghetti noodles from the bowl on the table. Keeping my eyes diverted, as to not set a certain ex-best friend on fire, I spooned some sauce onto my plate.

  “Lilly. Charlotte. Please, let’s pretend to be adults for one minute.”

  Unfortunately for my mother, I had no desire to mend my friendship with Charlotte. A quick glance up and I could tell Charlotte felt the same. She was probably hoping to run into Nicholas here.

  “Thanks for having me over Meredith,” it shocked me to hear Charlotte not screaming. I had to look up.

  Charlotte stood up and started for the door. She was careful to only shoot me with her death stare as she said, “This just isn’t going to work. Bye.” And then she left.

  I took a big bite of the spaghetti. The tomato and garlic flavors reminded me of Italy and that reminded me of tonight’s plans. I had a good feeling about trying to project with Nicholas’s help. Those thoughts of promise instantly lifted my mood. The fact that my arch nemesis was no longer present helped too.

  “Draw anything lately Soph?” I cheerfully questioned my little sister.

  She looked up from the bar and smiled. “Yeah, some clucking hens.” Sophie had been drawing a caricature of the three of us during our little incident. She was laughing so hard she fell off the barstool as she lifted her drawing up for our viewing pleasure. I giggled. Her drawing was a cartoon version of Meredith, Charlotte, and myself in chicken form pecking at each other. It was pretty good, but Sophie laughing was even funnier.

  My mom stomped from the room. Obviously upset not to have her gossip buddy back. Too bad. Sophie and I shared a wry glance off in the direction mom had left. “We really must be adopted,” I said.

  “For sure.”

  “Well, all this quality family time has been fun, but I think I’m going to eat in my room.” I looked over to Sophie as I collected my plate to go upstairs. She shrugged her shoulders and resumed doodling on the paper in front of her. We were both solitary creatures.

  I sat at my desk as I finished my dinner alone. So many thoughts filled my mind, I was surprised there was room. What am I going to say to Nicholas when he gets here? When will I see Elliott again? Where is the astral meadow? How do I get Nicholas to help me? Why do I get myself into these sticky messes with my friends?

  The clock seemed to be in slow motion. The red neon lights seemed to take decades to change from 8:47 to 8:48 to 8:49. Why did time seem to move like molasses when I wanted it to speed up, and move at the speed of light when I would much rather it slow down? I don’t know. My best guess is that it was some cruel trick the universe enjoyed playing. I looked up, 8:50! Ugh!

  I hit play on the stereo and lay back in bed. Time always seemed to fly when I was asleep. Maybe I could get a nap in before the nights little adventure.

  I lay there staring up at the ceiling. With the window cracked open and a breeze blowing on my face, I closed my eyes and tried to sleep.

  All of a sudden, I had a very uncomfortable falling sensation. Not like the previous out of body experiences, but one where I felt dread. I was in real danger. I woke sitting straight up with my arms still flailing. My heart could have been mistaken for a hummingbird’s for the speed it drummed on. I quickly looked around my room. I was alone.

  I hate falling dreams! Ever since my little epiphany with Elliott all of my dreams seemed so real. Worse was that this one was different. Utterly real somehow. I lay back down on my pillow and tried to calm down. A sharp tap on my window pane and I was like a lightening bolt, upright again and full of energy, with nowhere to go. I looked over my left shoulder to see Nicholas pulling up the glass and letting himself in. And he had flowers.

  This is not a date! Tonight I was on a mission. It probably wasn’t a good idea to upset Nicholas when I really wanted to try and see if he was somehow a key to my projecting. But I didn’t want to lead him on too much. I wasn’t sure how I was going to get it through his thick-headed shaggy-blond skull. I scooted so my back was propped up against the wall.

  The light in my room was dim. The faint trickle of moonlight through my window was all there was to help distinguish shapes. There were no colors in this light. I couldn’t even make out Nicholas’s facial features. But I could see the light in his eyes. I was going to have to be careful. I still wanted my friend when all was said and done.

  “So I’m here hoe, as requested.” He handed me the roses.

  “Thanks Nitch-o-las. What are the flowers for?” Playing dumb might work?

  “You, obviously.”

  I held them up. “I caught that much. Why?”

  He sat down beside me. “I was kind-of hoping this was a second date?” I could tell he was being careful as he walked on thin ice.

  I did the same.

  “I was really just hoping for a night talk with my friend.” I grabbed his hand. “You are still my friend, right?”

  He inched closer, both in proximity and to my heart. “I’ll always be here for you Lilly.” Nicholas grabbed my hand as he swore his oath.

  I lay the flowers on my nightstand next to the vase of gardenias. Too bad Nicholas really was such a sweet and handsome guy. Perhaps if he had only made his move a week earlier, things would be different. But I was different now. Something inside me had awakened, and it wouldn’t be denied. My opal sparkled in the moonlight.

  Nicholas lay beside me and tucked me in under his big strong arm. “What would you like to talk about hoe?”

