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Page 4

by K. M. Liss

  She shook off her thoughts and took flight, heading for the rainbow's end. To speak with Castilla. To share the news of her task ahead.

  “Well fuck me to Hell and back,” she giggled to herself.

  I wanted some fun and oh boy, this is a bucket load of shit hot fun.

  But at the back of her mind, she still harbored fear. She may be on a mission of sexual entrapment, and armed with much beauty, seductive skills and protection, but she had no idea of the nature of this man. Did she think man? But he must be. He was a demon, and a beast, but he must also be very much a man. Just a very evil one.

  Chapter 3

  Gabriela propelled her forward with few words.

  “Good luck, my sister.”

  His stocky, wild-haired, companion called across the crapps table, laughing.

  “Uvall, you bastard, you must have the luck of the devil behind you...”

  “Me? I ever?” He chuckled loudly. His sensual laughter hit her in the stomach like a punch of desire.

  Nothing could be more true, she thought wryly, as her eyes settled upon the back view of the man she was to seduce. He was dressed in a sharp black suit, and his shoulder length, black, glossy hair, topped the demonic scale of looks at a high eleven.

  The male croupier eyed Uvall a little suspiciously as his third pass line bet, came up seven, and was won.

  Lila made her way around the table with a wildly beating heart, anxious to see the face of the demon she had been sent to ensnare.

  He caught her eye instantly. The broad white smile delivered to his face was captivating.

  All the breath left her lungs, crushing them with the strength of her sigh.

  She didn't know what she had expected.

  The signs of horns on his forehead? A ruddy complexion from too much heat? Yellow, snake-like eyes maybe?

  Not this. Never this.

  She didn't for a moment expect Uvall, who was a demon, to look anything like this.


  Suddenly that name sounded ethereal, sexier than sex itself.

  He was something she wanted to devour, forever, and she fell in love with her demon instantly.

  His eyes were bluer than the ocean of souls. They were piecing, hypnotically entrancing - his lips held the promise of a heart-stopping kiss of such intensity it would sear her soul to a charred ember - facial hair, chiseled to an exacting style, lay around his chin and jaw - tiny diamond earrings twinkled in his ears. And his all black tailoring looked so right, so well fitted and so natural on his tall muscular frame, it was as if his suit, shirt and tie existed purely for the pleasure of being wrapped around his body.

  She approached him, boldly, her mouth drier than the desert.

  She surged with a rush of desire.

  Although she knew what was happening, that he was entrancing her, she couldn't stop herself falling into his trap. His was the most handsome man she had ever laid eyes on. Possibly the most beautiful thing alive or dead. Even if his underlying, true nature, was that of a beast.

  Seducing Uvall would be no hardship, from the superficial aspect.

  Her whole being flamed. She wanted him to take her, there and then, over the crapps table. She was uncaring that she was in public, unaware of all others present. She was shocked at the thoughts running through her head - the immediate and intense lust for his hard demonic cock pounding inside her - the need of his hands and tongue roaming all over her panting body.

  He would certainly satisfy her craving for a man, without any doubt. She knew he was making her feel this way. He was the seducer of women and she was being mentally seduced. She didn't find the experience to be at all unpleasant so far.

  His gaze ran over her body. He took in every minute part of her in that thorough sweep of his assessing sapphire pools. Her newly acquired, amply feminine charms, grabbed his interest fast and he smoldered with lust before her. He raked his erotic gaze upward, back to hers, as he politely introduced himself.

  “I'm Uvall... and you are... an angel, surely?”

  She was momentarily flustered, thinking he knew her nature somehow.

  Had my wings grown back without my notice? Was there a halo sitting on my head? Or maybe he just knew...

  But his accompanying hot smile soon told her he was simply flirting.

  “Lila,” she said her name slowly and seductively, a half smile hovering on her lips.

  His eyes dropped to her mouth as she moistened her ruby red lipstick with the tip of her tongue.

