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Road Trip, Volume 2

Page 9

by BA Tortuga

  “Something woke me. You know?” Something was making his nerves jangle.

  “Yeah. Yeah, I know. I could hear you prowling around.” Sonny came over, digging under the porch to pull out a pack of cigarettes.

  “Those are bad for you.” He chewed on his bottom lip, eyes on the water. Man, maybe he was just getting old.

  “I know.” Sonny lit up, the sound of the lighter reminding him of an ignition switch. “You’re always reminding me.”

  “It’s a hobby.” MJ headed away from the house a little. He wanted a joint.

  The cigarette went sailing past him, into a puddle of water, where it hissed out. Sonny’s hand fell on his arm, the man fast and silent. “Come on, Precious. Let’s go inside.”

  “That’s littering.” He headed in, though, feeling just a little exposed out here.

  “You’re off your game, man. You haven’t hit me once.” One big hand pressed against his ass, loving on him.

  “Last time I checked, you weren’t the enemy.” He swatted Sonny’s ass once, almost gently. Maybe his mom needed him.

  “I’m not. So not.” They got the door closed behind them, locked, and the windows checked. Then Sonny was on him like white on rice, kissing him hard. MJ blinked—both at the whole idea of thinking white on rice and at the way Sonny’s tongue pushed into his lips, fucking him.

  Sonny grabbed his ass and pulled him up hard against that taut lower body, laughing against his mouth. “You’re thinking too much.”

  “It’s my job.” He’d pay, if Sonny could make it stop.

  “Uh-huh. I got something for that.” Pushing him back, Sonny spilled him right on the little couch, pressing down on top of him. Oh. Skin. His hands slid south, getting a handful of ass, squeezing good and hard.

  “Mmm-hmm. Just like that.” Sucking on his neck, Sonny made his skin tingle, made him wiggle and arch up.

  “Huh?” He groaned, chin lifting. Fuck, he loved the rasp of that stubble.

  “Shut up, Precious.” That stubbled chin rasped over his collarbone before Sonny licked down his chest to bite at his nipple. His teeth clacked together, his toes curling up fast enough that he lost a sandal. Sucking hard, Sonny pulled at his skin, and the bastard’s teeth rubbed together on his nipple over and over again. He got one hand on Sonny’s head, fingers trailing over the bald scalp. He’d done a good job yesterday, shaving. A very good job.

  Moaning, Sonny moved to his other nipple, licking at it before blowing on it, making it draw up tight-tight. Oral bastard. He could write fucking odes about Sonny’s mouth. Odes. Songs. C-4 recipes. The good stuff.

  Especially when Sonny worked down his belly and licked at the head of his cock, tongue rubbing insistently. His knees came up, shoulders too, and MJ rocked on his ass. Don’t stop. Don’t fucking stop.

  Sonny wasn’t about to stop. MJ could tell by the way that mouth took him all the way in, his cock hitting the back of Sonny’s throat. He kept his eyes open, watched every fucking second of his cock pushing into those lips. Those dark eyes met his, Sonny staring him down, licking and sucking like there was no tomorrow.

  Fuck. Fuck, that made his heart hurt, made his skin feel like it didn’t fit. That fine redneck motherfucker was under his skin. One big hand cupped his balls, pulling them up against the base of his cock, really making him feel the stretch. Damn. Oh, damn.

  “Sonny. Sonny.” He couldn’t figure out what to say, but it didn’t fucking matter. His Sunshine’d know. Sonny always knew. Always. The man circled his hole with one finger, reminding him that no one else had ever had this. Only Sonny.

  “Yeah.” He grunted and bore down, that stretch almost fucking perfect. Rough and sharp with that stubble, Sonny’s chin scraped over his balls, working down so Sonny’s tongue could find his hole. Fingers and mouth worked together, making him arch and holler. “I want you to fuck me, so good that I can sleep, so I can fucking rest, Sunshine.”

  Sonny’s head came up, knowing eyes meeting his. “I will, Precious. I promise. Only me.”

  “Only you. That. That belongs to us.” And he had this fucking itch—like poison ivy in the brain.

  “Mine.” Sonny sat up, stroking MJ’s cock to gather up moisture before rubbing it over his cock, getting ready. “Now?”

  “Now. Now, Sunshine.” Now worked.

  “Yeah.” Sighing happily, Sonny pushed between his legs, hard and heavy, filling him completely. Just what he needed.

