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Until I Found You: A Second Chance Standalone Romance (Heart's Compass Book 3)

Page 12

by Brooke O'Brien

  I can’t help but laugh thinking back on that memory because it’s totally something she would say.

  Looking up at me, she glares at me. “You know what you can do? Pick up those empty cartons.”

  I want to laugh, make a joke to pull her out of it, but I drop it. Picking up the garbage, I carry it into the kitchen. I make a pit stop by the bathroom, dropping off my wet towel and grabbing my comb to brush through my damp hair.

  My phone vibrates with a text, seeing Graham’s name flash on my screen.

  Graham: You’ll be on my mind all night. Have fun with Kins. Tell her I said hi.

  Plopping back down on the couch next to Kinsley, I say, “Graham says hi.”

  Looking up at me, she smiles. It’s the first real smile I’ve seen on her face all day. Running the comb through my hair, I flip through Netflix trying to find an episode of Friends that will help pull my friend out of her somber mood.

  “How are things after the wedding?”

  I think about her question for a minute while scrolling through episodes.

  “Honestly, I guess I don’t know. He apologized for leaving and for hurting me. I’m not sure where we go now though.”

  Even though we’ve talked every day since the wedding, I still don’t know what’s going on or what the future has in store for us.

  “He loves you, Halle. I really think he regrets leaving you, for hurting you how he did. It was never supposed to be this way for you guys.”

  “I know he does.”

  Kinsley settles on a bright pink nail polish, setting the rest in the basket on the floor. Pressing play, we both settle in as the theme to Friends floats from the speakers.

  “I think I just worry about it happening again, you know? What’s stopping him from leaving Arbor Creek again? If I wasn’t a reason for him to stay before, I don’t trust he won’t find a reason to go if something happens down the road.”

  “Who are you right now?” Her question throws me off, as I look over at her. She slips the brush back into the nail polish, setting it on the coffee table. She has this stern look on her face and it’s throwing me off.

  “The Halle I know is fearless. She doesn’t get hung up on the what-ifs. She puts her all into everything. It’s what I love about you. Don’t let your fears hold you back from moving on with him.”

  “It’s not that easy.”

  “I didn’t say it was easy, Halle. Just promise me you’ll give him a real chance.”

  “Okay, under one condition,” I say, looking at her firmly.


  “Promise me you will have an actual conversation with Wes before you go assuming things.”

  She lets out a heavy sigh, picking up her nail polish again untwisting the cap.

  “Kinsley Lea,” I say, sounding like her mom.

  “Will you stop that?” She laughs.

  “I’m serious.”

  “I know you are, okay?” she sighs again before nodding her head. “I promise.”

  Reaching my pinky out between us like we’ve done since we were in middle school, she curls her finger around mine.

  “If all else fails, we can live together until we’re ninety-five. We can collect cats and cut coupons, and every Sunday we can go to the casino to play bingo.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” I giggle. “Who needs sex when you can live off the high of gambling?”



  Pulling into a parking spot outside of Brodie’s, I turn the key in the ignition and grab my phone just as it dings with a text message. Jumping out of my pickup, I hit the lock as I swipe the screen checking the message.

  Halle: Remember that one time we locked ourselves out of my house?

  Chuckling to myself, I think back to the night Halle and I had been hanging out. It was a Friday night and her parents were out of town. She had told her parents she was going to stay with Kinsley that night, but like every Friday night, we all met up for the game and then went out with our friends.

  Halle had left her key in her house, but we had been desperate to spend time alone together. She had practically begged me to help her get inside. Like every other time, I couldn’t deny her. I still remember hoisting her up to her bedroom window and the sarcastic comments she made about me touching her butt.

  Graham: I’ll never forget it. I’ll never forget how great your ass looked in those jeans either.

  Halle: You better not!

  I can’t help but chuckle. Pulling on the back door to Brodie’s, it’s a quiet crowd for lunch on a Friday. People are seated at the bar, starting their weekend early with a beer in their hand.

