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Goddess Unbound: A Reverse Harem Fantasy (The Airluds Trilogy Book 3)

Page 24

by Nhys Glover

  "Flea, you could have died."

  "So could you. When you went down, I thought you might have been injured by your fall. Anything could have happened to you if you were injured and unable to defend yourself. So I didn't think. I just acted. And it worked out. I had your back. We had each other's back. It worked just like Airsha said it would."

  He groaned and shook his head. "Have you any idea how scared I was when I saw you coming toward me out of the crush? You weren't even paying attention to the fighters around you. All you were looking at was me. And all I was focused on was you, which could have got me killed."

  I smiled apologetically. "But it didn't. And we're both still standing," I reminded him again.

  He kissed me then. A hot, wet and very passionate kiss that tasted of blood and dirt. And it was the best kiss we'd ever shared.

  When we broke apart we were both breathless. I laughed at his odd expression. It looked like he didn't know what to do with me. No, that was wrong. He knew what he wanted to do with me. He wanted to throw me down on the top of some dead bodies and have at me. It had been that kind of kiss. But he wasn't far enough gone to actually do it. So he just looked at me like he was starving, and I was a piece of Bertil's pie he couldn't have. Scratch that, I was the whole fraggin' pie he couldn't have!

  So, yeah, I laughed. Because I was feeling the same way. And it was crazy and wonderful, and I was just so glad we were both still alive.

  The enemy was being rounded up as we made our way across the field of fallen men, back to the edge of the outcrop behind which lay our airling flock and tents. I needed to know who had been lost and who had been injured. I needed to know Airsha and the Airluds had survived. I even wanted to make sure Julz had avoided being caught in the crossfire.

  When I saw Calun walking toward us, a relieved grin on his filthy face, I felt my body finally relax. He wouldn't look so happy if things had gone badly with his brothers or Airsha. He would likely not be looking for us at all.

  'Thank the Goddess you two are all right. We thought we'd lost you both."

  He wrapped me in his warm arms and hugged me tight. My heart hurt with the joy I was feeling right then. So much joy!

  We finally broke apart, and Calun slapped Zem on the shoulder in the manly way men always did with each other. Zem was back to being just a lad again though, and he blushed bright red and cast his gaze to the ground, embarrassed yet pleased to be greeted so fondly by his superior.

  'Tell him I'm proud of him and that he did well to bring you back to us in one piece,' Calun told me.

  "Hey, I brought him back in one piece, not the other way around," I protested, but not very hard.

  'Tell him.'

  I sighed heavily and repeated Calun's words to a still blushing Zem.

  "She nearly got us both killed with her stupid trick, but we both managed to survive," Zem said, not looking at me.

  "I couldn't have known you were all right and didn't need my help, you idiot! I did the only thing I could think of in the moment. It was not a stupid trick! It was a brave act of selfless heroism," I huffed out, crossing my arms over the torn front of my tunic. Belatedly, I noticed that my breasts were partially revealed. I thought to cover myself, but decided I just didn't care that much. It wasn't as if I was well endowed.

  But Zem must have noticed me noticing, because he quickly peeled off his green vest so I could put it on. I grumbled as I did so but was secretly pleased. Everything pleased me right then.

  Arms around each other's shoulders, we made our way to our tents. The battle was won. The war was over. And I was so happy my heart felt like breaking free of my chest and taking to the sky like an airling.



  I stood staring out over the paddock where airlings grazed peacefully. My heart filled with contentment at the sight of them. Though we had only lost a dozen of them over the course of the rebellion, including the three that killed each other because of Airshin's treachery, it had taken its toll on the breed as a whole. The innate peace that had always been present in them was less prevalent now. It was like the human world had tainted them. I hoped that time would heal and cleanse that taint and bring back their peace. In a way, it was like a child discovering for the first time that not everyone could be trusted. I called it loss of innocence. My beautiful airlings had lost their innocence.

