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Atlantis Page 17

by Lisa Graves


  “Yes?” His voice was much too close to me. He was liking this.

  “How about that candle?”

  The second he moved away from me I backed into a corner and pulled my knees to my chest.

  I was as quiet as the mice that were surely around me. The sound of the lighter broke the silence. Nicholas lit the candle and sat back down beside me. I could tell he was hoping to snuggle up, but we needed to talk. His ultra-thick skull seemed to have issues comprehending we are just friends, so I was going to have to be a bit more direct. I really didn’t want to hurt him.

  He spoke first. “We’re alone hoe. As requested.” I saw him wink at me in the dim candlelight.

  “Last night’s a bit fuzzy, but I seem to recall telling you we are just friends.”

  “Yeah, I remember. But...”

  “But what?” I was getting annoyed.

  He smiled. “But then you kissed me.”

  Yep. Delusional. At least I wasn’t the craziest one in the room and I had an imaginary boyfriend according to Charlotte. “I did NOT kiss you.”

  “The first part was CPR. By the way, I’m happy to save your life anytime. But you definitely were kissing me before you passed out.”

  I was going to have to be mean to him, and I didn’t want to. Nicholas was my anchor. And I was going to have to hurt him. I couldn’t look at his face. I blew out the candle.

  In the shadows, his husky voice whispered, “Do you want to cuddle?”


  “I don’t get it.”

  “Please listen to me. Really listen.”

  He hesitated then replied, “Okay?”

  “I love you, but...”


  My words floated into the darkness, cutting my target with dead-on accuracy. “I’m not in love with you. You are my best friend, but that is it.”

  “Lilly, come on...”

  “Nicholas. I love Elliott.”

  The silence was almost as pressing as the darkness. Nothing stirred. I didn’t dare breath. “I’m sorry,” I whispered.

  He didn’t say a word. I heard the sound of him moving around before I saw his silhouette walk out the door. I hurt inside. The pain was ripping me open. An ocean of tears flowed from my eyes, and I curled up on his blanket and cried myself to sleep.

  I opened my eyes to the familiar darkness. Water was dripping somewhere in the background. As I sat up, salty ocean air blew in my face. Then, I realized, I wasn’t in the cellar anymore.

  I looked around at the damp stone walls of my room. Instinctively, I knew where I was. I was in my room in the underground, a long time ago. It was dark. A faint reflection of light found its way from somewhere in the distance. All I could make out were rough shadows, but I wasn’t afraid. This was my home.

  It was as if I was reliving a repressed memory, again. My body moved as though I had done this all before. As I stood up, I felt the straw and blankets that had made up my bed with my bare feet and walked confidently through the darkness. I noticed these things in my thoughts, but they were not new to me.

  Quickly, I walked forward through the shadows. I welcomed them. It was as if this were a path I knew well. My hands swept the cool stone walls as I found my way through the darkness and up a flight of stairs. I didn’t even wonder where I was headed. My heart knew the answer. I was going to meet Elliott.

  A glimmer of light caught my eye. I looked to my left and saw my opal ring around my ring finger. So Elliott had given it to me a long time ago. I wish I could remember the details. The small stone was so brilliant, but I didn’t look at it now. Even though it was beautiful, something, no someone, else had my attention.

  I could feel it in my soul. An intensity was building with every step I took. I was traveling through this underground world, driven by a pull I didn’t quite understand, towards my other half.

  I surfaced in the catacombs of San Lorenzo Maggiore from the very place Elliott had followed me down. Cautiously, I moved the stone that gave away my crypt. I peeked out from under the rock, but there was no one around. It was late.

  With fire and purpose in my heart, I made my way up to the cloister. Standing in the moonlight and rain was Elliott. No sooner had I saw him, I threw myself in his waiting arms. I was with my other half again. I was complete.

  “Che vuoi fare, Miele? (What would you like to do honey?)” Elliott asked. Raindrops fell from his chocolate hair. I looked up into his hazel green eyes and smiled.

