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Cameron 5

Page 12

by Jade Jones

  “Aight. On my way.” Joaquin disconnected the call. He didn’t miss the look of disappointment on Roxie’s face. “After I finish what I need to do, I’ll come back to you—if you want me to,” he quickly added.

  Roxie responded by kissing his lips, then his chin, and the tattoo of the word REBEL on his neck. “Please,” she whispered. “I don’t wanna sleep alone tonight.”

  The neediness in Roxie’s eyes made Joaquin want to protect her from her any and everything that could cause her harm. “You don’t have to as long as you fuckin’ with me,” he told her. “You ain’t gotta go through nothin’ alone. I got you, babe.”

  Both young and out of control, the pair were immediately smitten with each other. Joaquin was simply waiting for the right moment to snatch her from her nigga. He’d dreamt about that day since their first encounter at Blue Flame.

  Joaquin slowly climbed out the bed, and proceeded to redress. “I promise once shit calms down and returns to normal I’ll help you look for ya sister.”


  I said that I’ma ride for my motherfucking niggas…

  Most likely I’ma die with my finger on the trigger…

  I've been grinding outside, all day with my niggas…

  And I ain’t going in, unless I'm with my nigga…

  My nigga, my nigga…

  Reign Nightclub was jam packed that evening as YG’s “My Nigga” bumped through the massive speakers. Ten thousand square feet of lavish décor, and twenty-four private VIP booths were just a couple of the nightclub’s highlights.

  It was a Tuesday, but the club looked like it was Saturday night with free admission. O’ Zone barely got any radio play. Yet somehow everyone was familiar with his name thanks to Greek Gang Entertainment’s marketing team.

  Jag and Joaquin tried to look as low-key as possible from their VIP table. From where they sat they could clearly see O’ Zone, and his lone security guard shuffling through the vast crowd of club-goers.

  “I’m sure you wanna be the one to handle this,” Jag said puffing on a tightly rolled joint.

  Joaquin had already put him up to speed that O’ Zone was Roxie’s “sometimey” boyfriend so he felt it was more suitable for Joaquin to be the one to pull the trigger. Either way it didn’t matter to Jag. Cameron had been crystal clear with her demands, and he would see to it that they were met. Not only because he was feeling her, but also because O’ Zone had nearly taken them out that day.

  “With pleasure,” Joaquin smiled. He then tossed back his shot of Hen, and pulled out a small handgun. “This cocky motherfucker up in here like he ain’t did shit.” Joaquin found it ironic that O’ Zone could smile in the face of his fans like he hadn’t tried to execute Jude a few hours earlier.

  The nightclub’s lighting was dim aside from the colorful strobe lights so no one noticed what the brothers were up to. To everyone else they simply looked like two guys chilling in VIP and enjoying the scenery.

  Jag pulled out his cellphone at the same time Joaquin screwed on a silencer. He waited a few seconds for Cameron to answer her phone. When she finally did, Jag asked, “Yo, you sure you wanna do this?”

  “Handle it,” was all Cameron said. She refused to let the sun rise without taking care of O’ Zone.

  “Done.” Jag hung up the phone and turned to his brother.

  A mischievous grin spread across Joaquin’s face. In his mind, he was already coming up with words to console Roxie once she received the news. She’d need a shoulder to cry on, and he definitely planned on being the one. Little does she know, Cameron made this shit even easier for me, Joaquin thought.

  Fuck them other niggas ‘cuz I’m down for my niggas…

  I ride for my niggas, fuck them other niggas…

  O’ Zone walked pompously through the crowd of adoring fans. He was trailed by his 6”6 300 lb. bodyguard who was paid to intervene if some shit were to pop off. As usual, O’ Zone had to make a fashion statement in his YSL tee-shirt, designer jeans, and a pair of $800 Givenchy sneakers. He was completely unaware that the grim reaper himself loomed over his head.

  A thick gust of fog blew from the smoke machine every few minutes. The fog was so dense that people could barely see where they were going. All that mattered in the end were the drink specials, and the celebrity blessing them with his presence.