  Most of them returned to the wild once the rebellion was over. Their riders had regretted their loss, but understood it and returned to their own lives. Some had stayed, Flea's Spot and Zem's Storm, for instance. I was happy for them, knowing just how much it would have hurt the human part of their bond if it had been broken.

  After the dust settled, we also discovered the reason the Godling had been so short of magical sons in the final battle. Many had turned against the man who had killed their father, and though they were unwilling to join the rebellion, they'd remained absent during the crucial final battle. I doubt their presence would have made a difference to the end result, but I was glad they'd made that decision. Now they were firmly within the new governing structure, along with their Ab brothers and magical sisters. Anyone with magic held a place of power in the new government, but none were allowed to abuse it.

  We had been given the original Airling Training Centre as our country home. It was where we all liked to spend the time I was not involved with the governance of the new world order. For the first sun after the rebellion I was forced to remain at the Godslund palace, playing mediator between the factions that had immediately sprung into being after the rebellion ended. Royals versus commoners, one kinglund versus another. Exhausting, infuriating and time-consuming work. It hadn't helped that I'd done most of it pregnant and then as a new mother. Luckily, a wet-nurse was found for Trace and the nursery located well down the hall from our room, so we all got the sleep we needed to deal with the many political challenges we faced.

  Trace came into the world a little late, but displaying all the charm his father had had by winning the hearts of everyone who looked on him. With skin the colour of dark honey and hair blacker than even Dark's, there was no doubt who his father was. And I was glad I'd been right. Glad I still had a small part of Trace to love. So I had called him after his father and loved him as much as my other two childlings.

  My husbands didn't have to deliver him, for which they were endlessly grateful. But they had taken to the babe as easily as they had to the twins, even if they had not been over-fond of his father. I think Trace Senior had gone up in their estimation as soon as he died. A sad statement of the possessive nature of my men.

  But there was no such reservation placed on Trace Junior. He was theirs because he was mine. And once Trace grew old enough to crawl, he was adopted as playmate by his slightly older siblings, and all was right in the nursery. Goddess help us, when they all became old enough to get into real mischief together. Trace and Dalma would be the ringleaders, of course, while the more timid and gentle Ramin would follow along just because he felt he should.

  I was very careful never to make him feel inferior because he wasn't the outgoing ruffian his sister was. Calun helped a lot with that, being the closest in temperament to him. And, of course, Rama always showed him more than his fair share of attention, no matter how often I pointed out to him what he was doing. The fact his son wasn't like him never ceased to give him the peace he needed.

  I remember the day he decided neither of his childlings was a bad seed. He and I had been lazing on a blanket in the winter sun watching them playing companionably with a litter of wadjas.

  "They're so gentle with them," he observed. "I think I can safely say they're both untainted by my bad blood."

  I took a moment to process his words before I answered. When I did, it was in the same contemplative tone he used.

  "Did you harm wadjas or other creatures when you were little?"

  He shook his head absently. "Of course not."

  "Then if you have decided our childings' blood is untai
nted because they are gentle with weaker creatures than themselves − and you did the same when you were little − is it possible you aren't the bad seed you determined yourself to be?"

  He'd laughed at me then, in that free and easy way that was becoming more prevalent as the moons and suns rolled by. "You win, Goddess. You always win. I am no bad seed. Are you happy now?"

  And I kissed him then, until we were both breathless and wishing we were not babysitting our young.

  I'd like to believe his inner bastard will no longer harp at him, now he's happy. But I doubt that will be the case, any more than it is the case with my inner bitch. Though others may have the same shadowy aspects to them as we do, constantly riding them for their inadequacies, I doubt most are as powerful as ours. Why that is, I don't know and will probably never know. Just like I will never know why Jaron has a way of always seeing the funny side of life and why Calun feels more than any person I know. Or why Dark feels it is his responsibility to solve the world's problems all by himself. It is in our natures. And Rama and I have a nature that is intense and prone to self-abuse. But on the positive side, it also makes us intense in the bedroom, which I personally find an advantage. None of my husbands have complained about it either, so...