  Spotting Mason, Brannon, and Wes at a table off to the side, I give a quick wave to Brea who’s working at the bar, as I head toward them.

  “We weren’t sure if you were going to be able to make it,” Brannon says, as he waves me over.

  Sliding into the booth next to Mason, I reach over shaking each of their hands in greeting as I feel the stress of the day ease just a little.

  Truth be told, I needed to get out of the office for a little bit and meeting up with the guys seems like the perfect way to do it. We haven’t seen each other since the wedding and things were crazy, we haven’t really had a chance to catch up.

  “How are things going at the office?” Mason asks, looking over at me. “Dean mentioned shit has been tense lately with Krate coming around. What the hell’s going on?”

  Running my hand over my face, I settle into my seat resting my arm along the back. Glancing around, I make sure no one is around that could overhear our conversation before I look back at Wes wanting to ensure he’s hearing this.

  “He’s been coming around Halle when she’s alone, saying shit to her. It’s freaking her out. She plays it off like it’s not a big deal, like she can handle it herself, but I know better. It’s evident how uncomfortable he makes her.”

  “You’re shittin’ me?” Brannon asks, resting his forearms on the table. He can play it off like he’s the jokester, but I know he feels the same way I do. You don’t treat a woman that way. You don’t put that kind of fear in her.

  “Nah, man, I wish I was though. We’ve been trailing him.” I pause, adjusting myself in my seat again.

  “Mav and I have been working with some people, keeping an eye on shit. He’s just a loose cannon, unpredictable. He cornered her the other day outside Hudson’s, middle of the damn day. He knows we’re onto him, told her if I didn’t stay away and mind my own business, he’d put me six feet under next to Gage.”

  I feel Mason freeze next to me.

  “Hell, no,” Brannon says, balling his hands up into a fist. “He’s sayin’ shit to her like that, there’s no way she’s doing okay.”

  “Yeah, I know. She’s stubborn as a bull though.” I emit an exhaustive sigh while running my hand across the back of my neck. I’ve tried going by after I found out what happened, but she denied me. I tried talking to her about it at the wedding, but she insists she’s fine.

  “I don’t think he’d do anything to Kinsley. He’s targeting me, but you know they’re always together.”

  Wes nods his head, obviously not liking this. “Kinsley have any idea this is going on? She hasn’t mentioned anything to me.”

  “I’m not sure, man. It’s hard enough getting Halle to talk to me about it. She swears she’s okay, but every time I bring it up, she changes the subject. She turns it around, about how she isn’t going to turn to me if something’s bothering her. I fucked up in the past and she is being stubborn about letting me be there for her again.”

  Wes’s eyebrows furrow as he leans forward, rubbing his thumb over his lips in thought.

  “Honestly, we haven’t talked much this week.” He squints, as he runs his palms over his weary eyes. “Brannon and I have been so busy with the motocross event coming into town. I was contracted to do some work on a bike to help get it ready. I had to cancel on our plans on Wednesday because of it. She wasn’t happy with me ab
out it. We just have both been so busy between Callum and Ellie’s wedding and things taking off at the shop.”

  This is the first time I’ve ever heard of them having problems and I can sense it isn’t sitting right with Wes either.

  “I was thinking about taking her out of town for the weekend now that things will start calming down a little.”

  “You know, if you guys want to take off, I have no problem taking care of things for a bit. Hell, we all know I ain’t got nothin’ or no one waitin’ on me at home,” Brannon comments with a glint of humor.

  “You sure about that?” Mason asks, laughing as he leans back against the back of the booth, shooting Brannon a look.

  Yeah, we all saw how Brannon and Lissa were the night at Velvet in Chicago. As much as she can try to act like she’s not interested, I know full well it’s all a ploy. He loves getting under her skin and she loves throwing it right back at him.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Brannon gives him a side grin.