  “Wait for that shit, bro’,” Jag coached Joaquin. He knew his little brother was trigger happy, and they only had one chance to get it right. A second assassination attempt wouldn’t suffice.

  Both brothers stayed hidden in the shadows of their VIP section. From his position, Jag had a perfect shot. His trigger finger itched to cause damage, but he tried to be as patient as he possibly could.

  “Wait for it…”

  Joaquin squinted his eyes a little, and licked his lips as he focused on his target. He’d become quite the professional over the years. Matteo would’ve been very proud of his son had he been alive. After all, he was the first one to put a gun in Joaquin’s hands.

  “Wait for it…” Jag whispered.

  All of a sudden, another thick cloud of fog blew onto the dance floor.


  Two bullets immediately tore through the crowd of people. One landed in O’ Zone’s security guard’s chest, while the other struck the rapper directly in the temple. Everyone instantly broke out screaming as they watched their bodies drop limply to the floor. An evening of fun and entertainment quickly ended in bloodshed.

  Using the fog as a diversion, Jag and Joaquin dashed through the mass of people running around frantically. As easily as they’d taken O’ Zone out the game, they fled the scene before the cops arrived.





  Cameron hastily made her way to the front door. She’d already put Justin to sleep, and she was on her third glass of Liberty Creek. Cam knew the visitor was Jag before she even looked through the peephole. After verifying she swung the front door open.

  “Is it done?” Cameron asked eagerly. Her expression was a combination of worry and anxiousness.

  Jag slowly stepped inside. “It’s done,” he assured her.

  Cameron breathed a sigh of relief. A part of her hated that she’d had to resort to such violent measures. However, the thought of losing Jude was unbearable. Someone had to do it, Cam said to herself. It was rather unfortunate that someone had to be her.

  “Are you okay?” Jag asked, stepping closer to Cameron.

  He made her nervous and bashful at the same time like a high school girl to her crush. Cameron couldn’t figure out what it was, but there was something about Jag that drew her to him. He made her feel protected and secure—and it wasn’t just because Jude paid him to. His concern was both sincere and genuine.

  “Yes,” Cameron murmured. “I’m fine.” She cleared her throat for good measure while trying to ignore the hairs that stood up on the back of her neck.

  Jag stared intensely at Cameron. “Are you sure?” he asked, searching her eyes. “To keep it real, I’m a lil’ worried about you...”

  Cameron tried her best not to look so edgy, but the task was easier said than done. “Well, don’t be,” she told him. “I’m a big girl. I can take care of myself. I’ve been trying to tell you and Jude that for the longest.”

  “So you think you could’ve done what we did tonight?” Jag tested her.

  Cameron quickly put space between them. “Why would I?” she asked. “That’s what I pay you for, right?”

  “Touché,” Jag said, following Cameron into the kitchen. He watched as she downed the half-filled glass of sweet red wine. Regardless of the tough exterior she put up, Jag could see right through it. “But whether I was being paid or not, I would look out for you…I like to protect you, Cam—I wanna be the one to protect you,” he stressed.

  Cameron looked up at Jag with pleading eyes. “Don’t start talking like that again,” she warned him.

  Jag slowly made his way
over to her. “I will kill for you, Cam. Over and over again if that’s what it takes to protect you—”


  “I have never felt like this for someone,” Jag admitted. “I can’t even explain it. I don’t know what the fuck you doin’ to me, Cam.”

  Cameron held up her index finger. “Stop it, Jag. Right now—I’m serious. Stop talking like that.”

  Jag closed the space between them. Cameron tried to back away, but bumped into the kitchen counter behind her.

  “Jag, I’m serious,” Cameron whispered. It was obvious that he had her nerves on edge. All it took was for him to say the right thing, or touch her the right way to make her cave…and that’s what she feared. “Jude is out of commission, and I just…”

  “You’re stressed,” Jag finished for her. “You’re overwhelmed…probably scared too, and I can dig that, Cam. But I’m in your corner. Please know that,” he said. “Damn, I just wanna take you and run away from this shit. From everything and everybody. I swear, you don’t know how much I think about that shit. Sometimes it keeps me awake at night…wonderin’ if I could make you happy—”

  “Jag, I’m married,” Cameron reminded him for the seventh time. “And you’re only saying this because we’ve spent way too much time together. This was a bad idea having you here all the time. I told Jude—”

  “You told Jude what?” Jag interrupted. He placed his hands on the kitchen counter, trapping Cameron between him and counter behind her.

