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The Eons-Lost Orphan

Page 34

by Laer Carroll

  With a sigh the woman reached down between two cushions, pulled out a locket and squeezed it between thumb and forefinger three times.

  Robot confirmed that their conversation was now confidential.

  "You didn't introduce yourself earlier. My guess is that you feel a bit guilty about the role you've been tasked to play. Officially I imagine that you're with the Defense Department's HR department and that it is the role you are playing here with the real authority of that department.

  "Actually you're likely an FBI Special Agent in their Operations Branch. I've read about them. Some of their elaborate exploits rival those of action adventure movies."

  Jane was impressed with the woman's poker face and said so.

  "Your role is to be a liaison with me and win my cooperation with your motherly and grandmotherly demeanor. Which is genuine. The best way to lie is to use as much truth as possible.

  "You can tell your bosses that we've a good relationship. No need to tell them that I know who you are. You can say that I both like and respect you. Which is true. If one of those was not so I'd not be having this conversation with you. Now I believe is a good time to introduce yourself."

  "You're guesses are accurate. I'm Sarah McBride with the FBI."

  "Pleased to meet you, Sarah. Now go to the bathroom, flush the toilet, and return to turn on your recording device. Hurry back so the device will capture the sound of the toilet flush."

  Sarah quirked an eyebrow then got up to do as she'd been bid. On her return Jane continued speaking.

  "While you were gone I considered the choices you presented. I'm turning down the Air Force's suggestions. At Wright-Pat I'd be a little frog in a big puddle. Not because of ego; I don't mind being a little frog. But because all the interlocking demands and rivalries means it would be like working covered in chicken wire. I want more freedom.

  "I'll take the NASA position but only on several conditions. If they're not met I'll have my attorneys find a way acceptable to me to get me free of my obligation. I'll start up my own self-funded research organization and get into space my way. I'd rather go with the military, however. The US may be in a shooting war in the not-too-distant future and they will need me."

  "Let me use my phone to record this. I've a feeling my bosses will want to hear your conditions in your own voice."

  Jane nodded and when Sarah had set her phone to record continued.

  "I'll work with NASA at the JPL site. But I'll remain military. If they make me a major in the Space Force."

  "That seems unlikely."

  "You've already said I would be jumped to first lieutenant. I know that such actions are rare but specifically allowed by the regulations for something like 'exigencies to satisfy unique needs of the service' or some such weasel wording. A jump to major seems reasonable to me."

  "I'll see what I can do. They MIGHT go for captain."

  "If I'm not at least captain I'm out."

  Sarah had a slight smile on her face. She seemed to be enjoying herself.

  "I want an entire floor with secure entrances and exits. What I'll be doing will include some highly classified work."

  "That means your crew must have clearances as well."

  Jane nodded.

  "I want the top floor if it's a multi-story building. The floor has to be reinforced to support a light helicopter."

  "Now that kind of floor could be a problem. We might have to make do with a plaza nearby. But the real problem will be the environmental disturbances whice those, ah, 'flying windmills' cause."

  "There will be no such disturbances. My first task will be to design and build a helicopter without blades. Think of it as a big quadcopter. But with wings for lift when flying forward."

  "Hmm. Seems to me I've seen my grandkids playing with something like that."

  "It's not an idea unique to me. But the implementation will be. It will have floater landing gear and telemag air jets. Which as you probably know run cool and quiet. If people are not actually looking at my jump jet they'll not even know when it takes off or lands."

  "Jump jet? Is that what you'll call it?"

  "Jump jet, easy jet, quiet jet, something jet. But I think 'jump' is best. Properly designed it will take off like a scalded cat. Land on any kind of surface, even water if I design it right. It will be ideal for Marine or Special Forces operations where you have to land quiet and quick and get the Hell out even quicker."

  "Sounds like you've given it a lot of thought."

  Jane shrugged. "A minute for the basic idea, an hour for the basic engineering. But there are no miracles involved. A prototype would take months and lots of smart people. An operational model, maybe years and an army of smart people. Especially if it has to be commercial instead of military, with the narrow margins every commercial product operates under."

  "Well, if you have no more outrageous demands, I think we can call it a day."

  "One last requirement. I'm a genius but I can't operate like lone wolves the way they do in the movies or on TV. I need a support staff. And I insist on picking, or at least passing on, the top tier of my staff."

  "Boy, you don't have paltry dreams, do you?"

  "I have PRACTICAL dreams. I make dreams come true."

  She stood, as did the FBI agent. They wished each other a good day. Then Jane impulsively gave the woman a hug. After a pause, she gave Jane an awkward hug back.


  In the hallway to the elevator Jane thought that all of her requirements had a good chance of being met. Especially since as JANE she would monitor the progress of her promotion and give it some discreet tugs in the right direction.

  Remaining in the area would be nice. Not just for her and her family but because she could keep contacts with CalTech faculty. She had some ideas about hyperspace which only top minds at Tech could appreciate.

  The elevator dinged and Jane entered it. She pushed the Down button and the elevator began to descend.

  "Robot, locate all the former cadets I worked with on special projects. Also Kate, Klaus, Nicole, and Ricky."

  "Here is a list of the results."

  Jane phoned Kate. She answered immediately.

  Jane said. "Hey, girl. How the Hell are you?"

  "Specifically, at a friends barbecue. Generally, happy but still waiting on that Exec position."

  "You still going on about that? If you ever got your wish you'd find that it was a sad reality compared to your dreams. Besides, you just said you were happy where you are."

  "Mostly. But things around you are always interesting."

  "You really wouldn't mind picking up roots and moving someplace new?"

  "Sure I'd miss some people here. But we're military. We knew early on that was part of the bargain we were making. Hmm. You got something going on?"

  "Several somethings. No guarantee if any will pan out."

  "Well, keep me in the loop. Now, got to go. They're waving me over. Love you."

  "Love you."

  The elevator dinged and Jane walked into the hotel's lobby, already on the phone to someone else on her list.

  "Hey, Klaus. How the Hell are you?"

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1 - Entry

  Chapter 2 - Homes

  Chapter 3 - Fostered

  Chapter 4 - School

  Chapter 5 - School, Jr Year

  Chapter 6 - Summer Vacation

  Chapter 7 - School, Sr Year

  Chapter 8 - USAF Academy - Year 1

  Chapter 9 - USAF Academy - Summer 1

  Chapter 10 - USAF Academy - Summer 1

  Chapter 11 - USAF Academy - Summer 1

  Chapter 12 - USAF Academy - Summer 1

  Chapter 13 - USAF Academy - Summer 1

  Chapter 14 - USAF Academy - Year 2

  Chapter 15 - USAF Academy - Year 2

  Chapter 16 - USAF Academy - Year 2

  Chapter 17 - USAF Academy - Summer 2

  Chapter 18 - USAF Academy - Summer 2

  Chapter 19 -
USAF Academy - Year 3

  Chapter 20 - USAF Academy - Summer 3

  Chapter 21 - USAF Academy - Year 4




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