  “Mm, that's a very beautiful name. Can I get you a drink, Lila?” His voice hummed in her ears like a caress. She had to force herself to breathe, in and out, as she'd forgotten how to.

  “That would be most welcome. Thank you. I'll have a whiskey on the rocks, with a dash of lime, please.”

  He summoned the waiter who was hovering nearby.

  “Two large whiskeys, ice, a dash of lime...and be quick.”

  “Yes, sir,” he replied and hurried off.

  “So, you enjoy shooting crapps?” she asked, engaging him in conversation. She knew a little about him already. Information gleaned from the few seraph she had spoken to since her descent to earth. Uvall liked to drink, to gamble, and to pick up women for a roll in the sack afterward. Plain vanilla demon fun, she guessed. She wondered what Uvall did for real thrills. Her mind couldn't contemplate a demon's worst habits.

  “I love to gamble. It keeps my hands busy,” he replied non too subtly.

  “Mm, idle hands and all that...” she said, her joke having not such a hidden meaning. To her, anyway.

  He chuckled at her, and chucked her under the chin with a strong finger.

  “I like you, Lila. Are you alone?”

  “Seems so. My friend has let me down. She's probably picked someone up. She's like that. I was about to go home actually.”

  “Well lucky for me you didn't. I'm here for three days - for business and pleasure.” The suggestion in his voice was plain to hear.

  She smiled at him, her heart fluttering in her chest like a crazy butterfly.

  He had a smooth way of talking, a way of buttering her up with his eyes. The whole him was the most lickable thing she'd ever seen. Her tongue wanted to start licking parts of him. She kept her mouth tightly shut just in case her tongue ran away with her thoughts. Sexily, she batted her eyelashes at him, flirting like she never had before. Her hands subtly adjusted her black stretch tube dress a little lower, to allow him a good view of her substantial tits, as she leaned in with her final baited hook.

  “Business and pleasure...what a lovely combination, having something to occupy your days and your nights.”

  His eyes were riveted to her enticing cleavage. He stepped a little closer and his arm slipped around her waist. He scorched her with his touch. His fingertips exerting a much wanted pressure into the flesh of her ass.

  At that moment, the waiter arrived with their drinks. They broke apart as he took them from the tray and handed them each their double shot of whiskey.

  “Xonil, pay the man,” he barked at his small, but pleasant faced companion.

  “Xonil? That's unusual...” she remarked, as Xonil whipped out his wallet and slapped his platinum American Express card on the waiter's tray.

  “It's an ancient name. He comes from an ancient family, as do I.”

  “Is he your brother?” she probed.

  “Not my brother, more a distant cousin, three times removed.”

  “Really? So not a close relation, then?” She smirked to herself. She knew enough to tell this was his lieutenant. His assistant. A demonic spawn of Hell.

  He downed his drink in one mouthful. He barely registered its flaming descent, as it slipped down his luscious throat.

  Not to be outdone, she knocked back hers, just as sharply. It stung her throat like a swarm of angry hornets but she wasn't going to admit to it. Closing her eyes, she feigned pleasure, while hiding her eye watering reaction.

  He tucked his face into her neck a
nd whispered in her ear.

  “I have a room upstairs, shall we go?”

  The scent of him engulfed her. A musky, heavy aroma, like nothing she had ever smelled before. There was a heady cologne, yes, and that suited him well and pleased her receptive nose, but the underlying scent was the one that aroused her more. Was it the scent of lust and desire, or pure unadulterated sex? She couldn't be sure. Only that he was intoxication personified.

  And a very fast worker.

  It didn't look like she'd have to wait that long before the words “My God,” were falling from his mouth.

  “Excuse me, sir,” she said, with mock indignance, “what type of woman do you think I am?”

  She couldn't control the emergence of a loud gasp, as his hand confidently took hold of her breast. His fingers splayed possessively around it, as he gazed into her eyes, with a ferocity which left her breathless.

  “One that needs fucking, and that's what I'm offering.”

