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Page 2

by Saskia Walker

  Lanky Harry shook his head. “Lara, you really don’t have to put up with this. It’s not worth it. I warned you he wouldn’t know how to behave.”

  That annoyed Draco. “How do we know you’re not the one draining the company’s fuel?”

  Lara laughed, briefly. “He has a point, Harry. Now, you agreed this was one way to approach the matter, let me see it through.

  Lanky Harry gestured dismissively and faced front. Draco noticed him glaring at them in the rear-view mirror and winked at him.

  “Uncivilized,” Harry shot back. “Just as I expected. Doesn’t even have a real name.”

  “Draco Vaughn. Pleased to meet you.” He inclined his head at the girl, who was even younger than he’d first thought. Maybe only nineteen or twenty, a similar age to his sister, Sky.

  “Draco,” she repeated, staring at him with wide eyes.

  He wanted her. “Thanks for the offer, but I don’t hack any more. I’m not going to jail, not for anyone, no matter how gorgeous.”

  She ignored his flattery, opened up her laptop bag and pulled out a printed document, gesturing at it. “No one is going to jail. If our mission is exposed before completion, you’ll have a signed contract from me to cover your back, proving you’re acting on my instructions. I’m the one who’ll take the rap”

  Draco studied her silently. She did have it all worked out, and if he took her at face value and she was being honest, she could be in big trouble. If it went badly she was the one in the firing line. “Basically, you want to impress your dad?”

  “That’s not exactly how I would put it, but yes, I suppose so.” She gave a trite smile. “I prefer to think of it as getting the results for the family company before my brothers do.”

  “Ah, so you want to beat your brothers to the prize.”

  She looked at him over the edge of her glasses then pushed them up to the bridge of her nose with one finger and tried once again to draw his attention to the document.

  “I’ll admit there’s an element of competition in it. I’m the one taking the most risks with a maverick approach to the investigation.” She threw him an accusing glance. “But they have a head start on me. I’m joining the competition late.”

  “What happened, weren’t you invited?”

  She inhaled deeply and paused before she replied.

  Draco smiled himself. He’d hit a nerve there. She may be all fancy, playing the business dude and trying to impress him with her chauffeur driven car and her lanky buddy trailing behind her, but he could see there was more to it.

  “In one sense, you’re right. I wasn’t invited. The truth of the matter is my father thinks I’m too young to take part in the business. I don’t agree. I’ve completed one year of my business degree. He’s allowed me on the inside during summer vacation and I want to prove my worth.”

  “Now it’s getting interesting.”

  Her mouth twitched. “Don’t push your luck, Buddy, I can always offer the job to someone else.”

  He leaned forward closing in on her. “You’re ‘investigation’ shall we call it, is more of an undercover job.”

  She gave a slight nod, as if in approval. “That’s it exactly. My investigation will be undercover and that’s something you’d have to understand.”

  “I still don’t see how this job won’t entail hacking.”

  “Well, you’ll be going in through my password or one that you get allocated once I get you a placement in the company.”

  This was sounding more interesting by the moment. “Password? Where’s the fun in that?”

  “There’ll be plenty of challenges, believe me. If my father hasn’t figured it out already, it’s going to be a tough job to crack.”

  “Maybe your father has figured it out already and it’s just a game for his kids.”

  She glared at him.

  Draco laughed.

  “You really don’t want a bonefide job, do you?”

  That touched a nerve. “So that’s what you really think, unemployed loser hacker. You’re wrong, Lady. I’ve had plenty of bonefide jobs and I don’t need your help to find one.”

  Harry turned around. “Take it easy, both of you. If you’re going to do this you need to work together.”

  Lara nodded at him and pressed her lips together while she considered him at length. She took a deep breath. “Seriously, are you interested or not?”

  “I’m interested. I’m just watching my back every bit as much as you are, lady.” He paused and smiled. He had no intention of walking away, this was far too interesting. Especially her, she had his total attention. “So tell me, how do you plan to get me on the inside? Smuggle me in?”

