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Page 6

by Suzy Shearer

  “Miss Emily joined up when she was twenty-three. They take people under twenty-five. Anyway, she took to subbing like a duck to water, so much that as she got older she’d take some of the new subs under her wing. Got to a point where David offered her free membership if she taught the newbies until they got their own Doms. She taught everything from casual subs right through to high protocol and slaves. All the Masters and Doms loved her, and they loved the subs she’d worked with.”

  “Emily? This is the same Emily?” Jake asked in disbelief.

  “Yep. They said she was filled with self-confidence, an amazing woman, and a wonderful sub. She’d accepted a collar once for a short while. The Dom had only stayed in the lifestyle for a few years, then left to marry. She didn’t accept another collar after that, but she was a real favorite with the Masters and Doms who weren’t attached. Loved scening, had a high pain threshold without being into masochism. Really enjoyed being a sub, loved the lifestyle.

  “She left there in December because she’d been offered some dream job on the east coast. David recommended she join The Lair, and the rest you know.”

  “So it seems something happened between her leaving Threshold and joining The Lair?”

  “Exactly. Obviously, this accident she mentioned.”

  “But what the fuck was it? A car crash? An illness? What would make a confident, self-assured sub turn into a broken bird who can’t even get off the ground?”

  “That’s for you to discover.”

  Jake studied his friend. They’d been through a lot together, been friends since elementary school, and there wasn’t anything they didn’t know about each other.

  “Why me, Ash? Why did you trick me into accepting her?”

  “Why not?” Ash answered lightly.

  Jake stared into Ash’s face, and Ash actually turned his head away. He sighed, then turned his head back to Jake.

  “Sorry. You’re right to ask. You don’t want to hear it, but you’ve been alone too long. You’ve shut yourself off emotionally from getting involved.”

  “So you think giving me some broken woman will do me good?”

  “She needs you, and you need someone to care for. You don’t want to hear this, Jake, but you honestly will be good for each other.”

  “Why don’t you take her on? You’re alone.”

  “Ah yes, but unlike you I don’t need anyone someone special to rock my world.”

  “And you think I do? No way. You know exactly what I think about getting involved.”

  “I do, but deep down you are the type of man who should have someone in your life, someone to care and protect. Me? I’m a confirmed bachelor, and everyone knows it. I’m not interested in the dating game, in relationships, and having a woman underfoot. Never have and never will. You, on the other hand, my friend, may have professed to shut the door, you may pretend, but you really are a man who needs someone to care for. You honestly need a lifelong partner, and now that you’ve scaled back work it’s going to hit you that you’re all alone at night.”

  Jake didn’t answer, couldn’t answer. Jake might deny it, but deep down he knew Ash was right. But he honestly couldn’t see how pairing him up with such a fragile creature could help either of them?

  “Ash, she’s like a little bird that’s fallen out of the nest, a baby bird that can’t fly. She seems very brittle. She could break at any minute. You can’t honestly believe matching her up with me will help either of us?”

  “Actually, I do. Give it a few weeks, Jake, please. That’s all I ask. If it’s not working out, I promise if she’s still living on the outside then I’ll talk with her again. Maybe the lifestyle isn’t suited to her anymore.”

  Forcefully, Jake replied, “I’ll give you eight weeks, that’s it.”

  “Fair enough.”

  “I don’t like it, Ash. And I’ll tell you now, I have no intention of getting involved with a woman ever again. I don’t care what you think. I don’t care if I should be open to having a partner. I won’t, and you know it, Ash.”

  “I do know it, Jake, but I also know that’s not what you need.”

  Jake couldn’t hold back his growl. “Get lost. I’ve agreed, so now leave me alone.”

  Ash shook Jake’s hand and left, leaving Jake to wonder what he’d got himself into.

  Chapter Nine

  Emily had dressed carefully, and then she wondered why she actually bothered that much tonight. She shook her head. She knew—the Dom who had held her last night. His beautiful blue eyes had held kindness when he cared for her. He had short hair, gray at the sides, but there were still hints of dark brown on the top. His short-cropped beard was also filled with mainly gray, and Emily thought he must be in his early fifties.