  It was such a pain that life was so complicated. All I really wanted to say was I really just wanted to take a nap with you and see if I could project to an alternate plane and be with my boyfriend. But that would be cruel, and I felt dirty enough already. I wish I didn’t need Nicholas now. He could tell I was uncomfortable. And I couldn’t think of a decent answer to his question. The truth wasn’t an option, so I was quiet.

  Nicholas took my silence wrong. “Do you want me to leave?”

  “No. No. Its not that.” What was I going to say? “I just woke from a nightmare when you got here. I’m still recovering that’s all.”

  “It’s alright sweetie.” He caressed my back as he held me protected in his arms. “What was your nightmare about?”

  I took a deep breath in and noticed Nicholas smelled nice. He had put on cologne for me. I tried to block out the scent as I answered his question. “I was falling.”

  “I hate those dreams.”

  “It was more than that though. It was so real.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I’m not sure how to word it, b
ut it was like it actually happened.” I thought for a moment, “or will?” The last bit trailed off in a whisper.

  I could feel Nicholas’s heartbeat speed up at the thought of my death. He whispered back to me, “You’re alright, I’ve got you. You’re safe here.” It sounded like he was trying to convince himself more than me.

  “I know.” I only answered his first affirmation.

  His hand caressing my back, stopped where he could feel my heartbeat. “Lil, you’re alright. Why is your heart still going a hundred miles a minute?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “That must have been some dream. I’ll go make you some chamomile tea if you like. Would that help?”

  “Yeah. But my mom’s home. I better do it.” I got up and started to head for the door. Turning back I added, “Would you like some tea?”

  “Sure hoe.”

  “I’ll be right back,” and I shut the door behind me.

  I hurried down to the kitchen. I didn’t bother to turn on any lights. I didn’t really want anyone waking up and ruining my plans for the evening. The microwave was kind-of loud, so rather than use it I quickly filled a pot with water and set it on the stove to boil. While I waited for bubbles, I got out two cups and the tea bags from the cupboard. It had only been a few minutes but the water was already hot. I didn’t waste any time pouring the water into the cups and heading back upstairs.

  I couldn’t open my door with each hand carrying a cup of scalding hot tea. I quietly tapped the door with the glass and waited for a minute, but nothing happened. I did it again. And again there was no response. The cups were too hot to try and tuck one under my arm. Ugh. I sat one down on the floor and opened my door.

  There, asleep on my bed, was Nicholas. I almost knocked the glass of tea on the floor over I was so happy. Now I didn’t have to fake interest in some made-up conversation about why I wanted him here tonight. Setting both cups of tea on my desk and locking my door, I lay down next to my best friend and tried to project.

  I did as Elliott said. I purposefully relaxed each part of my body. My breathing was calm and mindful. I cuddled next to Nicholas and gave his hand a squeeze. His hand squeezed back and he pulled me closer in his sleep. I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and tried to let go.

  It worked.

  Instantly, I could feel the wind in my hair as the falling sensation overtook me. But this time I wasn’t scared. I had only one person on my mind and I knew I would see him soon. With a soft thud I landed on the green grass of the meadow.

  The energy overload shocked my system for just a second. Though I was getting quicker at recovering, and also used to feeling the energies mix with my own. Two things happened simultaneously as I finally opened my eyes: Elliott swung me up in his arms and rain drops fell on my face.

  “You did it! You projected on purpose!” Elliott’s aura glowed with happiness and our embrace became a kiss. “I’m so proud of you!” was the first thing he said when my lips let his free.

  I couldn’t help but be proud of myself too. “Thanks. It was really easy!” My smile seemed to radiate off me. Still in Elliott’s arms, I looked up. “Why is it raining?”

  “I want to hear everything Miele. How did you do it? Was I right about Nicholas? Did he help you?”

  The smile was plastered to my face. I chuckled at the onslaught of questions. “One at a time. First, why is it raining?” I repeated my question. For although rain was trickling down from the star filled heavens, not a cloud was in the sky.

  “Water is a window to other worlds Lilly. We are both overflowing with happiness, and the universe responds in kind.” He laid me down on the grass amongst the lavender. The smells seemed enhanced with the addition of the fresh scent of rain.

  “I don’t get it. What do you mean the universe responds to our emotions?”

  “I’d really rather hear how you projected.”

  “Please?” My eyes lowered and I shook my head. “You first.”

  “Va bene. (Alright.) Close your eyes,” he paused. “Can you feel the energy of the grass and flowers around you?”


  “Can you feel the soul of the heavens above?”


  “Can you feel my soul?”

  My answer was the most true statement I had ever made. “Yes.” I opened my eyes to the green sea of his staring back at me.

  “Well mia amore, we can feel their energies, and they can also feel ours.”

  I turned my confused face back towards the falling heavens. “How?”

