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Sweet Temptation

Page 10

by K. C. Lynn

  Hysteria takes me again and I sob fearfully into his chest.

  He picks me up and lays me down on my bed, his top half coming down on top of me, pressing me into the mattress.

  Grabbing my face, he leans his forehead against mine. “Grace, look at me!” his harsh command has me snapping my eyes open. “I am not going to let anyone fucking hurt you. Do you hear me? No one! I will fucking kill anyone who tries.” His lethal expression and hard determined gaze makes me believe him, and for the first time since hearing that monster got out of prison, I think there may just be hope for me yet.

  I wrap my arms around him and turn my face into the crook of his neck. “I’m so scared,” I sob quietly into his neck.

  “I know, baby, but don’t be. I’ll protect you, Grace; I fucking swear it. Trust me.”

  I nod and soak in his warm strength. Before too long I feel exhaustion grab hold of me, it’s so strong there’s no fighting it, and I let it take me, knowing as long as I’m in Sawyer’s arms I’ll be safe.

  When I realize Grace has fallen asleep I bring the rest of myself on the bed and stretch out next to her. Even though she’s sleeping, my shirt is still clutched in her small fist as if she’s scared to let go.

  I try to control the rage that’s rushing like hot lava through my veins. Jesus, I’ve never seen fear like that in my fucking life.

  He’s going to kill me, Sawyer.

  Her sobbing words replay in my head and I grind my teeth so hard I’m surprised my jaw doesn’t fucking snap. I meant what I said: no one will ever fucking hurt her again, I will kill any motherfucker that tries.

  Grace’s breath hitches in her sleep and draws my attention down to her tiny vulnerable form. Her beautiful face is pale from fear, her eyes swollen from crying and her body is as cold as ice.

  It fucking shreds my insides to see her like this. No one as beautiful and sweet as her should know pain or fear like this.

  A soft whining brings my attention over to the end of the bed. The chocolate lab stares at her, his face resting on the mattress by her feet. He looks almost as fucking sad as she does, as if he can feel her pain.

  “Yeah I know, buddy, she does the same thing to me.”

  Someone bangs on the door. Grace doesn’t even flinch, and I want to keep it that way. Pressing a soft kiss to her forehead, I gently pry my shirt from her small fist then grab the soft yellow blanket from the end of her bed and cover her with it. The dog stays where he is and watches her.

  “You take care of her until I get back.” The dog responds with a whine. Christ, maybe Grace isn’t off her fucking rocker, the dog does act like he can fucking understand you.

  Shaking my head, I walk out of the room when the banging starts again. “Grace, open up!”

  Cooper… Charging at the door, I fling it open to see Coop and some middle-aged guy in a suit that I’ve never seen before.

  I narrow my eyes at Cooper, “What the fuck is going on?” He doesn’t respond and walks in with suit on his heels. I look at the suit, “And who the fuck are you?”

  Suit glares at me.

  “Easy, Sawyer,” Coop says, stepping in, which just sends me off the fucking deep end.

  “Don’t you fucking tell me to take it easy, asshole, when you fucking called Grace to the fucking station and she comes out fucking hysterical the way she did. Someone better fucking answer me right the fuck now!”

  Suit grunts, “Let me guess… Military? Probably Seal.”

  “Who the fuck wants to know?”

  Cooper lets out a frustrated breath, “Sawyer, this is Detective Ramirez with MPD. He handled Grace’s mother’s case.”

  I point my finger at him, “So you’re the asshole who fucking made her cry?”

  He grunts again, “Yeah, definitely a Seal. You know, the way you arrogant pricks throw the F-bomb around gets old real quick.”

  I start after him but Cooper steps in between us, holding me back. “I’m going to throw a lot more around than the fucking F-bomb, asshole, if you don’t start fucking talking and keeping your goddamn insults to yourself.”

  “Jesus Christ, Sawyer, will you calm the fuck down?”

  I keep my glare locked on suit for a few seconds longer before I step back, then point at Cooper, “Start talking!”

  “Where’s Grace?”

  “Sleeping, which is where she’s fucking staying for right now.”

