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Until I Found You: A Second Chance Standalone Romance (Heart's Compass Book 3)

Page 17

by Brooke O'Brien

  He stares at me straight in the eyes, as if daring me to utter another word. When he’s satisfied I’ve got the point, he stands up straight and turns to walk away.

  “Where the hell is he?” he mutters, pulling back the edge of the blinds to look out the window.

  I see a flash of movement from the stockroom across from me. My eyes widen with fear, before I see Graham appear. He holds a finger up to his mouth, telling me to stay quiet. My eyes dart back over to Krate, standing a few feet away with his back to Graham, before looking back to Graham.

  He mouths to me it will be okay and I nod, feeling for the first time since Krate got here it will be.

  I had a feeling it was Graham who called me earlier. When my phone rang repeatedly, Krate took it from me smashing it on the ground in front of me before stomping on it.

  My hands tug on the confines again, wishing with everything in me I could loosen them and run to Graham, wrapping my arms around him.

  Krate pulls out his phone, checking the screen. Taking his attention off me opens the perfect opportunity for Graham to catch him off guard, and he does.

  “If I were you, I’d put the gun down right now,” Graham says, pointing a gun at Krate.

  The sound of Graham’s voice catching him off guard, causes him to drop his phone, as he readjusts the aim back at me.

  Krate smiles broadly, the light cackling sound of his laughter filling the room. It’s evil, sending a chill down my spine.

  “I was waiting on you. It was only a matter of time till you’d swoop in to save the day. You’re never far behind this one.”

  Graham’s jaw ticks, my eyes flash back and forth between the two of them. I want to beg Graham to be careful, but the anger simmering below the surface is evident by the wild look in his eyes.

  “You just couldn’t listen, could ya? Just had to keep sticking your nose where it don’t fuckin’ belong. Your cousin had the same problem, ya know. It’s a shame you’ll have to lose someone you love again.”

  “If you hurt her, I promise you as God as my witness, I’ll kill you. I won’t even think twice about it either. This is your only warning. So, think long and hard over the next move you make.”

  There’s no threat in Graham’s words. It’s a promise, spoken with such conviction. It’s one he fully intends to keep if he’s pushed to that point.

  Krate chuckles, the sound grating like nails on a chalkboard.

  “You should never threaten a man who has nothing to lose.”

  The sound of sirens in the distance grows closer as Krate adjusts his aim at me. Anger transforms his face.

  “Hate to say it,” Graham says. “It looks like it’s you this won’t be ending well for.”

  Graham shouts for me to duck, just as the sound of shots fire around the room. The mirror on the salon station behind me breaks, sending glass shattering around me, as Graham rushes Krate.

  The weight of Graham’s heavy frame and the blast from his gun sends Krate stumbling, falling back against the wall. I fold my body in half, pressing my chest to my knees, protecting myself.

  “Why’d you do it?” Graham grunts, forcing his elbow against Krate’s neck, cutting off his airway. Graham’s eyebrow is cut deep, leaving blood trickling down his forehead.

  “Fuck you,” Krate spits.

  “You had your chance,” Graham growls, rearing back elbowing him in the face. Blood splatters from his nose just before Graham hits him with a heavy fist against his jaw. I watch as life leaves Krate’s body with every blow.

  “Graham!” I shout, pulling him out of it. He pushes off his body, holding his hands up as he kicks Krate’s gun away from him.

  The front door slams open as several men rush in, shouting “police.” Graham falls to the floor before me, holding his hands in the air.

  He looks dazed, lost. His body shaking, a mixture of fear and adrenaline coursing through him. His eyes look me over, checking for any sign I could be hurt.

  “I’m okay, I promise. I’m okay.”

  I say it over and over, never taking my eyes off him. After the fourth or fifth time, he lets out a deep sigh finally accepting it as the truth.

  I hear someone say “all clear” as another person identifies Graham. As soon as the all clear is given, Graham slides across the floor on his knees until his forehead is pressed against mine.

  “I love you,” he whispers. “Fuck, I don’t know what I would’ve done if something happened to you.”

  He looks up, tears in his eyes, focusing on something behind me, before looking back down at me.

  “You two okay?” Maverick asks, appearing next to us out of nowhere.

  “Get something to untie her,” Graham orders, just as Detective Keller approaches us. Mav produces a knife from his pocket and quickly releases me of the restraints. My wrists cry from the pain.

  “You’re lucky you didn’t get yourself shot. We found enough ammunition in his car to do some serious damage. What were you doing coming in here by yourself and not waiting for us to arrive?” Keller questions.

  “With all due respect, there’s nothing I wouldn’t do to make sure that woman was okay.”

  “Well, if it’s alright with you, I’m going to have her taken to the hospital to get checked out. Make sure there’s nothing wrong. We’ll meet you up there to get her statement.”

  “I’m okay,” I say, looking back at Graham shaking my head.

  “She’s okay. If it’s alright with you, I’d like to just get her out of here.”

  Glancing over, I see them loading up Krate on a stretcher with his hand clutching his shoulder. I want to be angry all he is left with was a gunshot to his shoulder and a busted-up face when Gage lost his life, but I know he’ll be in prison for a long time.