  MJ kept his eyes open, watching Sonny take him, letting that fine fucker in. Sonny pressed in, then pulled out, the slow roll of those hips making him grunt, making him clutch at Sonny’s back. He groaned a little, lips finding the curve of Sonny’s throat. There was something about the stretch, about the burn, that got him off.

  “Mmm-hmm.” Sonny liked it when he sucked, when he bit. Liked the sting too.

  Of course, there was the fact that tomorrow Sonny’d look like a fucking leper, all marked up with him.

  Sonny moved harder, faster, making him forget everything but the feel of them together, the idea of them. He had all he needed, right there. Deep, raw sounds tore from him, ringing out and filling up the place as he fought to make it last, make it good. Sonny pulled back to stare him right in the eye, reaching down to grab his cock and pull hard. “Want everything, Precious.”

  “Every….” He couldn’t even get the second part of the word out; he was too fucking busy blowing his wad.

  Sonny’s eyes went wide, that look all about heat and wonder. Then Sunshine was filling him right up, hot and wet, pushing into him one last time. They slumped there, panting hard, sweaty and fine. Better. So much better.

  He couldn’t hear anything but the ringing in his ears. Not one damned thing. Well, that and Sonny breathing against his neck.

  He hoped to hell whatever woke him up was gone, because fuck, he was just zoned.

  His own personal redneck seriously did it for him.

  Sonny nibbled at him a little, absently, kind of loving on him. Lazy bastard.

  He opened his mouth to say something—either thank you or fuck yeah or good night or something—but by the time he figured it out, he was already asleep.

  Chapter Fifteen

  DAMN. THAT man was strong. Really, really strong, to Cowboy’s way of thinking. Too strong to be what he seemed, anyway.

  He’d thought it already. Hell, he’d thought it a few times, but this last little hissy fit had been something else. Like screaming, raging, incoherent fighting. Enough that Cowboy had needed to knock the man out.

  Duncan was sleeping now, the bruise on his jaw kind of lurid and gross, but damned necessary. Shit. Maybe he ought to call MJ. His old buddy was way better at psychology than he was.

  The phone rang three times, and then he heard a familiar sound. “Dude! Cowboy, babe! Where the fuck have you been?”

  Ah, it was good to have friends.

  “Been working. I tell you what, jobs are something else these days, man.” MJ sounded plumb happy. Weird.

  “Yeah? You keeping busy? I’m retired.” There was something there. Something odd.

  “Uh. Sure. Busy, busy. Retired, huh?” He was treading carefully. If MJ was compromised….

  “Sorta. Been exploring options off the grid, some. Blowing around some things. You know me. I get bored, just like that time in Montana, huh?”

  Oh man. There was some shit that hit the fan. Then, if MJ was bringing up Montana…. His hand went to the scar on one asscheek, and he winced.

  “God help us when you get bored, honey. I’m still in mourning.” Grinning, he glanced back to make sure Sleeping Beauty was still asleep.

  “Yeah, I haven’t crossed your path in too long. What’s up?”

  “Well, I was on this job. Met this guy. He’s, uh, well, you remember that time in Utah?” They’d met a freakish strong man in Utah, though he’d been huge. Duncan wasn’t.

  “You climbing mountain men again?”

  “No. This one is no mountain, but he might as well be. A little
nuts too.”

  MJ’s laugh tickled the shit out of him. “You always did like the loonies.”

  “No shit. Must be why I hooked up with you. He shorts out, kinda, Incredible Hulk-like. Any ideas?”

  He could use any advice.

  “Where’d you meet him?” MJ’s voice went ice-cold, which ranked up there on the odd-shit scale.

  “On a job. I mixed business with pleasure.” He was starting to get a cold chill himself.

  “You always were busy. You still at the same email? I’d like to keep in touch.”

  “Yeah. Yeah, I am. You know me. Creature of habit.” So not true, but he did have one public email that never changed, so MJ could send him coded messages.

  “I’m sure I have some jokes for you. Happy things that’ll make you laugh your ass off.”

  “Jokes are good.” Jesus, he wanted to talk more, ask for MJ’s advice, but MJ was right. Coded email was safer.

  “Absolutely. I’ve missed your particular sensibility, man.”

  “Shit, I’ve missed you like a sore tooth.” Suddenly he wanted to be on the beach in Mexico, with MJ, a bottle of tequila, and some salt and lime.