  “How sweet an invitation,” she murmured, upping the husky and seductive tone. Her hand snaked down to the front of his pants, between his legs. She took his balls in her palm, massaging him sensuously, and squeezing firmly. His eyes registered surprise at the forward nature of her embrace. One matching his tight hold of her breast. “Maybe I don't want to be... ummm... fucked.. sir.”

  He smiled at her in such a way, that the sun came out in her head.

  “Oh I think you do. But I'll make love to you if you'd prefer that. Either way, you'll be getting the same thing.” He cocked a heavy eyebrow, and his lips twitched with amusement. Her panties were suddenly drenched.

  “I'll think about it, I may get a better offer later.” She gave the base of his rock hard, thick shaft, a sharp tweak with her finger and thumb. Then she waltzed off to the ladies room to refresh her face and gather her composure. Her panties were so soaked, they were about to drip. She needed some dry ones. She entered the cubicle, dried the evidence of her desire and changed them for one of her spares, dropping the wet ones in the trash outside. Then she leaned against the vanity unit, gazing at her impressively voluptuous body, her large come hither eyes and her bee stung lips, in the mirror. Gehove had granted her looks to die for. She painted a stunning picture. One Uvall could hardly resist. As she could hardly resist him. Her eyes were so full of desire. In fact the whole of her was so full of lust for Uvall she could quite easily explode, there and then. Her lengthy sexless period in Heaven and being presented with the sexiest thing alive - or dead - was giving her a female hard on, like no other. Hopefully she was making him burn in equal anticipation. Although, she thought, she was probably burning twice as hot as him already. After two minutes she gave up with her anticipation building before she combusted like the fires of Hell, and she eagerly returned to the casino floor.

  But no Uvall. He was gone.

  She looked around in panic, her heart going into overdrive.

  Oh My God... where is he? What have I done? I shouldn't be playing dating games with him. He's a demon. I'm here to save the fate of mankind. What the hell did building the chemistry between us and wearing fresh panties matter? For fuck's sake idiot...

  She was giving herself the biggest mental kick ever. What could she say to Gehove about losing her prey, after having had him handed to her on a silver platter? She would be cast down. Thrown into the fiery pit. She would become dust on the floors of Hell, where Uvall would trample on her unawares.

  She was sweating, entering into a state of high anxiety when someone behind her lifted her hair.

  His warm breath seared her skin. And she sighed loudly. Mainly with pure relief.

  “Miss me, beauty?” His silky deep voice rumbled in her ear, setting off the flow of dampness in between her legs again. She had to admit, she loved his instant effect on her sex.

  “Miss you? Why should I? Who the hell are you anyway, Uvall?” she said, jokily. A small smile of triumph curled up the corners of her mouth. A new wave of desire took her by storm as he chuckled deeply behind her.

  “Who am I? I'm your deepest darkest desires. I'm everything you want and need. And I believe we have a date in my room, Lila.” His arms appeared around her waist, and he squeezed all the breath from her body as he pulled her back against his hard warmth. His hot tongue lapped at her earlobe. Then he sucked it. Then he bit it. His teeth chewed that little piece of flesh like it was a tasty morsel of food he didn't ever want to finish eating.

  Oh...oh...oh my...OH...

  Her legs gave way beneath her with the sublime shock of his mouth on her. She was lifted off her feet, into his arms and he strode off with her, like she was his prize. He moved at a fast pace, through the hotel lobby to the elevators, where he placed her on her feet and pressed the button for the top floor,

  She gazed at him in awe.

  “The Presidential Suite?” she managed to utter.

  “Only the best, for you.” His double meaning was clear. He considered her to be the best. The hottest piece of female ass in Vegas. He was undeniably the hottest piece of ass in the entire world. Up, down and middle realm.

  His eyes captured hers and took them prisoner. She couldn't look away. Nor did she want to.

  Uvall. Demon of the Night. Seducer of women. Warlord.

  Dark Duke of Hell's caverns and completely gorgeous edible hunk.

  Ravish me to death.

  And thank you my dear, dear Gehove,for this wonderful assignment.