  “Alright. We’ll be by your place to talk to you. I will just need your information,” Keller says, looking at me.

  “I can get you that information,” Maverick says, interjecting. “I’ll let Graham get her out of here, if it’s alright with you.”

  “You can just come by my place. She’ll be with me.”

  * * *

  The next few days are a blur. After we left the salon, we went back home and later that evening the detectives came over to Graham’s to question us. I knew Marc and Isaac Krate had been involved in what happened to Gage but hearing about Graham finding the car was bone chilling.

  There was no denying after what he said that day in the salon, the warnings he’s given both me and Graham to back off, and finding the car he was responsible for Gage’s death.

  What happened afterward was the first big step Graham needed in getting the justice Gage deserved. The night we found out that charges had been filed and Marc wouldn’t be released on bail, this was the first night Graham was able to sleep.

  As for me, the only time I’ve been able to get any rest is when I’ve had Graham’s arms around me. We never discussed it, but we both knew without needing to talk about it that we needed each other right now.

  Having lost Graham once before, I felt the fear of losing him and saw life without him again flash before my eyes.

  Waking up the next morning with the sound of rain pattering outside the window and Graham’s soft breathing behind me is its own piece of heaven. I remind myself to appreciate the little things in life. These are the moments I won’t take for granted again.

  “Good morning,” I whisper, as Graham presses a kiss against my shoulder.

  Rolling over in his arms, I smile at his sleepy eyes. His facial hair has grown out longer, having not shaved over the past few days.

  “Morning,” he croaks, as I reach up and run my palm over his cheek.

  He closes his eyes at my touch, as I run my thumb over his face. I feel him jolt in surprise when I lean over, pressing a soft kiss against his lips.

  “I love you,” I whisper against his lips. His body relaxes, as he reaches down to grab my leg, curving it over his so our legs tangle together.

  He doesn’t say anything
but when his eyes open, the evidence is there. The love shining back at me nearly takes my breath away as his lips press against mine, this time with more force and conviction. His hands run up my forearms, holding me closer to him.

  When his tongue skims over my bottom lip, seeking entrance, I give into him. Every damn time I give into him. I can feel everything he’s saying to me, but the connection between us is so deep, there are no words necessary.

  Pressing his forehead to mine, he breaks the connection. Tilting his head back, he looks at me for a moment before whispering, “I love you too.”

  Tears fill my eyes and his brows furrow with confusion and concern.

  “What’s wrong, baby?”

  “I’m just so happy to hear you say those words again,” I say, my voice quivering with every word spoken.

  “After so much time passed after you left, I never thought I’d see you again. If I did, I never expected we would be together. All the time we were apart didn’t change how much I love you. I was scared I was going to lose you and, God, I don’t think I’d ever be able to get through it again.”

  “Halle,” he replies, cutting me off. The soft voice he used a moment ago gone and the take charge man is back in its place. “You will never lose me again.”

  “But what if,” I say, before he interjects.

  “Hear me, Halle. You won’t ever lose me. I’m yours.”


  “Until my last breath.”

  A tear slips out of my eyes, trailing down my face, as he continues.

  “I know what I did hurt you, but I need you to understand, walking away from you was the biggest mistake I’ve ever made in my life. I won’t let myself make it again. I am so in love with you and the thought of living without you again, I won’t do it. It won’t happen. I want to wake up every morning with you in my arms. I’ll spend every day for the rest of our lives proving to you I’m not going anywhere. Not now. Not ever.”

  If I was emotional before, I’m in full on ugly cry now. Everything he just said to me is what I’ve longed to hear from him.

  We can’t go back and change the past. If we could, there are many things I’m sure we’d love to re-write. All we can do now is focus on the here and now, and everyday forward. Just knowing he wants to wake up with me in my arms is all I needed to hear, but everything else sealed the deal.


  Graham – Three Months Later

  “You nervous, man?”

  I glance over at Brannon and his shit eating grin spreads wide across his face. The fucker knows I’m nervous, which is why he’s even bothering asking right now.

  “Shut up,” I growl, earning me a laugh.

  “It’s about time you wised up already. Five years, dude—took you long enough. That girl’s a ten, man. I’m glad you came to your senses.”

  “I could say the same to you, asshole. Why don’t you shut your mouth?”

  He stops, looking at me confused, and I laugh back at him. “What are you talking about?”

  “Lissa,” I respond, drawing it out. He has the gall to stare at me, continuing to look confused.

  “We all know what happened in Chicago. The look on your face, the one saying you don’t know what I’m talking about, isn’t going to get you anywhere.”

  He doesn’t respond right away, instead takes a throwback of what’s left in his can of beer. Come to think of it, I’m certain I just saw him up at the bar not even five minutes before this, so he has to be chugging the entire thing.

  Slamming the empty can down on the table, he looks back at me. I know my response grinded his nerves, if the annoyed look on his face is any indication. I wasn’t trying to be an asshole about it, just proving the point that we don’t always know what’s right in front of our face.

  “Whatever you think you know, I ain’t chasin’ that girl around. Not anymore. That ship sailed.”

