Book Read Free

Sweet Temptation

Page 17

by K. C. Lynn

  Our fingers are still linked under the table, when Sawyer squeezes my hand I look over at him, and the way he’s lookin’ at me has my breath catchin’ in my throat. Again I can’t decipher his expression, but it makes my heart beat faster. And when he mixes it with a genuine heartfelt smile, I know I would do anything to have him keep lookin’ at me like that.

  I am in some very, very serious trouble when it comes to this man.

  After supper I follow Jesse upstairs to where she has a design room she uses to work on her clothes. I notice the made-up couch and realize this must be where she’s sleeping, since she gave up her guesthouse. Which makes me feel guilty again. The racks and racks of clothing are astounding. I feel like I’m in a store rather than a room.

  “Wow, Jesse. These are really amazin’. I can’t believe you designed them yourself,” I say, going through every item that’s hanging up.

  She beams at my praise. “Thanks. I really love doing it. I’ve always been into fashion… So, want to be my doll for the night and let me dress you up?”

  Sam walks in now and groans, “Oh no! If I were you, Grace, I’d run now.” Jesse slugs her playfully.

  “Well we’re just goin’ to a hockey game. I don’t need to dress too fancy… I don’t think.”

  Jesse laughs, “I’m not going to dress you up as if you’re going to the ball. It will be something warm and trendy, totally laid back, I promise.”

  I shrug, “All right then, if you’re sure ya don’t mind.”

  “Not at all. It will be fun. I will give you something new to show off.” She winks at me then starts grabbing clothes off the racks.

  I turn to Sam now and see her watchin’ me with an amused smile. “My brother likes you a lot,” she says, catching me off guard.

  “Oh, well, I like him a lot too.”

  She shakes her head, “No I mean he really, really likes you. I can tell. I mean I had already figured he did since you’re the first girl he has ever brought home. But I didn’t realize how head over heels he was.”

  “Sawyer has never brought another girlfriend home?” I ask in shock.

  Jesse snorts, “Girlfriend? He’s never had one before, so how could he bring one home? My brother wasn’t the relationship type, if you get my drift.”

  Oh I got her drift. And I wasn’t sure if I was ecstatic over the fact or bothered. It makes me wonder if maybe I’ve been reading too much into things with us. Maybe he isn’t lookin’ for a relationship still and this is only temporary for him? The thought has my stomach sinking with dread.

  “Here put these on, they will look great,” Jesse hands me a pair of thick fleece- lined black leggings and a beautiful cherry red, long-sleeved, cashmere sweater that has a shimmer in the material.

  I walk over behind the dressing curtain she has and begin undressing. “What size are your feet?”

  “Um, normally a seven and a half.”

  “Perfect.” She smiles brightly then rummages around in a few suitcases that she had packed from her guesthouse. “Here, sport these sexy bad boys with it.” She hands me a pair of black leather thigh-high boots, thankfully ones without a heel.

  “Thank you very much for sharin’ your stuff with me.”

  “No problem. And I agree with my sister- Sawyer likes you a lot. I have a feeling we will be seeing you around.”

  Her comment has my stomach doing a little flip of hope. “Well I sure hope so. I think your family is real great.”

  “To be honest, I’m glad my brother has found someone he cares about, especially someone like you. Someone I know who will take care of him too. He may be arrogant and tough, but I know what happened to him and his friends in Iraq has left more scars on him than just his body.”

  Pain and sadness washes over both the girls’ faces. My own throat goes tight at remembering the scars that mark Sawyers back. I swallow thickly, “I’ll take good care of him. I promise.”

  Jesse smiles again, “I know. I saw it at supper when you cut my dad off. Which was awesome by the way. You’re braver than you look, I’ll give you that.”

  I’m not sure if that was a compliment or not.

  “How is Cade?” My gaze snaps to Sam, surprised by her question. She shrugs, “I just know he doesn’t have any family, and no matter how much Mom tries to make him a part of this one he doesn’t let himself get attached, not even to us.”

  “Why is that?” I ask curiously.