  “Come? (What?)” I asked.

  “Niente. (Nothing.)”

  It hadn’t occurred to me when Elliott spoke. But when another language flowed from my tongue I was taken aback as this memory played out in my dreams. Here we were, in the Italy of 1719. It only made sense that we spoke Italian. No, I spoke Italian. But as the present-day spectator me watched this movie play out, I realized that I probably had been speaking Italian the last time I dreamt of this era. Since I already knew it all, my thoughts automatically translated. Weird, but cool.

  “Why are you looking at me like that?”

  I smiled. He was speaking Italian and I was understanding every word. As I had been distracted by my little discovery, my 1719 self had been distracted by something much better, Elliott’s face.

  I gave myself over to my other self and watched history take place.

  “I love you Elliott.” The words flowed from my mouth and I could feel the truth of them resonate in every fiber of my being.

  “I love you too.”

  I nibbled my bottom lip as I gazed up into his eyes. “So what do you want to do?” The rain continued to fall on us in the moonlight. “Do you have all night?”

  “All night.” Elliott winked at me. “Actually, there is somewhere I would like to take you.”

  “Anywhere is fine by me. As long as we’re together.” I hugged him close. Our wet clothes clung to our bodies. It was summer now and it was a warm night rain. The gardenias growing up the columns perfumed the cloister and our clothes. It smelled amazing.

  He didn’t say a word as he looked down into my blue eyes. His powerful hands cupped my face and neck and then he kissed me as the sky fell down. As Elliott nibbled my bottom lip, his hand moved down my neck, down my shoulder and followed my arm down until our hands were locked. Only when he had me locked in another sort of embrace did he finish the kiss. I followed him as he led me into the church and out of the rain.

  We weren’t out of the rain for long, however. Elliott led me silently down Via Duomo. All I did was follow with anticipation. Where was he taking me? After five or six blocks I still couldn’t fathom where we were going. I looked ahead as we walked, the moonlight glistening off the wet cobblestones. The rain continued on in a soft drizzle. I couldn’t wait any longer.

  “Where are we going?”

  Elliott looked back at me and winked. “Not far my love. It’s a surprise.” His face was alive with as much excitement as I felt. Our energies coursed through our joined hands and increased the butterflies of anticipation every step of the way. I’d always enjoyed the energy of rain, and it was peculiarly intensified with him beside me.

  Elliott stopped only once in La Piazza Nicola Amore. A big beautiful rose bush grew up one of the building walls. He paused only to pick me the biggest white bloom and present it to me with a kiss before continuing to pull me towards my surprise.

  We walked another six blocks or so before I realized where we were headed, the bay. Elliott slowly led me down to the waters edge. He couldn’t stop smiling. Every time our eyes met, it was like an electric shiver up my spine, tingles.

  I stood on the shore, just out of reach of the waves as the tide rolled in. Elliott turned to me and held both of my hands in his. His honey coated voice filled the air. “Lillianna.”


  “Close your eyes.”

  I scrunched up my face and one of my eyebrows raised.

  “Please, Lillianna.” No one could resist that voice.

sp; I closed my eyes. The smell of the salt water seemed more potent now that I was paying attention. His hands let go of mine and I peeked out of my left eye.

  He was watching me. “Keep them closed. You don’t want to ruin the surprise, do you?”

  I re-shut my eye. In the darkness I listened as the pebbled shore crunched beneath his feet. He moved away from me but he didn’t go far. The waves were making it difficult to distinguish individual sounds. I did hear something swoosh through the air like a sheet beating on the clothesline. But then it went away, leaving the music of the ocean.

  The rain was barely a drizzle now. I felt fewer and fewer drops hit my face. It hadn’t been more than a few moments, but I have never been the most patient person. I was about to peek when the tingly sensation hit me hard and strong on my lips. My eyes flew open in surprise as Elliott pressed his lips to mine. He smiled at me, but didn’t stop. He grabbed my neck to pull me in closer. His warm hands sent more waves of electricity down my spine. I couldn’t help but swoon.