  I laugh. That’s like saying Halle and I kept our hands to ourselves that night too.

  Brea picks the perfect moment to step up to our table.

  “Sorry, I’m the only one running the bar and taking lunch orders. Danny called in today. You guys ready to order?” Brea asks, taking her notepad out from the front of her apron.

  “I forgive you.” Mason winks.

  I lean back, feeling stuck in the middle of their sexual tension. I had enough of that rooming with him and living with them when I first moved back home before my house was ready. Hanging out with them when they were friends was great. Now they are in this new relationship and living together. It had reminded me all too much about what Halle and I used to have.

  We spend the next hour talking with Wes about his weekend plans with Kinsley, while listening to Brannon’s endless questioning of Brea as he presses for news on when Lissa will be coming to town to visit.

  I have a feeling she’ll be coming back to town very soon, if Brannon has anything to say about it.

  After lunch wraps up, I decide to send a text to Halle. Knowing Kinsley will be taking off with Wes for the weekend, I hate the thought of Halle being alone at their place.

  What do I have to do to see you tonight?

  Climbing into my pickup, my phone dings with a response.

  Halle: This sounds like it could be fun. I have a lot of ideas.

  Graham: I sure do have my hands full with you, huh?

  Halle: That’s why you have two hands. ;-)

  Chuckling, my chest warms picturing the smile on Halle’s face as she typed out that response. This girl kills me.

  Graham: Mm, that I do. Now I’m just thinking of all the things I can do with these hands.

  Halle: Now this is what I’m talking about. Tell me more…

  Me: I want to know if any of your ideas include me re-learning all the ways your body can come alive under my touch.

  The rumbling sound of an exhaust approaching draws my attention away from our conversation to my rearview mirror. As I glance up, I see Krate driving while rolling down his window.

  Peering into the side mirror, our eyes lock on each other’s. My phone rings in my hand, as he speeds off down the road.

  “You still over at Brodie’s?” Maverick asks, not even bothering with a greeting. He’s been tailing him.

  “Yep, he just pulled up right behind me.”

  “Mother-fucker,” Maverick swears.

  Holding the phone up to my ear, I peer over my shoulder seeing him hit the gas as he guns it toward the back of the parking lot taking a sharp turn toward the alley.

  “I was able to place the GPS last night. I know he’s onto us, so I’ve eased up on him. At least until we can figure out what he and Hendrich are up to. Something’s going down and he’s trying to distract us with his bullshit.”

  He’s right. He knows we’ve been watching him and he’s trying to draw us to steer our focus in a different direction, away from whatever is going on.

  “Alright, keep me updated. I don’t trust this prick.”

  My phone pings with another text from Halle. Knowing Krate has shit up his sleeve and Halle is about to be staying at her place alone, I need to figure out a way to convince her to stay with me this weekend.

  If I tell her the truth, I’m not sure how she’ll take it. She may get pissed and likely tell me not to worry about it. The hell if I’ll listen to that bullshit. She’s my number one priority, her and my mom. I’m not about to let anything happen to either of them.

  “I’m going to swing by Halle’s salon and see if I can convince her to stay with me this weekend. Wes and Kinsley are going to be heading out of town, and I just don’t feel good about her being alone.”

  I know Maverick understands. I’m already out of the parking lot and down main street toward her salon when he replies.

  “Good luck,” he mutters, knowing I’m going to have my hands full trying to convince her of that. We say our goodbyes and I let him know I’ll be in touch with him.

  Pulling into the alley behind her salon, I cut the engine when I spot her car in the parking lot. I don’t see Kinsley’s Jeep, so I’m immediately on alert thinking about her being alone.

  The doorbell rings as I enter, and my eyes immediately fall on Halle. It’s as if all my fears fall away when I see her beautiful smile lighting up her face.

  There’s an older woman I don’t recognize sitting in front of her.