  Jesse answers, “Cade has had a real hard life to say the least. He lost his younger sister very tragically when he was fifteen. I’ll let Sawyer give you the details on it, since it’s not my place. But when I say it was bad, I mean it was horrendous.”

  My heart breaks at hearing that, and I nod in understanding about her not wanting to tell me herself. I answer Sam’s original question. “He seems to be doin’ alright. I don’t know him all that well. He’s quiet and sticks to himself most of the time. When I first met him, his sexy butt scared the ever-livin’ crap out of me.” Both the girls chuckle. “But I know there’s more to him then he lets people see. There’s been moments where he was real kind to me.” I forgo telling them about the night I heard their brother screwin’ my enemy against the door.

  “Yes he can be. It’s down there somewhere, it’s just buried deep inside and locked away,” Jesse pauses sadly before brightening again, “all right get your pretty ass out here and let’s see my creation.”

  Laughin’ I walk out from behind the dressin’ wall; Jesse and Sam both whistle. I make my way over to the full-length mirror and like what I see. Jesse was right; I look trendy, warm and casual. I’ve never worn boots like this before but they remind me of my alpine thigh highs… I love them.

  “Those boots are so hot!” Sam says.

  “Yes they are. Thank you, Jesse, for lettin’ me borrow your clothes.”

  She waves me away, “You can keep them. Not the boots of course, because those are my pride and joy, but the clothes you can keep.”

  “Oh, are you sure? I won’t wreck ‘em or anythin’, I’ll give them back in good condition.”

  She chuckles, “I know you won’t. I’m giving them to you because I want you to have them. They look great on you. Just make sure you tell everyone where you got them from.”

  I give her a hug. “I will, thank you again.”

  “You’re welcome. Now let’s touch up your make-up and we will be good to go.”

  She grabs her make up bag and twenty minutes later does another creation, this one to my face. She made my make up look natural, yet still beautiful. It goes great with my outfit, and I have to say that she has a real knack for this fashion thing.

  “Is there a bathroom close by I can use?” I ask. Sam points to the left, “Third door on the right.”

  “Thanks, I’ll be right back.” I walk out and start down the long hallway. It’s the kind of hallway you see in big hotels. My eyes take in the simple but pretty decor on the way. The first door I walk past is half-open and I see John standing at his desk, bent over what looks like blueprints.

  Hesitating for only a second, I take a deep breath and knock gently.

  His head snaps up, surprise flashing in his eyes when he sees it’s me. “Grace.”

  “Hi, Mr. Evans,” I shake my head, “uh I mean, John. Um, do ya have a minute?”

  “Yes of course, come in.” As I walk through the door he looks at my outfit and smiles. “I see my daughter got ahold of you to play dress up.”

  I laugh but it comes out nervous, “Oh yes, well, it was very kind of her. She’s very good at what she does, that’s for sure.”

  “Yes she is,” he says with love and pride.

  Things go quiet as he stares at me expectantly, “Well anyways, I um… I just wanted to say I’m sorry about interruptin’ you at the supper table. I meant no disrespect.”

  He shakes his head, “Don’t be sorry, I know you didn’t mean any disrespect. If anyone should be sorry it’s me. Clearly my boy and I have some issues, and it shouldn’t ha
ve been brought up like that at the supper table. So no need to apologize.”

  I nod and give him a shaky smile. Then, before I think better of it, I open my yappy mouth again, “I know it’s not my place but… I just want you to know that Sawyer has been real amazin’ to me. He’s the best man I have ever met; he’s strong, loyal and honorable, and you should be real proud of him. He stepped up and was there for me when I had no one else. I mean, my Daddy has only met me once and wants nothin’ to do with me. I think it’s real sad you and Sawyer will let somethin’ so small wreck your relationship. Because it only takes one moment in time to have the people we love taken away from us.”

  He says nothing as turmoil washes over his face. It makes me feel awful, I decide I need to learn to shut up and mind my own darn business.

  “Well anyways… just wanted you to know that. Thank you for acceptin’ my apology.” Turning, I start to walk out the door when John calls my name, stopping me.