  “I told my father I had a friend at university who would appreciate the opportunity of a summer placement to gain experience.”

  “How did that go down?”

  She looked rather awkward, took the glasses off and folded them but then kept shifting them in her hands while she thought about her response. “He agreed, but he seems to think the person is special to me.”

  “So not only does this job entail undercover investigation, but I have to pretend to be someone else, someone who’s special to you.” Draco was warming to the idea more by the moment.

  Not only would he get to be inside Compton Finance, where he could wreak a little revenge on behalf of Sean, but he got to hang out with Miss Lara here. He wanted to know exactly what she looked like without her fake glasses and her business suit to impress the crowd. Just as she wanted him to play a part, she was playing a part too. Impress daddy, beat the brothers into his favour, be maverick and stand out.

  She was a royal princess who’d created a summer vacation adventure for herself. It just so happened Draco didn’t have anything else on right then. All he had to do was have fun, stir up some internal trouble, and make sure he didn’t leave a trail.

  “What if I get caught? It wouldn’t look good. My stepbrother is currently incarcerated and you want me to do what’s, in effect, a similar crime, no matter how much you pretty it up.”

  “As I already indicated I’ve had a contract drawn up, entirely legal. It states you’re working for me and that I’ll take full responsibility for all eventualities.”

  That was some burden she was willing to shoulder, by taking him aboard.

  Was she crazy?

  Draco reached for the contract and scanned it. An impressive fee was stated at the end. Money clearly wasn’t an issue for her.

  Weighing it up, he knew it was a crazy risk. He really didn’t want a police record, but if he had the contract why not seek a little revenge, especially if he got to spend time with pretty miss daddy’s girl. “Aren’t you worried I’ll help myself, once I get access to the company software?”

  “I’d be stupid not to be aware of that risk.”

  Something about the way she said “risk” triggered a reaction in Draco, as if in saying it, heavily weighted with meaning, she was calling to something inside him.

  She was a risk taker. This really was her summer vacation adventure.

  “However,” she continued, “I figure you’re being offered a decent fee, seventy five percent of which is on closure, and the other path open to you, while tempting, would lead you to prosecution and no fee.”

  He nodded.

  “Any other concerns?”

  “Tell me what you know about the fraud.”

  She arched eyebrows slightly. “Does that mean you’re going to take on the task?”

  He gave a noncommittal shrug. What did he have to lose? His liberty, if it went wrong. He’d have to tread carefully, watch his back. This job might just fill time before he moved on to something long term.

  Miss Lara was waiting for his reply. She leaned toward him, obviously anxious. What would be like to kiss those lush lips of hers? He wanted to know.

  “Let’s just say I’m warming to the idea.” He gave her a long lingering look so she had no doubt what he meant he was warming to. It was almost imperceptible, bu
t the reaction was there. She inhaled sharply. He half expected her to draw away, but she met his stare levelly.

  “I’m glad to hear it. I’m risking a lot here.”

  She certainly was. Especially daddy’s disapproval if he found out she’d let a hacker into his inner sanctum, a hacker with revenge on his mind. Getting his hands on their precious software would open plenty of opportunities to cause chaos. Could it get any more enticing? Draco looked her up and down, and smiled.

  She returned his smile.

  “We’re both taking a risk,” he replied. “Tell me about your brothers. I need to know about the competition before I make my final decision.”

  “You’ll meet them soon enough, if you accept my challenge.” Her eyes brightened, her lips parting.

  You’re the challenge, not the job, he mused to himself.

  Draco looked at her soft, open mouth, and he knew he couldn’t walk away. “When do we start?”


  Lara waited patiently outside the designated meeting point and prayed she wasn’t wasting her time waiting for the Welshdragon. The name amused her, and now she knew that his real name was Draco, it made so much more sense.

