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BREAK ME (Teased and Broken Book 3)

Page 4

by Ashley Black

  I would make Thornton Darko believe I was truly ‘with’ him.

  I sighed, turned on my side and watched him sleep.

  He was so beautiful.

  I found my hand rubbing over his belly,

  So hard and uncompromising.

  He was a sculpture pretending to be human.

  He moaned, and arched his back.

  I cried out when his dick sprang up and slapped against my hand.

  Oh no.

  Such a fucking idiot Elena!

  I held my breath, waiting.

  His cock twitched, look, what you’ve done to me, it seemed to accuse.

  His massive arms snaked around my body and pulled me on top of him. With a grunt, he slowly rubbed me up and down his body.

  In a heart exploding moment he relinquished his grip on me, and turned on his side with a sigh. His hand gripped my arm and pulled me across his shoulder, holding me secure against his back. Like a blanket for fucks sake.

  I wriggled in mock outrage against him.

  I was already hot, panting … wanting.

  Fuck this man.

  He slept on, but I saw that wide sexy mouth smiling.

  I awoke with a faint soreness and a deep ache in my sex. I was contracting around a ghost prick. My pussy shuddered and spasmed violently. I was drenched with pleasure and panting hard. I had been dreaming about Brett.

  Brett, making love to me with his hot dick. His scorching touch melting me to a sultry puddle of helpless arousal. I licked at a salty tear that slid to the corner of my mouth.

  Sweet Jesus. Images of the dark erotic mayhem of last night screamed loudly into my mind.

  What had I done?

  Why had I allowed him to do any of that to me?

  Vomit tired to scramble up my throat.

  Shit. Oh shit.

  Something vibrated to the right of me.

  My eyes snapped open. I found myself alone in the expansive bed.

  Thornton’s phone.

  A message from Brett.

  I don’t believe Elena would do that to me. I am going to fucking waste you, circus freak. Your fucked up brains will look better all over the ground.

  Ice prickled in my veins and crunched as it poured into my heart.

  I thumbed the message Thorn had first sent to Brett..

  It appeared to be the start of any communication between them.

  It was a video.

  My stomach clenched. An image of Thorn’s smug pleased smile setting his mobile on the night stand the night before, flooded my mind.

  Hell no.

  He didn’t. No!

  He did.

  He had filmed us fucking and sent it to Brett.

  The man was making it very hard to ‘pretend’ to be with him when I wanted to end him.

  That evil fucker.

  I called Brett.

  He picked up at once.

  “It’s Elena,” I said.

  “El, baby. Oh God, I’ve been fucking beside myself and upside down.”

  I squeezed my eyes shut tightly against the pain in his voice. My gorgeous Brett sounded like he had been crying.

  “Listen now, I don’t have much time. I have a plan,” my voice came out a tremulous rush of yearning for my artist and soldier man.

  When I had finished outlining my deception, I replaced Thorn’s phone carefully on the night stand. Brett’s angry warning rolled fitfully inside my head.

  “You have exactly 24 hours and then I’m coming for you El. It’s killing me that you already spent one night with the fucking lunatic!”

  “But,” I had protested. “That isn’t enough time Brett! He has been so tight lipped. Please baby, just give me a little more time. Clarissa is arriving today to help me with my magic. She might be able to help me get somewhere with him. He lies to my face. He is shameless.”

  “You need to figure out how to get him to open up that big mouth of his and tell you some truths,” had been Brett’s unhappy retort to my pleas and protests.

  I frowned, I thought I heard Aaron’s outraged voice. It exploded right outside the door to the suite, before it burst open.

  Thorn and his Addams family minions rushed in pushing an angry flushed Aaron and a bewildered elegant and classy as fuck looking Clarissa forth as a bizarre kind of offering to me.

  Aaron was raging at Thorn. “What? What have you done to her for her to leave Brett for you? I will chop off your god damned prick if you have brainwashed her you twisted fuck!”

  I pulled the black silk coverlet up at once, eyes popping wide at Thornton.

  Holy hell.