  Cooper lets out a breath and pinches the bridge of his nose, something he often does when he’s stressed. “How much did she tell you?”

  “Well all she could manage during her fucking hysterics was: the asshole who killed her mother is out of prison, and she thinks he’s coming for her.”

  I look at suit now and see regret in his face. “How the fuck does someone, who gets life in prison for murder, get out in three years?”

  Instead of throwing out more insults the asshole starts talking, “The DNA evidence is being retracted. The forensics expert, who handled the DNA, was found dead two weeks ago. He left a suicide note saying that the DNA did, in fact, not match Miguel Sanchez, and that he was paid off to say it was him. Sanchez somehow got a real good attorney who was able to get him released and re-tried. He was granted bail but wasn’t supposed to leave town. Of course he did though, and we have no clue where he is.”

  What the fuck? What the detective says next sends fear and rage to pound through my system. “My guess though, is Grace isn’t all that far off with her fear.”

  “Are you saying she’s in danger?”

  He nods, “I think it’s a good possibility. I was there when he made the threat. He blames her for his brother’s death.”


  “Sawyer?” Grace’s vulnerable, sleepy voice fills the room. I turn around to see her leaning against the wall with sleep-tumbled hair and Chuckie standing beside her. She’s changed into her tight black shorts and tank again, but wears a longer, open thin sweater over top. She’s also wearing those sexy fucking socks again, except these ones are black rather than grey.

  Christ, she’s fucking beautiful.

  The fear in her eyes has me rushing over and pulling her against me. “Hey, baby,” I lean down and kiss the top of her head.

  She wraps her thin arms around me and buries her head in my chest “Sorry, did we wake you?” She shakes her head.

  After a few seconds she looks around me towards Cooper and the detective. “I’m sorry I ran out on y’all earlier. I was just real scared; I still am,” she chokes out quietly.

  The fear in her voice does all sorts of things to my already jacked-up emotions. “You have nothing to be sorry for, Cupcake,” I state firmly.

  The detective breaks in, “It’s okay, Grace; I understand it was a shock. I promise you I am doing all I can to fix this, and send that son of a bitch back to prison.”

  “I don’t understand how this happened?” she says tearfully.

  Cooper points to the couch, “Why don’t we sit down, Grace, and Detective Ramirez can explain everything.”

  She nods and starts over to the couch with her arms wrapped around herself.

  I make it there before she does. Before she can sit down I pull her down on my lap, needing to hold her. She doesn’t fight it and even curls into me. And she fits against me fucking perfectly.

  I don’t miss the way Detective Ramirez eyes us with question. It’s clear the guy is somewhat protective of her. He begins telling her everything about the DNA and the forensic scientist.

  Grace throws her hand up, “Wait! That’s impossible, he did not lie. I saw Miguel with my own eyes, he hit me for crying out loud, and his brother almost raped me. What about my goddamn testimony, doesn’t that mean anythin’?” her shout is thick with tears.

  I try to keep from losing my shit at hearing what both those motherfuckers did to her. Sitting up, I wrap my arms around her waist, pressing my chest to her back and kiss her shoulder, trying to give her comfort.

  “To be honest, Grace, I don’t thi
nk the forensic scientist killed himself. I think someone killed him and made it look like suicide. I’m in the middle of trying to prove that right now too.” Grace shakes her head. “I know this is frustrating…”

  “This is a lot more than frustrating, Detective, this is down-right bullshit!”

  I’m pretty sure this is the first time I’ve ever heard Grace swear, and I’m not going to lie, I’m proud of my Cupcake. Sometimes swearing can help you let off steam and make you feel a little fucking better.

  My proud moment deflates though when she speaks again, “You were there. You heard his threat that day. He admitted to raping and killing my mother in front of everyone, then said he was gonna finish me. Screw what that forensics expert said, what about that?”

  “You’re right, it is bullshit! All of it. It doesn’t even make sense that the judge granted him bail, something is going on and I promise you I’m going to find out what it is and put that bastard back behind bars where he belongs.”

  She lets out a breath, “I know. I’m sorry, I’m not angry with you. I’m just angry at it all. My Mama deserves justice.” She drops her face in her hands and starts sobbing.