  I turn around just as he walks up to me. He surprises the heck out of me by pulling me against him, envelopin’ me in a hug. I stand stunned for only a second before I wrap my arms around his waist. “I’m glad to know my boy has been there for you, Grace. You’re a good girl, and that father of yours is a damn idiot. Any man would be lucky to have you as their daughter. I want you to know you’re always welcome in my home and my family.”

  His words have my heart swelling with emotion. I want to tell him how much his kind words mean to me but fear I will break down if I do. So I hug him a little tighter and choke out a thank you.

  He plants a quick kiss on my head, another thing that reminds me of Sawyer, then releases me and walks out. I stay where I am, trying to absorb what just happened. It amazes me how fast this family has accepted me and has made me feel a part of it.

  Eventually my bladder reminds me I was on my way to the bathroom. Shaking myself from my thoughts I walk out the door and continue down the long hallway. As I walk past the second door I let out a startled yelp when someone grabs my arm and pulls me into the room. Before I can even comprehend what’s happening, I’m up off my feet and pinned against the wall. I quickly register Sawyer’s yummy scent before I feel his erection grind against me. My reaction is instant. Letting out a moan, I lock my legs around his waist. The room is dark, only a small glow that’s cast from the open, curtained window. But even the darkness can’t hide the emotions that are blazing in Sawyer’s dark green eyes right now.

  “Sawyer?” I ask, wondering if everything’s okay.

  Instead of answering he brings his mouth down on mine, slowly but firmly, and kisses me in a way I have never been kissed before, not even by him. Every time we have kissed it has been desperate and loaded with pent-up need, and although the desire is still here, with us, in this moment, it’s different. Because right now he kisses me with a warmth and affection I have never known.

  I have no idea how much time passes when he pulls his mouth from mine. I take in deep breaths and keep my eyes closed, wanting to bask in this beautiful moment for as long as I can.

  I feel him stare at me, his warm breath caressing my lips from his close proximity. Wanting to see his handsome face, I open my eyes to see him looking at me in a way that makes me feel like he did a minute ago with his kiss. Like I was special, like I mean somethin’ to him.

  “Hi,” I croak out, not knowing what else to say.

  He gives me one of his sexy smirks, “Hi, Cupcake.”

  “Why are you hiding behind doors, preying on innocent women?”

  He chuckles, “I’m only preying on one woman, baby.” Leaning in, he starts nuzzling my neck. I drop my head back against the wall to give him more access.

  “Oh really? Tell me all about her,” I try to say it teasingly, but it comes out breathless.

  “She’s fucking beautiful,” he mumbles as he continues to lick and suck, “she makes the best fucking pies in the world and she smells like cupcakes.”

  He takes a little nip and the sharp sting has me moaning, “Mmmm! She sounds yummy.”

  He chuckles but then it quickly turns into a groan, “Oh baby, she tastes fucking delicious.” To drive the point home he slams his erection into me, making me gasp and whimper. “And she wears sexy fuck-me boots. Jesus Christ, woman, where did you find these things and why haven’t I seen them yet?”

  “They are your sister’s.”

  And just like that Sawyer goes from hot to cold. Tensing, he drops his head to my shoulder. “Well fuck me. That just completely killed the fantasy I was having.”

  “Well you asked. Next time keep quiet and use your mouth for other things,” I tease.

  Lifting his head, his heated gaze penetrates mine, capturing my breath with the intensity of it. “Is that what you want, baby? For me to bury my mouth again in your sweet pussy?”

  His words have my need spiking to a whole new level. “Yes, among other things,” I moan out, grindin’ myself against his erection.

  He returns a groan of his own and drives his cock against me harder. Keeping one hand on my ass he takes the other one and moves it between our bodies so he can shove it inside my panties.

  I gasp when he finds my wet slit, and fire races across my body from his touch. “Jesus, you’re fucking soaked.”

  I want to tell him that I get like that every time I’m around him, but like always when he touches me, I’m only capable of making incoherent sounds.

  I cry out when he thrusts two fingers inside me. “So fucking tight. This sweet pussy is going to feel so fucking good wrapped around my dick, baby. It’s all I’ve thought about.”