  “Hey.” She grins at me in the mirror. “Wasn’t expecting you to show up. I’m almost done. If you want to take a seat at Kinsley’s station, I’ll be with you in a few.”

  She shoots me a wink as she resumes what she was doing, running her fingers through the woman’s curled hair as she talks about some hair product she has in her other hand.

  After the lady has paid and thanked Halle, she’s out the door, and Halle’s attention is turned back on me. Just where I want it.

  “You didn’t respond back to me. I didn’t think it meant you were going to come waltzing through the door instead.”

  “Well, I thought if I was going to convince you to see me, the best way to do it would be standing in front of you. I thought there’d be less of a chance you’d say no.”

  She raises her eyebrow at me, knowingly.

  “Is that your way of saying you know I can’t turn you down when you’re here tempting me.” The edge of her mouth curves in a smile.

  “You’ve practically admitted it. What do you have going on that’s better than spending the weekend with me?”

  “Oh, so now it’s the weekend? Are you sure you’re ready for that much time together? Be careful, Graham, you may find it difficult not to fall back in love with me.”

  “I was in trouble a long time ago.”



  As we pull onto a gravel road on the outskirts of town, I am remembering the conversation Graham had with Mason and Callum on our drive back home from Chicago. Callum had been telling him about the process of building his house before he and Ellie had met.

  I had been hesitant to believe he was going to be moving home to Iowa to stay for good. As Graham pulls up the drive leading to his house, I glance out the window taking in the large structure. The combination of dark brick and light wood gives it a rustic farmhouse feel. I bite my lip, using the back of my hand to hide the smile currently taking over my face.

  I can feel Graham’s eyes on me, waiting for some sort of reaction. I do my best to give nothing away as he pulls to a stop in front of the garage.

  “What do you think?” he asks, reaching forward to put the gear in park, turning the ignition off.

  “Wow, Graham,” I say, sitting forward to look out the window. It’s really the best I can come up with in this moment. My eyes are wide, as I peer over at him. “This is your house?”

  “It is.” He grins back at me. “Does that mean you like it?”

  I want to laugh and for a second, I wonder wh
y it matters if I like it, before I quickly let that go. Clutching the door handle, I pop open the door and climb out of the truck.

  The gravel crunches beneath his feet as he walks around the front of the pickup, holding his hand out to me. Wrapping our fingers together, he leads me up the walkway to the front door.

  It seriously looks like it’s something out of a Better Homes and Gardens magazine or off the set of Fixer Upper. I’m kind of amazed for a bachelor pad, he’s put this much thought and effort into his home.

  He unlocks and pushes the door open, holding his hand out letting me lead the way.

  Stepping one foot into the entryway, I feel like I’m once again struck speechless as I glance over my shoulder to look at Graham.

  “Did you decorate this all yourself?”

  He laughs, as if he was waiting for me to ask him this.

  “I’m glad you like it,” he answers.

  Stepping down into the living area, I run my hand along the stone of the fireplace to the light oak mantel that hangs just above my shoulder. My eyes take in the rest of the room, to the dining area with the large table to the off white and black iron kitchen. It’s nice, but the little touches like the box of car parts sitting on the chair in the dining room make it clear there’s still a man living here.

  “It’s really nice, Graham. I love it. I bet it’s really peaceful out here too,” I say, walking through the dining room to peer out the sliding glass door overlooking the backyard.

  “Yeah, it’s quiet but that’s how I like it.”

  He walks up behind me. Even if I couldn’t see his reflection in the window, I could still feel his presence around me. The warmth of this body heat radiates off him and onto my back, as he steps closer.

  We’re like two magnets, unable to resist the pull between us. Leaning back, I rest my head against his shoulder. His arms wrap around my middle, pulling me closer to him and for a moment I let everything else fall away. I soak in this moment and let myself enjoy having him here. I let myself think about us together again and maybe one day living together here in this beautiful home.


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