  He was bleeding profusely from the nose, dark eyebrows drawn together in an ugly scowl.

  “What the actual fuck?” I uttered. I rose up onto my knees, pushing one hand through my loose honey brown hair. “What has happened to you, Thorn?”

  This was important.

  I needed to ignore Aaron and Clarissa. Well, just for now.

  My technique was to focus on the dark sinister messiah himself.

  He looked surprised at my concern. He covered his nose with his shaking hand. “Your feral body guard almost bit off my fucking nose,” he seethed.

  His big chest was pumping urgently with the sickening pulse of that big heart.

  I hated that I noticed.

  “Aaron, come on buddy, seriously?” I slid to the edge of the bed and swung my legs down.

  Thorn stared at them.

  “Yes seriously. He is a fucking monster!” Aaron raged, tears wetting his charcoal grey eyes. “Elena you’re scaring me. Honey, please, snap out of the cock thrall. He is a freak! He is everything you fucking hate. Everything.”

  I threw back my head and laughed. Cock thrall. That was fucking hilarious.

  Aaron was trying to launch himself at Thorn again.

  Thorn roared and his minions fell between them.

  “I am here by choice,” I informed my best friend coldly. “I want him.”

  What?” Aaron stammered. “No! Please No! I was afraid of this. Shall I slap your face on some domestic abuse posters Elena? What’s happened to you? The woman who empowered her female readers with her books. The woman who was sick of reading books without the sexy hot thirty plus women in there with actual hopes, dreams and aspirations. You could barely relate to the women you read about that fell over at a mere quiver of cock, remember? You are going to be a statistic of emotional fucking abuse are you? Manipulation? If you are prepared to be that poster lady, then I speak to the devil’s harlot right now.”

  I almost burst into tears, but managed to swallow them back to the bottom of my tiny soul. I loved this man so much. Aaron was proving, why he was my best fucking friend.

  “I need to do something. Thorn, give me a phone,” I hissed. “I don’t think my friend here understands the situation. I need to help make him see what I want and choose freely as an empowered fucking hot as fuck thirty something year old.”

  Thorn offered his phone to me, dark green eyes wide with awe. I had never seen that look in him about me before. Or was it at himself? At his powers over me? Was I just seeing his own reflection of his relevance?

  Fuck him.

  I called Brett as I had warned him I would.

  This man had better put on a damned good performance.

  My heart was breaking to do this, but I had to fool Thorn.

  Or yourself? My mind snarled.

  Fuck off mind! I ranted.

  I put Brett on loud speaker.

  “I don’t want you. Please let me go. I want what all the stupid rules say I can’t have. I will always want that. So I will want him Brett. Our future is Thorn. At every turn. So I am staying with him. He can protect me. There are some folk hell bent on killing me. He is powerful. You are not. I love him so much. I want him more than I ever wanted you. Thornton Darko is in my soul. He is everything.”

  “Elena no!” Brett roared. The pain in his voice was explicit. Raw. He was doing a fucking marvelous job. I gave him two thumbs
up in my mind.

  “Please. He will kill you woman. I know this. He wants this. You are the ultimate prize Elena. He has killed every other powerful female creature. I have all the records babe. He has never killed an Enchantress. You are the next prize for that demon prick.”

  I stared at Thorn a moment, my thoughts stolen. Recovering my senses, I laughed harshly. “Fuck you Brett! You lie to me. I don’t like being lied to. Just … please … I loved you once. Not now. You were my past. My future, my here right fucking now, is with him.”

  “No! I can’t accept that! El. Please! I love you. Why are you doing this to us?”

  I ended the call.

  Aaron and Clarissa were staring at me like I was some kind of monster.

  Which I was. I loved Thornton Darko didn’t I?

  Thorn however, was deeply affected by the call. His eyes were wide, brows slightly arched, lips parted. His hand had fallen from his nose. Blood was spilling freely from the wound dribbling over his lips, splattering onto his chest.

  “Elena?” his voice came out in a thick urgent rasp. “You mean this? You are all or nothing? Truly mine?”

