Book Read Free

Sweet Temptation

Page 28

by K. C. Lynn

  All of us hold in our chuckles as she presses a kiss to his cheek. His expression never wavering from its usual cold, hard state.

  Cooper stands as she makes her way over to him. “And how’s the handsome sheriff of Sunset Bay?” He leans down, making it easy on her to kiss him.

  “I’m doing good, Miss Margaret. Happy Thanksgiving.”

  “Same to you, honey. Now we need to talk. I have a message for you from Miss Gladys. She wants you to come to the home tomorrow to investigate some shady things that have been going on.”

  “Oh and what’s wrong now?” He sits back down, clearly not expectin’ to hear anything important.

  “Well, she’s pretty sure someone from the home has been stealing her cigarettes and …” Grams bends down to whisper but isn’t quiet at all … “underwear.”

  Anna chokes on the sip of pop she just took, Kayla hits her on the back, helpin’ her clear it, before lookin’ over at Cooper. “This sounds serious, Coop. You better go over there. It sounds like Sunset Bay could have a panty raider on their hands. Your mad investigating skills could be the only thing that catches him.”

  All of us burst into a fit of laughter except Cooper. He glares at Kayla, not appreciating her comment. She blows him a kiss, unaffected by his icy stare.

  Snickering, Grams pats his shoulder one last time before heading over to Jaxson. “And last but not least, my favorite boy, the father of my great grandbaby. Come here, honey, and give me some love.”

  She wraps her arms around Jaxson’s waist giving him an extra long hug. He accepts it easily and embraces her tiny body in his arms. “Happy Thanksgiving, Grams.”

  I watch Julia’s eyes begin to water before she clears her throat and makes her way to the oven. “All right. I’m sorry to rush everyone but do y’all mind if we eat now? I don’t think I can smell this turkey a second longer without passing out from starvation.”

  Collective chuckles go around before people are taking their seats. I push Mac’s chair to the end of the table and begin makin’ his plate, knowing he won’t be able to cut anything. After I’m done I look over at the empty seat between Sawyer and Cade.

  Sawyer pats it, “Saved you a seat, Cupcake.”

  I can’t stop the big silly smile that transforms my face. Lord, I love this man. I take the seat next to him and kiss his cheek, “Thank you.”

  Then leaning over to Cade I kiss his cheek too, catching him off guard. “Thank you, Cade, for pickin’ Mac up and bringin’ him here.”

  He shifts in his seat, uncomfortable with my praise, “No problem, Grace.”

  “Who’s going to say grace?” Grams asks.

  Cade freezes next to me. Jaxson and Sawyer both glance over at him.

  Jaxson clears his throat, “Um, you know what, Grams…”

  “It’s fine!” Cade grounds out, cuttin’ him off.

  I’m not so sure it is all that fine. I can literally feel the tension rolling off him in waves. When Jaxson tries refusing again, Cade gives him a look that shuts him up.

  Katelyn breaks the awkward silence by offerin’ to say grace. Everyone folds their hands and bows their heads, except Cade. When I look up at him, my heart breaks at the pained expression on his face, Katelyn’s words seeming to make him physically sick. Bowin’ my head, I reach under the table and grab his hand, giving him a reassuring squeeze. I sense him look over at me but keep my head down, not wantin’ to make him feel more uncomfortable.

  After it’s done, I let go and start dishin’ my plate. I still make sure not to look over at him, not wanting to embarrass him further.

  Feeling another’s gaze boring in to me, I look over at Sawyer to see him starin’ at me with heap loads of emotions splashed across his face. I start thinkin’ maybe I should have minded my own business, but then he leans in, kissin’ my cheek and trails his lips across it until reaching my ear, “I love you.”

  His whispered words have warmth and love spreading through me. Smiling, I plant a quick, fast smooch on his delectable lips.

  “Katelyn, honey, Julia tells me your uncle is going to be the Senior Pastor at the Peace Hill Baptist Church? You must be happy to have some family moving close by?” Grams says.

  “Oh, yes I am. My uncle and aunt have wanted a change of location for a while. When Peace Hills became an option he accepted right away, knowing he would be closer to my brother and me. I’m most excited though about my cousin. She is coming with them as well. I haven’t seen her in about a year, but we talk on the phone almost every day; we’re very close.

