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Wild Lust [Werewolves of Forever, Texas 6]

Page 14

by Jane Jamison

  She shook her head, not denying their future together but refusing to believe the night’s ecstasy should ever end.

  Reese’s blue eyes shone with bits of amber. Easing his cock against her pussy, he hesitated for only a moment before ramming his cock inside her pussy.

  Her body responded, sending another orgasm splintering into her. Reese thrust hard into her, his roar deafening as he dug his fingers into her legs and rammed into her again. He was huge and thick, and she swore she could feel the end of him all the way to the back of her throat.

  Her pussy walls clamped around him, snaring his cock only to lose it again. She cried out and clasped her hands over Blane’s. Suspended in the air, she couldn’t move, couldn’t push against Reese, and it was driving her crazy.

  She gritted her teeth and ground out her words. “Fuck me, Reese. Make me yours.”

  Blane twisted her nipples and nibbled the back of her neck then her shoulders. “Better do as she says, because I’m going to want my turn next.”

  Reese kept his gaze glued to her as he plunged into her again and again. Although it was night, sweat beads formed along his brow as he worked into her, driving hard then pulling out slowly.

  “My turn.”

  A challenge swept over Reese’s face, and he glowered at his brother. Charlie tried to reach out to Reese to keep him inside her, but he pulled out. He dropped her feet and pulled her into his arms.

  Blane dropped to the ground then patted his lap. Helping her over to him, Reese lowered her onto his brother’s lap. In one easy move, Blane slid his cock inside her pussy. She arched as he drove hard and deep.

  Charlie gasped and held onto his shoulders. Reese stood behind her and moved her hair away from her shoulders.

  “Ride him, Charlie. Ride him hard.”

  She arched her back, giving her breast to Blane. Fangs eased over his lower lip, and her heart fluttered. Was it time for them to change her?

  * * * *

  Blane had been sure before, but tonight had solidified the truth that she was their mate. In a brief time, she’d taken their hearts and made them hers. He’d heard that was the way it went when a werewolf found his mate, but he hadn’t truly believed it until Charlie had walked into his life.

  Blane held onto her nipple with his teeth as he dug his fingers into her fleshy ass. Her breasts bounced as he thrust into her, bucking her like a bronc trying to throw its rider. Her eyes were half-closed, and he wondered if she’d seen the tips of his fangs.

  He was ready to make her their mate, but was she? Reese caught his meaningful look and asked what he couldn’t.

  “Charlie, are you sure you want us?”

  Blane smiled at the are you kidding me? expression she gave Reese then nibbled on her shoulder, testing her skin to see where he’d bite her. He drove his cock into her again and knew the time had come for him to release and make her his. Every thrust, every move, every moan was a sign that it was time.

  Groaning against her shoulder, Blane fell over, taking her with him. Reese didn’t hesitate and lay down beside her. Keeping his cock inside her, Blane watched her face and knew the moment Reese eased into her butt hole.

  She moaned the keening sound that heralded another climax as he and his brother drove their cocks deep inside her. Her pussy clenched around his cock, and, from the rapture he saw on Reese’s face, he knew the tight ringed muscles of her anus were doing the same to his cock.

  Together the three of them moved as though they were three parts to one puzzle. Only the sounds of their heavy breathing disturbed the night. Reese’s hand was on her hip, helping to guide his cock while Blane kept her breasts pushed against his chest.

  All at once, she froze, her eyes widening. Moaning, she grabbed hold of his arm and stiffened as her body readied to release. Behind her Reese paused then growled as he pushed inside her one last time and roared his climax. Blane’s balls tightened as his orgasm took hold of him and he lost control.

  They came within seconds of each other, the two men with their cocks buried deep within their new mate and the woman holding them together. Blane’s orgasm shook him to his core, and he knew it was time.

  Opening his mouth, he turned his head to her left shoulder and sank his fangs into her neck. She screamed then added a second scream as Reese bit into her right shoulder.

  Chapter Eleven

  Charlie couldn’t wait to see Shannon. She’d lain in bed for two days after Reese and Blane had bitten her, changing her into a werewolf. Although she didn’t remember much during that time, coming in and out of consciousness every once in a while, she did remember the way her men had taken care of her.

  Whenever Reese was away, Blane was there. Then Reese would take over and tell her where Blane was. They’d managed to move her personal belongings out of the rental home and into her new home. She’d overheard arguing with a voice she recognized as Richmand, the owner of the rental home, but once Blane had promised they’d pay off the remainder of her rental agreement, he’d gone away satisfied.

  Her men took good care of her. They urged her to drink and eat, even going so far as to bring her meals to her on a tray with a single red rose in a bud vase. Other flowers filled her bedroom, and Reese explained in a slightly embarrassed manner that he and Blane were responsible for the multitude of floral arrangements. He laughed when she told him her room looked like either a hospital room or a funeral parlor, but she loved that they’d given her so many flowers.

  Charlie gazed out the window at the moon overhead and wished it was a full moon. But she couldn’t wait any longer. She and her men were going to run tonight.

  “Charlie, get your sweet ass moving.”