  She glanced at her watch.

  Mr. Draco Vaughn, hacker extraordinaire, had one minute to get there or he was late. This was a test. If he didn’t turn up for a fancy free suit, there was no hope of him buckling down to her timetable and seeing the job through. He’d frowned when she gave him the address to meet her at the next morning, but said he’d be there.

  The bespoke London tailor was used by all the men in the family.

  A notice on the door read, “by appointment only.” Harry had made the appointment, and they were expected. He’d reluctantly agreed the right clothing would give her guy a better chance to fit in.

  She paced up and down, fretting. Doubts crowded in on her. Was the risk too great? Should she end it now, before it went any further? Would he even show? Had she given him enough money upfront?

  Then she heard a whistle from the far end of the street. Draco had turned the corner. She’d been about to give up. Wanted to, even. But the sight of him closing on her made her prickle all over. She glanced again at her watch. He was spot on time. A good start.

  He sauntered over and did a mock bow.

  “Glad you could make it,” she mustered, suddenly realizing this would be their first time alone together. The quicker they got into the tailors the better.

  Nodding her head at the doorway, she arched an eyebrow. “Happy to go inside?”

  “Why not.” He lifted his leather clad shoulders in a shrug. “If you want me to have new threads, I’ll do it.”

  She stepped toward the door.

  His hand on her arm halted her.

  Her heart pounded in her chest. The touch of his hand sent her into some insane sort of panic. At least she figured it was panic.

  “Assuming you aren’t intending to make me look ridiculous,” he added.

  Relieved, she mustered a smile. “I think you’ll be able to endure what I have in mind.”

  Humour danced in his lovely green eyes. She was beginning to realize he had a mischievous streak.

  When she rapped on the door it was quickly unlocked. A slender, be-spectacled gentleman wearing a three piece suit greeted them.

  “We have a booking,” she stated. “Harry Compton arranged it.”

  “Indeed, Madam. Good morning to you both.” He turned to address Draco, looking him up and down while he rearranged the vintage tape measure he had hanging around his neck. “Sir.” He inclined his head. “My name is Carmichael. I will be servicing you today.”

  “Makes me sound like an engine in need of an overhaul,” Draco murmured under his breath as they passed through the door.

  The comment made Lara chuckle.

  “If Madam would like to take a seat.” Carmichael gestured at a sofa with fancy old-gold upholstery.

  “Wonderful, thank you.” Lara headed for the sofa, glancing around. The whole place was antique looking with polished mahogany shelves and cupboards, brass and gold-colored furnishings. The sofa was set out in the middle of the room, like a viewing spot. On a nearby coffee table a selection of elite fashion magazines awaited. She made herself comfortable.

  The walls were painted in lovely shade of old gold, complementing the wooden wall panels, all of which emphasised the prestige of the Saville Row tailors. Generations of the wealthiest clients had shopped here, Lara Compton’s father amongst them.

  As her father came to mind, she glanced at the window. There was no way he or her brothers or anyone associated with them would come to the tailors today. Harry, who was her second cousin once removed, had assured her of that. For starters it was too early in the morning, the place wasn’t usually open until later and the early hour was a favor to Harry, who had shopped there for many years. He’d introduced Draco as his nephew from out of town.

  Lara tried to conceal her smile. Out of town Welsh computer hacker, and didn’t he just look like a fish out of water. He stared around his surroundings with an amused expression, as if he’d never seen anything like it.

  The attendant sized Draco up while he fiddled with his tape measure expectantly. “I’ve got several items off the peg suitable for Sir. If any alterations are needed we can have them done within twenty four hours.”

  Draco gestured at Lara. “‘Mudum’ is in charge. Please consider me a clothes horse for the duration of the appointment.”

  Carmichael lifted an eyebrow but didn’t comment. Instead he proceeded to relieve Draco of his leather jacket, much to Draco’s surprise.