  “We’ll make a plan. I have someone for you to meet.”

  “Yeah. Yeah, same here.” Glancing at Duncan’s sleeping form one more time, Cowboy lowered his voice. “It might be a real good idea.”

  “I’ll email. Watch your back, my friend.” The line went dead, just like that.

  Shit. Sighing, he flipped the phone closed, resisting the urge to go check his email. MJ would wait at least a few days. “What the hell am I going to do with you, Doc?”

  “L… let me go so I can have a drink and some aspirin. I hurt.”

  “Oh, honey, I can’t do that.” He hadn’t expected an answer. How much had the guy heard?

  “Man, if I don’t get something for my head, I’m gonna die.”

  “I got some migraine stuff.” He rummaged in his duffel, pulled out the good stuff. Had enough caffeine in it that even MJ would like it.

  “Oh….” Someone was hurting bad enough not to snarl at him, enough to be thankful.

  “Here, here’s some water.” Ice bucket, water that was still cold…. Go him.

  The Doc took three, swallowing hard. “Untie me?”

  “Promise not to go crazy? You got to work with me, here.”

  “Huh?” He got the cutest damn look, just like the man didn’t know what he was talking on.

  “Doc. I swear, you went nutso on me. Not gonna let you go if I have to subdue you again.” Man, this was the weirdest shit….

  “Nuts? Me? Are you ins—wait, that’s probably not a question I want the answer to.”

  “I’m not the crazy one.” Cowboy stared the man down, serious as a heart attack all of a sudden. Sometimes a man just had to impress the seriousness of the situation on someone.

  “I’m not crazy. I’m quite sane.” Those eyes were serious right on back, staring at him.

  “Uh-huh. Well, then, I ain’t untying you.” Nope. No, sir. Not until the guy admitted he’d come unhinged.

  “Fuck you.” The air got a touch dangerous, sorta thick and heavy. It was hot.

  “Nah. I’d rather do you.” Cowboy grinned, showing a little tooth, kinda encouraging the guy to get het up again. Hell, it would amuse him and prove his point.

  Those lean muscles rippled, almost seeming to bulge a little. Mmm. More rope. Digging through his utility duffel produced a nice bit of nylon rope that would almost look erotic. He pulled it out, flexing it in his hands.

  Doc looked at him, eyes wide, muscles going tight. Oh, fuck yeah.

  “You’re looking ready to go off again, man.” MJ would laugh his ass off at how the idea of tying the Doc up was making him hard. Of course, MJ always found him funny as fuck. This guy, though? He wasn’t laughing. “What’s the matter, Doc? Don’t like the whole bondage thing?” Cowboy started by tying the rope off to the furniture, anchoring it.

  “I’m going to fucking kill you.” Listen to that growl. It made his balls ache.

  “You know how many people have tried that?” His fingers brushed over Duncan’s belly when he started wrapping rope other places.

  “Not enough.” The Doc’s cock was filling up, so pretty.

  “No? I don’t think you really want me dead, honey. Not one bit.” Licking his lips, Cowboy knelt down, wrapping the Doc’s legs.

  Those muscles rippled, the Doc trying to raise his knees. “Let. Me. Go.”

  “Nope. Not a chance. You’re interesting.” He looked right up, putting his hand on Duncan’s crotch. “I been bored.”

  “Bored?” When did the lean professor get broad-shouldered? The rope creaked a little, and that cock jerked and pushed into his touch.

  He looped another bit around that chest, those arms. He was turned on, but not stupid. Still, he only needed one hand to do that. The other stayed right where it was, squeezing.

  “Yep. Cooped up, watching the paint peel….”

  “Let me up. I don’t want to do this.” The man kept saying that….

  “You sure? Your body’s talking.” It might wear him right out, dealing with this man, but it would not be boring.

  Duncan’s cock throbbed, leaking on his fingers, damn near burning him. Leaning down, he licked at it a little, just needing to taste. Hot as fire, a tiny bit bitter. The ropes creaked and Duncan moaned, bucking up toward his mouth. “You like that, don’t you, Doc? Want to bust those ropes and fuck me raw, don’t you?” He said it against that thin, hot skin, letting his tongue rub a little.

  “Fuck….” The single word was a snarl, and he bet this one would pitch and catch and play all the positions.