  Chapter 4

  Everything was going so well. He was full of himself.

  It was his first night in the realities. He'd arrived in advance of the swarm from Hell. To his delight he had discovered the Gates of Hell were unlocked and unbarred, and better still, unattended. They had no need to confront the avenging Angels or dispatch the Watchers. Although he was hungry for a battle with the other side, he did not wish to see unnecessary death in his ranks. He valued his Legion. Every last one of the creatures. They had been borne of his cavern. They were like children to him. Insolent, stupid children, a lot of them, but still, they were his, nonetheless. His first night in the realities was to be a time of relaxation and pleasure. He'd had a few drinks with Xonil, won a fortune on the roulette table, with a little more than pure luck on his side, and he had arranged a room in the best hotel in Las Vegas.

  He loved Las Vegas.

  What demon wouldn't? He chuckled to himself.

  It was hot, full of corruption - similar to Hell in many respects, but very much more interesting. Mainly due to the oral pleasures of food and drink. And the girls...he loved the pretty girls in the casinos. One of which was standing outside his room that very second, as he swiped the door key in the slot with over enthusiastic fingers.

  He glanced over her shoulder to the end of the corridor. Xonil was hovering behind, like he always did. The little demon was the most faithful servant. He would wait there all night, ensuring Uvall was safe in his suite. He always covered his back, no matter the cost to his own safety or personal comfort.

  Uvall planned to make him cavern Duke after he had risen to the ranks of Prince. Xonil deserved it. Ever since he was born, in the cavern, centuries ago, he had taken to Uvall, and treated him like his father. Uvall had watched him grow from the tiniest imp to a similarly small demon. He was popular with the legion, the Legatus respected him. He was intelligent and quick witted and very capable of running the cavern. With a settling in period, he would make a fine Duke. And he would give him some more stature in due course - he needed to grow a foot or two – and better looks, so he had some luck with females.

  He sent Xonil a silent word of thanks and bade him goodnight. He saw him sink to the floor, instantly. Xonil could sleep anywhere. At the blink of an eye, he dropped off, although he remained on high alert throughout his slumber.

  Uvall smiled to himself and returned his gaze to Lila.

  Mmm, Lila...

  Her name sent shivers of pleasure up and down his spine. Simply looking at her had the same effect. He had never s
een such beauty as this. She was curvier than Venus herself and her sexuality was like an raw aura around her. Her black hair and pale skin were both so luminous, they reminded him of those of an angel. He had very similar characteristics to hers, albeit that his were somewhat tainted, by the dark side.

  It was as if she was made purely for him. Made from all those physical and intangible elements of woman he found most delicious. Built for his pleasure. He knew, instinctively, he would have no need of another woman in his bed tonight. He could tell that their satisfaction was to be mutually enjoyable. He was getting impatient to take her. It had been many weeks since he last fucked a woman and he was having trouble controlling himself with Lila so close to his side.

  He could quite easily put her in a trance, and have his way with her, the very second they entered his suite.

  But he wanted more than her body under his control. He wanted heated participation. To see her brown eyes burn. He needed those small soft hands to hold him, and that mouth to suck him. He wanted his name on her lips.

  He wanted everything she possessed; her mind; her body...maybe even her soul.

  But right now, he wanted her cunt. To taste it and eat her out all night. He could smell her arousal. He knew she was wet for him, ready and waiting. And so willing.

  She was obviously a little loose in morality, approaching him so shamelessly, the light of seduction plainly written in her eyes. Uvall normally approached women of his own choosing. But he was glad she'd made her move. She'd seen him and liked what she saw and her eyes had told him how much she wanted him. He had deliberately enticed her after that – using his charms to weave a spell - she couldn't have fought against him if she tried – not that she had any intentions of that, apparently. Her playful, coy conversation had told him all he needed to know. He'd toyed with her for a moment, disappearing on her. And he'd found it to be a very rewarding game. The sigh of complete delight which met his ears as he returned to her, was stirring, and fed his very large ego a treat.


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