  “Isn’t Peace Hills the abandoned one on Church Hill Square?” Jaxson asks her.

  “Yup. My uncle and cousin will be working their butts off to have it up and ready by late spring. She has big plans for the youth in this town. So if anyone isn’t busy I know they could use some help…” Katelyn trails off with a sweet smile.

  “Well, I’ll help anyway I can. I’m just not sure how much I’ll be able to do, I guess it all depends on how far along I am with Annabelle.”

  Everyone freezes, and all eyes shoot to Julia.

  “Wait, what did you just say?” Kayla asks, shaking her head in confusion.

  “I said, depending how far along I am with Annabelle.” Looking at all of our stunned faces, she gives us a radiant smile and grabs Jaxson’s hand, “Jax and I found out we’re having a girl and we’ve decided to name her Annabelle, after my mother. Actually, Annabelle Margaret.”

  Collective gasps break out across the table before all of us girls are out of our seats and rushing over to Julia, wrapping her in a group hug. Squeals and laughter are shared between us all. Grams’ reaction has my throat feelin’ tight. I’ve never seen her cry like this, even if they are happy tears.

  She turns to Jaxson now, cupping his face, “You did so good, I’m so darn proud of you.” She sobs while planting a million kisses along his face, praisin’ him as if he’s the one who made it a girl…

  Everyone bursts into another fit of laughter while Jaxson shifts uncomfortably.

  “I can’t wait. I’m so coming to babysit,” Anna says as we all take our seats again. I notice Sawyer starin’ at Jaxson with a sly smile.

  Jaxson notices too. “What the hell are you looking at?”

  Sawyer’s grin spreads, “You’re having a girl and she’s going to grow up to be hot, just like Julia.”

  More laughter fills the air, Jaxson’s narrowed gaze turns into a death glare. I’d swear if he had powers he would have killed Sawyer on the spot.

  Cooper slaps him on the back. “Don’t worry, buddy, just send her to school in slush pants, red rubber boots and sporting a mullet; then you will never have to worry about any dude going near her.”

  “Cooper!” Kayla gasps in exasperation, slapping his shoulder.

  All the guys get a kick out of it. Even Cade. Well, in his own Cade kind of way.

  As more jokes get thrown around, my eyes move to every single person at the table, a sudden feeling of contentment settling in my heart. We’re all so different, yet somehow all fit together perfectly, like how every family is meant to be. And when my gaze lands on the person next to me, I get the sudden feeling I’m exactly where I was always meant to be, something I never thought I would feel.

  Sensing my eyes on him, Sawyer looks over at me in question. His usual bright, infectious smile gracing his handsome face. “You okay, Cupcake?”

  I press a kiss to his lips, lingering for a second longer than I should. When I pull back I look into his heated eyes, “Yeah, actually I’m perfect.”

  He leans over to whisper in my ear, “Yeah, Grace, you are.”

  Swallowing thickly, my lips lift into a soft smile. Yes, I’m exactly where I’m meant to be.

  After dessert the girls are cleaning up the kitchen, gushing over baby girl colors for the nursery, and I can’t help but stare at my Cupcake. She’s got her beautiful smile in place and glows with happiness, just the way she was meant to always look. When she bends over to grab a plastic contain
er from the cupboard my dick spikes, remembering what’s under that dress of hers. Oh fuck is she in for it the moment we walk out this fucking door…

  My attention gets brought over to Jaxson when he stands up, “Let’s head upstairs to the office,” he slaps Logan on the shoulder, “you too, come on.”

  “Jaxson!” Both Anna and Julia warn nervously. “What? I’m being nice and including him…”

  “It’s fine, Anna.” Logan tells her firmly, not looking worried in the least as he gets out of his chair to follow.

  “See, it’s fine.” Jaxson adds, not sounding very convincing.

  Anna walks over to Logan and gives him a kiss. I notice Jaxson tense, a scowl forming on his face. Anna glares over at him, pointing her finger, “I mean it. Be nice.”

  He grunts a reply before walking off. The rest of us guys follow, well except for Mac, but he’d rather stay with Grace anyways.

  “Don’t worry, Coop won’t let him kill him.”