  “Everything that came from nature is connected. Think about your meadow. You go there because you feel good hiding amongst the trees and leaves and grasses and flowers. Whether or not you realized it, you go there because you enjoy mixing your energy with nature. Most people lose touch with the world. Never stopping to appreciate a gentle breeze, the beauty and scent of a freshly bloomed flower, and most never look up at one of the most amazing sights they would ever see in the stars above. But just because they don’t bother to pay attention, doesn’t mean the connection isn’t there. Its raining down a celebration of happiness. Water is one of the most sensitive elements to emotions.”

  “I think I get it, maybe. Does that have something to do with water is the key?”

  “A part, yes. The most important thing to take from all this is that when you start to look at things differently is when you see what’s really there.”

  I couldn’t help myself. I hugged Elliott close as the water fell from above. He was right though. The rain did feel happy somehow. The warm raindrops fell on our face as I moved my lips closer to his for a kiss. His soft lips moved over mine with such skill. He knew exactly what I liked. I guess he would know after being together for such a long time. I only wish I could remember it. After what felt like only a few minutes of twisting our tongues, and subsequently energies, together Elliott started to pull back and nibble on my lip. I opened my eyes when his lips had made it to my cheek. “What?” I asked.

  “It’s time you go.” I knew I shouldn’t, but I felt hurt. He could see it in my eyes. “I don’t want you to go Miele, but its almost light.”

  I looked around and noticed the stars and raindrops were starting to fade. The sky was a beautiful mix of pink and orange. I hugged Elliott close and breathed him in. I would never get over how he smelled so good. “How do I get back?”

  “If your body gets startled, you automatically fall back. It’s like a safety reflex. Getting back on purpose isn’t hard though. Close your eyes and feel the beating of your heart. Concentrate on it. I’ll miss you mia amore. But now I know I will see you soon.”

  I closed my eyes. Elliott’s lips softly kissed my forehead. I did as he said and concentrated on the beating of my heart. The ground seemed to disappear beneath me and I felt the familiar falling sensation I was expecting. The wind quit whipping my hair in my face and I could feel two big arms wrapped around me and the smell of musk on his skin.

  Chapter 17. The Secret

  Jumping up, awake and excited at finding a way to project, I launched myself onto Nicholas.

  “Thank you! Thank you!” It took so much self control not to scream the words at him. Screaming would surely wake up my mom.

  Nicholas looked down at me, confused. “You’re welcome? For what... again?”

  All I could do was smile. Every pore of my body was radiating happiness. I wrapped my arms around his neck and gave him a big hug. “For coming over.” Without thinking I pecked Nicholas on the lips. As soon as my lips touched his I jumped back and ran to my bedroom door. Whoops. Big mistake.

  “Sorry.” My face was scrunched up all confused. “Can you come back tonight?” I asked, eager to project again.

  Nicholas stared back at me, obviously not understanding how he made me so happy by the look on his face. He yawned. After a second of looking around, he looked at me and said, “Love to Lilly.”

  I mouthed, “bye,” as I closed the door to my room and skipped down
the stairs.

  The fresh smell of coffee percolated up and met me at the kitchen door. Meredith was already awake. She sat at the table reading the morning paper, taking the occasional sip of coffee. When I walked in, she looked up.

  “You’re up early Lilly Bug.” She looked at the clock above the sink.

  I couldn’t help but look at the clock too. 6:37. Wow. I didn’t think I’d ever been up and actually peppy at this hour before. I did my best to not skip my way into the kitchen, but it was hard to hide the spring in my step. I saw my mother re-assess me from the corner of her eye.

  Failing miserably, I did my best to act casual as I dropped two Pop-Tarts into the toaster and fixed the setting to burnt, where it should be. Unfortunately, she wasn’t fooled.

  “So why are you up so early Lil?”

  I shrugged my shoulders playing it up a bit as I pulled my nicely blackened breakfast from the toaster. “I dunno.” I took a bite as I sat down at the table. My mind quickly floated away. I found myself daydreaming about being with Elliott. In the my meadow. In Italy. In the strange but beautiful alternate world meadow. It didn’t matter where we were. The only thing that mattered was that we were together. And we could be now that I had figured out how to project.

  The little ding ding sound of Meredith stirring her coffee brought me back to the table and my breakfast. I realized a few seconds too late that I was grinning from ear to ear. Without warning my mom ran her hand through my short messy spikes.

  “You are definitely twitter-pated, kid.”

  I looked back at her with a start. “I don’t know what you mean mom.”

  “Sure you don’t.” Her eyes were trying with all their might to penetrate my thoughts.

  I decided it would probably be safer to finish my breakfast in my room. I scooped up my uneaten Pop-Tart and started to leave.

  “Where are you going?” She asked me, a bit suspiciously. “Going to go meet anyone?”

  “Nope.” Not until later anyway. “You’re right, it’s early. I think I’ll go back to bed.” I had serious doubts that I would fall back to sleep with how hyped up I was, but anywhere was better than getting cross-examined by the gossip queen.


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