  I nodded. “Yes.”

  Aaron leaned over, gripping his knees and threw up on the floor.

  Holy shit!

  I felt awful I had made my best buddy suffer so badly for my deception.

  Thorn prowled closer breathing hard. His eyes were shining with tears. “I knew you would understand me.”

  The man looked like he would take me, uncaring of who was in the room. If I didn’t stop this, his hot cock would be inside of me in a nanosecond.

  I lifted my manufactured sultry gaze to Clarissa. “Can you help me Clarissa?” I asked.

  Thorn halted and shook himself. Gasping for breath, he wiped his mouth free of the blood and readjusted the engorged bulge in his jeans.

  The motion made my legs part involuntarily. I gritted my teeth behind smiling lips and forced myself to stay strong against the sinister cock assault.

  “Yes,” Thorn looking irritated, motioned for his people to leave the room. “Leave me, I must instruct the baby witch in her education of my Elena.”

  Clarissa’s look could have gouged his eyes out.

  Reluctantly, his freak army departed.

  Thorn ripped off a section of white sheet and tied it bandanna style around his bleeding nose.

  He sat beside me on the bed, addressing Clarissa with a faint smile. “You are here to instruct my Enchantress in the ways of her magic. She almost got us killed. We are at war. I know you hate me, but think of Elena.”

  “Actually I hate her too,” she admitted.

  I laughed. I couldn’t help myself.

  “If you wish to live witch you will help my Elena!” Thorn thundered. His dark green eyes were wet with hateful acid.

  Holy shit. Intense response much?

  Clarissa bobbed her head deferentially. “I will help her,” she reassured in a soft, soothing tone. “Calm your prick.”

  Thorn adjusted himself again, blinking rapidly. “I don’t think,” he muttered, “this thing can ever be calm with my Enchantress around.”

  Even Aaron laughed at this.

  “What would you have me help her with?” Clarissa demanded, pushing her pearl white blonde hair out of her face. She fastened it into a business like bun atop of her head.

  “She enchants my appendage at will,” Thorn sighed, raking a hand through his black hair. “I don’t want to stop her from this. It’s just the last time she did she almost got us killed. I need you to help her understand when she is doing this to me.”

  Clarissa looked stunned at his request. “Um, you do realize if I teach her this, the power she will have over you? You realize what you ask?”

  “I just want us to be safe,” Thorn said in a soft pleading tone. “We are not if she doesn’t realize when she uses her powers against my cock.”

  Clarissa was shaking her head looking utterly confused. “Wait. What? You are simply asking me to make her aware when her enchantress mojo juice engages? Nothing further, like I dunno, she only engages at your will?”

  Thorn shook his head. “If I wanted someone screaming in excitement over everything and no work to even remotely impress then yes, but where is the fun in that? I want what I want. And what I want is a powerful woman. I am man enough for a fucking powerful pussy. I want Elena’s of its own free will. Now, tell me witch, will you help my Elena?”

  I looked down at my hands that were gripped together almost in prayer position. I let them fall by my sides. Holy hell. This man….

  Are you for real?


  Clarissa looked as shocked as I felt. “All right,” she said slowly. “But you may not like the side effects.”

  Thorn laughed bitterly as he strode toward the door. He shoved into Aaron, sending him to his ass. “To the contrary. All my,” he flicked his hips. His boner obscenely vulgar. “Immensity, looks forward to it.”


  “That man loves you,” Clarissa muttered when Thorn had left.

  She looked deeply, irretrievably disturbed at that realization.

  Aaron pushed past her and pulled me into his arms. “Oh my God. It’s really you bitch! You were fucking playing with all this wanting Thornton bullshit?”

  I nodded, swallowing nervously. “Yes, Brett and I staged that interaction. I set it up with him earlier.”

  “You are clearly a fucking genius,” my best friend sighed happily. “I am so sorry I ever doubted you. Consider the domestic violence posters cancelled.”

  I was almost crying in laugher.

  Clarissa stared at me hard. “Now that he is gone. What do you want me to actually help you with Elena? What do you really want me to do?”