  I chuckle, catching Kayla’s shitty reassurance to Anna before heading up the stairs. Cooper trails back to walk with me; I ignore his hard questioning stare, like I have been all night. I’m hoping this means Jaxson got the fucking address.

  Entering the office, we watch Jaxson grasp Logan’s shoulders. “Have a seat, Logan, lets get to know each other better.” He pushes him to sit in the chair, a little more forceful than necessary.

  Logan glares at him before slouching in the big leather seat, getting comfortable. The rest of us pull up chairs to sit around him, except Coop, he stays standing.

  Jaxson walks around his desk, enters in some numbers on a pin pad, then the sound of a lock is released. He puts the gun down on the desk before sitting in front of Logan.

  “Listen, man, I know what this is about, and I know your rules. So you can save your fucking breath and your little scare tactics.”

  Jesus, I have to admit the kid has some fucking balls. That or he’s the stupidest fucker I’ve ever met. I haven’t decided yet.

  Jaxson points to the gun, “You find that scary? You think that’s why I just took this out?”

  Looking unimpressed, Logan’s silent reply says it all.

  Jaxson smirks, but there’s nothing amusing about it. “Actually, next to Julia this is the least scariest thing I have in my house. Want to know what’s scarier, Logan?” He doesn’t wait for a reply. “Me. The different ways I have been trained to kill someone is much fucking scarier then what sits in front of you, and I have killed. Many actually, and I…”

  “You don’t fucking think I know that?” Logan snaps back, cutting him off. “You don’t think I’m fucking thankful every day that you were trained for that shit? Since it’s what saved my girl’s life. I’m serious, man, save your fucking breath. I’m not the bad guy. I’m the one who loves her and will fucking kill anyone who even attempts to hurt her again.”

  The room goes silent as the two of them glare off.

  “Okay, time to break this up.” I clap Logan on the back. “Sorry, Jaxson, but I like the kid. Knowing he loves her and he’s protecting her is good enough for me, and it should be for you too.”

  Jaxson glares at the kid a second longer. “You love her?”

  Logan replies with a nod. Something shifts in Jaxson’s expression before he points his finger at him, “Just so you know. I have your fucking door rigged. I will be alerted immediately if anyone goes in or out of that fucking room tonight. So if you want to keep your fucking dick intact, you will follow through with what you just said.”

  Logan rolls his eyes, “I told you I won’t touch her tonight, and I meant it. So chill the fuck out already.”

  Yup, the kid has some balls…

  Jaxson grunts, “You’ve got a fucking mouth on you, kid, but it’s probably the only thing saving your ass right now.”

  Logan shrugs, “I just say it like it is.”

  Things go silent for a moment before Cooper breaks in, staring right at me. “Since that is now settled, let’s move on to another topic. Like where the three of you are going on Tuesday.”

  Yeah I knew it would only be a matter of time. I look him straight in the eye, “What is it you want to know?”

  “I want to know that I didn’t make a fucking mistake giving Jaxson that address. I want your goddamn word, Sawyer, that you’re not going to do something stupid.”

  I shrug, “Don’t worry about it. I’ve got it under control.”


  “Do you?” he asks, looking unconvinced.

  “Yeah, I do. My biggest priority is getting back what fucking belongs to her.”

  And beat the fuck out of the guy, but I keep that part to myself…

  “That’s the only reason why I gave him that address,” he says, pointing over to Jaxson. “That girl has been through more shit than anyone should ever have to, and I’m sure I don’t even know the fucking half of it. But I’m warning you, Sawyer, if you lose control like you did with Miguel, or worse, I’m not going to be able to get you off the hook so easily this time.”

  I glare back at Cooper, the violence I’ve been tamping down begins to surface from thinking about what that fuck did to her…

  “Don’t worry about it. Jaxson and I will be there, we won’t let him go too far.” Cade pipes in, pulling me from my thoughts. I look over at him gratefully.

  Coop grunts, “You won’t let him go too far? Jesus, that makes me feel a whole lot fucking better.”

  Cade shrugs, “Sometimes people have to fucking pay for the shit they’ve done.”

  “Isn’t that the fucking truth.”

  We all look over at Logan’s mumbled reply. He shifts uncomfortably, clearly not meaning to have let that out.