  As if on cue, the screen door of the homestead opened and I heard footsteps coming up behind me. Dark, of course. It was always Dark who found me in my reflective moments. And he was the only one of my husbands who remained at home today to watch over me.

  He pressed his body against mine, wrapping his arms around my slim waist. Not for long. It would not be slim for long. I had missed my courses and after a sun's reprieve, I was once more breeding. The Goddess and her stupid Prophesy was to blame for it, of course. Her and her, 'she will have many magical childlings to many men', or however it went. I intentionally forget about that Prophesy whenever possible. I had no desire to live my life as a pre-ordained event. Where was the magic in that?

  "Not brooding, Beloved?" Dark asked, a smile in his voice.

  "I'm broody but not brooding," I countered, happy with the wordplay.

  "Not so happy to be pregnant again?" He leaned in to nibble at my ear.

  "I am just angry I have to be a brood mare for the Goddess. Just because She is the mother of all creation doesn't mean I have to be. There are plenty of magic carriers in the world. And now the bloodlines are being studied, there will soon be even more magic in the world."

  "Forming bonds because of blood seems a very bad idea. Where is the love in that?"

  I gave a laugh. "You are such a romantic. When have most people in power ever married for love? We are the lucky ones. The lucky few, it seems to me."

  He kissed my neck. "We are indeed. And if it's possible, our love keeps getting deeper and more intense the longer we do it."

  "Do it?" I wriggled my eyebrows, even though I knew he couldn't see my face. But my tone must have conveyed my meaning well enough, because he laughed.

  "Love. And I don't just mean the sexual variety, as you well know."

  "Do I? Mayhap I do. But I do think the deeper it is, the better I like it. And intense is my favourite thing." My voice oozed lechery.

  He barked another laugh so loudly the airlings in the paddock looked our way. "You are incorrigible. Coming back here always puts an added zing in your step."

  I sighed. "I love it here. When they gave this place to us, I was afraid I would be reminded of Airshin and all the terrible things that happened here. But it hasn't been like that at all. Probably because a lot of wonderful things happened here too. Like the birth of the twins."

  Dark groaned and bit my shoulder. "Don't remind me. I had nightmares that I'd end up playing midwife to Trace too. I was mightily glad those dreams didn't come true."

  "But you never had to juggle them, did you? Though Rama's swinging thing was pretty close to juggling. Not nearly as funny though. At the time. A bit funny now."

  "As you are in such a good mood, and the place is rather quiet right now with my brothers and your mother in town, could I talk you into a little play?" Dark sucked my lobe into his mouth, and I felt arousal spike.

  "You mean out here?" I asked, my breathing already coming faster at the idea.

  "I know for a fact that that wall makes for an excellent spot for taking pleasure. I tried it once with another pregnant woman. It was our first time as a couple, in fact. So it holds a very special place in my heart."

  I giggled and turned in his arms so I could wrap his long hair around my hands. "For me too. I hadn't thought of it as our first time as a couple though. Mayhap this could be an anniversary of sorts."

  I pulled back on his hair and rose up on my toes, so I could nibble at his throat. Then my toes started hurting, so I dropped down again, let his hair go reluctantly, and allowed him to come down to me for the kiss we both needed so desperately.

  Long and deep. The kiss was long and deep, just the way I loved them. And by the time we broke apart, panting, I knew wildness had claimed us both. Dark thrust his hand beneath the bodice of my gown and cupped a sensitive mound in his big hand. I never went back to being small-breasted after Trace, but I was not large either. Being a small woman had its advantages or disadvantages, depending on your preferences.

  But I was supremely sensitive, especially at the moment, and so his kneading had my toes curling in moments. When he twisted my nipple between his thumb and finger I threw back my head and moaned. In the next instant, I was flat against the wall of the homestead with Dark's other hand up my skirt.