  Cameron opened her mouth to respond, but couldn’t figure out what she wanted to say. Somewhere in the middle of talking she’d gotten lost in Jag’s deep blue-eyed gaze. Usually they were a pale blue, but at that moment they reminded her of the ocean.

  Jag cupped Cameron’s chin, and gently tilted her head upward. “When I look at you I can see the sadness, and pain behind your eyes. You’ve been through some shit. I can tell. But you try so hard to remain strong. You stand behind your husband’s career even though it’s one you don’t side with. Hell, tonight you had a motherfucker murdered just to protect your loved ones,” he said. “I admire you so much, Cam. What dude wouldn’t be attracted to a woman like you?”

  Cameron looked away. “You don’t even know me, Jag…”

  He brushed his thumb over her bottom lip. “I know enough…”

  Cameron sighed deeply. “Jag, I can’t do this with you,” she whispered. “I’ve already been here—in this situation before. I can’t fuck up again…”

  “Then let me fuck up for you,” Jag said. “I will gladly take the heat. Let me please you, Cam…” He lifted her up in his strong arms and placed her on the kitchen counter. “I just wanna take the stress off you and make you feel good…even if only for a lil’ while.”

  “Jag, I—”

  “Please, Cam…” Jag pleaded. He dropped down onto his knees between her legs. She wore only a silk robe with nothing but a pair of pink hip-hugger panties underneath. Positioning himself between her thighs, he eased her panties down her legs, and casually tossed them to the floor. “You deserve this,” Jag said before burying his face in her pussy.

  Cameron should’ve stopped him, but when she felt his wet tongue she knew there was no turning back. She moaned in pleasure as Jag sucked expertly on her clit. She despised the fact that it felt so good. One second she was grabbing a handful of his hair, and trying to push his head away, while the next she was pulling him in deeper. Cam was torn between pleasure and guilt.

  “Damn, it tastes better than I imagined,” Jag whispered.

  Cameron placed a hand against the backsplash tile behind her and braced herself for a strong climax.

  Jag’s long pink tongue flicked against her clit with such precision that it was obvious he was determined to make her cum. Soft groans escaped him as he greedily licked for dear life. Her climax was all that mattered to him. Not the fact that she was his boss’ wife or a happily married woman.

  Biting down on her bottom lip, Cameron grabbed a handful of her breasts and squeezed softly. Her cheeks flushed bright red, and she could feel a powerful orgasm approaching. “Oh, my God, Jag!” she whimpered. “I’m about to cum! Yes!”

  Jag licked and sucked even harder until he felt her juices finally gush down his chin. Then, and only then, did he cease. Standing to his feet, he quickly wiped away her wetness. The guilt was evident in Cameron’s expression. She hated that he’d made her feel so good in the home she shared with her husband. She hated that she’d gone behind her husband’s back during a moment when he needed her most. There was no doubt in Cameron’s mind that Jude would be devastated if he found out what they’d done. She was his wife, and Jag had quickly become like a brother to him.

  “Maybe I should go,” Jag said, reading her mind. He could see that Cameron clearly needed her space. Honestly, he had his own share of thinking to do as well.

  Cameron didn’t bother responding as she stared off into space.

  Jag placed a soft kiss on her forehead before leaving. He didn’t miss her tense up during the gesture, almost like she didn’t want to be touched. She was regretting what they’d done faster than he’d made her cum.

  Without another word, Jag left Cameron alone in the kitchen…winded and in disbelief.


  That evening two hooded figured crept across a dark street towards a parked Mercedes Benz two-door coupe. It was stationed right outside a building nearing its closing hours. Custom chrome rims accented the charming pearl white vehicle left alone for passer biers to either admire or contemplate stealing.