  Feeling edgy and pissed off now, I want to do nothing but be with Grace. “Well this is enough heavy shit for me, boys. I’m taking my woman home.” I shake Jaxson’s hand, thanking him for supper, clap Logan on the back, and then look at Cade, “You okay to take Mac back still or do you want Grace and me to do it?”

  He waves me off, “No, I got him. I promised him I’d stop and get him some junk food to keep in his room, the kind of shit Grace won’t let him have.”

  Chuckling, I nod then head over to Cooper and stick out my hand to him. After looking at it for a moment, he finally clasps it. “Thanks for giving it to us. You’re right, Coop, you don’t even know the fucking half of it…”

  His expression turns hard before nodding, “Yeah I figured.”

  After one last goodbye I get the fuck out of there and go find my girl. At the bottom of the stairs her sweet, sexy laugh hits me before I see her. Reaching the kitchen, I see her laughing at something Mac says before she leans over, kissing his cheek.

  Leaning against the wall I watch her, and all I can think is how the fuck could anyone hurt someone so goddamn beautiful and fucking sweet as her. The thought has my heart starting to pump with rage, but I tamp it back down… save it for Tuesday, man.

  Grace looks over at me, and her laugh turns into a soft smile, hitting me like a blow to the fucking chest. Jesus, this girl messes with me like no other. Which is why I will make it my fucking mission in life that she’s happy, like this, every day. Exactly the way she was always meant to be. That has me thinking about the phone call I made to my Dad the other day…

  “Everythin’ okay, Sawyer?” Her soft, sweet, sexy as fuck twang snaps me out of my thoughts.

  Standing up straight, I start walking over to her. Watching her eyes eat me up, like I’m one of her damn pies.

  I smirk, “Yeah, Cupcake, I’m good. You ready to go?”

  She fucking better be, because my dick can’t wait another minute…

  “Oh sure.” She looks over at Mac, “How about Sawyer and I take you back to the hospital and get ya settled?”

  He quickly waves her away, “No, no, no. Cade said he would take me. He and I have a stop to make on the way home.”

  I bite back a chuckle. “Well all right, if you’re sure,” she says giving him anot
her kiss on the cheek, “we’ll come by tomorrow and see ya.”

  “Sounds good, darlin’. I’ll be in the same damn room waiting for you.”

  We start saying our goodbyes to everyone. I walk over to Anna and mess her pretty hair again before pulling her in for a hug. “Don’t worry, kid. We only roughed him up a little bit.”

  She stiffens in my arms, “Oh god…”

  I chuckle, “I’m kidding, calm down. He’s okay. I have to admit, you picked a good one.”

  She relaxes and hugs me back. “Thanks.” Keeping her arms wrapped around me, she looks up at me with a cute, knowing smile, “So did you.”

  And if I don’t get the biggest fucking smile on my face too. “I know, right? She’s the shit, isn’t she.”

  She giggles, “Yes, she is.” She gives me one more squeeze before stepping back.

  “See ya around, kid.” I mess the shit out of her hair once more before heading out of the kitchen. I chuckle at her growl.

  Julia walks us to the door and gives Grace one more hug. “Thanks again, Grace, for bringing the pies. I’ll see you Tuesday.”

  That comment resulted in a quick fucking chat session on goddamn bridesmaid dresses before I’m finally following my sexy Cupcake out the door.

  Shit’s about to get fucking hot!

  “Well that was such a great supper, wasn’t it? Anna looks so darn happy, and the news on Julia and Jax’s baby girl? Oh my gosh…”

  I half-listen to her ramble, my eyes glued to her ass as she walks to the truck. My memory takes me to the vision of what’s under her fucking dress and my dick throbs like a motherfucker, dying to pound into her tight, wet…

  “Don’t ya think?” she asks, opening my truck door.

  I grab her hips, stopping her before she can hop up, and crowd her against the seat. She braces her arms out in front of her and sucks in a sharp breath at feeling my cock against her ass.

  Stepping back just a little, I slide my hands underneath her classy fucking dress and cup her lace-covered ass. “I’ll tell you what I think, Cupcake. I think my dick has been hard as fuck since you thought it would be funny to tease me with this,” I grab one of the straps to her stocking and rip it from her panties, causing a small gasp of surprise to escape from her. “And it’s time for you to pay for it. So here’s what’s going to happen: you’re going to get into the truck and do exactly what I tell you to, understand?”


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