  “He is right, I did almost get us killed,” I groaned, head in my hands. “I would like to know when I am using my powers and when I am not, at the very least!”

  She nodded. “That man has given you a crazy amount of power over him Elena. Please when I give you this awareness. Use it for good.”

  I licked my lips. “Oh yes,” I breathed. “Rest assured, I fully intend to.”

  After most of the day with Clarissa I was feeling emotionally toxic and drained of humor and hope. Responsibility came with awareness. I was experiencing a lethargy of the soul now that I was aware of when my energies and powers influenced or impacted others. No matter how subtle its effects. I was convinced, for now, this was hell.

  Sammy, Thorn’s quality technician, had momentarily stolen Aaron from us. He was excited to show Aaron some gear from the band’s appearance at the Depreche Mode Bar later that night. I was happy to hear we were going out. Well, to be fair, I hadn’t yet established if this included me. When I had relayed this to Clarissa she had snorted in derision and said, “with your new found awareness you own that man’s cock. If you want to go, you know exactly what to do.”

  Clarissa and I had been walking around the strange English style gardens that encircled the hotel (and coming back giddy and aroused from the sensory assault that were all of those damned roses). Upon our return, I discovered Thorn had laid out my outfit for Cellrager’s appearance. I snatched up the little note he had left atop of it, and blushed.

  Be warned, wearing this dress will REALLY please a prick. I will be pleased so HARD I might ask you to do something about it, Thorn xo.

  It was a white strapless mini dress with a heart shaped neckline. A ridiculous amount of sparkling actual fucking crystal jewellry alongside of it. Silver heels with crystal detailing.

  It was exquisite.

  “I am sorry,’ Clarissa huffed out eventually when we both had started getting ready for our night out.

  “For what?” my gaze slid to hers in the mirror.

  She smiled faintly. “I am sorry I didn’t get to the pier in time Elena. I’m a hopeless time optimist. I always underestimate the amount of time I have to do fucking anything. When I got there I saw Aaron going insane on the deck with his pants half
down and Thornton’s luxurious boat speeding away from us.”

  I tried not to laugh at that description. My best buddy was supposed to be keeping an eye on me that crazy evening. I got attacked by a warlock on the pier. He had instead, been distracted by the member of a member of the male erotic dancing outfit, Licked Forever.

  “You’re here now,” I said softly. I was grateful. I think I loved this woman. I hadn’t had a lot of women show me kindness. Clarissa had.

  “I admire your game against Thornton Darko Elena, but please babe, Do be careful! You are so … affected by this man. I see it.”

  “She is isn’t she?” Aaron’s voice intruded upon our girl talk.

  He slid onto the black marble bench top with a bucket of ice and some expensive vodka nestled within.

  “The glasses?’ I asked impatiently. I wanted a drink, yesterday!

  “Excuse me, excuse me,” a tall slight lady wearing a black masquerade mask hurried into the room and left a tray of glasses.

  She nodded at me deferentially, gaze downcast and mumbled something on the way out. I almost didn’t hear it. I wished I hadn’t.

  ‘Witch must die.’

  Unease rippled through me. How safe was I here with his freak army? Really?

  I sucked back the vodka Aaron poured me too quickly.

  “Seriously?” I squeaked. “Did you guys hear what that freak said?”

  Aaron and Clarissa exchanged a look and shrugged, looking dumbfounded.


  “Something about killing me.”

  Clarissa helped herself to some vodka. She pulled absently at the hemline of her black long sleeved spray painted dress. Her bright blonde hair was twisted to the side in a long sweep of a pony tail. She looked very glamorous. Her pouty wine colored lips twisted into a wry smile as her gaze lifted to mine. “Perhaps you shouldn’t call them freaks Elena. It sounds like you might officially rule over them soon.”

  I stared at her alarmed. “Hell no.”

  “I heard Thorn talking about it before he brought us up to see you. Sounds like he has something big planned. He said he feels you are almost ready. Do you remember what he said Aaron?”


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