  Jude’s young workers had chosen the latter. Just because their boss was out of commission didn’t mean there weren’t moves and money that still needed to be made. They had to keep the ball rolling. However, before they could break into the newer vehicle and transport it to The Warehouse their plans were suddenly intercepted by three of Champion’s goons.


  “…Breaking story this morning. Violence inside a popular downtown Atlanta nightclub where two people were gunned down. Sylvester Gates also, known by his stage name O’ Zone, and his on-duty security guard Thomas Montgomery were killed inside of Reign Night Club last night. Currently no arrests were made. Investigators say the attack was carefully thought out before being executed. We’re live here in Fulton County, local 2 news…”

  Roxie watched the brief news story with a trembling hand covering her mouth. Truth be told, the only reason she’d been watching the news that morning was in hopes of hearing something in regards to Rumor. What she didn’t expect was to discover that her boyfriend had been murdered in cold blood.

  Oh, my God! Why is this all happening to me at once, Roxie asked herself. This cannot be life!

  Roxie felt like she was losing her mind. She was partly still in denial about the news. After O’ Zone hung up in her face last night she hadn’t bothered calling him back. Who would’ve known that would be my last time speaking to him, she thought.

  “No. No. No. No. No.” The words left Roxie’s mouth uncontrollably as tears slipped from her eyes. Her heart hammered inside her chest, and suddenly it became hard to breathe. If she didn’t know any better she would’ve assumed she was having an asthma attack.

  Staggering to the bathroom, Roxie dropped to her knees beside her huge garden tub. Sweat quickly formed on her forehead and the bridge of her nose. She felt claustrophobic and extremely hot, but she knew air wouldn’t do.

  With shaky hands, Roxie turned on the cold water. Tears continued to cascade down her brown cheeks before plummeting to the bathroom’s tile. This isn’t happening! This isn’t happening, she continued to tell herself. Unfortunately, O’ Zone’s death was her reality.

  At that moment, the feeling of loneliness became overwhelming. Without thinking clearly, Roxie climbed into the filled tub’s water while still wearing her satin slip. The ice-cold water instantly created goose bumps on her chocolate skin, but she felt numb to the temperature.

  Roxie’s temples throbbed as she struggled
to accept the life-altering news. This isn’t happening.

  With Rumor’s disappearance and O’ Zone’s untimely murder, Roxie felt like her back was against the wall. I have no one, she concluded.

  Accepting her sadness and desolation, Roxie plunged her body underneath the freezing water. Maybe it’d be easier for me to put myself out my misery, she thought. Death seemed like such a beautiful alternative—until she heard someone pound on her front door.

  Roxie closed her eyes, and remained underneath the water for several seconds. When she no longer could hold her breath, she sat up and greedily sucked in a lungful of oxygen.

  Roxie’s visitor continued to knock on the front door. She considered the person as a godsend. Had it not been for their unexpected stopover, Roxie might’ve ended her life right then. Climbing out the deep garden tub, she padded barefoot to the front of the apartment. Droplets of water created a small trail behind her as she headed to the door.

  Joaquin was the last person Roxie expected to see once she opened the front door. Common sense urged her to speak, but her mind was elsewhere.

  Joaquin could tell from her red-rimmed eyes that she’d been crying. So she saw the news, he said to himself. He was still, however, trying to figure out why Roxie was soaking wet. She must be taking it harder than I thought.

  Joaquin cleared his throat as guilt settled in the pit of his stomach. “I…uh…My fault about not coming back last night. I had some—”

  “O’ Zone’s dead!” Roxie blurted out. Tears spilled over her lower lids. She had no idea that she was staring his killer dead in the eyes. Irony could be a bitch.

  Joaquin didn’t respond. He simply pulled Roxie into his strong arms and held her tightly.


  Cameron quietly opened the door to Jude’s room. It was nearing 10 a.m., and she didn’t know whether or not he was asleep. Surprisingly, he lay awake staring out the room’s only window. Cameron knew Jude wasn’t admiring the scenery since the window faced a brick wall. He obviously had something on his mind.


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