  When he’d stood as she was leaving, she was shocked at how tall he was. She’d had to crane her neck to look into his handsome face. She also realized why it had been so easy for him to hold her. He was enormous—all muscle and strength. No wonder he’d carried her plus-sized self so effortlessly. Since last night when he’d held her, she found herself thinking about him. Something about him inspired her trust, and she felt very safe in his arms.

  But it also very dangerous—perilous. If she wasn’t careful, he’d crack through into her fragile shell easier than breaking an egg. She sighed, then got out of the car and walked in Silk Rope. The very attractive, and very tall, Aliyah was still on duty.

  “Evening, Emily, how are you?”

  “Hello, Aliyah.”

  “I’m okay. You?”

  “Good. Master Ash has asked to speak with you when you arrive. He’s in his office.”


  “Yes. It’s okay. He likes to chat with newcomers after a few weeks.”


  She relaxed, went down the corridor, and knocked on the office door as Aliyah had directed.

  “Come in.”

  The man behind the desk smiled at her and stood. He pointed to a chair and sat opposite. Emily perched on the couch, wondering if this was merely a casual meeting. She was also nervous. This man was the head Master as well as the co-owner of Silk Rope. He exuded power, was most definitely intimidating, and looked formidable despite the smile. She doubted anything happened in the club that he didn’t know about. To be honest, he scared her more than a little.

  “How are you, Emily?”

  “Okay, thank you, Sir.”

  “Emily, I heard what happened last night. I was told something frightened you. Can you tell me what scared you?”

  Oh fuck!

  She shrugged and dropped her eyes. “I panicked.”

  “Emily, look at me.”

  Those few words had her lifting her head so fast she almost got whiplash. She stared into the Master’s dark brown eyes, so dark they were almost black, and Emily was terrified they could see into her soul, would see the truths she desperately needed to keep hidden.

  “Emily, I understand something bad happened to you—an accident, I believe. I also understand things can be frightening in this type of club, but you’re no novice. You’ve lived the lifestyle for many years. Something as simple as being cuffed on one ankle shouldn’t cause the reaction it did.”

  Hell, he knows exactly what happened. Fuck!

  “I’m very sorry, Sir.”

  He exhaled. Emily felt a stab of fear as he drew a loud, long breath in through his nose.

  His voice was sad as he said, “Emily, sometimes we change. Perhaps this lifestyle is no longer suited to you.”

  She stared at him, open-mouthed in shock. He couldn’t be telling her she had to leave!

  Begging, she almost shouted, “No! Please, Sir, no. Don’t make me leave, Master Ash.”

  “Relax. I’m not asking you to leave at this moment. I merely want you to think very carefully. If your interests have changed, then it is foolish to force yourself into positions that now make you uncomfortable and frightened.”

  Emily felt her eyes fill, and she jabbed the back of her hand acros
s them—she couldn’t cry! How the fuck was she going to get out of this without breaking down? Without him pressing her for details?

  “No. No, Sir! Master Ash, you don’t understand.”

  “Then tell me.”

  “Master Ash, I have to be here. I have to!”

  Quickly she dropped to her knees and took one of his hands. “Master Ash, please don’t make me leave. Please, Master.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Oh, Sir, I can’t leave. I can’t. Please, Master Ash, I’ll do anything. Please don’t make me leave. Please. I have to come here.”

  Emily’s heart raced, her fear threatening to take over as he pulled her to her feet and onto his lap. “Hush. It’s okay, Emily. I think I’m beginning to understand. So, you feel you really need this?”

  Relieved, she whispered, “Yes. Yes, Sir.”

  She felt his arm holding her tighten, reassuring her. She wanted to curl up and let everything out, but she dared not. Although he inspired confidence, there was still that fear of him. Beside she doubted her sanity would survive if she let herself go.