  When he pulled away, I could only stand there bitting my lip and staring into his emerald eyes. Elliott’s teeth shone bright as his smile reached his ears. “So, what do you think?”

  I had been too caught up in Elliott that I had completely spaced the surprise. I looked over, and in the water was a small row boat with a big umbrella propped up at an angle coming out of it. I smiled back at him.

  He took my hand and led me to the place to step into the boat. “After you.”

  “Thanks.” I took a seat under the umbrella. There was a blanket and bottle of wine on the floor beside me. Water continued to fall from the sky.

  Elliott pushed the boat away from the shore, getting wet up to his knees in the process. He climbed aboard and assumed the rowing station. We were silent as he rowed us out into the gentle waves of the protected bay. I think we were both enjoying the atmosphere of love and raindrops too much to clutter it up with words.

  When we were out a ways in the bay, Elliott quit rowing to come and sit beside me. He wrapped the blanket around both of us, more for comfort than warmth. Just being near him was enough heat for me. He popped the cork of the wine bottle.

  He tilted his head down to look me in the eyes. “Sorry, I forgot glasses.”

  He handed me the bottle. “That’s alright.” I took it and took a sip. “Thanks for everything Elliott. This is amazing.” He cuddled closer.

  “I thought you would like it.”

  We both looked out over the water. The reflection of the moon bouncing on the waves while the moon itself was busy being our light. The salt water filled the air. I put my rose in my lap and took another sip of wine. “This is the best surprise ever.”

  Elliott took the bottle as he looked at me with a funny expression on his face. His eyebrows knotted up in confusion before he took a sip and smiled.

  “What?” I asked.

  “This isn’t the surprise.” His tone was even as though that should be obvious. I looked around trying to figure out what he was saying.

  “I don’t think I get it. What is the surprise then?” My shoulders shrugged up.

  Elliott leaned in and whispered in my ear. He was so close I could feel his lips brush my skin. “I’ve found a way for us to be together.”

  I whispered back with a soft sarcasm. “We are together.”


  Chapter 16. Raindrops

  The next thing I saw was nothing. It was utter darkness. There was a musty smell of stale air and dirt. A soft powdery texture was under my fingers. But wasn’t it raining? I rolled over as dim rays of the setting sun broke through the still cracked door.

  I hate when I wake up in the middle of a really good dream! Especially since I was certain it was more than a dream. A memory maybe? But much, much more vivid. I let a low groan escape from my lips as I crawled my way to standing. I felt my way towards the opening. Pushing open the heavy wood door, I squinted my eyes in preparation for light, but there wasn’t much. It must be late. How long had I been asleep?

  The crunch of the dead leaves sounded under my feet as I slowly walked home. So many things were racing through my mind. Elliott, Italy, and my fight with Nicholas were at the top of my list. I found myself glancing down at the ring on my hand when a certain memory came flooding back into my thoughts.

  The camera!

  The beats of my heart made time with my feet as I ran the rest of the way home. I wasn’t thinking about anything but getting to that camera as fast as possible. I didn’t even break from the trees to the street in stealth, as I usually did. I should have been more careful.

  I made it up to my room without encountering my mom, Soph, or Nicholas (an even more amazing feat). The desk drawer was opened in a flash and I quickly snatched the camera out, grabbed my red tattered journal, and tucked myself in the solitude of my closet.

  Quiet as a mouse, I turned the camera on. There was a message.

  I’m okay. See you soon. Hopefully.

  Miele. What happened?

  I dropped the camera in my lap and flipped through my journal to a blank page.

  Sorry. I was taking a bath and something happened. Did I project on my own?

  I crossed my fingers and took a picture of the words I had just written.

  Sorry. I was taking a bath and something happened. Did I project on my own?

  You’re getting close mia amore. I can feel your energy more clearly every day. Can I tell you something? I have a theory that might help you project.