  She grinned at Reese’s blunt command. He was a hard shell with a soft filling. She’d never tell him that or he’d try to prove her wrong.

  “We’re ready whenever you are.”

  Blane was the opposite side of the twin coin. He was even tempered and always tried to compromise, but he was one badass werewolf when he needed to be.

  She dropped her robe to the floor and hurried down the stairs. Blane and Reese waited for her at the bottom and, as they always did, slid their hot and loving gazes over her naked body.

  “You’re beautiful. More gorgeous than a full moon.” Blane’s eyes sparkled as he waited for her, his cock already at full force.

  “Yeah. What he said.” Reese licked his lips, signaling his desire.

  She held up a finger. “Oh, no you don’t, you two. We are not missing another run so you two can fuck me. I need to see my sister, and you’re not going to stop me.”

  “Listen to her give the orders.” But Blane’s wink told her he wasn’t angry.

  “Maybe she needs another lesson,” joked Reese.

  “Like hell I do.” She bounded the rest of the way down the stairs then jogged to the right, dodging their attempts to catch her. Becoming a werewolf had made her as fast as they were. She laughed, shifting as she raced to the back door.

  The transformation was hard, the pain of her bones breaking and re-forming slowing her down, but she remembered what the men had told her, and she pushed through the ordeal. By the time she ran out the door, she’d changed into her dark-brown werewolf form.

  She loved running at night. Her sensitive hearing picked up sounds she’d never heard before while new scents hit her nose and thrilled her senses. Her padded feet struck the ground, and, although she ran as hard as she could, Reese and Blane in their werewolf bodies soon caught up with her. They loped together, their tongues lolling out of the mouths, toward the meeting place the Holms cousins had suggested.

  Charlie rounded the corner of the road and skidded to a stop. Her sister, her yellow fur shining under the moonlight, greeted her by playfully nipping at her. The men, their human personalities showing through, greeted each other by bumping into each other or rolling in a quick wrestling match.

  Shannon pushed at her side, urging her to get farther from the males. Not understanding what her sister was up
to, Charlie followed her anyway until they’d gone back around the bend in the road.

  Shifting, Shannon stood up, unashamed in her beautiful human body. Charlie did the same, curious to see what her sister wanted.

  “You’d better hope no one comes around the bend and sees two naked women standing in the middle of the road.”

  Her sister’s laugh was bright and airy. “It won’t be the first time it’s happened. But folks around here take it in stride.”

  Charlie squinted at her sister. “What’s going on? You’ve got some news, don’t you? Is it our father or mother?”

  “Ack. No, thank goodness. What I have to share is good news.”

  “Then tell me already. The guys aren’t going to wait on us much longer.” She crossed her arms over her chest, shielding her as well as helping to keep her nervous excitement at bay.

  “This is the last time I’m going to go running for a while.” Shannon’s eyes sparkled.

  Charlie’s excitement died. “But why? What’s the matter?”

  Shannon looked back toward where the men were then put a finger to her lips. “I haven’t told Anderson or Daniel yet, so you have to keep this a secret. I’ve only known for two days.”

  “You’re killing me. Will you please just tell me? Won’t they let you run? Or are they sex fiends like my men? They go wild with lust every time I come near them.”

  Shannon arched an eyebrow. “You sound more like Blane every day.”

  “I do? How?”

  “Because you’re talking so much I can’t get a word in to tell you my good news.”

  Charlie opened her mouth to speak then closed it and mimicked locking it with a key.

  “Good.” Shannon took Charlie’s hands as a tear rolled down her cheek. “Charlie, you’re going to be an auntie.”

  Charlie’s eyes grew wide as she let out a shriek and brought her sister into a big hug. “I can’t believe it. You’re having a baby.”

  Shannon pushed her away just as the men came running. Reese changed into his human body while the others split up and surrounded the women as though guarding them from some unseen danger. Shannon shot Charlie a stern look then shifted, turning into a beautiful golden werewolf.

  “Are you two okay? Why did you scream?” Reese skimmed his hands along her arms.

  Charlie gave him a sly smile and pulled away. “I thought I saw a snake. You know. Like the one at the pond. Come on, guys. Are we running or not?”

  Ready for the pain of changing, she shifted and dropped onto four paws. Reese did the same. She whirled around then slid next to her sister. Once their men had grouped around them, the sisters threw back their heads and howled. Breaking into a lope, they led their men as they ran under the moon.




  Jane Jamison has always liked “weird stuff” as her mother called it. From an early age she was fascinated with stories about werewolves, vampires, space, aliens and whatever was hiding in her bedroom closet. (To this day, she still swears she can hear growls and moans whenever the lights are out.)

  Born under the sign of Scorpio meant Jane was destined to be very sensual. Some would say she was (and remains) down right sexual. Then one day she put her two favorite things together on paper and found her life’s true ambition: to be an erotica paranormal romance author.

  Jane spends at least six days a week locked in her office surrounded by the characters she loves. Every day a new character will knock on the door of her imagination. Her plans include taking care of her loving husband, traveling, and writing at least twelve books a year.

  For all titles by Jane Jamison, please visit

  Siren Publishing, Inc.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  About the Author




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