  I bring my mouth down to the back of her soft neck and plant a gentle kiss. “It will be okay, baby. You heard the detective, he’s on this, he’ll put that fucker back behind bars where he belongs.”

  Before I can say more, Grace’s front door flies open. Kayla rushes in, leading a group: Julia, Jaxson and Cade.

  “Jesus fucking christ!” Cooper says, glaring at Kayla. “Did you need to tell the whole fucking world?”

  She glares right back, “We’re her friends, you idiot. We should all be here for her.”

  At that Kayla and Julia come rushing over to Grace and pull her off me to hug her. I wait for them to give her back but instead they pull her down beside them on the couch.

  What the fuck? I had her first!

  They either don’t notice my glare or don’t care. Well fuck, fine then. I get up now and join Jaxson and Cade off to the side. The three of us share a silent exchange, one where we know shit’s up and we’ll be dealing with it.

  Cooper interrupts the girls’ exchange, “Sorry, Grace. I hope you don’t mind I told Kayla what was going on. I was worried about you when you ran out of the station, and thought you could use a friend. I didn’t think she would bring the whole goddamn world with her.”

  “Oh give it a rest, Coop, you’re such a drama queen,” she fires back.

  If shit weren’t so serious right now I’d laugh at the look on Cooper’s face. He looks like he’s ready to goddamn strangle his little spitfire.

  “Don’t worry, Grace, everything is going to be okay,” Julia states firmly, “you can come stay with Jaxson and me. He would never let anything happen to you. He can kick anyone’s ass. Isn’t that right, Jax?” she looks at her husband now.

  “You know it, baby,” he gives her a wink.

  All of it makes me want to roll my eyes like a fuckin’ chick.

  I quickly speak up, before anyone else tries making any other suggestions, “That isn’t necessary. I’ll be staying with Grace.”

  Grace looks up at me in surprise.

  What the fuck did she think I meant when I said I would take care of her?

  She glances down at the floor. “I don’t want anyone getting hurt over this.” Then she looks over at the detective, “Is there somewhere I can go? Like witness protection or somethin’?”

  “Don’t even fucking think about it!”

  Everyone’s eyes snap to me at my outburst.

  Was she fucking serious?

  I point at her. “Kitchen, now!”

  She obeys but glares at me while doing it. Yeah, well I’m pissed off too right now, Cupcake.

  Everyone is silent while we walk to the kitchen, then I hear Kayla pipe up, “Well, drama queen, should we finish our fight out here while they have theirs in there?”

  I hear a bunch of snickers.

  “You’re fucking pushing it, Kayla.”

  Kayla giggles at Cooper’s aggravated voice. “Oh come on, Coop, you know you love me.”

  Then everyone is talking, and giving us more privacy. Shit that girl is real hard not to like.

  Ignoring them, I glare down at Grace, “What the hell are you thinking? What part of ‘I’ll take care of you’ did you not fucking get?”

  Her expression softening, she drops her gaze. “Listen, Sawyer, I appreciate it, more than you will ever know. But we don’t know how long it will take for the police to find him. You can’t put your whole life on hold worryin’ about me and my problems. And if somethin’ ever happened to you, because of this, I’d never forgive myself. I would…”

  I cover her mouth with my hand. When she goes quiet I cup her face and bring her fearful gaze to mine. “I’m a badass motherfucker, Cupcake.” Her lips twitch. “I’m serious, Grace, I’m trained for this shit. I can protect you.”

  She looks at me sadly, “I don’t doubt that for a second, Sawyer. Believe me, I don’t trust or feel safer with anyone more than you.” Her admission surprises me. “But again, we don’t know how long it will take to find him, you can’t stop your life to protect me, it ain’t fair to you and…”

  I growl, interrupting her, and pull her against me. “I don’t give a fuck how long it takes. I told you I take care of what’s mine, so that’s what I’m going to do. I’m not fucking arguing about this anymore.”

  She lets out a defeated breath as I bring my forehead to hers. “Tell me you get me, Grace. I swear to you, baby, no one will protect your sweet ass better than I will.”

  A few tears escape from her big warm amber eyes as they stare into mine, finally she nods, “Yeah, Sawyer, I get you.”