  Quietly he asked, “Can you tell me what happened, Emily, why you need this?”

  “Please Sir, don’t make me.”


  “I can’t. I honestly can’t, Sir.”

  He put a finger under her chin, pulling her face around and up. That way she could only stare into his dark eyes.

  “You know you can’t keep this up. Something is hurting you badly, and you’re trying to ignore it.” She gave a sad nod. “Are you sure you can’t tell me?”

  “Yes, Sir. I’m truly sorry I can’t, Sir.” she whispered. Emily felt forlorn. This man was only trying to help her.

  “I won’t press you, but this can’t continue. For your own sanity, Emily, you have to get it out.”

  “I understand, Master Ash.”

  She felt him sigh and knew she’d disappointed him, but she couldn’t do it. She wasn’t ready to cope with the agony, with the terror—not yet, maybe never.

  “This won’t do.”

  “Sir, honestly, I will do anything as long as you let me stay.”

  “In that case, Emily, I’d like you to be under Master Jake’s care. I want you to only scene and be with him. I trust him implicitly. He will be the strength you obviously need at the moment. He will care for you until you can talk about whatever it is that you’re trying to ignore. I’d rather know you were safe with a strong Master than with someone with less experience. Do you understand?”

  She eyed the Master. Who on earth is Master Jake?

  She thought she’d met everyone at the club but didn’t know the name. Confused, she squeaked, “I. Master Jake? Sir, I don’t know him. I don’t understand.”

  “You met him last night.”

  “That was Master Jake?”

  She felt a flutter somewhere around her hardened heart. How could she forget the handsome man who’d held her? He exuded such strength and power, exactly like Master Ash, but he didn’t scare her in the same way. He had been very kind, but at the same time she knew he wouldn’t allow a sub to get away with anything.

  Damn, I’m in real danger now.

  “Yes, Emily. That was Master Jake. He doesn’t have a sub, and I think he would be the perfect person to help you.”

  “Do I have to? I’ll try harder, Sir.”

  “Yes, Emily, you have to. I don’t want a repeat of last night, and I’m sure you don’t either.”

  She didn’t answer, too many thoughts swirling around her mind. Ash slid her off his lap and stood.

  “Let’s see if he’s arrived yet.”

  Nervously, she followed him down the corridor and to the front desk. It was almost seven-twenty, and Aliyah had left.

  “Jake here yet, Stan?”

  “Arrived about half an hour ago. I think he’s in the lounge.”

  Ash thanked him.

  “Put your things away, Emily, and meet me back here.”

  She almost ran into the changing room, put her things in her locker, and went back to the Master, her heart thumping loudly. They walked through to the lounge area. There was her new Master. He had his feet on a coffee table and his eyes closed. She heard Ash laugh as he kicked at the table.

  Her new Master swore as he opened his eyes with Ash still laughing. “Evening, Jake. You really should try and sleep at home more.”

  Jake growled a little like a bear.

  “This is Emily Miller.”

  Swiftly, Jake stood and shook hands with Ash. Both men towered over Emily, and both were heavily muscled. She noticed Jake’s smile—warm and welcoming. Despite her pushing down her emotions, she knew her heart was beating faster at the sight of this very attractive man.

  Her new Master’s lovely dark blue eyes seemed to sparkle as he turned his gaze on her, appearing to study her. “Hello, Little Bird, I wondered where you were.”

  “I kidnapped her when she arrived, sorry, Jake. Anyway, I’ll leave her in your capable hands.”

  Ash left, and Emily wondered what would happen. She dropped to her knees, head down, hands clasped awkwardly, and painfully, behind her.

  He told her to stand and patted his knee. “Well, Little Bird, time for that talk I promised we’d have last night.”

  Hesitantly, she sat on the couch, but he shook his head and touched his legs. Emily had no choice but to perch on the edge of his knees, but Jake laughed and pulled her closer.

  “Now, my Little Bird, you will tell me what happened last night.”