  “Me too.”

  My admission makes him growl, “Tonight, Grace. Tonight I’m going to have you, and I’m going to make you come so many fucking times you will think you’re dying from pleasure,” he begins thrusting his fingers faster inside of me.

  “Sawyer,” I whimper and grind against his hand, trying to find the release I desperately crave.

  He brings his mouth close to my ear as his fingers continue their delicious assault. “Don’t worry, baby, I’m going to take care of you. Lift up your shirt for me, I have my hands full at the moment,” he says with a dirty grin.

  Doing as he asks, I raise my sweater up exposing my black lace bra. I’m thankin’ the heavens right now it isn’t the cherry one again. His eyes become more heated, “Now pull it down so I can see your pretty tits.”

  Instead of pulling down the cups I flick the front clasp and let my breasts spill free. A low growl rumbles from his chest, “Fucking perfect.” Leaning down he sucks an aching nipple into his mouth, causing a bolt of electricity to shoot straight to my clit.

  Whimpering, I spear my hands into his disheveled hair, holding his mouth captive to my breast. He moves between each one, licking and sucking my sensitive nipples. My hips begin riding his hand with desperation. “That’s it, baby, fuck my fingers. I want to feel you come all over my hand.”

  His erotic words alone almost have me falling over the edge. The need for release is so strong it’s almost painful. “Oh god, Sawyer, please?” I beg for him to put me out of this sweet misery.

  Groaning, he moves to my other nipple then bites down the same time his thumb presses on my aching clit, and that was all it took for my orgasm to wash over me. He covers my mouth with his and inhales my cries as I sob out the intensity of my pleasure. His fingers keep their momentum, drawing out every bit of my pleasure till I’m limp and sated.

  As I take a moment to revel in my blissful state, I begin to feel gentle kisses along my face. Smiling, I open my eyes and look into Sawyer’s. His gaze burns fiercely with need, yet also shines deeply with affection. The affection has my heart warming with an emotion so deep I think I’m going to explode from it.

  Not knowing how to put into words what I’m feeling, I grab his face with both my hands and bring his mouth to mine. I kiss him long, slow and deep, trying to pour everything I feel into it.

  “Grace? Did you get lost, girl?” I quickly pull a
way when I hear Jesse yelling my name down the hall.

  “Oh no!” I panic while trying to think of what to say or do. Sawyer’s fingers are still inside of me, making it hard to think of anythin’.

  He smirks, amused with my panic. “She’s busy,” he yells out behind the closed door. I gasp then slap him in the shoulder.

  There’s a brief moment of silence, “Ew, I’ll be downstairs whenever you’re done.”

  Sawyer chuckles when I groan in embarrassment. I narrow my eyes, “What the heck were you thinkin’ yellin’ that out? Now she knows we were up to no good in here.”

  “I don’t know, baby, I think what we are up to in here is very fucking good.” I try to keep my glare but my lips twitch, “Your incorrigible… but cute.”

  He grunts, “I am not fucking cute, Grace. There are a lot of things you can say about me: sexy, charming, handsome, but there is nothing fucking cute about me.”

  I giggle, “Yup, you’re all those things… and cute.” I kiss his cheek then put my bra back in place.

  He groans with disappointment, “Fuck hockey, lets stay home.”

  I shrug, “Whatever you want I’m good with. But I’m sure your friends want to see you and I’ll bet you do too.”

  “I want you more.”

  Warmth blooms again in my chest from his words, I wrap my arms around his neck. “All right, but I was really hopin’ to see you in action, all this braggin’ you’ve been doin’ has me curious, and a little hot.”

  He growls at my teasin’, “Fine. We will go. Then afterwards I’ll show you a whole other kind of action, baby,” he replies winkin’ at me.

  “Sounds good to me. Now remove your fingers please so we can get goin’.” With a dirty grin he does just that then shoves both of them in his mouth.

  I gasp and have heat flaring in my body again.

  He groans, then presses a quick hard kiss to my mouth. “Tonight!” he states heatedly before putting me back down on my feet. “Go ahead, I need a fucking minute to calm down before I walk out of here.”


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