  “Uh huh.” I laugh. “Do me a favor, when we look back on this conversation a year from now, we can both shake hands in agreement knowing we told the other so. Fair?”

  “Whatever, man. I need another beer. You want one? You know, to work up the courage and all that.”

  “Fuck off,” I retort, as he raises his hand in salute walking away.

  My leg starts to shake. The nervous energy coursing through me heightened.

  Three months ago, everything changed. Call me stupid, or perhaps if you ask Brannon maybe I just wised up. Either way, I know what it was like to lose Halle once when I mistakenly walked away. I told myself it was the right decision. I was clouded by the guilt of what happened to Gage, and I let it push her away.

  I won’t make that mistake again. I made her a promise to spend every day working to earn her trust and showing her how much I love her. I fully intend to keep my promise.

  Looking at the back door, I wait for her to come in. She texted me ten minutes ago telling me she and Kinsley had closed the salon and were on their way. Mason, Brea, Callum, and Ellie are all here already. Everyone knows the plan.

  Everyone, except for Halle that is.

  The ring in my pocket is starting to burn a hole through the denim. I’m so nervous and anxious to see her, to see her face, and get this over with already.

  I just want to know she’s mine forever.

  She left earlier this morning, she had an appointment to get to before she had to work. I feel like it’s been too long since I’ve seen her and I’m ready to just have her in my arms and to kiss her.

  Fuck, Brannon is right, I’m glad I came to my senses.

  It feels like ten minutes goes by, but for all I know it’s probably been more like two, when Halle bounds through the door. Her long blonde hair is curled over her shoulder and the denim jeans are hugging every curve of her body like they were made for her.

  Damn, I swear this woman could bring me to my knees.

  When her eyes find mine across the bar, I can’t help but grin when I see them light up. Her smile is so damn bright, it’s a wonder what I did to have her.

  “Hey, baby.” I smile, reaching out for her hand and pulling her into my arms.

  “Well, hello there, handsome.”

  I don’t hesitate, I lean forward and press a kiss against her lips. Her hand wraps around the front of my shirt, I hold myself closer to her.

  “I missed you.”

  “You saw me this morning.” She giggles.

  “So, that was nine hours ago. Too damn long.”

  “What would you do without me?”

  “I don’t know, but I don’t want to find out.”

  “Good answer.” She smiles, pushing up on her toes to reach for another kiss. Wrapping my hands around her waist, I hold her close to me.

  “You two need to get a room already!” Mason shouts from behind us.

  Ignoring him, I pick her up by her waist and she wraps her legs around me, which earns us a laugh.

  “I feel like we’re back in high school all over again,” Kinsley mutters from behind us.

  We finally break away and I smile seeing the way Halle’s face lights up.

  “You hear that?”

  “I did.”

  “We’re young and in love all over again.”

  “Never stopped.”

  Her face softens hearing that as I lower her back to the floor.

  I look around at the group of my friends, all of them eagerly waiting for the moment that’s about to come. It’s ironic, really. The nerves that were once surging through me a few minutes ago are now gone, and a sense of calmness washes over me.

  This is exactly where I was supposed to be, with these people, all along.

  When my eyes fall on Kinsley’s, she nods her head toward me, encouraging me to get on with it already. She’s so happy, her excitement is bubbling beneath the surface.

  “I want to thank you all for joining us here tonight,” I say, as Halle turns her head looking up at me.

  “It’s no secret the past few years haven’t always been easy for m
e. For any of us. We’ve all been through our own fair share of hard times, but I know I couldn’t get through it without all of you.”

  Pulling Halle around so she’s turning to face me, she smiles, squeezing my hand.

  “Halle, I promised you I was never going to leave you again. I meant what I said. Coming home to you was the second-best thing I’ve done in my life.”

  Leaning forward, I press a kiss against her lips. She reaches her hand out, holding her palm against my face as I pull back to look at her again.

  “If it’s alright with you, I’d like to get on with making the best one.” Her brows furrow in question, just before I lower myself to my knee. Her eyes widen as tears fill her eyes.

  “Don’t cry.” I smile, pressing a kiss against the back of her hand.

  I hear the girls cry out, saying something about how sweet I am.

  “Baby, I’ve been in love with you since the moment you first smarted off to me.” I pause, loving the sound of her laugh as I say that. “I want to spend every day of my life showing you just how much. Help me make the best damn decision I’ve ever made in my life and marry me. There’s not a damn person in this world I want to spend my life with but you. Will you be my wife?”

  “Oh my God,” she cries, straddling my bended knee as she presses her lips against mine. I wrap my arms around her, holding her to me.

  Tears flow down her face, mixing with our kisses.

  “Baby, I told you not to cry. Why you cryin’?”

  “You make me so damn happy.”

  “Well, that’s good. I was starting to wonder what was wrong. You still haven’t given me an answer yet.”

  She stands back up, laughing as she looks around our group of friends before looking back down at me.

  “You want my answer, Graham Shaw?”

  I nod my head, smiling.

  “Yes, I’ll marry you. I want to be your wife and the mother of your children. It’s about time you made an honest woman out of me.”

  It takes me a second to piece together what she’s trying to say, as gasps erupt from around us.


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