  “Uh-huh.” Cowboy licked a little more. “Too bad you’re all tied up and can’t get me.”

  “Going to fucking get you.” The ropes creaked again, and he watched to see if they’d hold.

  They did, but only just. Cowboy grinned. “Well, you’re welcome to try. I doubt it, though.”

  “Let me go. Why are you smiling? This isn’t funny.”

  “No, but it’s fun.” He bent and kissed the tip of that cock again, loving the tension, the need.

  Doc moaned for him, a low sound on the air, sort of cutting through all the blustering. Closing his eyes, Cowboy played it dangerous and sucked Duncan all the way in, going to the root. He worked his tongue up and down, rough enough to sting, giving a hint of teeth. Duncan started humping up, taking his mouth, happy little sounds filling the air.

  Which was when he stopped, natch. Time to bait the bear. After pulling off, he licked his lips. “You want more, Doc?”


  He thought that was probably a yes.

  “Huh. Well, maybe I’ll just go sit over there and jack off.” He jerked his head toward the little chair, moving back a few feet. The fury flared in those pretty eyes, and he saw those muscles clench and bulge, fighting the ropes furiously, the wood of the furniture groaning and creaking. Jesus. That man might purely tear him up. Hopefully the urge would be more fuck than fight. Cowboy backed up another half a foot.

  One hand came free, then the other, those eyes fastening on to him, filled with pure hunger.

  Come on, Doc, he thought. Come on. Hell, he could tie the guy up again when he wore out. Cowboy reached down, very deliberately adjusting himself, teasing.

  Doc pounced, taking his ass down with a thump, mouth crashing on his and kissing him like it was the end of the goddamn world. Fuck him. Fuck him raw. His hands came up to clutch at Duncan’s shoulders, his head falling back at a sharp angle under the onslaught. They drove together, hard enough that their cocks were gonna bruise. Duncan bit his lips, stole his breath.

  He bit back, holding on for dear life. Shit, this was more exhilarating than skydiving, better than a good bar fight. One hand found his ass, yanked him up closer, tighter, squeezing them together.

  Cowboy tore his mouth away to breathe, laughing a little, egging the man on. “Come on
, Doc. You can do better than this. I want.”

  Doc snarled and bit down on his shoulder, the sting burning deep. Those thick thighs pushed under him, spreading him wider. Wait. Wait, when had the lean professor gotten thick? He stared a little, testing those muscles with his hands. Dude. It really was like… like the Incredible Hulk or something. He wondered if the Doc’s cock had gotten bigger.

  At least the son of a bitch wasn’t green.

  A wet-tipped, heavy cock pushed under his balls, driving against him.

  “That’s it. That’s it.” There was no way he could ask the man to actually fuck him like this. That cock was heavy enough, thick enough that it would tear him up with no lube.

  Didn’t mean he didn’t crave it.

  “So hot.” The words were almost lost in the low growl, but he heard them, balls to bones.

  “You know it, Doc. Hot.” He pushed one hand down to grab Duncan’s ass, squeezing, those muscles like hot stone. Jesus fuck. Doc moaned and jerked and shot—boom, boom, boom. Goddamn.

  Grunting, Cowboy let Duncan’s orgasm push him over, let that hot body and all that rage make him come. He shot hard, his teeth clenched on a moan, his fingers digging in against Duncan’s skin. The Doc moaned softly, easing down against him, relaxing suddenly, almost completely.

  “I got you, Doc. I do.” Lord. This was a clusterfuck of mammoth proportions, but he wasn’t bored. No, sir. Not one bit.

  He only got a soft sigh in answer, the man seeming to get lighter.

  His hands automatically moved while his mind raced. They’d have to explore this whole phenomenon in depth, and at length. For right now, though, he’d let the Doc sleep and get him tied up again.

  Just in case.

  Chapter Sixteen

  NEIL LISTENED idly to the thousands of little thoughts that bounced off his brain like angry Africanized bees. The commuters were about to start going into the heart of London, and the area around Canary Wharf buzzed with people who had cut themselves shaving and put ladders in their stockings. People who worried about meetings and about how many bagel sandwiches they had to sell to make a profit. It was actually rather pleasant, as it drowned out a good bit of the rather urgent dread lingering in his own mind. They had made it to London just fine. No one seemed inclined to take notice of them, and the modern glass and metal angles of the Wharf seemed to delight Paddy.


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