  Lara had to suppress her smile. At first she thought her Hackerboy was going to punch the tailor. Thankfully he realized what was going on and relaxed into it. The tailor disappeared with both jacket and tape measure and returned a moment later pushing a rail packed with suits. The portable selection wheeled easily across the polished parquet flooring.

  So far, the task was going more smoothly than she thought it might, but Draco kept looking at her with a quizzical expression. He’d probably never had a hand-made suit before, probably never even owned a suit. As the thoughts ran through her mind she studied his physique, trying to picture him in a suit. She was rather looking forward to it, although he was undeniably hot and fit, dressed as he was in faded jeans and a tight black T-shirt.

  Carmichael gestured at the rail with a flourish, moving it so they could both see the range of suits on display.

  Draco shoved his hands in his pockets and stared at the vast array with a frown. Meanwhile Carmichael walked behind him and busied himself taking measurements of Draco’s broad back and shoulders, which he scribbled in a small notepad in the palm of his hand. Draco twitched visibly and frowned when he felt the gentleman’s hands on his back, and shot Lara a glance.

  Lara covered her mouth with her hand and glanced away so as not to laugh. When she looked back Draco had reached out and was leafing through the suits on the rack with a curious expression on his face. At least he was taking an interest.

  “How many suits do we require?”

  “How many do we need?” Draco responded, amused.

  Carmichael remained expressionless. “The basic starter wardrobe would include three suits for day wear, a blazer with three sets of trousers for casual wear, a dress suit, and anything else Sir would like to add.”

  “Mudum will decide,” Draco quickly answered and looked at her expectantly.

  “Three day suits and shirts, suitable for work in the finance quarter.”

  Carmichael scribbled again in his notepad.

  “Silk ties,” she added and coughed. “Underwear, I guess.”

  Draco raised his eyebrows, staring at her with an accusing look.

  “Very good, Madam.” He maneuvered Draco’s arms to take more measurements.

  When instructed, Draco turned around. The tailor kneeled down in front of him and began to measure the length of his inside leg. Draco laughed and wi
nked at her.

  She shook her head at him. Behave, she silently admonished him with her eyes as best she could. Mostly she was relieved he hadn’t shot out the door like a scalded cat. It was an odd, old-fashioned environment but he was managing it with good humor. She relaxed back onto the sofa and watched as Carmichael directed Draco’s attention to the two suits in shades of blue, and one black. While Draco had a quick look at them, Carmichael wheeled out a cabinet. It was dark mahogany and at first glance looked like some sort of sideboard, but when opened it revealed racks of silk ties. The tailor pulled out several handles and the railings opened up to display numerous ties arranged in like-colors.

  Lara rose to her feet and stepped over to look at the suits when Carmichael disappeared.

  “Any special requirements of my underwear, Madam?” Draco asked as she approached. “Escape hatch, perhaps?”

  The suggestive look in his eyes deprived her of any rational thought.

  “Nothing that sticks out,” she said, then blushed furiously, “as being unusual or different, I mean.”

  “Nothing should stick out?” He laughed. “I’ll try to keep that in mind.”

  “Behave,” she whispered as Carmichael returned, but she was laughing too.

  And she was aroused, just as she had been when he locked her in against the wall in the side alley, the day before. Was this what it was going to be like? She certainly hadn’t prepared herself for being around such a good looking guy, one who had a sense of humor. She’d pictured herself herding an unwilling accomplice who needed to be reminded of the fee all the time. Draco might have been playing it nonchalantly, but he hadn’t even been in any hurry to take the advance fee from her hand the day before. It crossed her mind how opposed to the idea of doing anything that came close to hacking. He wanted to keep his record clean, and by the sounds of it the business with his stepbrother and Compton Finance had been a good warning to him. It made her trust him more readily than she might have, but he still had to be doing it for the money. It was up to her to make sure he didn’t get into trouble doing her bidding.


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