  I couldn’t write the words fast enough.

  Yes! Please! Anything that will help me figure it out would be great!

  Click. View.

  Yes! Please! Anything that will help me figure it out would be great!

  I hate to say this...

  What!? Elliott can’t seriously leave me hanging like that. But there was no more. I zoomed in to see if I had somehow missed part of his message. Nope. Nothing else. I wrote:

  What? What is it Elliott? What’s the matter?

  Click. View.

  What? What is it Elliott? What’s the matter?

  I think Nicholas is a factor in your projecting abilities. I think he is affecting it somehow.

  I wrote back:

  How? In a bad way? Elliott, you know I love you. Nicholas is just my best friend.

  Please let it be nothing. I crossed my fingers as I took the picture.

  Click. View.

  How? In a bad way? Elliott, you know I love you. Nicholas is just my best friend.

  I know. And thankfully he affects things in a good way. Think back. Think hard. All the times you projected I could sense another energy tied to yours. Someone close by maybe? Was that him?

  Huh? Holy cow! Every single time I had projected I was with Nicholas. Whoa! But how could that affect anything? What was so special about Nicholas? It’s not like I haven’t known him forever. And if it were true, its not like Nicholas was going to help me willingly learn how to project myself to be with another man.

  It took me a minute to slow my mind from racing. There was just so much to consider and try to figure out. Finally, after I thought for a moment, I wrote Elliott back.

  Yes. Nicholas was with me each time I projected on accident. What do you think it means?

  Click. View.

  Yes. Nicholas was with me each time I projected on accident. What do you think it means?

  I’m not sure yet, but is there any way you can try to project with him today? I want to know for sure if I’m right about it first.

  Could I get Nicholas to help me? I doubt it. Maybe if I just didn’t tell him what I was up to? Again, my mind ran rampant with devious plans and different ways to trick Nicholas into helping me be with Elliott. I bit my lip. I turned the page and I started to write down a reply when I heard someone shuffling around in my room. It was probably Meredith. I tried to hurry.

  I’ll try. I love you.

  Click. But before I could switch the screen to view mode the closet doo
r opened. I looked up to see Nicholas looking down at me.

  “Is this your new clubhouse hoe?” He smiled. “Can I join you?”

  I moved to get up. My journal fell from my lap and landed open on the floor. Unfortunately, Nicholas picked it up before I could.

  “What is this Lil? I’ll try. I love you.”

  I’m sure there was a panicked gleam in my eyes. “Uh?” I shrugged my shoulders.

  “That sure is a funny way to write in your journal.” He paused as a peculiar look crossed his face. Nicholas quickly corrected his composure though, and handed me my journal. He gave me his hand to help me up and added, “Typically you would write the name of who you love. Like, I love Nicholas, for example.” His smile was big and bright.

  “I guess I should take lessons.”

  Just then my mom called to me from downstairs. “Lilly! Dinner!”

  “Be down in a sec,” I yelled back before turning to Nicholas. “Can I see you later tonight?”

  The sparkle in his brown eyes was heartbreaking. He pulled me close and gave me one of his big bear hugs. “Of course Lil. When? Where?”

  Hmm? I thought for a moment. The meadow was a good option. It seemed to be mine and Elliott’s though, and it felt wrong to ask Nicholas there. Maybe Nicholas’s cellar hideaway? No. Too many unknown bugs for me to be relaxed and comfortable there. Nicholas was here with me two of the times I projected?

  “How about you come back here? Is two too late?”

  He gave me another squeeze. “It’s perfect.”

  “Lilly! Get down here!”

  I looked up. “You better go.”

  “Okay. See you later hoe.”

  As Nicholas crawled back out my window, I started to leave my room through the door. “Later.”

  I was so excited at the prospect of seeing Elliott later, I couldn’t hide the spring in my step. I practically skipped my way into the kitchen before coming to a screeching halt. Charlotte was sitting at my dinner table.


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