  “I got scared, Sir.”


  “I don’t know, Sir.”

  He snorted, and then she heard anger. “I don’t appreciate being lied to. I’d rather you didn’t answer than lie.”

  Smarting as if he’d smacked her, she dropped her gaze, feeling ashamed. This wasn’t her. All her life she’d been honest. She loved being a sub, loved the trust, the honesty between a sub and her Master. Now it felt as if she’d sullied the bond, but how could she tell this man what she couldn’t even tell herself?

  “Tell me what you’re thinking, Little Bird.”

  She shook her head.

  “Well at least you didn’t lie.”

  “I’m really sorry, Sir.” Her words rushed out.

  “Yes, I think you are, but you do know sooner or later you will have to talk to me?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “I’ll leave it for now because we haven’t built up the trust between us yet, but I won’t forget.”

  No, he won’t.

  Emily knew very well that he would press her again and again. She wondered how on earth she would manage to survive the battering against her fortress. From now on Emily knew she’d be treading an extremely fine line. There was a very real danger he would break through the barriers holding it all back.

  “Tell me about yourself, Little Bird.”

  Surprised, she peeped at him, and at the same time she wondered why was he calling her Little Bird?

  “What do you want to know, Sir?”

  “I’ve been told your mother is ill.”

  “Yes, Sir. She had a small stroke, but she’s getting much better.”

  “Wonderful, she’s very lucky. Have you been her carer?”

  “Yes, but she really doesn’t need me much at all now. They, the hospital, they gave her treatment immediately, and it wasn’t as bad as we all first thought. She only has a tiny limp now that’s all, and she’s been having rehab. They think she’s doing exceptionally well.”

  “Do you have any siblings?”

  “Two brothers, one older and one younger than me, Sir. They are both married.”

  “I have two married brothers, also one older and one younger.”

  Emily wondered if she could ask questions then thought perhaps not. She really didn’t know how he preferred his sub to act. It must have shown on her face.

  “Little Bird, at the moment we’re simply talking together. You can ask any questions, a
nd I’ll answer honestly.”

  Damn, there was that honest word again. She tried to turn the conversation.

  “Why are you calling me Little Bird?”

  He laughed. “You seem like a little fragile bird who has fallen from the nest. You have to learn how to fly again, and I am going to teach you, and then I can set you free.”


  She plucked up her courage and asked, “May I ask if you’ve collared a sub before, Master?”

  “A very long time ago. I uncollared her twelve years ago.” Emily was shocked to hear such sadness in his voice and wondered if perhaps his sub had died. “And you, Little Bird?”

  “I was collared for a few years when I was in my twenties, but he left the lifestyle to marry.”

  Jake got a strange look on his face at her words, but then he asked, “What do you do, Emily? I mean, do you work?”

  “I’m an illustrator, mainly children’s books.”

  “You are? That’s clever. My little sub is talented.”

  She felt a burst of pride at his words.

  “What about you?”

  “I’m a construction engineer, have a doctorate in structural engineering.”

  She grinned at him. “My Sir is talented.”

  He laughed, a genuine laugh that crinkled his eyes and lit up his whole face.

  “So ready to play?”

  She tensed. Shit, I forgot this would happen.

  She stammered, “I. It’s…”

  “Still frightened and still won’t tell me why?”

  She nodded morosely, dropping her eyes.

  “Sir, I’m sorry. I…”

  “We’ll go upstairs and watch. Perhaps that may whet your appetite.”

  Damn, nothing can do that.

  At least it was a reprieve. Jake set her on her feet, and she followed him through Silk Rope to the main staircase. Surprisingly there was that cat again, so she hadn’t imagined it. It was sitting on the wide end of the stair rail, its gaze unblinking as it ignored the people walking up and down the stairs. Emily thought it was like an Egyptian god, too important for mere peasants to touch. It made her feel better as she went up the formal stairs. Jake led her back to the same stage where she’d freaked out and settled on one of the couches, pulling her onto his lap again.


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