  I laughed as I panted. For an old married couple with three childlings we were still as passionate and desperate for each other as we had been at the start. As his work-roughened hand slid up my inner thigh, my core wept for what was to come. When strong, confident fingers found their way into my folds I bucked a little in his arms, my attention drawn away from my breast. I brought Dark's face to mine so I could thrust my tongue deep into his mouth, tasting him and feeling his wet heat as he was preparing to feel mine. As his finger breeched me, I drew his tongue into my mouth and sucked on it hard.

  He groaned and pushed into me with one and then two fingers, using the heel of his palm on my pleasure nub.

  Kissing was suddenly not enough, fingers inside me were not enough. I needed him.

  My hands found their fevered way between our bodies, and I freed him in an instant. For a few precious moments, I felt his cock in my hands, hard and silken and so very familiar. He bucked and pulsed in my palms, telling me what he needed.

  I let Dark lift me up to meet him, my legs wrapping around his hips. When I placed him just where he needed to be, I moaned. That moment when his mushroomed head breeched me was always special. But this time... this time it felt even more so. I squirmed, making the most of the feeling just before he slid home. Gods, that felt good!

  Once Dark was fully sheathed inside me, we paused again, panting and joyous. "I love you. Have I told you that recently?"

  He gave a smirking smile that filled his indigo eyes with stars. "You might have done. But I can't remember. Want to tell me again?"

  I smirked back. "I love you, Darkin. The luckiest moment of my life was when you came upon me in your little Badlunds town and saved me from a life of whoredom. Although there would be some who'd say that is exactly what I got."

  I giggled a little when I remembered the expressions on some of the Godslund nobilities' faces when they found out I shared my bed with four men at the same time. I will admit to flaunting it a tad, just to see those looks of horror and affront.

  The Godslund nobility had been a nightmare to bring into line, and I'd been forced to detain a few of the more troublesome ones in the same prison I'd created for my nephew. On the other hand, the ex-new Godling's harem had been delighted to be freed, as had my father's wives and daughters. And at least one magical daughter coming into her womanhood, and magic, had been saved from the fate of castration.

  "I hate it when you let them get away with calling you names," Dark
grumbled, caught between passion and annoyance. I probably shouldn't have distracted us. I sought to remedy that by kissing his mouth and sucking on his plump lower lip.

  "But I may never have told you how grateful I was to you for finding me," I murmured into his mouth, changing the subject a little.

  He kissed me then. Not with the passion of bed-play but with something more. Like I'd touched on a deep wound and reminding him of it made him all the more desperate for me. Desperate to reinforce in his own mind that I was his. I understood its source a moment later.

  "It was such a hit and miss thing. If we'd put it off for another day as Rama had wanted... Gods, I hate to think..."

  Ah, that was it. A worry over what could have been. We all had plenty of those.

  I shifted my hips, so I could feel him deep inside me. I saw pleasure flare in his eyes as his breath caught.

  "There was never any doubt it would all play out as it did. The Goddess was in charge, remember? Though I chaff at Her controlling my life, I cannot deny the advantages of it. Without Her we may never have met."

  Dark thrust inside me, pushing at my womb with his blunt head. "Without Her."

  After that there was no time for talking, no time for anything but feeling. Dark pumped into me, using his arms to control his thrusts, using the wall to keep me still so he could do with me as he wished. And he did, slow at first, and then harder and faster, until the sweat was running in rivulets down his face and his expression was frozen into a mask of concentration.

  We didn't kiss again, both needing our mouths for breath. Both needing to focus on where our bodies joined. I dug my fingernails into his back as the tension reached fever-pitch. The pleasure was almost more than I could stand. And then I was flying. I cried out Dark's name and, in the next moment, felt him coming with me − flying free and untethered. Unbound like the Goddess. My body clamped tight around him and sucked him dry.


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