  I’m pretty sure those were the best fucking words that have ever fallen sound to my goddamn ears.

  The next morning I walk into the kitchen, with Chuckie trailing behind me, to find Sawyer sittin’ at my kitchen table with a sandwich in front of him that he’s just about to eat.

  Even though my heart is still heavy with fear, my lips twitch as I bite back a smile. “A sandwich for breakfast, Sawyer?”

  He gives me a sexy grin and shrugs, “Didn’t feel like making anything, and nothing beats a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.”

  I hold out my hand. He covers the sandwich and looks taken aback. “Get your own sandwich, woman.”

  I laugh, “I’m not gonna eat it.” I walk closer and grab the plate from him. “Trust me.”

  Walking over to the stove I pull out my fryin’ pan, then start buttering each side of the bread. “Cupcake, what the hell are you doing? You heard me when I said it was peanut butter and jelly right?”

  I roll my eyes. “Yes I heard you. Just be quiet and you’ll see.” After buttering each side of the bread, I sprinkle cinnamon and sugar on it then start to grill it. Sawyer drops his head in his hands, as if I just ruined his whole breakfast.

  Whatever, he’ll see.

  While the bread is grillin’ I go fill up Chuckie’s dish. When I bend over to scoop the food out of the big bag a loud, deep groan fills the air. I whip my head to the side to see Sawyer starin’ at my ass… And, oh boy, the fierce hungry look in his eyes starts a minor ache between my legs that I try desperately to ignore.

  I clear my throat and narrow my eyes at him. His gaze finally pulls to mine and he gives me one of his panty droppin’ smiles, one that shows he ain’t the least bit embarrassed by getting busted staring at my behind.

  I shake my head. “What?” he asks innocently.

  “Don’t you ‘what’ me, Evans, you know what I’m shakin’ my head at.”

  “You can’t expect me not to stare at that fine ass in those small shorts, Grace, that’s just goddamn impossible not to do. And those fucking socks… Jesus!”

  “What’s wrong with my socks?” I ask, insulted.

  “Baby, there isn’t a goddamn thing wrong with the socks, that’s the problem.”

  “You have got to
be kiddin’ me. I have a feelin’ it doesn’t take much to get you worked up, Evans.”

  “Not when it comes to you, Cupcake.” I roll my eyes and move back to his sandwich.

  It’s not that I don’t want to believe him, because I do… desperately. But I have a hard time when I’m still hearin’ Jenny’s moans in my head…

  Ugh don’t think about that, Grace.

  After the sandwich is done, I cut it in half and see the peanut butter and jelly perfectly melted together. Walking over, I put the plate in front of Sawyer, and when I turn to walk away he grabs my wrist. I look down and see him starin’ at me with a mix of emotions: regret, sincerity, concern…

  “How did you sleep last night?”

  I shrug, “No worse than I normally do.” Which was a lie. I slept way worse, only because I knew he was down the hall from me in bed; and I had wondered what he slept in- if anythin’.

  Oh crap, I’m blushin’ now, I can feel it.

  “How about you?” I ask, hoping to distract him from noticin’ my pink cheeks.

  The only response I get is a grunt. “Is the spare bed uncomfortable?” Last thing I want is for him to be gettin’ no sleep when he’s already doing so much for me by bein’ here.

  He grunts again, “The bed is fine, Cupcake,” he looks up and grins at me, “it would just be better if you were in it.”

  I roll my eyes and pull my arm out of his grasp. “Be quiet and eat your breakfast of champions.” He chuckles.

  I grab a banana then come sit across from him. I see him eye the sandwich, unsure, before he finally takes a bite.

  His eyes widen and he groans loudly, “Oh fuck! Marry me.” I giggle, “See? I told ya.”

  “That you did, Cupcake.”

  Laughing, I take a triumphant bite of my banana.

  His smile falters now and his expression becomes serious. “I want to take you to the shooting range today.”

  I rear back in surprise. “Why?”

  Okay that was a dumb question.

  “You should learn how to shoot, Grace.”

  “I don’t know, Sawyer. I hate guns, I hate any violence,” I reply quietly.


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